The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 I didn’t know where the sound was coming from, and it took Ryker wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest for me to realize that it came from me. I was the one who was screaming but how did I not know? I couldn’t process any of my thoughts. There was only one sentence repeating over and over again in my head and that was, ‘I need to find Audrey’. Guards rushed into the room at my screams and I couldn’t even form the words to tell them what they needed to do. It was Ryker who instructed them to search the castle for Audrey and also showed them the open window. I could barely process the conversation around me, I just kept wondering how someone managed to sneak into the room and take my daughter right under our noses. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I paced the room. Normally my first thought would have been Tyson considering that tantrum he threw earlier but he was with us at the exact moment she went missing and unless he can be in two places at once then there is no way that he took her. While Ryker spoke to the guards, I found myself detangling from his hold and walking into the bathroom. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn’t bother giving him an explanation. I searched the bathroom and then the closet. Ryker must have realized what I was doing because he quickly dismissed the guards and walked over to me. He waited until the door clicked shut behind us before he spoke. “Talk to me,” he breathed softly. “I want you to use your words and tell me what’s going on.” “What is going on is that my daughter is missing,” I tried to drag my hand out of his grip but he refused to let me. “Ryker, I need to look for her. She could just be playing a rude game of hide and seek.” “Our daughter, Camilla,” he corrected before sighing. “She isn’t here and you know it. But don’t worry, we will find her. Whoever took her cannot have gone far.” “We don’t even know when she was taken!” I couldn’t stop the yell before it came out of my mouth. “We were in this castle doing heavens knows what and our daughter was taken from right underneath our noses. I knew it was a bad idea for us to get back together. We should have never-,” Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Camilla, don’t do that, please. We had nothing to do with her being taken. I know you’re upset but this isn’t going to make it any better.” “We should have been here.” “Maybe, but we can’t start thinking about the ifs or you are going to make yourself sick,” he said and I sniffled quietly. “We are going to find her, I promise you that. We will find her and we will bring her back home and this will all be like a bad dream.” I wanted to believe him because it was a better alternative than thinking my daughter could be dead or sold or tortured. I nodded and he pulled me into his chest as the first tear slipped free.

While he was holding me, I heard the door behind us open. I turned in Ryker’s arms to see my mother and Christine walking towards us. If either of them was surprised that I was with Ryker in front of them, they didn’t show it. Instead, they- had worry etched on their faces. “I heard what happened,” mother said first. “I have sent the guards to scour the surrounding areas of the castle. If Audrey left a scent or she is still here then they will find her. Do you remember what exactly she was wearing?” I nodded, “She was in her white pajama set with butterflies on it. I think her hair was in a ponytail because she said it was getting into her eyes.” I hated the way my voice cracked. “She wasn’t wearing shoes because she was on the bed but I don’t know if they took the time out to put shoes on her.” “It’s okay,” I heard Ryker mutter in my ear softly as he stroked my back and I think that was the exact moment that mother actually noticed our position. Her eyes narrowed slightly and then she had a look of amusement before raising one brow at me in a silent question. I didn’t even have the me ntal energy to rise to her banter so I just shrugged. She gave me a look that told me she would be asking about it later and then her expression went back to stoic and sympathetic. “Camilla, are you in any position to go with one of the search parties?” mother asked and I nodded immediately. “If Audrey can hear us then she is more than likely to respond to you calling her.” “Of course,” I pulled away from Ryker and wiped at my tears. “Just tell me where I need to be.”

