The Headmaster Alpha's Mate

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 

Chloe hugged her mother and father goodbye, swallowing the lump that was in her throat, and blinking back the tears in her eyes, for all she had the normal teenage angst towards her parents, she loved them with all her heart and as much as she would deny it if asked, she was going to miss them.

"Try and reign in some of your mischievous tendency’s Chloe, and promise me you will keep in contact every couple of days" Her mother said, holding on to her daughter

"We will see you in six months for your birthday, it will fly over" her father stated, more trying to convince himself than his only daughter.

"We love you, stay safe"

Her mother said placing a kiss on Chloe’s cheek Chloe took a breath and blinked once more determined not to give in to her emotions, then taking a step back from her parents, she turned on her heal and walked towards the school doors, then looking back over her shoulder she offered a small upturn of her lips to her parents and shouted over.

"See you in bit" then turned and walked without a backwards glance back into the school.

"Hey Chloe, I know it is hard saying goodbye to your family for a long time but know that the staff at the school are here for Black offered, understanding totally how the teenage girl was shutting down her emotions, in order to cope with the changes in her life.

"Ursula, please show Chloe to her dorm, and have Mr Gibson let Nicola leave his class and come to the Dorm, then make the introductions please"

"Of course Mrs Black"

Ursula walked with a fake smile towards Chloe before leading her down the corridor.

Taking a turn to the left, Ursula motioned to the right hand corridor.

"That leads to the Full Moon House, you do not enter that area, EVER" she said with a look of distain on her face.

Chloe shook her head, she had been right as always, Ursula was fake, and nothing more than the school b***h.

"I see your mask has cracked, FYI your little act didn’t fool me "

Chole retorted, uptight Ursula is not the first queen bee she had delt with in her life.

"Look, I am the head girl, part of the Full Moon house, and destined for leadership and greatness, you are Eclipse, someone without talent, and for some reason or other you have ended up here, remember your place, and show respect to anyone and everyone in Red and Black tartan" Ursula growled out to Chloe

"Hey, respect is earned not a given right, and trust me, I don’t give a s**t about which house you are part of, or how you think power trip." Chloe scoffed.

"You will learn respect one way or the other, just stay away from Full Moon House" Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

Ursula gritted, not happy at been spoken back to.

Turning the corner once more, Ursula walked up the large light oak staircase "Yeah, well you keep out of my way, I will happily keep out of yours"

Chloe shouted after Ursula, then followed her up the stairs.

Stopping outside a large oak door, Ursula shook her head.

"I cannot believe they have you in this room, the best in the school, it should be reserved for Full Moon students, but apparently you get to stay in it with the other Eclipse loser Nicola Davis, well, she will be here soon, and you two can bond over the fact you are both less than nothing and will come to nothing."

Ursula huffed and turned on her heal and left.

Chloe shook her head with a humourless laugh, then looked around the large room, that was a lot bigger than she could have ever envisaged.

To one side of the room, was a single bed, a large ornate wooden wardrobe sat on the wall opposite, the satin covers a dusky lilac colour, the matching wooden beside table held a gold lamp with lilac shade, and had a book sat on it a frog pyjama case sat on the bed, and along the shelf were little ornaments of frogs with funny faces.

At the far side of the room, the Wardrobe for this bunk was even more ornate than the other, but matched perfectly, the bedside table again matched its counterpart, but once more was slightly bigger with more carvings the lamp again gold, and the shade purple.

This bed had a deep purple satin bedspread, with extra pillows.

The walls were painted a soft golden colour, that worked perfectly in the large room.

The hard wood floors were covered by a purple, lilac and black tartan rug to match their house skirt, the edges embroiled with gold thread.

At the far side of the room sat two cream sofas, facing each other, covered in a with gold images of the moon in different phases woven into the fabric.

Chloe’s suitcases stood at the foot of the larger bed and her three boxes of personal items were placed in front of the large light oak work desk, which two laptops sat on it, one Apple Mac and one HP.

"No wonder Uptight Ursula is pissed I have this room." Chloe muttered to herself.

The door to the room opened, a girl of around 5 foot 4 walked in, her brown hair hanging in soft waves down her back, she approached Chloe her hazel eyes as wide as her genuine smile.

"Hi, you must be Chloe, pleased to meet you, I am Nicola Davis, your roommate." Nicola greeted Chloe warmly.

Unusually, Chloe liked the girl instantly, normally she would presence, almost like she could trust her.

"Yes, nice to meet you, is this bed mine?" Chloe asked pointing to the larger bed.

"That’s right, the headmaster informed us which bed and rooms we have to dorm in, I was told this one when I arrived three months ago, and now you have that one" Nicola smiled.

" are relatively new as well?"

