The Lycan King’s Breeder


Chapter 28: Talon’s POV

“How far gone is she?” I asked as I returned to sit on the bed with her.

“Two weeks, my King,” Sara said with a smile on her face.

A warmth filled my stomach and turned to look at Avalyn. I caught her staring and she quickly averted her eyes away from me.

I raised her chin with my fingers. “Why are you hiding your face from me?” I whispered.

Sara cleared her throat grabbing her stethoscope from the table. She walked to Dawn’s side and tapped her shoulder. “I need your help with something. Come with me,” she said. Dawn at first looked confused before she turned to us and her eyes sparkled with understanding.

“Oh yeah, sure!” She said and they both scurried out of the ward leaving Avalyn and me.

Avalyn still had her eyes staring at her fingers as she pulled at them.

“They are gone, you can look at me now…” I said in a low voice as I tried to raise her head again.

As I finally managed to raise them and her green eyes met mine, an arrow pierced my heart. She was crying.

“Avalyn, what’s wrong?” I asked suddenly concerned for the baby and her well-being.

She quickly used the back of her hand to wipe at her tears and sniffled them away. “Ummm… I am fine. There is nothing wrong…” She whispered in a broken voice.

I took her wet hands and stopped them from wiping at her face. I raised my thumbs and wiped at her tears myself.

“You are crying. Something is wrong. Please tell me,” I insisted. “I can’t hurt you, Avalyn… Look-” I paused as I searched for the right words to say.

What could make her cry? As I searched my brain, I remembered my own behaviour since the last sex we had. I had been avoiding her.

“I left because I wanted you to get comfortable. I am sorry if it got you worried…” I said pulling her close to my beating chest.

Unlike when I was with Willow, there was no tension. My body, my wolf, they were happy to be with Avalyn. She brought a peace of mind that went deeper than any other aura I have felt.

“Please stop crying…” I begged, raising her head so I could cover up with kisses. “What has upset you this much?”

“Umm… It’s the baby…” she squeaked and I held her shoulders back.

“What about the baby? Is it alright? Does it hurt?” I asked, getting to my feet. If there was something wrong with the baby that was hurting we had to get Sara.

I started heading to the door but she held me back.

“Talon… the baby is fine… Umm… I am just-” she stopped sniffling and I returned to the bed to hold her in my arms.

She wasn’t able to see that whatever was troubling her was messing with my head too.

“Umm… Are you- Can you let me see the baby after it’s born?” She squeaked in a low voice.

My heart stopped.

I hadn’t thought about this. She came here as my breeder but would she be allowed to stay with the baby?

Only Willow had an answer to this. Bringing Avalyn here was her decision but what if she asked me to send Avalyn away from here? Would I be able to do that?

“I know I will die afterward but can… Umm… Can I just be allowed to spend a little amount of time with the baby when it’s born?” She asked and I felt a heaviness wrap around my heart.

“Avalyn, where did you get all of these from?”

True that at some point, I considered killing the breeder as soon as their work was done but that was before I met her.

Her hands went to her stomach and she raised her tear-filled eyes to me. “I am sorry if I shouldn’t say things like this… I am sure… I want to be able to touch my baby…”

The tears in her eyes broke me more than I could admit. Avalyn had changed so many things in my body, I shocked myself every time.

I covered her hands with mine and waited for her to raise her eyes at me.

“You will touch your baby… No one will take it away from you,” I said before I could stop myself and wrapped my hands around her.

She cried into my chest and I rubbed my hands along her back.

“It’s okay. I am here now…” I whispered trying to calm her down.

We stayed this way until she calmed down enough. Her breathing was normal and not long after, she slept in my arms.

I adjusted myself on the bed so that my back was resting on the wall while she lay on my chest. I didn’t realize when I slept off with Avalyn in my arms.

Hours passed before my eyes fluttered open again. I was still in the clinic with Avalyn in my arms. I wasn’t dreaming all of it.

It was true that she was pregnant and my child was growing inside of her.

“My King.” I turned my head in the direction of the voice and found Greg standing by the door with a smile on his face.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“As much as I do not want to disturb your happy moment… Right now, we need to talk…” He said.

I looked at the sleeping Avalyn in my arms and then back at him. There was no way I was going to wake her up from sleep just so he could speak to me.

“You can say whatever it is, I don’t want to wake her…” I whispered.

Greg shrugged and stepped into the ward. “Okay,” he said. He leaned against the door and folded his arms…

“First we will need to start making preparations regarding Alpha Trevor’s visit.”

My brows furrowed at that. I never accepted visitors in my castle except if it was some sort of emergency.

“Didn’t we agree at the last meeting that every ally should meet up at my cousin’s pack? Why are they coming here?” I whispered harshly.

Greg raised his hands in defence. “I know how you feel about visitors but this time our hands are tied. Trevor has the numbers we need and his pack is closer to ours than your cousin’s. He figured he would come here for a few days and then we could all move together to your cousin’s pack…” He explained.

I clenched my free hand in annoyance. Aside from the fact that I hated having visitors, Trevor wasn’t coming alone. He would definitely bring that annoying son of his, Monty!

“I suppose Montgomery is coming as well?” I hissed out.

Greg plastered a tight-lipped smile on his face and nodded. “I am afraid so, my King.”

“I want you to make sure that he sticks to the area allocated to him. I wouldn’t want a scandal or an opportunity to gnaw off his head!”

Greg nodded in understanding. “All of that will be sorted out my king… Well, all except Avalyn…” He said pointing at her sleeping form in my arms.

“What about her?” I asked.

“What do we tell them she is?”

I looked down at her and tried to think. Trevor was full of questions. Technically he didn’t need us and any aura he got that made him feel he wouldn’t benefit from this, he could pull out.

What better reason to pull out when they found out her race? A Lycan and a human were very unheard of.

“We will try to keep her away from them as much as we can…” I whispered and Greg nodded.

“There is one more thing,” he said and my brows furrowed.

“What else?”

“Willow. I saw her walking out of the clinic. My best bet is she saw you in here…” He said but I couldn’t find the worry in that.

“Okay…” I drawled hoping he would say something else but he didn’t.

I wasn’t doing anything bad by being here. Avalyn and the baby needed me. I might have slipped when she had asked me about keeping her and the baby because I still had that part to figure out but that was it. There was nothing wrong with me being here with her.

“I should probably leave you…” Greg suggested after a few seconds of silence.

“Greg!” I called before he could pull the door open. He stopped and turned to me.


“Emily should have been here but unfortunately she isn’t. I want your sister to continue taking care of her. Anything at all that she needs should be provided unto them. Are we clear?”

“Crystal!” Greg said beaming at me.

Finally, he left the room and I looked down at Avalyn once again. She was even more beautiful the more she slept. I pulled the strands of hair flying on her face away and ran my fingers through her hair, gently massaging her deeper into sleep.

Like an old Lycan once said, there was always a cloud of silver at every dark turn. The kingdom was under attack but within all of that chaos, the goddess decided to bless me with a child…

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