The Mafia Contract Series

Chapter 21

Our study period is over, and I head to history, bumping into Sammy on the way. She’s walking with the friend I saw her with last night and she calls me over. “Hey, Winter!”

I head their way thinking how strange this all is, to me, anyway, and when I reach them, Sammy says in a whisper, “Word is out about Eden and Brianna. Apparently, they’re not in class and the video has gone viral. I wouldn’t want to be them right now.”

Susan nods. “I can’t believe that happened. In fact, I can’t believe anything that happened last night, especially you, Sammy.”

I look at her sharply because I wonder what she told her friend, and she shrugs, looking slightly guilty. “It was a moment of madness, but the kind of madness that makes you want a repeat performance.”

Susan shakes her head. “I wonder what Jefferson will say. He’s bound to have heard by now.”

“He has.”

Sammy’s smug grin is at odds with how I left her last night and it strikes me she’s enjoying the notoriety a little too much for my liking.

“He called this morning and wants to talk. He’s as mad as a jealous dog and wants to sort things out.”

Looking at her friend, I notice the pain in her eyes and wonder about their friendship. Three’s a crowd and certainly when it concerns a guy and I wonder what will happen between them. Both girls have given themselves up for a casual fuck against a wall and any sympathy I had for Sammy is decreasing by the second.

“I should, um, go.” I try to get away, but Sammy says cheerily, “Max is throwing a party tomorrow night. Why don’t you come, bring that guy of yours too?”

“He’s not my guy.”

Just the thought of it makes me sad because of how amazing that would be.

“Then bring a friend, but please say you’ll come. They throw the best parties and I’m sure you’ll find someone to hook up with. Most of the team go there and Max’s friends are seriously hot, not to mention the man himself.

Now there’s a cock I would love to ride.”

She laughs and I say awkwardly, “Anyway, um, thanks. Yes, I’ll see you there.”

I quickly turn away because this conversation is making me uncomfortable and any pity I had is fading fast because it appears my brother was right. Sammy did plan that all along, and he was the best weapon of revenge she could wield.

I HEAD to history and take my seat, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. It’s hard being the sister of the college bully and people either hate me or want to be my friend to get close to him.

Miss. English heads inside with a bright smile, looking like a cute mom off Netflix.

I wonder if she knows how lucky she is. She’s probably got it all worked out. A sweet loving boyfriend with a good job and a house full of lovely things, with exotic vacations when semester ends.

By the end of the lesson, I feel as if I have the world on my shoulders and as I stand wearily, she says loudly, “May I have a word, Winter?”

“Sure.” I’m surprised because I don’t think I’ve missed any assignments and as the last student leaves, she closes the door and says pleasantly, “Is everything ok, honey?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

She perches on the edge of her desk and looks like the big sister I never had as she smiles sweetly. “It’s just I can sense that you’re unhappy and wondered if I can help. I’m sure you’ve got friends and people to turn to, but I understand you’re living with your brother and his friends. That can’t be easy.”

“It’s fine.” I’m guarded around strangers, especially when it concerns my brother, and even though she’s probably just being kind, I give nothing away.

Her smile is like a breath of fresh air because I react well to kindness, never having experienced much of it in my life so far and she says in a gentle voice, “I want you to know that I’m here for you. Someone you can talk to, off the record. An older woman who won’t judge, just listen and if there’s anything worrying you, or hard to deal with, know I’m on your side.”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thank you.”

I look down because it would be so good to offload this problem onto someone else. A person of authority who may just be able to help. In wild moments of foolishness, I almost believe that’s all it would take. A word in the right ear, someone to take me under their wing and call the authorities in to remove me from my father’s care. Then I wake up and realize there’s nobody on earth powerful enough to make that happen because the moment I leave, he would hunt me down and bring me right back home. The best way to deal with my father and my situation is to bide my time. Keep my head down and hope to God Angelo has a plan because the future’s looking dark for me and I doubt Miss. English could ever imagine what that feels like.

She says kindly, “You should head to your next class, but take this.” She hands me a small, printed card. “It’s my details and if you ever need me, just call.”