Chloe questioned "Yes, and it takes a little getting used to, with all the ranks they use.To be honest it is a little weird, but most of the students are really nice and respectful.Well, apart from Ursula."

Nicola shrugged as if it was no big deal, but Chloe did not miss the dulling of her bright eyes when she mentioned the Head Girl.

"Rank’s they use?"

Chloe asked "Yeah, I will explain everything to you, but first, you should get unpacked, I can help if you like, or go get us some snacks if you prefer some privacy?"

Nicola smiled "Hey, we are going to be together a lot of the time, so if you want to help, knock yourself out"

Chloe grinned at Nicola.

As the girls began to unpack the boxes Chloe wanted to know Nicola’s story, how she ended up here, if her father or mother worked for the same company as her father.

"So how did you end up here?"

Chloe asked "Oh, my father got a new job, for a Colton Industries, and was shipped over to Japan to help launch the company over there.

As part of the deal, I was sent to this school, did you know the asked Chloe shook her head, it was the same place her father had been employed by, but she did not know it was connected to the school in such a way.

The information only cemented further her idea that the School was a cult.

"Yeah, my father got the job out of the blue last month, and now with only two weeks to go until the end of term, I have been sent here" Chloe sighed.

She had been looking forward to the summer break, before starting her last year at school, and leaving for good, yet here she was dumped in this place, and no where to go for the summer.

"Yeah, they don’t really have term times here, basically if you want holiday’s, you can take them with your parents when they are home.

They designed it like that so that we do not miss out if our parents are home during ‘Term Time’."

Nicola smiled.

Chloe sighed, that meant she was not going to get a break for another 6 months, when her parents came back, she would be stuck here for Christmas and New Year, probably being made to attend lessons.

"Honestly Chloe, it is not that bad" Nicola reassured her.

"What about Christmas?"

Chloe could not help but ask, for all she was 17, her parents always made a fuss they still put out presents from Santa on their sofas for her, even though she had not believed in him for over 10 years students come from, and celebrate it there, along with a lot of other parties the village arranges"

Nicola smiled "Have you been to a party?"

Chloe wondered out loud "Yes, I have been to four, they have a bonfire and BBQ night each full moon, not sure why, but we have to return to School for 10pm, and from what I can gather the party lasts most of the night for the people who live in the village"

Nicola shrugged Chole nodded, it seemed this place was obsessed with the Moon, again reaffirming her belief it was some sort of weird cult, however, a party was a party, but she would keep her wits about her so as not to be brainwashed.

"Well, now for the real news, who out of the multitude of HOT boy’s I have seen are available" Chloe giggled

"Quite a few are paired up with others in their houses.To be honest, it can be a bit sickly, they are intense, like not wanting to be apart.One day they are little more than friends, the next generally around their 18th birthday’s they become inseparable, and there is lots of displays of PDA." Nicola shrugged.

"s**t, do you think we are in a cult, and they are told who to be with when the reach 18?"

Chloe asked out loud "lam honestly not sure, it is certainly different around here, but I just keep myself to myself"

Nicola shrugged once more.

"So is Uptight Ursula with someone?"

Chloe asked "No, but the rumour is that Josh Colton, the headmaster’s younger brother will be with her when she turns 18, although he clouded, as she frowned slightly.

"So, the headmasters brother attends school here?" Chloe asked

"Yeah, as a day student, their family seem to run the village, and a lot of businesses.But Josh is really nice, he is always kind to me, even brings me small gifts, I collect frogs, and he often brings me one, all of these are from him" Nicola motioned to the shelf with the array of comedy frogs on it.

"He also defends me when Ursula and her pack of bitches bully me, but he is not always about when they do."

Chloe noticed how Nicola’s face lit up when she talked of Josh and gave her newfound friend a wide smile.

"You like him, don’t you?" Chloe giggled

"Yeah, but it is pointless if Ursula will be with him when she is 18, I think he just feels sorry for me being stuck here. I had met him before I came here you know."

Nicola sighed sadly "Really, how?"

Chloe asked, sitting on her bed cross legged "My parents and I came on a camping trip during the easter break not far from here, about 5 miles north of the village, I was walking through the forest, just

minding my own business, when he appeared out of nowhere.It was weird, I liked him instantly, and after he asked my name, he walked away as quickly as he had walked up to me"

Nicola shrugged "And you come here, and he is Head boy"

Chloe smiled when she turns eighteen, and what Ursula wants she gets" Nicola shrugged

"Hey, well, don’t worry about her and her gaggle of bitches bothering you anymore.I am here with you now, and well, pissing off Queen Bee’s of the school is a speciality of mine" Chloe laughed

"Thank you, Chloe, now it is time for Dinner, we need to head to the dinning room, before the students from the other houses get there, because they eat mountains of food, seriously, not sure where they put it all, and I will introduce you to some of the others in our house."

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