The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 127

The tension in the room was palpable as all eyes turned to Luca, waiting for him to lay out the plan. His sharp eyes flickered to Ivy, who sat in the arms of Mrs. Jessica, her biological mother, still recovering from the emotional weight of the last few hours.

Ivy’s expression was a mix of uncertainty and fear, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her dress.”Ivy, listen carefully,” Luca began, his voice calm but firm.

“You’ll call the guy from the number we traced. You need to act like you know him, like you’ve met before. Make it sound like you’re excited to see him again. He might not give in right away, but you have to be persistent.

Keep him hooked until he asks you to meet up. Once he does, we’ll come with you, and that’s when we’ll get a hold of him.”Ivy stared at him, wide-eyed. “Are you sure this will work?”Luca gave her a reassuring nod. “I know it’s risky, but it’s our best shot. This guy is connected to the people who have Iris. If we can make him believe that you’re someone he’s interested in, we can use that to our advantage.”

Ryan crossed his arms, glancing between Ivy and Luca. “But how sure are we that this plan will actually work? What if he figures out it’s a trap?”

“It’s a gamble,” Luca admitted, his eyes narrowing in thought. “But it’s one worth taking. We’ve got nothing else to go on right now. We have to try.”Ivy bit her lip, her heart racing. She wasn’t used to this kind of deception, but the stakes were too high to back out now. Iris’s life was hanging in the balance. She turned to Luca, her voice uncertain.

“I don’t like this… but if you think it’ll work, I’ll do it.”Luca’s eyes softened as he moved closer to her. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his voice steady. “I promise I’ll be right there with you. Nothing will go wrong. We’ll get him, and we’ll find Iris.

“Mrs. Jessica tightened her grip on Ivy’s hand, her face filled with concern. “Ivy, are you sure you want to do this? It’s dangerous.”Ivy hesitated, looking at her mother before nodding slowly. “I don’t have a choice. If this is what it takes to find Iris, then I’ll do it.”

As Ivy prepared herself mentally, Ryan’s stern voice cut through the air. “Before you go back home, Ivy, you need to act like everything is normal. Don’t raise any suspicion. You’ll have to act cool with Mrs. Rose like nothing’s wrong.”Ivy’s face hardened, her voice filled with bitterness. “She’s not my mother.”

“I know,” Ryan replied softly, “but just for now, you need to play along. Please.”Ivy clenched her fists, her eyes blazing with resentment.

“Do I have to go back to that house?”Luca and Ryan exchanged glances before responding in unison, their voices firm. “Yes.”Ivy sighed, frustration lacing her tone. “Alright, fine. I’ll do it.”

Meanwhile, in Mr. Kendrick’s old office, Bella sat comfortably behind the large oak desk, her fingers tapping rhythmically against the armrests of the leather chair.

The office felt cold and impersonal despite the power she had recently seized. She smirked as she received a phone call, listening carefully as one of her informants reported seeing Ryan, Luca, and Ivy leaving Luca’s house together.

Her smile faded as she hung up without saying a word, her mind racing. “What could they possibly be doing together?” she muttered under her breath. “Could Ryan have regained his memory?”

Bella’s gaze sharpened as she leaned back in the chair, her fingers tapping in irritation. “If he remembers everything, then I’m running out of time.”Her eyes glinted with malevolent amusement as an idea began to form.

“I think it’s time to cause a little distraction, give myself the space I need to finish what I started.”

She chuckled darkly, spinning the chair in slow circles. The rebranding of Kendrick Enterprises had been a masterstroke of deception.

Everyone believed the company was heading toward modernization and innovation, but Bella knew better. It was nothing more than a smokescreen, a way to keep Ryan, Luca, and Ivy preoccupied while she and her brother siphoned the company’s assets.

“Oh, Bella, you’re so clever,” she purred to herself, twirling the chair again. “The rebranding, the fake meetings, it’s all been to divert attention.

