The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


I howled to the sky and my subordinates congregated.

We had a new mission on the agenda.

This past few years, the lycans had discovered an anomaly. The earth had been experiencing rough times in an increased frequency.

Issues were cropping up like carrots.

The omega warriors had been dealing with any issue they could take care of.

Even with the omega warriors helping, nobody in this world is allowed to slack off.

I could feel a calamity approaching. I just don’t know what the disaster is. After the omega warriors, the lycans were the closest beings to the moon. goddess.

We are considered a higher existence the moon goddess created after improving on the werewolves‘ physique.

She was our goddess. It was why her words are considered to be law to

1. us.

My mind could not help but drift to my missing mate.

I had been looking for traces of her whereabouts like a madman but my search yielded no results.

I had to live with numbing heartbreak every day.

I knew I was known as a ruthless lycan king because of my disposition and aura.

The loss of my mate affected me greatly. I was more cold and ruthless.

When I haven’t met my mate, it was easier to live and I did not feel the need for a soulmate.

When I met her, my previous principles collapsed like soaked paper.

I wanted her.

I desired both her presence, body and soul. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I felt like I would not be able to survive without her.

My desire to see her again was tormenting me daily.

Regardless of my pain, I wasn’t able to find a hint of her traces.

I always blamed myself for being too relaxed when I found her.

To me, my lax security and senses was a big sin.

If I had been more vigilant, she would not have been able to leave me.

I could not help but go over all the possibilities that could have


Alas, I could only regret and lament. There was no way to turn back time.

I morphed into my lycan form.

Werewolves had to run on four feet but lycans can run on two feet if they wished. It was one of the many powers that was unique to the lycans.

These past few days, I had settled temporarily at a pack called Blue Ray Pack.

I made sure plenty people learned of my whereabouts so they would be able to seek help from me.

I was doing all this to relieve the pressure the omega warriors were facing.

I wanted to help them quell some of the issues that cropped up. Although helping werewolves and lycans all over the world is the sacred mission given to the omega warriors by the moon goddess, it did not mean that the rest of us would sit with folded arms.

We are supposed to help out if we can.

If the omega warriors are the moon goddess‘ personal army, then the lycans are the moon goddess’s warriors.

I had encountered the moon goddess once.

It was doing my training to become the undisputable Lucan king.

She said she would rely on me in the future.

It was a tremendous honor to be needed by the moon goddess.

Her words and presence are the reason I am doing everything in my power to resolve any issues the lycans or werewolves‘ have.

Today, a messenger had come to me with bad news.

Three packs in the southeastern direction had encountered kidnappings that had be done by rogues.

When the messenger mentioned rogues, I wanted to investigate deeper.

Although I knew that not all rogues are bad, most of them are evil. No amount of reasoning would change that.

I was mobilizing the small force I brought with me to this pack on this mission.

I planned to eliminate the rogues in one fell swoop.

We began heading to the three packs that were victims of the attacks of rogues.

I had not allowed the messenger to leave. The messenger had to show us the specific location.

If we insist on finding the pack on our own, things can get troublesome. It was better to have a guide.

Hours later, we reached the main pack.

The other two packs were smaller than this pack we came to. The two packs was closer to this pack too.

I could imagine that the alpha of this pack would be utterly revered by the other two packs.

-As soon as I entered the pack, I smelled a lovely scent that I would not be

able to forget even if I am reduced to dust.

It was a very pleasant smell that aroused the beast within me.

It was the smell of my mate.

My senses peaked immediately and I was on high alert.

I had to suppress my impatience.

Behaving rashly would not aid me in finding her.

The pack members of the pack came out of their homes to see what caused the commotion.

We did not bother to hide our actions so noise was generated.

“Who is in command here? Where is your alpha?” I changed back into my human form.

A man staggered out of the crowd after someone pushed him.

My momentum was frightening but I did not waste time to curb my aura. Time was precious.

I wanted to find my other half.

The scent she left here in this pack was getting faint.

She should have left here recently.

“I–I am the b–beta of this pack. I can be considered a second in command.” The man introduced himself, “My a–alpha followed the omega w–warriors that came to investigate the k–kidnapping case.” The pressure that was coming off me scared the man.

My reputation as a brutal and fierce lycan king wasn’t a joke.

