Xavier’s POV

Two shots ring out as I watch the bullet pierce the forehead of the two men straddling Andre.

Vicenzo is nowhere to be found but I know he is behind this. I know these are his men. I know this is his handiwork.

Setting my anger aside, I take forceful steps towards her on the floor, staring at her pale white face and wondering what on earth they must have done to her.

I told her not to move an inch.

I told her not to go anywhere without the guards.

But she defied me yet again.

Vicenzo abruptly ended our so-called conversation and my intuition was right the very moment I turned back to go back to my seat to see her absence.

I was seething in anger. But it vanished and got replaced with anxiety when she didn’t appear after a moment.

Mathew had seen her going towards the bathroom and the moment I heard the loud sound of a gun, I knew there was trouble.

“Vicenzo and the others have fled”, Mathew rushes back into the restroom to inform me while I am still standing over her.

I nod. Quickly, I pick her up as her eyes flutter open. She can barely keep them open as they close back on their accord.

Now I know what it is.

Andre has been drugged.

She is reacting to whatever it is that has been infused into her system because this is new to her.

Adrenaline shoots down my spine and my jaws tighten at the thought of what I will do to Vicenzo when next we cross paths.

I always knew he was waiting for an opportunity to get back at me.

“Xavier”, a soft voice calls to me making me look down at the petite woman I am carrying in my arms. Her eyes are still closed but she opens them again and asks. “Where are we going?”

Her voice comes out in a whisper. I do not answer but watch her shut down her eyes totally in a slumber.

She should feel better when she is awake, I think to myself as I stroll out through the back door, worrying about whether the party will end abruptly or not.

A car is already waiting for us. As soon as Mathew throws the back door open for us, I drop her in and enter beside her. Carefully, I place her head on my shoulder so as not to interrupt her sleep.

She looks really peaceful and small. I wonder how she must have felt when she was attacked by those men. And I really hope they didn’t do more than drugging her.

Instantly, I growl at the thought of her being groped or touched. No one dares touch my woman. Vicenzo will surely pay for this.

She must have been terrified.

The car roars to life and I keep staring down at her in complete worry till we get to the mansion.

Maybe it is too early to expose her to all of these. I should probably prepare her for what it means to be married to me. What it takes to be married to a Mafia Leader.

Maybe it is also high time she got to know who I am too.

A Mafia just like she had predicted and asked the other night. Instead of ignoring her, I should have answered her truthfully that I am more deadly than she thinks.

Obviously, she isn’t Andre.

This is enough reason.

A possessive side I never knew flares to life as I watch her chest rise and fall, her cleavages in full view.

Did those idiots touch her breast?

A hiss escapes my lips while I quickly look away, blood rushing through my veins at the remembrance of the fear in her eyes as well as the relief that washed down her face when she saw me.

As soon as the car gets to the parking lot, the door is thrown open and I raise her head from my shoulder carefully to step out. Then I pick her up and begin to stride to the front door.

In the last twenty minutes, I haven’t said a single word. All I can feel is waves of different emotions; possessiveness, anger, relief and anxiety.

All I hope for right now is for her to be fine. For this drug not to be too powerful for her to take.

My arms tighten around her as I take the staircase up to our room. Just before I can enter with Mathew trailing behind me in silence, she moves and murmurs a word I can barely make out.

Mathew and I exchange glances and he opens the door for me to enter.

I walk in, striding to the bed hurriedly. As soon as I am close, I drop her in and watch her murmur another word before she goes still.

With a wave of the hand, I signal Mathew away and he goes out, shutting the door silently behind him.

I drag a chair close to the bed and slouch in to watch her. A few minutes later, she begins to toss in bed, making me jump in next to her, holding her in my arms.

She goes tense, her eyes opening slowly to meet my gaze. She tries to smile at me but it only comes out in a wince. Then she opens her mouth to say something but no word comes out.

Her breath is the only thing that fans my face and neck region before she closes her mouth back, forcing her eyes to open widely.

With every tense muscle in my body, I watch, drinking in her beauty and the soft sound of her breath. My eyes constantly flickering to the rise and fall of her chest, pushing me over the edge with my overriding emotions.

Realizing what I am doing, I pull back. I yank myself away from her, my arms feeling the absence of her soft body on mine. Before I can get down from the bed, she holds my hand.

“Sebastian…”, she murmurs again, making me raise a brow in confusion.

Sebastian? Who the hell is that?

My jaws clench in anger at the thought of him being one of her ex. Why the hell is she calling his name now of all time?

Furiously, I try to pull away again but her grip on me is tighter. She seems stronger than ever before and I guess it’s the effect of the damn drugs.

I sit with my back to her as she holds onto me. Silence ensues; no form of movement or speech from her anymore and it seems like she is deeply asleep now.

Still determined to get out of bed and sit on the chair to watch her all night, I make to stand up when she cries out, letting go of me eventually.

It comes out in a whimper. Pain slashes through her expression as her mouth drops open, a tear rolling down her eyes.

“Please…please…”, she pleads, making something tug at my heart as I watch in horror.

What the hell have they done to her? Was I late? Was she abused? Was she harassed? Did they do more than drugging her?

I sink back into the bed and wrap my arms around her protectively, different questions racing through my head.

I stare at her profile as she goes back to being calm. I don’t want my woman like this. I don’t want my woman to be weak. I want her to be fearless. I guess this was why I wanted Andre so badly because I knew she was fearless.

Jasmine is different. She isn’t Andre.

Jasmine is timid and soft, unlike Andre who is fearless and confident.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

This is more reason why I should protect her. Kill any single idiot who dares to lay a hand on her. As well as getting her prepared for what it takes to be my wife.

I might have wanted to marry Andre but I don’t regret marrying someone else who isn’t her because I am willing to do all it takes to protect her.

While she sleeps, I watch in awe at her beautiful oval-shaped face, finally admitting to myself that Jasmine was right all along and I was in the wrong.

She is my mistaken bride.

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