While they’re busy with their little dramas, I’m emptying the accounts right under their noses.”She stopped spinning and burst into a fit of laughter, the sound echoing off the walls of the office. “Let them play their little games. By the time they realize what’s happening, Kendrick Enterprises will be a hollow shell.

And anyone who tries to outsmart me will end up… well, let’s just say they won’t be around to see my victory.”Bella leaned forward, her fingers curling into tight fists as her eyes gleamed with cold determination.

“This ends soon. And when it does, I’ll be the only one left standing.”Back at Luca’s place, Ivy held her phone tightly, staring at the number on the screen. Her pulse quickened as she prepared to dial. Ryan stood nearby, watching her with an intensity that matched the gravity of the situation.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You ready for this?” Ryan asked his voice a mixture of concern and support. Ivy nodded, swallowing her nerves. “I have to be.”Luca stepped closer, his voice calm but encouraging.

“Remember, keep it natural. Don’t push too hard at first. Make him think you’re interested, that you two have some unfinished business. Once he’s hooked, that’s when we make our move.”Ivy nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She pressed the call button, her hands trembling slightly as the phone began to ring.

The others watched in silence, tension thick in the air as they waited for the man on the other end to pick up.”Hello?” A deep, rough voice answered, filled with suspicion.

Ivy quickly put on her most charming voice.

“Hey, it’s me. Remember? We met a while ago. I’ve been thinking about you.”There was a pause on the other end. “Who is this?”Ivy’s heart raced, but she kept her voice smooth. “Oh come on, don’t play dumb. We had a good time together. You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?”

Another silence followed, but this time the man seemed to soften. “Oh… yeah. Yeah, I remember. You were… something else.”

Ivy forced a light laugh, even though her stomach was churning. “I’ve been dying to see you again. Are you free anytime soon?”The man hesitated.

“I don’t know… things have been a bit crazy. Maybe.”Ivy’s pulse quickened. She had to keep him interested. “I get it. But I’ve been thinking about our last time together. I can’t stop. You left quite the impression.”

The man chuckled darkly, clearly flattered. “Yeah? You’re making me think I should clear my schedule.”Ivy shot a glance at Luca, who nodded approvingly. “You should. I’d love to catch up, maybe do more than just talk.”The man’s voice dropped, filled with suggestive undertones.

“You’re something else, aren’t you? Alright, I’ll make time. How about tomorrow night? Same place as last time?”Ivy’s heart skipped a beat. She had him.”Perfect,” she purred, though her hands were clammy with nerves. “I’ll see you then.”

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up, and Ivy finally let out the breath she had been holding. The room was filled with a mixture of relief and tension.

“You did great,” Luca said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Now we wait until tomorrow night.”Ryan’s face was still etched with concern. “Are you sure about this, Luca? This guy could be dangerous. We’re putting Ivy at risk.”

“I’ll be there the whole time,” Luca assured him. “I won’t let anything happen to her. We just need to get close enough to him so we can get answers.”Mrs. Jessica, who had been watching quietly from the corner, finally spoke up. “Just be careful. I don’t want to lose either of my daughters.

“Ivy looked at her mother, her expression softening. “We’ll be careful. I promise.”The following day passed in a blur of anticipation and tension. Ivy prepared herself for the meeting, her nerves on edge as the time drew closer.

Luca was already setting up surveillance, making sure that everything was in place for the operation. Ryan, though reluctant, couldn’t help but admire Ivy’s courage. By the time the evening rolled around, Ivy was ready.

Dressed in a sleek black dress, she looked every bit the part of someone who could charm a dangerous man. Luca gave her a reassuring smile as they drove to the meeting spot, his presence calming her nerves.”I’ll be watching the whole time,” he reminded her. ”

The second things go south, we pull you out. You’re not alone in this.”Ivy nodded, her fingers clenching tightly in her lap. “I know.”They pulled up to the location-a dimly lit club on the outskirts of town. Ivy stepped out of the car, her heart racing as she entered the building.

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