The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 75


I can’t stop staring at Autumn. This was what love felt like when you finally accepted it. It was f*****g amazing.

I loved this woman more than I loved anything in this f*****g world. Others were terrified of her power, but I was amazed at her strength. She saved everyone today. I don’t even know if she acknowledges how amazing she is.

Isabella runs over to my mate and hugs her tightly. “Thank you for saving my mate. Thank you for also saving my brother. You’re the one that stopped the overlords and the council from taking so many of our loved ones from us.”

“What are you saying?” Autumn asks in shock. “I should be thanking you and your family. They were only placed in danger because they were trying to save me. I’ll forever be indebted to all of you. Words cannot explain how much joy it brings me to know that I have such amazing friends. You’re like family to me.”

She isn’t the only one to thank Autumn for what she did today; almost everyone at the battle told her how amazing she was. She took my breath away and I’m sure she did the same for the others.

How could anyone ever think that she would be anything like her father? Autumn had a heart, something her father never did. She protected the people she cared about. I was so damn proud of her and I wished that she could see herself through my eyes. She would realize just how much I adored everything about her.

“Your eyes are glowing with love,” Damon says with a chuckle. “Everyone can see it from a mile away.”

I glance at him for a second before returning my attention to the love of my life. The woman I would give everything for. How did I ever get so lucky?

I laugh, “what can I say, brother? Love has never felt this good.”

Even with Anya, it never felt like this. Autumn was different and she proved that every single day.

“What do you think saved us from that explosion?” He asks me. “You should have been there Atticus, it’s hard to explain in words what happened. I don’t understand what caused us to move from one place to another and so quickly. Someone saved us and I wish I knew who it was so that I could thank them.”

I didn’t understand who would do something like that for us.

The man that saved me from the accident suddenly makes an appearance in my head. He said his name was Cassius. I still wasn’t sure if it was him. But it matches the description of what happened to Damon and the others today. One minute I was in the vehicle and the next I was on the road, staring at the explosion.

If it was him, why is he saving us? We didn’t know him but on that day it seemed like he knew me. It seemed like he knew I was trying to save Autumn.

Without much information on him, there wasn’t anything I could really find out. But Cassius wasn’t a name I’ve heard a lot around here, maybe I could do some digging up and see what I could find out.

“I never felt this happy to be going home finally,” Dante says next to us. “It’s been a long day. Too much has happened. I’ll like to go home and see our parents. And then, I’ll like to see Anya. She must be terribly worried about us.”

This was just another way that Anya was different from Autumn. If I was in a dangerous battle like this, Autumn would be there by my side even if she knew her life would be in danger.

She turns to look at me and I can’t help but smile.

I loved her so f*****g much and I can’t wait to tell her this every single day for the rest of our lives.

I couldn’t wait to get home, either. To hold Autumn in my arms and shower her with all the love I had built inside me. I was waiting for the right opportunity to have her all to myself.

“I’m sorry about Luthais.” I apologize to Lucy and her family. “I knew asking for your help would put your family in danger, but I was desperate to get Autumn back.”

“Don’t apologize.” Lucy scolds me. “You and Autumn helped me save my son. Austin and I would gladly lay down our lives for both of you. Besides, this was the council’s fault. My brothers have no choice but to work for them. My sisters were once tied to them as well. If Luthais were free to choose, none of this would have happened. My other brothers are also in danger every day they’re f****d to be with the council. I wish there was a way for us to free them. I’ve offered multiple times but they don’t want to put my family in danger. I also have a son that I must protect no matter what. He comes first, I almost lost Roman once, Austin and I haven’t been the same since that scare, we are a lot more cautious now. We don’t start battles unless we have no other choice.”

Being an overlord wasn’t easy. His life had just taken a turn for the worse. I was grateful for Austin and Lucy. For everyone else besides them also. If they ever needed us for anything, we would gladly be there for them.

“I think it’s time for us to leave now,” I tell the others. “I’m sure everyone is exhausted after the fight.”

They all agreed with me. Austin’s family invited us to their place but we had to decline. I just wanted to get home with my mate and my siblings.

I take Autumn’s hand and guide her to the waiting jeep. Damon would be driving. I wanted to spend every second holding her in my arms from now on.

She snuggled into my arms and placed one hand on my chest. I kiss her hair and inhale her scent. She always smells so f*****g good.

A few minutes into the drive and Autumn falls asleep in my arms. I smiled at how adorable she was.

I close my eyes and enjoy the rest of the ride with her still locked in my arms, away from danger. I could see myself spending the rest of my life this way. I couldn’t imagine anyone else but her next to me. It was insane that a few weeks ago I wasn’t sure who to choose between her and Anya. I was stupid back then.

How could I not see what I could clearly see now? How was I never able to see that the answer was always Autumn, no one else?

At least that was all behind us now. This was a mistake I would never make again. I tightened my hold on her and she moans in her sleep.

“What the f**k?” Damon shouts. The tension in his voice f****d me to open my eyes; Autumn was also awakened because of it.

I follow his gaze, and my body runs cold at the sight in front of me.

