The Gift chronicles

Book 2 Chapter 11

Book 2 Chapter 11

Book 2 Chapter 11

I tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to get a restful sleep knowing that the Blood Alpha

and his mate would arrive in the morning.

Thane, lucky bastard, slept like a baby. He certainly wasn't as nervous as I was. When I asked why

they were coming, he simply responded: "For training."

I didn't want the Blood Alpha to train me! I had no doubt that he wouldn't be scared of Thane and would

hurt me during training. Hell, he may even accidentally kill me. They don't call him the Blood Alpha for

no reason.

Thane woke up at about 6, so after I had been wake for two hours while I thought of the different ways

the Blood Alpha could kill me. Even though Thane reassured me that "Cain" wouldn't ever harm his

cousin's mate, I had my doubts.

"How long have you been awake, little one?" Thane asked suspiciously, most likely eyeing the dark

circles under my eyes.

"Not long," I lied, and gave him a fake reassuring smile. He didn't buy it, seeing right through me as


"Oh, love. I told you not to worry. The Blood Alpha wouldn't ever bring harm to you," Thane reassured

me once again, cupping his cheek. "In fact, you will be the safest person in the world if you are in the Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

company of the Blood Alpha and his mate."

"Tell me more about his mate," I urged Thane.

Thane was pensive. "It's hard to find the words to describe Ares. I think it would be easier for you to

just see her in action. I promise you'll get a good sense of her personality within the first five minutes of

meeting her," Thane promised. "But you should know that she can't talk, so if she's quiet, don't take it


I frowned. "Can't talk?"

Thane nodded. "Her tongue was ripped out by a rogue when she was young."

My mouth dropped. "That's so sad. Poor girl. And now she's mated to the most violent man on the

continent. That's got to be hard for her."

Thane laughed. "Oh, little one. The Blood Luna is anything but a 'poor girl'. Don't worry about the Blood

Alpha and her. Even if the Blood Alpha wanted to hurt her, I'm not sure he could."

I frowned. What the hell does that mean? I assume because the mate bond wouldn't allow him to lay a

hand on her. But if that was true, then how could the whipping rumor be true?

"Little mate, please do not worry. You will meet them soon, and you'll feel silly for worrying about Ares,"

Thane insisted, and I hesitated before nodding. If Thane wasn't worried about the girl then I suppose

he had good reason. Maybe the Blood Alpha had a heart after all.

"Now go get ready, they'll be here in an hour. They're early risers and left early this morning," Thane

commanded me, and I nodded.

I put on jeans and a flowy white blouses, hoping this wasn't going to be a formal occasion. Luckily,

Thane wore his typical slacks and button down shirt, which he rolled up to his elbows. My hair wouldn't

cooperate today, so I put the black, curly tendrils in a bun, ignoring the stray pieces that framed my


"Your beauty is unrivaled," Thane murmured, suddenly behind me. I jumped, still not used to how

quickly Alphas can move. It was truly unfair.

I blushed from his compliment. "You have to say that, you're my mate," I argued, just to get on his


He rolled his eyes. "I can assure you that the Moon Goddess knew better than to match me with an

ugly wolf," He smirked and winked at me, the cocky little troublemaker.

I laughed and swatted at his chest, but he caught my hand. Thane pulled me in close. Suddenly, the

ambiance of the room went from joking to intensely serious as Thane's expression hardened. His eyes


Not willing to let another mindlink interrupt the moment, Thane swiftly grabbed me by the chin and

jerked my head up. He bent down and his mouth was on mine.

I kissed back without hesitating, although I will admit the spark between us nearly felt like I was being

struck by lightning or stuck a fork in an electrical outlet.

His hand moved from my chin to the back of my neck, and I got on my tiptoes so he wouldn't have to

lean as far down, even though I was only about 10 inches shorter.

Sensing what I was trying to do, Thane, in control as always, lifted me so that my legs were wrapped

around his waist. He never broke the kiss, and our tongues and lips moved perfectly in sync.

Thane growled against my mouth, and then much to my discontent, pulled away set me down. "If the

Blood Alpha didn't just cross into my territory, we would have been doing that the rest of the day."

