The Fated Match


“Lord have mercy on us” Scott limped into my office followed by Benny and Tom. It was 6 pm and I managed to stay in and finish off creating the team’s fitness plans.

I was still pissed about earlier, so I didn’t even bother lifting my head to look at them. Scott did get a kick out of being dramatic.

They all made themselves comfortable in my office. I’ve noticed that they aren’t too bothered about that gap between the team and their coach. I’m not someone to tell them to have respect for me, they should already have that.

When my initial frustration seemed to wither away. I looked up at the boys. Even though Scott can be a royal pain in the ass I respect him and don’t want him to feel like he isn’t being heard.

My eyes moved to the ice pack resting on his thigh. I watched his face contort as he groaned from the impact of sitting in one of the chairs. Ben and Thomas were sitting back their eyes closed.

“Boys!, please tell me you didn’t just get back from your gym session?” I knew their schedule well enough. I should do since I make up their schedules. We have training, I manage how much time they spend at the gym.

I even have a set of hours which they use to rest and relax.

Scott opened his eyes “don’t blow up coach but yeah we kind of did” I stood up at knelt down in front of him. I assessed his leg seeing it red and dark. He was lucky we didn’t have another competition until a few weeks’ time.

“did you pull it or is just painful,” I asked him, he winced when I applied some pressure onto his muscle.

“I’m not sure, Michelle pushed us hard today so I’m guessing it’s just hurting I don’t think I could walk if I pulled it” even though he was explaining all this to me. one name truly repeated in my head.

Has she stooped so low to jeopardise the success of the team just because of her obsession with their

“coach coach doesn’t” Scott tried his best to get up to stop me, but he wasn’t the only one who had fast reflexes. I dodged him and barged through the office doors and heading straight to that gym.

Seeing Theo in the gym didn’t even phase me. I walked right past him and headed to her office with only one mission.

Luck seemed to be on my side as Ryan sat on the other side of the desk as Michelle and him spoke about something.

“want to explain to me why Scott is nursing his thigh with an ice pack,” I said leaning on her desk staring at her.

Her eyes showed that there was a hint of fear. She knew what she did, and she knew that what she did was wrong.

“Look I didn’t mean to push him too hard, its not serious he will be fine with a few days rest” yes, like that was going to make it any better.

I groaned in annoyance “you knew exactly what you were doing. I don’t want you training Scott anymore, David is more than capable, and I can’t have you ruining scots chances” I could see that she was about to object.

“I’m their coach and I say what goes” I demanded not wavering one little bit. Ryan who hadn’t said anything yet looked over at me.

He silently nodded agreeing with my decision and had no complaints. Lord knows I would blow up if he did.

“if any of the students complain about anything from your sessions with them I won’t hesitate to put in a complaint. You might be happy with damaging their chances but I sure as hell am not” when it comes to the team I take it very seriously.

I turned on my heel desperate to get home after this long day. I was having dinner with dad tonight, so I was anxious to get home and go to this seafood boil place. Something about seafood just gets me in a good mood.

I opened the door prepared to get out of here, but Theo had a different plan for me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the gym.

I stumbled over my feet and collided with him against the wall. “what is your problem Theo” I groaned pushing off the wall to get some space between us.

“How else am I supposed to speak to you, you’ve been avoiding me,” he said leaning against the wall giving me a look of disappointment.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

” I’m not here to be social Theo, this is my job and since people want to play with my team’s careers I’ve got to put in extra time” I know I shouldn’t really be speaking about private things to him but Michelle has seriously riled me up over the last few days.

Theo looked concerned “I heard about that, how is Scotty?” he asked.

“he’s fine, maybe get your girlfriend to chill on the training, “I said giving him a look. I watched how his eyes rolled back.

“for Christ sake Elle, she’s not my girlfriend last time I checked I was getting to know you” wow he actually remembered here was me thinking that night meant nothing to him.

“Alright I get it, but seriously I need to get going” If I wanted to stay in my dad’s good books I needed to be on time. That man does not tolerate tardiness and that includes if you’re his daughter.

Theo kicked off the wall, he gently grabbed my arm staring at me “Are we good Elle?” he asks. I hadn’t expected him to ask this I was concentrating on getting out of here.

“yeah we’re good,” I said softly before stepping to his side and leaving. I exited the gym and noticed Michelle practically running away. it looks like she was just spying on us through one of the windows looking into the gym.

I shook my head and made my way to my office to grab my stuff. The office was now empty, and it looked like they all headed home.

