The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate

Chatper 88

Chatper 88

Chapter 88 Avery “Mia! You guys are here.” I said with excitement. I stood up to welcome them. “Yes.” Mia’s smile faded, “We got your letter and we hurried over as soon as we could.” “Please sit.” I did not bother to sit down again. I looked at Dante, “Dante, can you help me gather all the alphas of the packs on earth. I need to share some information to them before this war starts. I don’t want them to be caught unawares.” Dante nodded before he stepped out to make a call. After a few minutes, he came back. “I have written the main points in my letter.” I scanned the faces of everyone present, “There is an evil g od that is intent on going against the moon goddess. We are going to stop him and we can not do that without starting a war. With the moon goddess’s assistance, I am going to lead this war.” Mia nodded, “I did not know that the situation was this serious.” “I did not know that it would get ugly this quick either.” I muttered. “Avery, we haven’t seen your kids. Where are they?” Mia asked softly but her words felt like a dagger was piercing through my heart. My stern expression changed into one of pain and numbness. I was quiet for a long minute. “They had been kidnapped.” I wanted to say more but I was only able to say a few words. Mia rose to her feet in shock. Yuri and Jaila looked at me in concern. “How?! Why?! When did this happen?” Mia gushed out before she glared at Dante, “Didn’t he protect you and the pups? How can something like that happen?” I tried to smile at Mia but it did not work. My smile felt like a failed product. “Dante is not to be blamed. If anybody is to take responsibility, it is me. My friend was the one that !

orchestrated the kidnapping along with an enemy from my past.” I explained as I leaned on the only desk in the alpha’s office. I felt like my legs shook for a second. I cleared my throat, “We will rescue them in due time. Let us go back to the talks about the upcoming war.” I knew Mia, Yuri and Jaila meant well but their looks of concern pr icked me. Mia sat back down. “The moon goddess told me the location of the final battlefield. She said it was going to be in Mexico. We have to prepare before we leave.” I continued. I opened my mouth to resume the discussions but a knock interrupted me. We all looked towards the door. “Come in.” Dante said and the alpha of the pack we are currently in opened the door. The alpha bowed to Dante before he began to speak.

“The alphas you said I should watch out for are here.” The alpha said and Dante nodded. “Is there a bigger place we can hold a meeting?” I asked. This alpha’s office was too small. It would not be able to contain the alphas from the packs all over the world. “Yes.” The alpha said, “Please follow me.” We all followed him to a bigger room with a long desk. “Please lead those alphas in.” I instructed the alpha, “You should come too.” Dante’s phone rang and he answered the call. A few seconds later, he hung up. “What’s wrong?” I asked Dante. “It is nothing. Only ninety percent of the alphas spread all over the world are here. The rest are on their way. Thee is still a small number of alphas that don’t want to heed my call.” Dante said. “We have already gathered enough. Don’t worry about the rest that had refused to come. They willFrom NôvelDrama.Org.

face. their punishments later.” I said to Dante. The moment I finished speaking, the alpha of the pack we are staying in came in with the other alphas that just arrived. “What’s your name?” I asked the alpha that hosted us. “Clark.” The alpha replied. “Everyone, please sit.” I commanded. I did not want to seem weak to these alphas. No one would like to follow any leader that looked like a weakling. I needed their respect. Without their respect, navigating this war would be a tedious task. Besides, all these alphas are males. I did not want them to undermine my authority because of my gender. I had to show them a powerful front. The brief grief I felt when Mia mentioned my kids was hidden behind an emotionless mask. They all sat down. “War is coming.” I began. All their eyes shot to me with alarming accuracy. I almost flinched but Dante shifted closer to me and all the pressure disappeared. This was one of the flaws of being an omega. Alphas affect omegas. My physique was enhanced by the moon goddess but I was still affected by a bit of the pressures they released. I can not imagine how intense the pressure would have been for other omegas. I did not tell them to tone down their pressures. It would have portrayed me in a senseless way and I would not be able to avoid the label of a weakling. Exerting their pressures and auras was a natural habit. “You might be wondering why the Lycan King called you here. It is all for the war. There is an enemy that seeks to destroy all werewolves.” I began.

