The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Part 24

“On the other hand, I can sure see the other side of it too. Everyone has suddenly been released from

constrictive laws and the fear of death and most injury. I’m sure almost everyone has tried a few things

that they wouldn’t have a year ago, and it shouldn’t be surprising that some are taking it to extremes. At

the same time, they just came through a war and now they’re facing another one, against enemies who

can still kill them despite their new Healing abilities, enemies so fearsome that the gods themselves are

worried. They’re reminded of it all day during training, so they have to try to forget about it in their off-

duty hours, and that’s a hell of a thing to try to put out of your mind. And of course, they’re all trying to

find their way in an unfamiliar world that changes every day, just as we all are, and they’re probably

almost as unsettled about it as you are.

“Now when I first proposed these laws at the first meeting of The Assembly, Emperor Kevim of Sming

asked if he could not ban people from fornicating in their front yards in full view of the public, and I said

he couldn’t ban it. But having sex is a healthy, normal and natural activity. The things you’re talking

about today are not healthy, normal and natural activities, so that makes them the same as things like

practical jokes and insult competitions. Those of you who are offended by them are responsible for

letting everyone else know that they’re offended by them, and everyone else has the responsibility to

avoid exposing you to it once they know. I’ll do everything I can to convince these people to not do

these activities that would be very harmful without the spells in front of those who would be offended by

it, or within public view. If they do so anyway, then they can be charged with harassment.

“But you still can’t ban it if it’s causing no harm. Period.

“The young and foolish have always risked themselves and acted like they were indestructible. Now

we’re just going to have to get used to the fact that they very nearly are.

“These people are still justice-sworn, law abiding citizens, and you haven’t said they’re shirking their

responsibilities, so I’m assuming they’re not.

“Now say your teenage son finishes his day of training and goes out for a while. He comes home on

time, he’s unhurt and not upset in any way, and he’s a responsible lad who’s taken care of all his

assigned tasks, but you suspect he’s been doing things that you disapprove of. You ask him what he’s

been doing, and he gives you a little smile and says; ‘Believe me father, you really don’t want to know.’

“Now I suggest you accept that. You have the right as his guardian parent to demand that he tell you

what he’s been doing. But if he then tells you; ‘I’ve been drinking whisky by the litre, jumping out of

trees, and fornicating with ogres.’, and you’re offended and upset by this, it’s your fault and your

problem. Try to be supportive. If you want, you can try to convince him to stop doing it, so long as you

do so with respect. You can legitimately point out that it’s disgusting and that it might affect his future

standing in the community, but you have no right to give him trouble for it or to use anger or authority to

force or coerce him to stop. No harm, no foul, and that’s the end of it.

“As you say, right now this is all a novelty, and everyone is testing their new limits and abilities. But I

can almost guarantee you that after warring with the demons, our survivors are going to be desperate

for a return to a normal life, and they’ll cherish their traditions more.

“And by the way, none of us have the right to tell any woman who she can and can’t have a child with,

but whoever it is, whether casual acquaintance or someone from another race, the father had better be

willing to have a child with her. And he’d better know his legal responsibilities to the mother and child

and be willing to fulfill them. If a married woman wants to have a child with a man other than her

husband, she can either settle it with him one way or another, or he can divorce her. He may be entitled

to some compensation if she swore in her wedding vows to only cleave unto him, or to only bear his

children. Those who break their vows of any kind are still liable for the consequences.

“Overall, I’m absolutely sure that the benefits of what we’ve done and all the changes that are taking

place will far outweigh the disadvantages. But the nexus is coming. We all knew that everything was

going to change before it even started, so there’s no use in just complaining about it. We have to make

it work.

“Now then, was there anything else?”

“Ah, no.” Dren stated. “And I’m sorry I lost my temper.”

“Your frustration is understandable.” Mark nodded with a smile. “Thank you for coming by. I’ll get

started on trying to put a lid on all the weird behavior tonight after we eat. I look forward to seeing you

all again tomorrow at The Hall.”

The rulers and their staff made their farewells and departed, and after they were gone Mark grinned

and declared; “I swear; that bunch is harder to baby-sit than you kids are, and by a wide margin."

The rest of his family got a good chuckle out of that.

“You know what I find funny?” Talia asked as she and Mark decided to join the crowd, and cast

themselves as thirty meter tall Simulacrums.

“What?” he asked as the two reclined on the floor together with Alilia.

“Hilia has about two hundred thousand full-time soldiers and about two million militia.” she stated. “Of

those, about a third are void-qualified and took part in the last two exercises. Alilia brought about two

hundred thousand of The People of Life. On the other hand, we command some four billion Sylvan and

seventy million dragons who are void-qualified.

“Let’s face it, almost all of our fighters are Serminaki. Yet for some reason, today everyone referred to

all of those we commanded as Hilian forces. I just find that very funny!”

“According to the law of Serminak,” Povon explained, “Zarkog who was Dragon Lord of Serminak was

defeated and removed from power by Mark who is Prince of Hilia, therefore, Serminak was conquered

by Hilia. Therefore, Serminak is now part of Hilia, as they see things.”

“All hail Lord Mark, Sovereign of The Hilian Empire!” Alilia laughed.

“The Serminaki would consider it entirely appropriate for Mark to declare himself emperor.” Povon

chuckled. “Or for him to rename the continent The Empire of Hilia. To them Lord and Emperor mean

the same thing anyway.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Mark said with a smile as he caressed Talia and Alilia’s huge forms.

“You know, this is very different, all of us being the same size.” Alilia giggled as she caressed him in

return. “I think I rather like it.”

“It’s nice as a change of pace, but I love that Mark is so much bigger than me.” Talia smiled. “It makes

me feel very protected when we’re together.”

“And it makes me feel very protective.” Mark chuckled.

“Hey, are you guys going to find a room, or are we just going to laze around for the rest of the day, or

are we actually going to get anything else accomplished?” Fire asked.

“I suppose I should get started on trying to reconcile the peoples of The Just Alliance to the changes

they’re facing.” Mark mused. “I still find it hard to believe that just going around and talking to people

will have much of a big beneficial effect, but I suppose it is my responsibility to try, at least.” This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Don’t sell yourself short.” Alilia smiled. “You’re amazingly persuasive when you want to be, you know.”

“Besides, we’ll come with you for moral support.” Talia added.

“Can we come too?” Six asked. “We haven’t done hardly any famous stuff yet, and we’re really famous

now, so we should go out and enjoy it a little every once in a while.”

“Sure, come along, I don’t see why not, and you’ll take some of the attention off of me.” Mark grinned.

“But seriously, I want you on your best and most diplomatic behavior. We’re trying to bring resolution to

a bunch of youths and fools who are doing crazy stuff, not inspire them to anything new.”

“Yes Father.” his children chorused together, then giggled madly.

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