The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 121


The witch was Anya’s mother all along. That’s why she lied to protect her before she died. It all made so much sense. The witch knew so much about our family because she was Anya’s mother the entire time. She had so much information about us because of Anya. She must have sent her into our lives to destroy our family. It was a sick twisted plan that started years ago when Anya first entered our lives. Was this the reason that Damon, Atticus, and Dante think she was their mate?

It would explain so much. It would explain why Atticus fell in love with Autumn and found out that she was his true mate. It would explain my feelings for Damon and his feelings for me.

Anya was never their mate, to begin with. Did this mean that Damon was mine? I’ve always felt such a strong connection to him, but I thought it would be impossible for him to be my mate when Anya was his.

Now I realized that all along, he was mine. He’s been mine this entire time.

This would mean that Dante only loved her because of a spell as well. Anya would be a witch just like her mother. She must have used a spell on all of them. She’d hidden so much from us.

Why did we ever accept her into our lives? Why did we allow her to cause so much trouble for us?

What else was she planning? She must have been plotting something else after her mother was killed. Her mother’s plan to get rid of us had failed; she would want to finish the job for her.

I had all the proof I needed to expose her to everyone. But I needed to get to them before the wedding began.

“I’m a friend of your sister,” I explain. “She’s getting married to someone close to me today.”

Her eyes widened, “married?” she demanded. “That’s impossible. Anya wouldn’t keep something that big from me.”

She doesn’t realize how much her sister has been keeping from her. There was so much more. I didn’t have the time to explain everything to her. I had to take her with me so that she could see what her sister had been up to.

“If you come with me, I can show you that I’m not lying to you,” I tell her. “The wedding is happening at my home as we speak. I need to get back there right away.”

She bites her lip nervously as she looks around. “Anya never likes it when I leave home.”

“I’m sure she can understand this one time why you had to leave,” I tell her.

She still looks uncertain but eventually nods her head.

It was time to get back home. It was time to expose Anya.

. . . . . . .


“What are you doing here?” Anya demands when she sees me. “You’re not supposed to be here. Are you impatient to see what I look like in my wedding dress?”

I didn’t know how to tell her that the wedding was off. I didn’t know how to say it without hurting her feelings.

Since when have I ever made such bad decisions that affected everyone around me? Every decision of mine recently has been extremely stupid.

“We need to talk,” I tell her gently.

Her eyes narrow, “we don’t have time to talk, Damon! The ceremony is about to start, and I don’t want to be late!”

I swallow and take a look around me. I couldn’t even look her in the eyes.

I mutter a few silent curses under my breath.

“What’s wrong?” she asks when she realizes my weird behavior.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Anya, but there isn’t going to be a ceremony.” I finally say. “I’m sorry. This wedding can’t happen today.”

Her mouth opens as her eyes widen, “what the hell do you mean by that? Of course, there’s going to be a wedding. I’m in a white dress. A white dress, Damon! There are hundreds of guests outside waiting to see us get married! I don’t care what you have to say to me, we’re going out there, and we will be married by the end of today!”

I run a hand down my face and try to remain calm. At least one of us needed to be calm under these circumstances. However, I still felt this unsettling feeling in my chest, which had nothing to do with Anya.

I was worried about Clarissa. I needed to know if she’d gotten herself into trouble again. I needed to know if Atticus had found her.

“Does this have anything to do with Clarissa?” She shouts suddenly.

Her words have shocked me to my core. Why did she ask about Clarissa? Did she already know that she was the woman I was in love with? Or did she mean something else? I had to find out.

“Why are you asking about Clarissa at a time like this?” I ask hesitantly.

I was anxious and even more uneasy than I was before. No one was supposed to know this. No one. How could I protect Clarissa if Anya knew about our secret? Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You didn’t think I would notice how you stare at her like she’s the last woman on earth?” she demands. “Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I’m blind? I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. It makes me sick to my stomach. She’s your sister, for crying out loud. I’ve always thought that Clarissa was the only sick one running after you, but when you confessed to me that night about having another woman in your heart, I knew that you felt the same way. I knew that it wasn’t just her. I wanted to believe that you loved me. I wanted to believe that you wanted to marry me. Now I knew that you had this planned all along. You never loved me. You never cared about me. She’s all you’ve ever cared about, and you know it.”

I take a step towards her in horror, “you knew all along? All this time, you knew she was the woman I was talking about?”

I couldn’t stomach this fact. She knew, and she pretended like she didn’t. Why? Why would she say nothing? How could she still be willing to marry me after knowing this?

“Of course, I knew.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask her.

What do I do now? Do I beg her not to say anything?

“I was hoping that you wouldn’t do something stupid like this.” She hissed. “If you don’t marry me today. I will make sure that every single person knows the truth about you and Clarissa! I will announce to the world that you’re in love with your sister. I’ll make sure that everyone knows she loves you too. Your family’s name will be all over. I hope you make the right decision, Damon.”

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