The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 204

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 204

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 4


“Talk to me about the three guys I shouldn’t underestimate.”

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She taps the paper. “Cillian, Enzo and Reid. Cillian is the youngest son of Alpha Asher and Luna Mignon. Both his sisters, Flavia and Gabriella, will be in the contest, but he’s the biggest threat. Not as high, in my opinion, as the others we’ve discussed, but you need to watch him.

She taps the next name. “Enzo is the son of Alpha Antonio and Luna Annabel. Alpha Antonio, as you know, is a true Alpha, so don’t underestimate Enzo, even though he’ll be under 17 when the competition begins.”

“What about his sisters?”

“Noelle and Valentina. Noelle is already 18 and Valentina is almost 18,1 think their focus will be elsewhere.” She says.

“Mate hunting.” I say, not surprised.

“Yes. And last, but not least on my list is Reid. He, like Lazio, will just be turning 16 and making the minimum cutoff. He’s the son of Alpha Davis and Luna McKenna. He’ll be strong, but I think you can take him.”

“His sisters? They didn’t make the list?” I ask.

“Justina, Phoebe and Haley. Justina, who would have been your biggest competition, is showing signs that she’s found her mate, and if correct, he’s an Alpha heir. So, I think she’ll drop out before the contest ends. Phoebe and Haley are strong, but not strong enough to be on this list, by my standards.” She adds looking back down at the list.

“There are some others, like Carter who may give you a good run, but they didn’t make my list for one reason or another.” She tells me.

Carter is our Beta’s son and supposed to be Jordan’s Beta when he comes of age.

“You’re not mad that Carter is competing to become an Alpha? I’m surprised Beta Elijah and Beta Layan aren’t angry at him for signing up.”

“Jax, this is the kind of opportunity comes along once in a lifetime. I’m pretty sure that every Beta and Gamma heir and maybe even some of the current Betas and Gammas are ready to compete. I would never be angry at someone having their chance to become an Alpha. Ella will be competing too. I just don’t think she stands a chance.”

I look at the list, at what my sister has put together for me. “You’re amazing, you know that?” I say, pulling her into a hug.

“As I said, just being my brother’s biggest cheerleader.” She says, wrapping her arms under mine and hooking her hands on mv shoulders.

“You’re going to make a great Alpha, sis.”

She pulls back, looking at me. “So are you.”

Over the next few months, Jordan continues to train with me. Teagan and Rowan surprise me and join us every day. They even join my meetings with Jordan to strategize how to run longer, slow and steady wins the race, and in our discussions of the other competitors, going over their strengths and weaknesses. Jordan spars with us long after afternoon training ends each night, giving us pointers and making all three of us stronger.

When the time of the first test arrives, most of the pack members head to what used to be the Claiming territory. I’ve heard stories of the old claimings. It sounds archaic. I can’t imagine Jordan having to basically run for her life against 200 men like my mother did just so she could choose her own mate. And rather than me being able to find a she-wolf that I want to spend my life with who also wants to be with me, I would have had to hope that my name was drawn from a lottery just to be eligible to claim a mate, whichever ones came of age that year. The idea of it is just crazy to me. If things hadn’t changed before, we’d definitely be changing them now.

When we get there, we’re all assigned rooms. It isn’t just those of us that are running that need a place to stay. In order to make sure that everyone makes it to the end, there will be stations where they will have water, food, bathrooms and areas to rest for those that need a quick catnap. I have no intention of stopping for more than some water to stay hydrated.

Jordan drove with me. She volunteered to be a part of the rest stop crew, so she could root for me. She got herself assigned to the first rest area and once everyone has passed it, she is free to come back and wait for me to cross the finish line.

On the night of our arrival, they call all of the contestants out to the back of the main packhouse. There is a second house down the road which I understand was built specifically for the year my mother, Aunt Hana and our Beta Layan were in the claiming. It was a dangerous year. Back then they still had a virus called feral fever and something called a claiming haze. We haven’t seen it in my generation, but the doctors still test us for it every year during our physical examinations.

We’re all heading out to the back area. Hundreds of contestants are pouring out of the packhouse. I’m sharing a room with Jace, so we walk out together. When we get outside, we stay toward the back. Both of us are tall, so we can see over the heads of almost everyone. Plus, there is a stage set up with a microphone and six large speakers set around the area where we are congregating.

As we stand there, the wind shifts, and I get the most tantalizing scent of honeysuckle. I look around, trying to pinpoint the person who smells so delicious that my mouth is actually watering.

And then, I spot her. Somehow; I know it’s her. She has long brown hair and she’s tall. Tall is good, it means she’s most likely a ranked member. I’ve always hoped my mate was tall, as I’m 6’6” tall. She’s standing beside a woman with straight black hair on one side and another woman with curly brown hair the same color as hers on the other. As I watch, I see her say something to woman with black hair and for just a moment, our eyes meet.

And that’s all it takes. I know that I have to make her mine.

I nudge Jace. He looks at me.

I jut my chin in her direction. “Who’s the brunette?”

He snorts. “Which one?”

“The one standing beside the girl with jet-black hair.”

He looks where I’ve become laser focused. My entire body feeling like it’s been lit up from the inside.

“That would be Evangeline. Alpha Luke and Luna Katerina’s daughter. I think those are her sisters beside her, Magdalena is the one with black hair and the curly haired brunette would be the youngest, Makayla.”

Evangeline. I let her name roll over my tongue like a promise.

You will be mine.

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