The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 115

The road stretched out ahead of Mrs. Rose as she drove back to the mansion, the night sky pressing down on her like a weight. The kiss with Dr. Parker still lingered on her lips, but her mind was far from the present.

As she navigated the winding roads, her thoughts drifted back to the past-the tangled web of lies, deceit, and passion that had led her to this very moment. It all seemed so long ago now, but the memories were as vivid as ever.

Rose had been young and ambitious when she first met Parker. He wasn’t a wealthy man then-just a medical student with big dreams and an even bigger heart. They had fallen for each other quickly, a whirlwind romance that consumed them both. Parker had been her everything back then.

His kind eyes, his unwavering support, his dreams of becoming a doctor-they had all made her believe that their love could conquer anything. But then Kendrick had entered the picture. Kendrick, the wealthy bachelor who had swept into her life like a storm.

He had come to one of Parker’s gatherings, a charity event for medical students, and Rose had been immediately struck by his confidence and charm. He was older, more experienced, and had an air of power about him that Parker, despite his many qualities, couldn’t match.

Kendrick had set his sights on her from the moment they met, and Rose could feel the tension between the two men growing by the second. It hadn’t taken long for Kendrick to express his interest in her.

He had invited her to dinner at the city’s most exclusive restaurant, showered her with gifts, and made his intentions clear: he wanted Rose for himself. At first, she had resisted.

After all, she was in love with Parker. But as the weeks went by, she couldn’t ignore the allure of Kendrick’s wealth and influence. He could offer her a life that Parker, despite his love and dedication, simply couldn’t provide. Parker had noticed the change in her almost immediately.

The late-night phone calls with Kendrick, the expensive jewelry that began appearing on her wrist, the dinners she claimed were “with friends.”

He had tried to confront her about it once, but Rose had brushed him off, insisting that Kendrick was just a friend-a business connection. But they both knew the truth. Parker could feel Rose slipping away, and there was nothing he could do to stop it

. Then, one night, it all came to a head. Rose had been out with Kendrick, attending yet another lavish event, when she returned to the small apartment she and Parker had shared.

Parker had been waiting for her, his eyes filled with a desperation she had never seen before.”Rose,” he had said, his voice trembling, “you’re falling for him, aren’t you?”She had tried to deny it, but the look on his face had told her that he already knew.

“I don’t love him,” Rose had insisted, stepping closer to him. “I love you, Parker. But Kendrick… he can offer us more. He can offer us a future.”Parker’s expression had twisted into something she couldn’t quite place-hurt, betrayal, and something else she hadn’t expected: anger.

“I don’t need his money, Rose,” Parker had said, his voice rising. “I need you. I love you. Don’t you see what’s happening? He’s taking you away from me.”For a moment, Rose hesitated.

She had truly loved Parker, but Kendrick’s world was too enticing, too perfect. She couldn’t ignore the security and wealth Kendrick offered. She had dreams of her own, and being with Parker-no matter how much she loved him-meant sacrificing those dreams.

And so, in that moment of clarity, Rose had made a decision. She couldn’t choose between them, so she wouldn’t.

Instead, she would have both.”Parker,” she had whispered, reaching for his hand, “what if we don’t have to give up anything?”He had looked at her, confusion flickering in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

“Kendrick… he’s madly in love with me,” Rose had said slowly, carefully. “He’ll do anything to be with me. What if we play this to our advantage? I’ll continue seeing him, and you and I can keep things… as they are.”Parker’s brow had furrowed in disbelief. “You’re saying… what? That you’ll date him and keep seeing me behind his back?”

“Yes,” Rose had said, her heart racing as the plan took shape in her mind. “Kendrick is rich-richer than we could ever imagine. If we play this right, we could both benefit. He’ll never have to know about us.”Parker had stared at her, his eyes dark with a mix of emotions.

“And what happens when he wants to marry you?”Rose had paused, biting her lip. “If that happens… we’ll figure something out. But for now, let’s take what we can get. With Kendrick’s money and influence, you could go to the best medical school and open your practice.

We could have everything we’ve ever wanted.”For a long moment, Parker had been silent. Rose had feared that he would refuse, that he would walk out of her life for good. But then, slowly, he had nodded.”All right,” he had said, his voice tight.

“But you have to promise me, Rose… promise me that when this is all over, you’ll leave him. That we’ll be together.”Rose had smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly. “I promise.”And so, the affair had begun.

Kendrick, oblivious to the web of lies being spun around him, had fallen deeper in love with Rose with each passing day.

He had showered her with gifts, introduced her to his high-society friends, and, eventually, asked her to marry him.

Rose had been hesitant at first, but Parker had urged her to accept.”This is what we’ve been working for,” he had said. “Marry him, and once we have what we need, we’ll make our move.”But things hadn’t gone according to plan.

As Kendrick’s proposal loomed, Parker had grown increasingly possessive, his jealousy and frustration bubbling to the surface. He had begged Rose not to go through with it, to run away with him instead.

He had even suggested they elope, leaving Kendrick and his wealth behind. But Rose had been firm. “We can’t throw this all away now, Parker,” she had said. “We’re so close. Just a little longer, and we’ll have everything.”Parker had been devastated when Kendrick had officially proposed.

He had watched from the sidelines as the man who was supposed to be his best friend had placed a diamond ring on the woman Parker had loved for years.

The betrayal had been unbearable, but Parker had stayed silent. After all, this was part of the plan… wasn’t it? But when the wedding day had arrived, Parker had reached his breaking point.

He had confronted Rose just days before the ceremony, his voice raw with desperation.”Don’t do this, Rose,” he had pleaded. “We can leave right now. We don’t need his money.

We don’t need any of this.”But Rose had shaken her head, her eyes hard with determination. “You don’t understand, Parker. This is the only way. If I marry Kendrick, we’ll have access to everything. We’ll be set for life.”

“And then what?” Parker had demanded. “You’re just going to kill him? You’re going to murder the man who trusts you-who trusts both of us?”Rose had flinched at the word “murder,” but she had quickly recovered. “We don’t have to kill him,” she had said. “Not right away. We’ll wait for the right time. When he least expects it, we’ll make our move.”

Parker had stared at her, horror etched across his face. “I don’t know if I can do this, Rose. I don’t know if I can live like this.”

“You don’t have a choice,” Rose had said coldly. “This is what we agreed on. If you want me-if you want us-you’ll go through with it.”

As Mrs. Rose drove up the long driveway to the mansion, she could feel the weight of those decisions bearing down on her. The years of deceit and manipulation had brought her to where she was now-a place of power, but also a place of danger. Kendrick had never suspected a thing.

He had married her with open arms, trusting her and Parker completely. He had given Parker everything he needed to succeed, never once questioning their relationship. With Kendrick’s wealth and connections, Parker had gone on to attend the best medical school, eventually opening his hospital-the very hospital that was now one of the best in the country.

But the guilt Parker had felt for years had slowly turned into something darker. His love for Rose had become an obsession, and the idea of her being with Kendrick-no matter how necessary it was for their plan-had eaten away at him.

Now, all these years later, Parker had finally reached the breaking point. The jealousy and resentment he had harbored had turned into a desire for revenge, not just on Kendrick but on the entire world that had kept him from having Rose to himself.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

And Rose… she was no longer the young woman who had been torn between two men. She had made her choice long ago, and now, there was no turning back. As she pulled into the driveway and parked the car, Rose took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. The time for waiting was over. She and Parker were about to set their final plan into motion.

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