The Lady Gangster’s Mission For The Prince

20. Important Thing

Meanwhile, upon entering, the two princes were immediately greeted by General Agustin. “I’m glad that the two of you see each other.” General Agustin looks at Prince Franco. “I’m sorry, Prince Franco. I didn’t notice that you were with Queen Alice and King Felip earlier. ” He even bowed in respect.

“You have nothing to apologize for, general. I didn’t get out of the car right away, so you didn’t see me.”

He nodded. “Now, both of you follow me.” The general walked away first, and the two followed in silence. When they entered the dining area, they were immediately seated.

Queen Alice is now smiling at Prince Dylan. “How are you, Prince Dylan?”

“I’m okay, Queen Alice,” he replied.

But the queen seemed pleased to see him. “The handsome face the last time I saw you was when your mother, Queen Haraya, was still alive.”

Prince Dylan just smiled, and King Stephen spoke while smiling, “Maybe we can eat now.”

Those at the dinner table agreed, and the two princes were silent.

While Adira was still outside and had almost searched the back of the palace, she still hadn’t seen her broken hair tie.

She sat on the ground, sweating profusely. “Where is that tie? It won’t disappear right away because I saw it before I entered the palace.”

Meanwhile, Prince Franco had an excuse to leave the palace after eating because his parents were talking to Prince Dylan. He said goodbye, going out again to get some fresh air.

Prince Franco went to the back of the palace again and saw Adira sitting on the ground. He approached, stopping a few steps away from Adira. “Young lady, why are you sitting there on the ground?”

She frowned when someone asked. And when she turned around, she saw the prince of Paradise Castle standing a few steps away from her, but she didn’t speak or answer his question.

“Are you looking for something?” he asked again.

She looked to her side and whispered, “The princes in this country have different attitudes. Prince Damon is arrogant, Prince Dylan is annoying, and this is a prince who wants to know everything, even if it’s not closed.”

“Young lady!” Prince Franco called her again.

She immediately looked at him, who was now frowning. “Are you looking for something here?”

She nodded. “Yes, there is.”

“Then why are you sitting there if you’re looking for something?”

“I need to rest. This place is so vast that it’s hard to find.”

“What are you looking for?”

She frowned as she looked at the ground. “My broken hair tie.” She looked at him, surprised, but the prince was just staring at her. “Is there a problem?” she asked.

“I’m just wondering why you’re still looking for the broken thing.”

Adira sighed. She hugged her leg while resting her chin on her knee.

“Because that is something important to me. That was how I used to tie my long hair when I was younger, but it broke during training with Prince Dylan because he saw that thing.”

“Just use a new one. Don’t look for the thing that’s broken, even if you’ve had that thing for a long time.”

She smiled at what he said. “It’s easy to say, isn’t it? You’ve said it, but it’s hard to do. Something or someone who suddenly disappeared from your life will never be forgotten, especially if you value or love them. No matter how hard you try to forget, you’re still reminded.”

Prince Franco just stared at Adira, who was just looking at the ground.

“What do you do if you can’t find what you’re looking for?” asked the prince.

She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. “There is a right time, day, or season, but that does not mean that I will immediately find what I am looking for. I may or may not find it again because of the amount of time that has passed.”

“Aren’t you going to give up finding it when what you’re looking for is broken?”

She smiled a little. “That thing is important. I can’t even see it now. Maybe when the day passes, I’ll suddenly see something that I didn’t expect. ” Then she looked at him.

To her surprise, Prince Franco looked away, but after a while, he looked at her and slowly approached. He held out his hand, meaning to take it so she could stand up. She just looked at his hand for a moment, but she reached for it too.

As Prince Dylan approached the two, he noticed Adira reaching for Prince Franco’s hand. He stopped, and his eyebrows almost met at what he saw. He walked again, but in a hurry.

While Adira was standing and removing the dirt from her pants before looking at Prince Franco’s face, “Thank you!”