Our home.

It was on fire.

“What’s going on?” Clarissa asks in horror. “Why is our home on fire? What the hell is happening?”

It wasn’t a simple fire either. The flames were roaring and there were multiple explosions that could be heard from inside the vehicle.

. . . . . . . .


I was still sleepy when Damon’s voice woke me up. The last thing I expected to see was our home on fire.

What had caused this?

Was it an accident or was someone responsible for this disaster?

Damon brings the jeep to an abrupt stop, and we all rush out. I’m right behind Atticus as he runs into the house; all of the guards are dead. Every single one of them. It was clear that this wasn’t an accident. Someone was definitely responsible.

It wasn’t looking good for us. Where could his parents be? Were they even alive?

“Mom?” Atticus calls. My heart drops at the panic in his voice.

“Dad?” Griffin shouts.

Still, there are no responses. Half of the mansion was on fire, and the other half was trashed. They’d broken all the glasses and appliances all over the house. Who had done such a horrible thing?

His parents were still nowhere to be found. We searched the entire house, at least the parts that the fire wasn’t stopping us from entering.

“What the f**k happened here?” Dante asks as he scans his surroundings.

The smoke was burning my eyes and scratching my throat.

“Do you think the council is behind this?” Damon asks. “They always play dirty. Maybe they lied to us; this could have been their way to get back at us.”

“I don’t think this is their work.” Atticus disagrees. “They are many things, but I don’t think they would risk another battle to get even with us. This is the work of someone else, an unknown enemy. Whoever it is was waiting for the right opportunity, and they took it while we were preoccupied in battle.”

Clarissa looks distraught as she looks around her adoptive parents’ room, “they’re not here. They should be here. Where are they?”

“I hate to say this,” Damon whispers. “But judging by this mess and destruction, whoever did this, must have taken mom and dad as well.”

“They’re not finished with us,” Atticus says. “Why the f**k is this happening to us? It’s only been a few hours since our last battle. Now, our parents are missing.”

Dante throws a chair onto the floor in his frustration.

“There has to be something we can do to find out who’s done this,” I say.

“We don’t have to.” Clarissa gasps. “They left a note for us.”

I followed her gaze; she was right; it was a note stuck to the front door. How did we miss this?

Atticus runs a hand down his face, “we were right. They have our parents.”

“What the f**k does anyone want with mom and dad?” Griffin demands. “They haven’t done a single thing to anyone.”

“They’re asking that we come alone,” Atticus says. “All of us except Autumn.”

“What?” I demand. “If your parents are in danger, I want to be there to help them.”

Atticus takes a step toward me and gently grabs my shoulders, “I know you think that it will be better if you’re there, but after everything, after almost losing you, I want you to be safe. I don’t want to put your life in danger again, Autumn. Please, for my sake, stay here. Your parents will stay with you. Just until I return for you.” Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

I closed my eyes; this was his parents, and he was already in so much pain. I didn’t want to add to it. If he wanted me to stay back, then I would. But the moment I felt like he needed me, I would be there in a heartbeat.

I kissed his lips and held onto him until it was time for him to leave with his siblings. Whoever kidnapped his parents must have a grudge against his family if they asked for everyone except me.

“You have my full support,” I promise him. “Let me know the moment that you need me. I’ll be there in a second.”

Watching Atticus leave was the hardest thing I had to do today, despite how horrible it’s been. I’ve always done the opposite of what he asked me to do. This time I felt like it was the right thing to let him do this alone.

My mate wasn’t weak, and his family wasn’t either. They could handle themselves, and if they needed me, I would be there.

I turned back to look at the house. It would take some time for everything to be back to normal. Whoever did this must hate the Fawns. Atticus didn’t have the chance to call anyone to clean up this mess, but maybe I could get some help to stop the fire.

We are lucky that we got here before the entire thing burnt to the ground.

“We will call some of our friends.” My mother tells me. “They will know just the right people to save your new home.”

Atticus made sure my family was by my side before he left. He always cared for me, even when he had other things to worry about.

I nod and thank her.

“Who do you think would do something like this?” I ask her.

She sighs, “I wish I knew, darling. The list of our enemies has only multiplied over the past few years, and it’s been the same way for the Fawns. It can be anyone at this point.”

“Mom,” I whisper. “Do you think Skyler will try to harm my family? I almost lost many of them today, multiple times. I’m terrified of what will happen when Skyler returns for me.”

She touched my cheek lightly and kissed my forehead, “I know you’re terrified, darling; we all are. I believe that you’re safe for now, however. What Luthais said is true. Without knowing who your siblings are, Azai’s men cannot get the power that they need to rule. They need all of you. As long as your siblings stay hidden, everyone will be safe.”

I never thought I would wish never to see my siblings in this life, but if that were the only way to keep my family safe, I would take it. My mother knew what she was doing when she separated us. She knew what had to be done to keep us safe from Skyler and everyone else that wanted to harm us.

Now I just had to hope that whoever had taken Atticus’s parents didn’t already harm them. I had to hope that Atticus would get to them in time.

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