Different emotions colored the alphas’ faces. Unbelief. Awe. 1 Sneers. “You should all put away that attitude.” I scanned their faces, “This situation is more serious than you think.” “Where is the evidence? We can’t do things on the basis of words alone. If we did things without any substantial clue and evidence, this world would have been in chaos already.” An alpha with deep green eyes that looked like forestry spoke up. His stern face showed the displeasure of seeing me speak. I felt like the moment he would say ‘omega’ bitingly is near. I did not hide my omega status. I wanted to roll my eyes but I was afraid it would make me look unprofessional. Still, he asked a valid question. “I don’t know if cases reporting mutated werewolves appeared in your packs or near your packs?” questioned. “Yes. Cases like that had cropped up before.” A alpha spoke up. “Yeah. My pack fended off one attack by a group of mutated werewolves last week.” Another one followed. More murmurs of agreement filled the room. “There is an evil g od behind them. This evil g od seeks to overthrow our creator, the moon goddess.” I explained. As soon as I spoke, I flinched. I sounded unreliable. “The cases reporting mutated werewolves doesn’t really support your claim of an evil g od. What if these werewolves are a new breed that the moon goddess improved on?” The same alpha with deep green eyes said again.

I sighed. This was getting harder than I thought. I felt like I was dealing with a bunch of children. These children were just mature ones. I thought these alphas would listen to what I had to say with a sense of crisis but I was mistaken. They did not experience what I went through so they were not on their toes like I was. I pray this meeting ends on a good note. Listening to them ask questions gave me a weird feeling. It felt like they were pointing out the holes in a dumb preposition. Having no substantial evidence on hand did not help matters. “The mutated werewolves aren’t a new species of werewolves.” I rebutted, “I was part of the omega warriors’ camp. During one of our latest mission, these mutated werewolves set a trap for us so they could get the true location of the camp. If that isn’t enough evidence, I don’t know what is.” Mia stood up, “I am the spokesperson the moon goddess used as a point of contact to the omega warriors. She is right. Are we going to wait until we can not do anything to fight back?” Some of the alphas held faces full of respects when they heard Mia’s words but the rest of them still kept their faces stoic. I regretted. I regretted not thinking of this scenerio. I had prided myself in being a deep thinker but I failed to consider this outcome. I should have asked the moon goddess for a way to satisfy all these alphas’ worries. It seemed like I would go the hard way. I did not want to depend too much on Dante but now, I felt like there was no other choice. I slammed my hand on the table, “You guys should listen! Keep your deep suspicions to yourselves! We are talking of something that could lead to the end of our race but you are all taking this situation with levity.” “We should have the right to ask questions about what we don’t understand.” An alpha with blue eyes spoke.

His eyes reminded me of alpha Jake, my first mate. His calm tone made it seemed like I was a child throwing tantrums. I darted a look at Dante. He got the hint. “You should all listen up.” Dante stepped forward and the alphas’ aura became more tame, “You know me very well. I would not support something without basis. The lycans are going to participate in this war. What is stopping all of you?” “Is she your mate?” The first alpha with green eyes questioned with a contemplating look on his face. He was staring at me and Dante. Dante growled in warning, “How did that information correlate with what we are discussing? Are you trying to imply that I made a decision on a whim?” The pressure emanating from Dante made the pressures from these alphas feel like a child playing house. All the alphas paled. “N-no.” The alpha with deep green eyes stammered. He had lost his arrogance, “A war you consider important enough to mobilize the lycans is grave enough for us to act. I am sorry for speaking out of line.” The alpha continued. “Get ready. Organize your troops, we would leave tomorrow morning.” Dante ordered. I smiled at him. Dante’s prestige solved what I had been battling with ease. It almost made me envious but when I think of Dante’s status as my mate, my insides warmed instead. All the envy didn’t have a place to stay. “Excuse me. Are we going to get a briefing on the plan we are to execute later?” The alpha with blue eyes that resembled alpha Jake’s said. “No. When it is time for the war, I will instruct the troops. I don’t know if there are any traitors within your packs so I would keep the plan in my mind till then.” I explained, “It doesn’t hurt to be too cautious. Besides, we don’t know if Daemon, the evil g od would pay enough price to reveal any plans we make

to his minions.” The alpha’s remained silent but I did not care. I had done my part. “Let’s go home.” I said to Dante as I leaned into his arms. “Okay.” Dante kissed my head before leading me out of the room.

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