Prince Franco just smiled at her. She looked behind Prince Franco because a man with a wrinkled face was approaching.

“Adira, go inside and eat,” said Prince Dylan, as soon as he got close to the two.

“Have you finished eating?” she asked.

“Yes, and you weren’t at the dining area earlier.” “I’m just looking for something. But I’m going to go inside. I’ll leave you and Prince Franco here. ” She turned to look at Prince Franco and bowed slightly before completely leaving, leaving the two princes behind.

Meanwhile, the two princes were still looking at Adira as she walked into the palace, and when Adira disappeared from their sight, Prince Franco spoke.

“Excuse me for asking, Prince Dylan. What is the duty of the young lady here in your palace since she does not seem to come from our country?”

Prince Dylan and Franco stared at each other before answering Prince Franco’s question. “My maid.”

Prince Franco frowned. “Personally?” he asked with his surprised question.


“Why is she dressed differently? It’s not like the clothes of a servant like those who serve in every palace.”

Prince Dylan looked away. “In the place where she belongs, that’s how they dress, so her attire is different from the palace servants.” Prince Franco nodded.

“Why did you ask about the young lady?” asked Prince Dylan.

“I feel that I need to know her completely, so I asked for personal information about the young lady.”

Prince Dylan was stunned by what Prince Franco said. “What do you mean by what you said?” On Prince Dylan’s face, it can see a little concern.

“A while ago, when I first saw her, I wanted to get to know her immediately because of her attitude and how she treats a prince. She is not like other people here who show respect. The young lady says everything she wants to say, even though the person in front of her is a nobleman.”

Prince Dylan blinked a few times. “Don’t focus too much on the young lady, Prince Franco. You don’t know what kind of attitude she has. You might just be disappointed when you find out.”

Prince Franco smiled and looked in the direction Adira was walking. “Probably not, Prince Dylan. The young lady is so beautiful that it might not be too much to get to know her thoroughly.”

Prince Dylan’s eyes were burning because of what he was hearing. He straightened up and smiled as Prince Franco suddenly turned to him. “Come on, Prince Dylan, let’s go inside your palace again.”

Prince Franco walked away first, and Prince Dylan remained standing. “What do they have, and do they want to get to know Adira more deeply?” He walked into the palace with an annoyed face.

Meanwhile, Adira is close to the palace kitchen, where she will meet King Stephen and the two people with him.

She stopped at the side where King Stephen and the two people could pass, but suddenly they also stopped. “Adira, have you seen the two princes?” asked King Stephen.

“Outside talking, King Stephen.

“Is that so?” King Stephen noticed that King Felip and Queen Alice were confused.

“Who is she, King Stephen?” asked Queen Alice.

“She’s the one teaching Prince Dylan how to use a sword.”

King Felip looked at Adira. “Then you are good with a sword?”

She first looked at King Stephen. “I just know how to use it, but I’m not great.”

King Felip smiled a little. “I am impressed by your honesty, young lady. The other people I asked were not answered like that. Do you want to know?”

She was confused while looking at him. She didn’t answer, but he said the answer anyway.

“Yes, I’m great at using a sword.” That’s the answer I always get from a beginner who’s only been wielding a sword for about a day.” She just frowned and didn’t know what to say.

“She seems shocked by what you say. You haven’t even introduced yourself to the young lady, Felip,” said Queen Alice.

King Felip laughed softly. “I’m sorry if you’re a shocked, young lady. When it comes to the sword, I’m interested. I’m King Felip, the king of Paradise Castle, and this is my wife, Queen Alice.”

Her gaze shifted to his wife, whom he introduced. The queen just smiled at her, so she just gave a small smile.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Eat first, Adira, and we will go outside the palace,” King Stephen said.

She just nodded and bowed to King Felip and Queen Alice. “I’m glad to meet you.” Then she walked towards the kitchen.

When King Stephen walked away, Queen Alice simply turned around while looking at Adira. Queen Alice managed only a glance before looking in front until they exited the palace.

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