I nodded, trying to catch my breath. Thane tweaked my nose. "You look lovely flushed, little mate," He

winked at me and turned to leave his bedroom, leaving me stunned.

He was so absolutely enchanting in everything he does and says, I often times find myself frozen trying

to collect myself.

When I was slightly calmed, I followed after him. He was slouching against a pillar near the front door.

"What took you so long?" He smirked at me.

I just glared at him. Now was not the time to address his cockiness. It was, though, the time to panic

about the Blood Alpha. Even thinking his name sent terror through my body.

"I can hear your heartbeat quicken, little mate," Thane murmured as he crossed the distance between

us and wrapped his arms around me. "I hope that's not in fear of the Blood Alpha."

Hearing his name aloud sent my heart racing even faster. Thane's mouth quirked into a crooked smile

as he confirmed his own theory. Before he could make a smart—a** comment about it, the rapt knocks

resounded throughout the house.

"Frick," I whispered, quiet enough so only Thane could hear me. He chuckled lowly.

"It's unlocked, Cousin," Thane called out, and I watched in horror as the door knob slowly turned like I

was in a horror film.

Two figures stepped through the door, and were followed by three others.

The two that entered first were clearly the Blood Alpha and Luna. Power radiated so strongly around

the both of them that I nearly thought I would pass out. I had never felt anything like that in my life. My

wolf was practically begging me to get on my

knees and bare my neck in submission. Thane, who stood next to me, squeezed my hand, which sent

my wolf back under the surface of my consciousness.

"It's rude to not open the door for your guests," A tall man with a thick beard and long, curly hair that

went down to his shoulders chastised Thane. The Blood Alpha. His voice was so deep and rough it

sounded borderline animalistic. More frightening than his voice, his stature was huge. Thane was

muscular, but this guy's muscles had muscles. Every slight movement sent ripples through his

muscles. And I doubted he was even flexing. I was so shocked by his voice and hair, I almost didn't

even notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt, only dark jeans and no shoes.

"I seem to recall that you're comfortable breaking down my door," Thane responded coolly. "Opening it

should be much easier for you."

Thane's words made the figure next to the Blood Alpha smirk. I looked closer at the female. The Blood

Luna, no doubt. I was shocked by her physical appearance. She was tiny. Even though anyone would

look small compared to the Blood Alpha, she looked small even compared to me.

Even more shocking, her face was covered in scars. The most noticeable one went from the top of the

middle of her eyebrow and went straight down her eye until about an inch and a half below it. The eye

with the scar was completely white, which sent chills down my body. Did the Blood Alpha do that to


Her hair was so blonde it was borderline silver, matching the eye that wasn't scared. She wore a dark

brown fur cloak, black leggings, and boots. everything except for her head was covered.

When I was done looking at her attire, I looked back at her face, and saw that her gaze was on my

mate. She had what I could only describe as a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Little one, do me a favor and go stand by the wall to your left, okay?" Thane asked me, his eyes

matching the Blood Luna's.

I looked at him in confusion, but I did as he said and stood a few feet away from him.

When I reached the wall, to my shock, the girl pulled a knife out of seemingly nowhere and sent it faster

than humanly possible at my mate.

I didn't even have time to scream, it happened so fast. Thane lifted up his hand at the knife, and used

his magic to stop it right as the blade was about to go through his palm.

I exhaled, not realizing I had been holding my breath. My relief didn't last long, once I saw Thane use

his magic to turn the knife around and send it right back at the Blood Alpha's mate. My jaw dropped.

The Blood Alpha would surely kill us all for Thane's violence against his mate.

The knife was thrown so quickly I was positive it would impale the girl in her face. However, she merely

swiped the knife away before it sank into her as if it were a pesky mosquito.

What the eff?

I looked at the Blood Alpha to gauge his reaction, but he looked disinterested in the scene in front of

him, despite the fact that his mate was being attacked in front of his very eyes.

Thane chuckled. "Always a lovely greeting from you, Ares," He said, and the girl winked in response.

My confusion had never seen higher levels.

"You can come back, Nyx, being near me is no longer a safety risk," Thane smirked at me, and held his

arm out for me to go into. Of course, I shakily walked over to him and he wrapped his arm around me

and pulled me closer to him.

"Cain, Ares. Meet my mate, Onyx."

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