The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

I could feel the air stretching as everyone stared at me and Audrey. It felt like time had stopped briefly as every eye bored into me and my daughter. I could feel their stares even though I wasn’t looking at them and they began to whisper. The whispers felt louder than they should have, they grated on my cars and it was like I could hear every single word they said.

I glanced at my mother who tried to reach down and take Audrey from me but Audrey refused to let go of my skirts. I leaned down and picked her up then placed her right in my lap so she was sitting with her legs on either side of my thighs and her head was buried into my chest.

“I’m sorry for the interruption,” I made sure my voice was as clear as day as I spoke, “The rules never apply to our children, and even if they did, children always seem to run with their own set of rules.”

“Is she yours?” one of the Alpha’s asked.

I turned to him, I haven’t seen him before. He was a lot older than me, I would say mid forties with a bald head and brown eyes. He is a bit on the pudgy side with beady eyes and a button nose. I could see him eyeing Audrey with curiosity and interest kind of like the others were doing.

“Yes she is,” I admitted and I heard rather than saw Ryker inhale sharply.

The action unwillingly brought my eyes to his and I saw that he was no longer looking at me, he was staring at Audrey with a million emotions in his eyes. I saw him fist his fingers on the table and I knew he wanted nothing more than to reach out and just touch her.

“You didn’t tell me that we had a daughter,” I would have understood if those words came from Ryker but I followed the sound down the table to where Tyson was now on his feet. “I deserved to meet her.”

He started making his way towards me and I turned to the guards who instantly blocked his way to me but he wasn’t interested in going down quietly. I glanced at Ryker who was now looking at me with confusion.

“She’s not yours Tyson,” I said simply. “Not in blood and not in any other way.”

“You don’t know that, it might have been one time but one time is all it takes.”

“It wasn’t one time,” I spat as I placed my hands over Audrey’s ears so she wouldn’t hear me, “It was rape and no, I wasn’t pregnant for you so you can sit the f**k down or you can get out.”

Tyson was stunned, I don’t think I curse that much and I don’t think he has ever seen me curse. Even Ryker and my mother looked taken aback at my choice of words but I didn’t seem to care anymore.

I stood to my feet and balanced Audrey on my hip as I spoke, “This meeting is officially over.”

As if possessed, all the Alphas rose and darted out the front doors except Tyson and Ryker. Tyson was still being restrained by guards but Ryker was standing in front of his seat and his eyes kept darting between me and Audrey.

“Is she mine?” his voice was as soft as a feather and I could tell that he was hoping for one answer but bracing himself for another.

I guess Christine was right when she said it would happen sooner or later, I was expecting it to be a lot later.

I nodded, “Yes, she is.”

“That’s bullsh it,” Tyson yelled out, “That little girl is mine, I am her father.”

“Shut up!” my mother’s voice boomed through the halls leaving everyone staring at her in shock.

She stood to her feet and leveled a harsh look at both men before walking over to me and stroking Audrey’s hair softly. Audrey still had her head buried into my shoulder and I hated the fact that she had to be present for this conversation but I know she will refuse to go with anyone else and I have to be here.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” mother spat at Tyson, “Making such a stu pid scene in front of not only the other Alphas but in front of a child.”

“I just want a claim to my-,”

“I don’t give a sh it what you want,” she spat, “If Camilla says you aren’t the father then you aren’t. There is no way to know for sure unless by the words of Camilla but if you are so sure that she is yours, then bring proof of the last time you were with Camilla by tomorrow or this evening and you will have your answer.”

Tyson opened his mouth to complain but when he was leveled a look, he decided against it and stormed out of the room. I watched him carefully wondering if he was going to do anything crazy but he didn’t. He exited the room and soon it was just Ryker, my mother and I.

“I will leave you two alone,” mother said and with a soft squeeze of my shoulder, she walked out.

The door shut behind her and something about it felt so final. The air was thick with tension and charging. It felt like a live wire had been let loose and ignited between us. I haven’t been alone with Ryker in four years and if anything, our bond has become stronger.

I can feel the pull to him like I can feel Audrey in my arms. It was strong and charged and I wanted nothing more than to run to him and just let him hold me but I couldn’t and I knew that so I put on my best expressionless mask and turned to him.

His eyes were filled with so many questions and he slowly left his seat and walked around the table until he was standing right in front of me. He lifted his hand and at first I thought he wanted to touch Audrey but then his hand came dangerously close to my cheek and I took a step back.

