The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 126


I held Willow in my arms as I tried to calm her down. She wanted to run back to her sister, but I couldn’t let her. This would soon turn into a battlefield. It would be better for her to stay on our side, where we could easily protect her.

“Please,” Willow begs. “Let me go to her. I can stop this from happening. I can talk her out of it. I need some time.”

“She will not listen to you, Willow.” I try to tell her. “Here is the safest place for you. We can protect you if you’re on our side.”

“Please don’t kill her.” She begs me. “She’s all that I have. Please don’t kill her. I beg of you.”

I tried to reassure her, but even I wasn’t sure if Anya would make it out alive today. It all depends on her actions. I didn’t want to take away Willow’s only family member, but if she tried to harm my family, I could do nothing to stop her death.

“Bring my sister back to me and kill whoever you must to get to her,” Anya orders the witches around her. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

We were stronger than all of them combined. What was she thinking? Did she intentionally want to get herself killed?

Griffin and Atticus shifted into their wolves, guarding the rest of us. Autumn moves further back, preparing herself to attack if she needs to.

I know the moment the first witch attacks us, I feel it. But the pain doesn’t last long; it’s all thanks to Autumn. She’s been practicing her power. She knows how to shield us from their spells, but it wouldn’t last long. We will have to attack while she is giving us the advantage.

Atticus doesn’t even wait a second before he lifts his head back and howls loudly. It was a howl to alert the pack that we were in trouble. I didn’t think we needed them, however, it was always a good idea to call for backup.

Griffin attacks first, and Atticus goes next. We stood back and examined our surroundings, I expected more witches to come out and try to surprise us, but so far, these witches seemed like our only problem.

Grandfather joins in with my adoptive parents next.

“They don’t even seem to need our help,” Autumn whispers next to me.

“Please,” Willow begs once more. “Please let her live. I know what she did was wrong, but please, don’t hurt her.”

Hearing the pain in her voice tugged at my heart. We never wanted to hurt Anya. She annoyed the hell out of us, and she did very unforgivable things, but we never wanted to kill her. Especially not now when we knew how kind her sister was.

“I can’t stop them much longer,” Autumn tells me. “The pain will return. We’re going to have to keep going despite it.”

I nod. I was prepared to take the pain. Our family had already killed three of the witches. There were four left, and then there was Anya.

I knew Autumn didn’t want to use her full power for fear of anyone trying to come for her again after what happened in the past. I didn’t want her to use it either. That would bring more trouble for us than Anya did.

She would be left for last.

Dante was refusing to fight. He didn’t want to hurt Anya, but I knew he would step in if someone in our family got hurt.

How could Anya give up someone like him? She could have been happy. She could have gotten everything. If she wanted money and power, Dante would have happily given everything he had to her. He would have given her sister a good life as well.

All she had to be was honest from the start. She should have never taken her mother’s battle as her own. She should have done the right thing and told us the truth.

“It’s happening now!” Autumn shouts to alert the rest of us.

Damon jumps in after her warning. He takes down another witch within a second by catching her off- guard. He grabs her by her neck and rips her head off her body. I wince at her screams before she died.

“Stop this now, Anya!” I shout. “Your sister doesn’t want to watch you die. We can’t protect you if you keep going. Think about her! She needs you! She needs her sister.”

I don’t know why I’m trying to protect her. Maybe it’s because of Willow, or perhaps it’s because I cared for her without even knowing it. We did spend plenty of years around each other. Even though it wasn’t the best time of my life, it was still time spent together.

Another howl rocks our surroundings, and I know what that means. The pack was on its way. They were close. These witches did not stand a chance. If they wanted to live, they would have to run.

Was this all Anya had planned? Did she have others willing to help her that didn’t know she needed their help? Did she think that this would be enough to kill us?

“Okay!” Anya shouts suddenly when there’s just her and two other witches left. “You’re right. I don’t want to die. I want to live for my sister.”

Everyone pauses mid-battle.

“Bring her to me.” She begs me. “Please just bring her so that I can leave and never come back. I promise never to bother your family again. All I want is my sister back.”

Damon’s wolf looks at me, and I can tell that he doesn’t want me to listen to her.

When I make one step forward, he shifts back into his human form. I know he wants to tell me to stop, but no word comes out of his mouth as he watches me walk closer and closer to Anya.

Could I trust her? Was she offering peace between our families, or was this a trap?

My entire family was on alert. They watched her like a hawk, waiting for her to try something stupid.

Willow’s hold on my hand tightens, and I slowly hand her over to Anya.

Anya smiles and hugs her sister tightly to her. “I love you so much, Willow. I love you.”

It was good to see them embrace. Was this indeed the end? Was the battle over?

“But I’m sorry. I can never forgive them for what they did.”

I frown.

Before I can understand her words, she pushes Willow onto the ground and tries to stab me with the knife. I gasp in shock, but before her knife can touch me, a blade is pierced straight through her heart. Anya cries out at the pain, and I’m surprised to see Damon behind her.

How did he get here so quickly? He’s looking at his hands like he can’t believe he’d just stabbed her. The pack surrounds us then, and the other two witches have nowhere to run and hide.

Anya drops to the ground with her mouth and eyes wide open.

A piercing scream touches my ear, and I look down to find Willow screaming her sister’s name.


I tried to stop it. I tried to prevent Willow from losing her sister.

Why couldn’t Anya just let it go? Why did she have to do this to herself?


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