The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 73


I cry out as they continue to increase the intensity of my t*****e. In the middle of my screams, I hear a piercing howl. My heart skips a beat. Surely that wasn’t what I thought it was.

There’s another and another. My heart rate doubles as my hope intensifies. The howls continue to increase, telling me there are more wolves than I can count heading our way. They were coming for me. My mate, my family, my friends, they were all coming to save me. Everything moves in slow motion after the sudden realization. I wasn’t the only one to notice, the overlords did as well but how could they not?

The pain stops, and I drop to the ground without warning. I’d managed to stay upright the entire time, fighting back as much as I could.

“What the hell is that?” Jagger demands.

“It’s an ambush,” Dash says with his eyes glowing. “They’re coming our way. Prepare for a battle!”

There’s shouting all around me. I didn’t think the overlords had ever looked this worried. I knew what they were capable of doing. I knew that I could lose the people I loved and cared about today if I didn’t find a way to stop all of this from happening. I wish there were another way to resolve this. I wanted the overlords to believe me when I told them I was nothing like my father.

“How dare they step foot in our territory?” Alistair growls. “No one has ever been stupid or brave enough to question our choices.”

“It’s because of her,” Owen says with dark eyes. “They love her. She’s even more dangerous because she’s loved. There are people in this world that would give their lives to protect her.”

My eyes widen at his words. I didn’t realize how loved I was until now. Despite not having my biological family by my side since a child, I still managed to find people that loved me like I was their own. My heart swelled with love and appreciation for each of them.

I was even more desperate to save them now.

It was up to me to do everything in my power to protect them. They were here for me, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anyone lost their life today because of me. Somehow or the other, I would find a way to keep everyone I cared about away from danger.

“All of this can be stopped!” I try to reason with them. “There’s no need for a battle today. If you listen to me, if you open your mind to what I have to say, this can all end.”

I was hoping that I could find a way to get them to act rationally. They knew just as much as I did that both sides would be in danger due to this upcoming battle.

“How do you propose that?” Jagger asks.

“You need to let me go,” I answer him. “They’re here for me. They won’t leave until you give me up. If this battle begins, we are going to lose plenty. I’m not the only one who will lose people I care about; you will also lose those closest to you. Please stop this before it’s too late. If I remember correctly if one of you dies before you can give your power to another, that power ends with you. I don’t think you want that to happen today. Everything you’ve worked for will be destroyed in one day if you choose pride over your safety.”

It was the truth. I wasn’t just saying it to scare them. This had to be stopped before anyone got hurt.

“This isn’t about pride, girl!” Alistair hissed. “This is about the safety of our world and its people. You are still not to be trusted. You’ve heard what your father did to others, but you weren’t here to witness it. You never saw it with your own eyes; that’s why you don’t understand how dangerous you can become

the second that you lose control of your body. That darkness could consume you the moment that it gets a chance to do so and there would be nothing that you or I could do to stop it.”

I try not the be affected by his words. It was true that I was never able to witness the destruction my father caused in the past. That didn’t mean I would become my father. Why couldn’t they understand this? My father wanted to rule the world; I do not. I want to live a peaceful life surrounded by the people I love. That’s the difference between us. He didn’t know how to love but I do.

“How am I not to be trusted?” I demand. “Who have I ever hurt that didn’t deserve it? I’m not a monster. Didn’t you just put me through a test? Did I fail or pass? I didn’t attack anyone even though I was in so much pain. You were able to keep me under your control. Does that not tell you anything at all?”

They are all quiet, but I can tell that they still do not trust me. They are already convinced that I will be just as dangerous as Azai. I didn’t know what I could do to convince them I would be nothing like him.

“She’s right,” Dash says. All eyes are now on him. I’m surprised he agrees with me. His brothers look angry that he’s the only one that seems to be on my side. They aren’t blood brothers, but that’s what they refer to each other as. “We can save many lives today if we let her go. I’ve been reading her mind; she’s not as dangerous as we thought. Autumn Reign is not her father. She’s kind and gentle; she has a heart; he didn’t have one. She cares about the people around her, while he never did.”

I flinched at my name. I was not a Reign! I didn’t want to be one.

“We can’t just let them get away with this,” Owen growls. “If they get out of here without a scratch, everyone will think it’s okay to break all the rules. If everyone begins to think that way, then our world will never be able to have peace again. That can’t happen.”

“You’re being stubborn for no reason!” I growl. “You’re willing to put your brothers in danger so that you can prove a point?”

Why couldn’t they listen to me? Why weren’t they listening to Dash? He seemed to be the only one thinking rationally out of all the overlords.

“It may seem stupid to someone like you, but they understand why we must fight today.” He tells me as he points to the others. “They know what we have to do. When we swore to accept our roles as overlords, we knew that it wouldn’t be easy, we knew that there would be times where we had to make difficult decisions. We are not backing down from this battle.”

My lips tremble with frustration. Nothing I said was convincing them.

“Get into contact with the council. Tell them that we need them right this second. Tell them to bring their strongest men.” He shouts to the others. “With them by our side; we will be invincible.”

My heart drops at his words. This was actually happening. I could barely catch my breath as the news hit me harder than before.

I don’t get a chance to say anything else. They’re all running throughout the palace; Jagger grabs my arms and runs with me to a cell, where he throws me into. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I watch with horror as he presses something on the screen in front of him. Whatever it was, it must have been to keep me locked inside of here.

“Listen to me,” I beg. “You need to convince them to stop this. You will lose your family. I know they’re your family. You will lose them, Jagger. I’ve seen these men fight; I’m sure you’ve heard everything about them. They’re popular for the battles they’ve won when joined together. Save yourself the trouble, and just let me go. I promise that I’m not just saying this to mess with your head. I’m saying this to save people that we both care about.”

He glares at me, obviously not happy that I was hinting they weren’t strong enough to win this battle. I was not trying to insult him or the others. Why couldn’t they see that? What else could I do to get them

to listen to me? I was running out of options. Jagger was the last person that could help me stop this. The others were already preparing for impact.

“If we go down, the people you love and care about are surely going down as well.” He growls.

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