“Why did you leave?” I expected this question to come up but I didn’t expect it now. “I looked for you for days. I thought the rogues had you, I didn’t know where you went. It was like one minute you were there and the

next, you weren’t.”

“Don’t act so innocent,” I couldn’t take the bitterness out of my tone, “you know exactly why I left.” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t, I thought about it for days wondering if I did something,” there was so much sincerity in his eyes and if I hadn’t seen what happened with my own eyes then I might have been tempted to believe him.

“it doesn’t matter anyway,” I said dismissively, “You’re here for her not me.”

His eyes went back to Audrey instantly and his hand moved forward to run through her curls. On impact, she pushed further into me and Ryker immediately pulled his hand away.

“Hi Audrey,” he whispered and as if she recognized his voice, she turned to him, “It’s Ryker, do you remember me?”

Audrey turned to me as if asking for permission to talk to him and I nodded. She still didn’t let go of me but she nodded in response to his question and I saw his face break out into a smile.

She looked around the room and when she saw how empty it was, she started to wiggle and Ijput her on the floor. She rushed over to Ryker and wrapped her arms around his legs. There was an

unreadable expression on his face that I would only describe as pure happiness and joy. He bent down until he was at her level and he ran his hands through her hair softly.

“Audrey,” I began and she turned to me, “Do you remember how you asked me about your dad a while ago? It was when Steven had a baby and you asked if he would be called mummy too.”

She nodded eagerly, “You said Steven is a daddy because he’s a boy and you’re a mummy because you’re a girl.”

“Well, Ryker is your daddy,” for a split second there was no reaction on her face and she angled her head to the side as if she was gauging the news and turning it over in her head.

Ryker was literally holding his breath as he waited for her to react and then in a split second she threw her arms around him again. She made a sound that sounded like a scream and a squeal and started to jump around on her tiny legs.

“I have a daddy,” she squealed and it seemed like she was more excited about the prospect of having a dad than who it was.

She lifted up her arms for him to pick her up and he looked at me first as if asking for permission and I nodded. He wasted no time in lifting her and balancing her one hip. Looking at them side by side, anyone would know that they are related.

She looks exactly like him. She has his eyes and his nose, she has thick and long lashes just like he does. The only thing she actually has of me are my hair and my lips, that’s it. I felt my heart clench as I watched Audrey speak so animatedly and with barely concealed excitement.

Ryker was paying rapt attention to everything that she was saying and he kept nodding along as if he wanted to hear more. It felt like such a private moment and I couldn’t help but feel like I was actually

interfering or tre spa ssing.

A part of me realized that I should have done this a long time ago. I should have told him about his daughter but that would have meant going to him or having to explain to him why I left. I wasn’t ready then and I still don’t think I am ready now but I am in a better place of mind now than when I was before.

“Mummy,” Audrey’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to her. “Are you and daddy mates like Steven and Carla?”

I was unsure of how to answer the question so I stayed quiet. Suddenly, it was like the tension was back and I could feel Ryker’s eyes on me as he waited for me to answer our daughter. He could have answered her and we both knew that but he was giving me the chance to say whatever it was I wanted to say and I knew that no matter my answer, he would respect it.

“Yes, we are,” she looked so excited so I added, “But it is complicated and we aren’t together right now.”

Her smile fell, “why not?”

I let out a deep sigh, “Why don’t we talk about this later? We have to get you back upstairs and your dad has to leave.

“I don’t want him to leave,” she pouted and she clung to him tighter.


He whispered something in her ear and she frowned but nodded and reluctantly allowed him put her down then walked towards the door where Steven was waiting. I nodded to him and he took her out of the room, preferably to her room.


It was just me and Ryker and he reached out to me but I took a step back so I was out of his reach.

“You can see her within the palace walls, but only when I am aware,” I told him, “She usually wakes up by 7 or 8 and has breakfast before 9. You can see her anytime from 9:30 or 10 depending on how soon I can get her ready.”

“Camilla,” he reached for me again but I leveled a hard look at him.

“I have to go and you have to get back to your room.”

“I don’t know what I did, but I am sorry.” His voice cracked on the last word but I couldn’t allow him break my defenses again so I turned on my heels.

I waited until I got to the door before I spoke, “Sorry doesn’t fix things.”

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