The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 161



“Tell me you’re lying!” I scream. “Tell me you’re lying to me! Tell me Damon is still alive!”

This couldn’t be happening. I’ve loved him for so long that I can’t imagine not having him in my life anymore. Skyler had to be lying to me. He just had to be. I wanted to grab onto his shirt and demand that he tells me the truth.

“I’m sorry, princess.” He apologizes. “Damon is dead. You should feel the broken bond by now, you never completed the mate bond with him, but I’m sure you can still feel the loss of him.”

“Nooo,” I scream as I cover my ears.

“Let me go!” Autumn shouts. “She needs me. Please let me go to her!”

“If you want to go to her, you must find the strength to break free on your own, Autumn. Just like you’ve done in the past.” He answers her. “However, it isn’t going to be as easy as before. I’ve made sure to add a little extra this time.”

Something wasn’t right. Whatever he’d put inside of me, it was finally beginning to affect me.

“What did you do?” I demand.

“Nothing that won’t help you overcome the grief of losing someone you love.” He answers me before leaving the room, leaving Autumn and me behind.

“I’m so sorry, Clarissa.” Autumn apologizes. Why was she apologizing? She wasn’t responsible for any of this.

“What have they done to me?” I cry out.

I was out of control. The fire inside of me was threatening to break free. My veins felt like they were on fire and like they were getting burnt.

The fear of Damon no longer being in my life also sent me insane. If I didn’t have him, I would lose all control. But I didn’t want to trust Skyler’s word. I had to see he was gone for myself before my world flipped upside down.

“I don’t know.” Autumn shouts as she tries to free herself to get to me.

I gasp when the fire seeps into the room from the outside. It was my doing; I know it was.

“We need to get out of here,” Autumn says as she spots it the same time as I do. It was spreading. The fire was spreading everywhere and quickly.

Autumn yells, and the straps around her all snap. She quickly climbs down from the table but pauses when she takes a look between us.

The fire around me was stopping her from reaching me.

“I can’t use my power.” She gasps. “I was able to break free from the straps, but nothing is happening right now to stop the fire.”

She was powerless; they’d also messed with her power. Preventing her from using it. Or was it possible that she couldn’t use her power on me? Maybe they didn’t work on each other. It could be a possibility. We still didn’t know everything about the power within us and we never got the chance to experiment with it.

Was this why they brought us here? To experiment on us?

I can see Damon’s image in my mind, him smiling and telling me that I mean the world to him. I can see memories of us being together, and it didn’t make any of this easier for me.

I screamed in agony, and the straps around me burst at the impact.

Autumn reaches me just then and helps me down onto the ground.

“Get out of here!” I shout.

“What?” She demands, surprised.

“Go find help, Autumn,” I tell her desperately.

“What’s going on?” She demands. “What’s wrong, Clarissa? Tell me what’s happening.”

“I’m losing control!” I manage to say before letting out another agonized scream.

“I’m not leaving you.” She insists. “I can help you. I’m not going to give up on you. We can get you out of this.”

I knew that Autumn wanted to protect me, but she didn’t realize how dangerous it was to stay with me. Those bastards had done this to me. Whatever it was they’d injected into me had caused this reaction. Telling me about Damon was used to trigger it off.

They knew exactly what they were doing; this was planned long before.

Autumn tries to hug me, but I push her away. “I don’t want to hurt you, sister,” I shout. “Please leave while I’m still aware of what I’m doing. I’m holding onto everything to protect you from me.” Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Clarissa, please,” she cries. “I’m your sister. I need to stay and protect you.”

“And I need to protect you!” I insist. “Go, Autumn. GO!”

She wasn’t listening to me. She was being stubborn, and I didn’t blame her. If I were in her situation, I would have done the same.

“You can bring the others to me.” I try another approach. “If you stay here, we’re both going to suffer. If you leave and find the others, we have a better chance.”

I see the determination in her eyes as she steps closer to me, despite the fire getting closer to her. She did not look scared of it. Instead, she looked terrified of losing me.

“I’m going to find the others, and when I do, I’m coming back for you.” She promises me. “I’m not leaving you; I’m just getting help. Before this darkness overcomes you, remember that you have people who would die for you.”

I fought back the tears as I watched her turn and run out the door.

When she leaves, I drop to the ground in emotional pain.

“Damon.” I cry. “Please be alive, my love. Please tell me that you’re still alive.”

I can feel the darkness get stronger. Was this what my father faced daily in his life? The darkness inside him taking over his body and trying to control it.

Was there a chance that he was once a good person before the darkness destroyed him?

Those are my last thoughts before everything turns blank.

The darkness had won.

It had finally taken over me, and now, nothing could stop it from doing what it wanted.

It was too late.

Too late.

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