The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 71


Austin and his family met me outside their home. I asked for all of them to gather; I was hoping to request a huge favor, and I wasn’t sure if they would be willing to help me.

“What’s this about?” Austin asks me. He was already in a defensive stance. He knew that something had to be wrong for me to arrive here to speak to him. He would also be suspicious after I asked everyone to gather as well.

“The overlords have taken Autumn,” I inform him.

There are surprised gasps all around me. Everyone is shocked that I’ve mentioned Autumn and the overlords in the same sentence. It’s surprising to hear myself say those words, also. The more I said it, the worse I felt inside. She was no longer by my side. Autumn was in danger, and for the second time, I could not get to her in time because of a f*****g accident.

“The overlords?” Hunter asks, intrigued. “What do the overlords want with Autumn?”

I didn’t know how to break the news to them. This was supposed to be a secret from everyone, but it was no use keeping the truth from the people I needed help from.

“We recently discovered that the Riveras aren’t Autumn’s real parents.” I begin explaining. They were already shocked by this news; I couldn’t imagine their reactions when I told them the whole truth. “Her father is a sorcerer called Azai Reign. I’m not sure if any of you have ever heard that name before today.”

“Azai Reign?” Hunter asks, his eyes wide. I’m surprised that he knows anything about him.

“How do you know him?” I ask. “According to the council, as well as the overlords, no one is supposed to speak about him. I knew nothing of him until I learned the truth.”

Hunter doesn’t look proud of his knowledge of Azai.

“There was a point in my life where I had a good relationship with the council. Once you’re allied with them, you learn plenty.” He tells me. “I know the crazy s**t Azai did. He had the council and the overlords petrified. Not only them, but he also had many affluent, prominent families terrified of what he could do. He was a dangerous man. Are you positive that Autumn is his daughter?”

I nod, “it has already been confirmed. She has a power very similar to his. His men also kidnapped her and referred to her as their queen. She is no doubt his daughter.”

“This is f*****g insane.” James mumbles. “We’re talking about the overlords!”

“I know that this may be too much to ask for. There are others that I’m also willing to ask for help, but I couldn’t think of anyone better to join this fight with me than all of you. You have the experience and the power to help me free my wife. Please, help me save her before they take her from me.”

Austin pats my shoulder, “we promised we would help you after you stood by our side when we needed you. We will help. There is no question about it.”

“They’re not easy opponents.” Arthur points out. “If we’re going up against them, we are in for a dangerous fight. They are trained to deal with fighters like us. f**k, they enjoy it also. And the council will also be on their side. That’s not one strong force but two.”

“All of our battles have been crazy.” Isabella reminds everyone.

“She’s right,” Gabriella adds. “Autumn needs us, and I’m not backing down.”

“Neither am I,” Maya adds. “She needs our help. We have to save her. She was there for all of us when we needed her. We can’t let her down.”

I was grateful to have them on my side. My family had money, but when it came to good fighters, we weren’t as fortunate as the others. After today, it’s something I would work on, forming a stronger pack. We never needed one until now. I never thought this would ever happen to me. I had a peaceful life; I never saw the need to join battles or put my family’s life in danger. All of that has changed now that Autumn needed me.

“We have plenty to discuss,” Austin says. “Let’s go inside and draw up a plan. Everyone that knows the inside and out of the overlords’ palace can be of great help to us.”

I nod and follow him. Whatever we were planning, we needed to act fast. I was running out of time.

. . . . . . . . . . .


I pop a grape into my mouth and grab a knife from the table. I focus on the board in front of me, aiming my knife at the target. Before I can do anything, my mother’s voice distracts me.

“Cassius!” She cries from the cell. “Let me out of here, son!”

“I’m busy,” I murmur back, knowing she won’t be able to hear me. I didn’t want to speak with her.

“CASSIUS!” She shouts once more.

I pinch my forehead in frustration; why wouldn’t she stay f*****g quiet? This was the tenth time she’d said my name since I returned home.

I storm over to the cell I built for her and narrow my eyes, “what the f**k do you want from me?”

Her eyes widen, and the sadness in her gaze feeds the darkness inside me, “this is not you, Cassius. This is not the son that I raised as a baby. You’re not your father. You are nothing like your father. Please don’t let the darkness consume you as it did him. You never looked at me like this before; you always smiled and treated me with love. I don’t understand why you’re acting this way. What caused this change? I’m telling you again; you are not like your father.”

“How do you know that?” I growl. “You didn’t allow me to find this out on my own when you killed him. You killed my father. That’s why I’m going to let you suffer.”

She closes her eyes and presses her forehead against the iron bars, “I did it to save you. I did it to protect you, son. I did it to protect you and your sisters. Your father never loved you. He wanted to use you.”

“You’re lying!” I hiss. “He loved me. He loved my sisters. You’re the reason why we were all separated at birth. You’re the reason we were never able to be a family. You’re to blame for everything.”

I watch as the tear rolls down her cheek, “I love you, Cassius. You are my child. I will never purposefully hurt you. Everything I did for you and your sisters was to protect you. I’m sorry if you think I made a mistake by separating you. It had to be done.” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I laugh, “this is why the overlords just took Autumn. You sure did an excellent job at protecting her, mother.”

Her eyes are wide with horror, “the overlords? What are they doing with Autumn? They’re not supposed to even know of her whereabouts or who she was. I’ve been keeping an eye on her for years, and she’s had a good, normal life. What changed? How did they find my baby?”

“It turns out that Autumn has more than one enemy, mother. Everyone either wants her or wants to get rid of her now that they know who she is.” I inform her. “You did not do as good a job hiding her as you


“You must save her son; you can’t let them have her!”

I chuckle, “Relax, mother. Autumn can take care of herself. I’ve seen what she can do. Despite not having our father’s dark symbol, she did inherit some of his power. Besides, there are people that care about her; she’s made quite a life for herself. Her mate will find a way to get her out. I don’t have to step in and reveal myself so soon to everyone. I prefer to stay in the dark until I master my power.”

“Cassius!” She scolds me. “She’s your sister. Your blood. How can you not help her?”

I glare at her, “my father was my blood as well, and yet you killed him. I’m afraid we’re both huge disappointments. One can’t protect his sister, and the other, she kills the father of her children. It’s a pity you couldn’t see all of the action go down. You should know that they’re looking for you, the overlords; they’re also looking for me but you already know this, I’m sure. They’ll never find me, not until I’m ready.”


“Ah, yes. Autumn. She’s the real reason you killed our father. You were scared that she wouldn’t be able to live up to his expectations. But look at her now, doing the same as he did. We’re all the same as our father, mother. Does that mean you’ll kill us as you did him?”

She looks distraught by my question. I return to eating my grapes and playing with my knife as she cries in the cell.

I’d seen what Autumn could do. If I thought she needed my help, I would have done something to aid her. It was my mother I had a problem with, not my sisters. Besides, if I wanted to continue in my father’s footsteps, I would need the help of my sisters as well.

But there was time for all of that. I wouldn’t rush any of it.

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