“Why me, Miss. English?” I’m puzzled about that, and she says softly, “Because I see the unhappiness in your eyes and I can’t bear it. Like you, I had a difficult upbringing. My father was cold and aggressive and beat my mom.”

I’m surprised to hear that, and it must show because she shrugs. “Don’t let your childhood define you as a person. It’s such a fleeting moment in a person’s life. As soon as I could, I ran away and headed to the furthest point I could and worked my way through college and into teacher training. I took charge of my life and have never regretted a second of that.” She sighs. “I suppose I see myself in you. The girl I was when I thought the world was against me. It doesn’t have to be that way and from one runaway to possibly another, I can tell you now, the world isn’t half as scary as they have you believe. There’s so much we can do to disappear, and I know all the tricks, so, what do you say, come to me if you need my help, or just to vent. Either way, I’m here for you.”

She stands and reverts to the teacher she is as her next class files through the door.

“You may go, Winter. Think on what I’ve told you.”

I head out past the curious stares and whispered words and blink away the tears before they reveal my weakness to the rest of them. Could it be that easy? Part of me wants to try at least. Maybe not all hope is lost, after all.


Looking up, I’m surprised to see Malik waiting for me, looking antsy and the dark shadow in his eyes makes me shiver. He terrifies me because of all of them, he’s the unknown. A dark, disturbing force to be reckoned with, an assassin and a deadly weapon. Maybe it’s his Arabic features and hooded eyes. Maybe it’s the piercing gaze that makes you feel he knows your secrets way better than you. A master manipulator and destroyer of souls; it certainly feels like that.

“Why are you here?” I feign boredom as he falls into step beside me.

“You’ve got a problem.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

I’m mildly curious though and sigh. “Ok, what is it?”


“What about him?”

He wants you back at the house. Someone slipped a note under the door last night and it’s not looking good for you.”

My heart starts thumping and I feel the panic rising. “What note? What does it say?”

“Ask your brother. I’m just the one making sure you get there.”

As we walk, I try to distract my mind from whatever this could be and side eye my escort.

“What’s your plan after graduation?”

“Head home, take my place in the family business. Usual shit.”

“Where’s home?”


“Wow, that’s far. Why did they send you here?”

“To make connections.”

“And have you?”

“Yes, but maybe not the ones they hoped for.”

He laughs softly and almost appears human for a second.

“Do you mind going back?”

“Not really. It’s my home and familiar. Then again, I couldn’t give a shit if I never saw it again either. You see, I’ve never set down roots and have an urge to travel, anyway.”

“Then why don’t you?” I’m curious to see if Malik is as much a prisoner as the rest of us, and he shrugs. “I might.”

“And if you go home, what will that involve?”

He stops and as he turns, I see the same madness in him that they all share.

“Violence, pain and imprisonment.” He laughs bitterly. “Trapped in a loveless marriage and drawn into darker dealings that make your own look like fairy stories. Murder, intimidation and plans to bring down kings and continents. Wealth is all that matters in my country and making sure you have more than anyone. That is my future; sound familiar, Winter.”

My heart sinks because we are all the same. At least I don’t live with the horror that their jobs will bring. I just need to deal with the sexual and mental abuse, so I suppose I’ve got off lightly, which makes me smile.

“Do you find that funny, Winter?”

“Sorry.” I shake my head. “I was just thinking I get off lightly compared to your future and the rest of them. It made me laugh to think my future was better than yours.”

He nods. “We’re all dreading graduation day. None of us really have control of our lives. We do as we’re told because there is no other option. The trick will be to do it better than anyone else, and then maybe we have a chance to change things.”

He appears a little warmer somehow and whispers, “I have two words to prepare you for what’s coming.”

“What are they?” My heart starts thumping and he whispers, “The Kiss.”

The bottom drops out of my world because why were we so stupid?

Kissing Alessandro outside where anyone could see us and now I know exactly why my brother is calling me back.

Malik starts walking at a brisker pace and I have no option but to follow him but it’s not me I’m worried about, and I hope he hasn’t already ‘spoken’ to Alessandro.

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