“There are four search parties so we can split up. You go with one, Ryker goes with the other and same for me and Christine. Audrey knows all of us and if she is in a position to answer, she will most likely respond to our call.” My eyes widened when I realized that she was offering to leave the safety of the palace to help me find Audrey. “You would do that for us.” “She’s my granddaughter Camilla. I want her back home just as much as you do.” She gave me a soft smile and I held back a so b. “The search parties will leave in five minutes. That should give you enough time to get everything you need. I recommend you put on something more comfortable like breeches and hold a coat because we might be out late.” Mother left soon after and I wasted no time in rushing to my room to get changed. I changed into my favorite pair of riding gear. It is all leather pants with a button up shirt and boots. It isn’t usual riding gear as most women were dresses but I couldn’t bring myself to care and was actually grateful that mother gave me this alternative when I came to the palace. It took me less than five minutes to get changes and once I was out, I could see that everyone else was dressed too. Mother led us to the front of the palace where the search parties were waiting and in that moment, I realized why she was Queen. She was formidable as she instructed everyone on what to do and I couldn’t help but watch with awe. Just as we were about to leave, I saw Riley walk up to us. She had a careful and also suspicious look on her face as she watched each of us carefully. “What’s going on?” she asked but no one gave her a response and then she turned to Ryker. “Where are you going?” “We’re going to find Audrey,” he said and her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off. “I’ll explain it all when I get back, I promise.” He kissed her forehead and she nodded then he turned back to his search party and they disappeared into the woods. I caught Riley staring at me with an unreadable expression in her eyes and when she caught my eye, she nodded subtly and walked away. I don’t know how long we searched for Audrey but my voice became h o ar se. I yelled out for her at

every opportunity and even when the sky grew dark, we took out flash lights and continued to search. We searched every cave, every stream and every road we could find. We overturned every leaf and rock but Audrey simply wouldn’t appear. From the moment the sky went dark, I knew we wouldn’t be finding her. I only hoped that the others would have better luck. It wasn’t until the moon was high in the sky that we decided we were going to return to the castle. Spirits were low and no one spoke a single word as we made our way back. I could tell that they were either as worried as I was or they just didn’t want to risk upsetting me. By the time we got to the palace, Christine’s search party was already there. I looked at her with high hopes and she shook her head softly. I couldn’t help the little s ob that broke free from me but I managed to clamp down on the tears so they wouldn’t fall. I couldn’t risk crying in front of the guards especially a few days to coronation Sh it! The coronation, I don’t know what is going to happen but I do know that I have no intentions of holding it if Audrey isn’t here. I made a me ntal note to talk to mother about it once I had calmed down. I knew she would agree because she wouldn’t be that cruel as to force me to stand in front of thousands of people for a ceremony while my daughter was goddess knows where. The other two search parties returned and neither of them had found anything. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream at the goddess and ask why she allowed my child be taken but no words could come out of my lips. Instead, I nodded quietly as they all told me the bad news and I thanked the guards for searching then I walked inside. I could tell that Ryker wanted to follow me and he had questions but I ignored him and I walked up the stairs into my room. I locked the door behind me so no one would bother me and I made my way into the bathroom. I sat in the tub for at least thirty minutes before I even made a move to wash myself. My movements were almost mechanical, I couldn’t bring myself to come to terms with what was happening. By the time I got out, I changed into my light pink nightgown because Audrey loved it the most and I made my way to the bed. I was shocked however to get there and see a piece of paper lying there. I

picked it up and read what was on it and with each word, my mouth fell open wider and my eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of their sockets. I didn’t care that I was in a night gown, I rushed out of my room and ran down the hallways until I got to my mother’s office. She wasn’t there and I knew the only other place she could be was her room so I took off. I knocked on her door louder and harder than I normally would have but I didn’t care. When she opened the door, she took in my features. “Why are you walking around the palace with bare feet?” I looked down and realized that I was in fact bare footed but I didn’t care. I pushed past her into her room and she watched me carefully before locking the door behind her. “What is it?” she asked and I handed her the note. She stared at it carefully for a second before she took it from me. I saw her expression morph from confusion to shock and back to neutral. She didn’t need to read it out loud because even though I had read it only once, I could recite the entire letter word for word. I have your daughter and she is safe for now. You have something I want and I have something you want. I think we can come to a mutual understanding. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse in the district. I’ll take you to my hideout from there. I’ll tell you what it is that you owe me and this can end without any casualties. Do not respond and I will take something else. Attached to the bottom of the note was a lock of Audrey’s hair.

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