I picked up my bag and headed outside to my car. When I arrived home, I took the quickest shower and got ready. I was pulling on a t-shirt when I saw my dads Mercedes pull up to my driveway.

I watched him walk out, damn him and his good looks.

“I know I’m a good-looking specimen, but can you please shove on some clothes and come down,” he said coming through my home.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs meeting my father at the very bottom.

He took my hand and spun me around. “beautiful Elle, shall we go” I nodded threading my arm through his and letting him lead me outside.

We drove an hour away to this restaurant that we had itching to go to. It’s hard for me to find time for him when both of our schedules are ridiculously busy but I’m happy I was able to make time.

I trust this man like he was my real father, he respects me, he loves me and takes care of me, and frankly, that is all I ever want.

“she wishes she was married to me boy, please find us a table and stop blabbering,” dad said whilst we waited to be seated. This boy decided to make some snarky comment about me being a gold digger.

He would be extremely lucky if he still had his job by the end of our meal.

“so, how’s the team these days,” he asks after we finished ordering drinks and our meals.

“very good you know what winning is like I do have to make sure they stay focused and don’t get too excited” he hummed in agreement.

“I’m really proud of you Elle, you’ve really made a difference in these kids’ lives and I can see you truly enjoy it” that I do.

I leant back as some waiter came and handed us our drinks and our starters. I watched with a straight face as dad whispered something into the waiter’s ear.

“You didn’t seriously grass that poor boy out did you” I exclaimed when we were left alone again. Dad caught my eye his lips turning up into a grin.

I shook my head “you’re terrible” I told him to which he shrugged his shoulders “he should think twice before accusing my daughter of being money-hungry” he declared.

He did have a good point.

We enjoyed our meal well I was enjoying it until he decided to bring up Theo Lord knows how we got to it.

“I don’t need you getting involved with posh football boys now” he gave me a stern look. Since when were footballers posh. I think never.

“he’s retired now daddy; he has his own restaurant now” Theo should be thankful that I’m defending him right now.

Clearly, he has 9 nine lives.

“You know his father is the godson of gramps from japan” I blurted out. He placed his fork down onto the table looking at me shocked.

I nodded my head, agreeing with his response. It’s so strange how connected me and Theo are. It’s one advantage I have over Michelle. The only thing she has in common with him is that they both like to go to the gym.

A huge part of me is happy that Theo hasn’t completely fallen into her trap. I won’t believe a word she says until I have some cold hard truth.

“Bloody hell, well I guess I have no control over what you do with this man. You always were so strong-minded about things concerning your old man” He said taking a small sip of his glass.

Dad only meant my grandfather once. There wasn’t much they spoke about they kind of just kindly greeted each other.

“don’t be silly dad, I appreciate your concern even if it can sometimes be a little too over the top” I welcomed the cheeky grin on his lips.

Aren’t dads supposed to be a little controlling?

“No no no Elle doesn’t get me in trouble now” he repeated as he walked me back to my front door. I agreed to make him some coffee before his drive back home. He needed to be up early for a very important meeting.

I only asked him f he would do a little digging on a certain gym trainer names Michelle. I don’t why it was such a problem he does this all the time.

Surely since I’m his daughter he should do this one little thing for me.

I mumbled to myself spooning in one spoon of sugar. He sat comfortably on one of the sofa’s scrolling through his phone.

“come here look at this. This is you on your grandfather’s lap when I was getting my tattoo, you cried for hours when I told you, you couldn’t have one” he showed me his phone as I walked in with our coffee’s in hand.

I plucked the phone out of his hand staring at the old photo. My big brown eyes couldn’t believe what she was seeing. I remember begging my father every year until he finally let me have my tattoo. From that moment I was addicted.

I jumped slightly feeling my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. I picked it out expecting some weird call from a spam number I wasn’t prepared to see Theo’s name flashing on my screen.

“is that the boyfriend” Dad commented his eyes peeking at my phone.

“he is not my boyfriend dad” I complained shoving my phone back into my pocket only for it to start vibrating again. Could it be possible that it’s vibrating much more intensely?

“then let it ring” he shrugged leaning forward and grabbing the mug. He was clearly looking at me from the corner of his eye.

Waiting for me to answer.

“Knew it “he whispered, smiling as he took a generous sip from his coffee as I pressed accept on my phone bringing it close to my ear.

“Elle, you were right,” He said hoarsely into the phone.

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