I was not surprised by the beta’s stutters.

My mate had to be part of the omega warriors. If she was part of this pack, her scent would not grow faint as time passes.

It would have stayed exactly as she left it.

The only way to explain her fading scent was that she was not native to this pack at all.

The other group to heed the call for help that this pack sent was the omega warriors.

The omega warriors were the people that was investigating this case. To go further on their investigation, they have to move around. It explains why her scent was fading away.

My mate had a high chance of being in the other two packs.

Happiness surged through me.

I was finally going to meet her again.

I scanned the whole pack, “Tell me everything that happened here. Don’t conceal any details.”

“Yes sir.” The man replied respectfully.

I had not even stated my identity yet but my aura of power alone was enough to subdue anybody I encounter.

Besides, everybody had seen my lycan form.

Every lycan was not the kind of person to offend.

“The omega warriors came here to see our alpha in regards to the rogues‘ kidnappings. A girl tried to badmouth an omega warrior that was

insanely beautiful but the female warrior lambasted her.” The man began.

The event he spoke about was trivial but I was ready to hear everything he had to say.

I remembered that my mate was very beautiful.

I had not seen anybody that matches her beauty in all my years of living and socializing.

She was one of a kind.

My good mood improved.

It was highly likely that the beautiful female warrior that lambasted the offending girl was my mate.

Anticipation burned through me.

“Continue.” I ordered.

“My pack’s alpha showed them the victims‘ family as the omega warriors. requested before my alpha led them to the other two packs that had been, affected by the rogues‘ attack.” The man finished respectfully.

I could have stayed here in this pack so I can begin an investigation of my own but I was in an hurry to find my mate.

It was unprofessional but my made was my life.

What can I do without my life?

“Lead me to the two packs.” I said.

The omega warriors should have gotten some findings.

I would rather reunite with my mate. By doing that, I would be killing two birds with one stone because I would be able to continue the investigation the omega warriors were conducting while satisfying my urge to meet my mate again.

The man led us to the one of the pack that had also suffered in the rogues‘ hands.

The scent my maté left here was fading as well. It is just that the scent she left was heavier here than the first pack I had visited.

“They are not here. Take me to the second pack.” I instructed and the man that was guiding us began running in the second pack’s direction.

Soon, we arrived at the second pack.

I took a deep breath.

The scent my mate exuded was very heavy here.

I looked around and I saw three omega warriors standing at the center of the pack.

I scanned them but I was disappointed.

All of them was beautiful but none of them was my mate.

By her scent, I could tell she was here before.

I could not understand why she was not here now.

I walked up to the omega warriors..

“Lycan king Dante.” The cold woman that seemed like the leader of he omega warriors dispatched for this case greeted me.

Although her words were cold, it was a gesture of respect.

I nodded at them.

“There should be one more omega warrior with you. Where is she?” I asked.

The leader of the omega warriors settled her stern gaze on me.

“Why are you looking for her? She went back to the camp because of personal issues.” Her gaze was like a sharpened blade.

“She is very important to me. It is imperative that I find her.” I made sure I revealed the levity of this matter.

“She had gone back home because of personal issues.” The cold woman repeated.

I frowned.

The famous unity between omega warriors was happening in front of

1. me.

It was a happy and sad thing for me.

I was happy that my mate had good comrades but I was unhappy that they weren’t helping me find her at all.

I knew my mate just left.

Nobody knows the abundance of treasures the moon goddess have given the omega warriors.

She should have left by teleportation. She had disappeared instantly.

If she hadn’t used teleportation, I would have been able to sense her.

My good mood plummeted.

I was back to square zero.

No, it is not square zero. It is at least square one.

I now know that she is part of the omega warriors. My searching range had shrunk.

That was a cause to.celebrate.

I don’t know why I feel like my mate does not want to be with me.

I feel like our night together had been a mistake on her part.

She should have been able to sense that I was her mate but she was still

avoiding me.

I don’t like that thought.

I wanted us to be with each other because we want each other.

I looked at the female warrior that was the leader.

First, I have to cooperate with the omega warriors to

end this case.

Then, I would begin my intense search for my mate.

Even if she did not want me, I wanted her so it does not matter.

I would show her my love and desire for her.

I would make her want me. I would show her the pleasures of having a destined mate.

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