The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 79 - Spark

Chapter 79 - Spark

It was a quite and uncomfortable ride to Taivas with Lykos not saying anything to Neil who seemed out

of place after leaving the witch's cottage without a single glance back. His dismayed expression had

taken a competent home on his face not changing into any other facial expression except for that.

Lykos tried to comfort Neil with his words but his lack of knowledge of doing so failed miserably since

whatever he said sounded insulting instead of comforting which resulted Neil to tell him that he sucked

at comforting people and should stop before he blasted Lykos off of his dragon with his wind magic if

Lykos uttered another word.

Lykos knew he sucked at comforting people and never did it, but he felt like a bad friend for not saying

anything to Neil who seemed to be in the verge of tears whenever it was too quite.

In the end Lykos just watched the gloomy atmosphere around Neil grow, forming a shadow that rested

behind him.

On top of their dragons, Daenerys the silver Regius dragon that Neil rode on and Cyrus the red Regius

dragon that Lykos rode on, soared through the clouds with their mighty leathery wings cutting the

clouds as they did so.

They could here the faint crowd below them. The empire of Ventus was just below with the bustling of

people going on their merry way, the dragons stables weren't far just by listening to their growling roars.

As they flew, the clouds in front of them began to dispersed revealing the hidden arch roof of the Taivas

palaces of the sky. It's glittering platinum colour shined brightly like the sun itself blinding them a little.

"It's good to be back" Lykos mumbled feeling the fresh breeze of the Taivas air brush past his face and

cooling it down. "Don't you agree Cyrus" Lykos patted the side of the dragons neck resulting him to let

out a rumbled pour of satisfaction. The warm feeling started to wrap itself around his heart, it was the

emotion of his dragon that he could feel.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

They soared down, the sound of wings cutting air was loud and the air rushed through the princes' hair,

moving it away from their faces. Daenerys let out a loud roar that rumbled the sky when she saw the

castle, she called home.

The second they were in sight of the town, Daenerys and Cyrus came swooping up before spreading

their wings in the air and gliding through the sky towards the huge bridge of the palace.

Lykos glanced to the side where Neil rode silently on Daenerys the beautiful silver dragon whose

scales glimmered like diamonds under the rays of the sun, her horns that shot dangerously into the air,

those delicate sapphire eyes that resembled the depth of the ocean looked straight to its home that

levitated in the sky.

It wasn't long when they reached the giant gates of the bridge, landing with the loud beats of the

dragons wings creating a small hurricane in the air before landing on the stone slab.

Lykos gently patted the side of Cyrus neck to show his appreciate towards the dragon that he had done

a good job for the whole flight to Azura and back.

A low grumble of satisfaction came from the dragon who turned his head to gaze it's golden eyes at

Lykos red eyes before nodding it's head.

Lykos and Neil slid down their dragons, landing on their feet with a faint thud.

Neil averted his attention to the palace, yet his silver eyes laid at particular window. Lykos knew exactly

which window Neil looked at however didn't mention anything except to place a hand on his shoulder.

"We still got time to look for a healer" Lykos comforted the gloomy prince who looked away and back at

Daenerys whose eyes revealed the sadness she felt of her rider.

"I hope so" Neil said in a soft utter, finally speaking after a whole day of riding and resting. Lykos could

tell that Neil's eyes had lost a lot of hope from before. It didn't hold the determination of finding a cure

anymore as weeks ago. His face may have not revealed what he was thinking but his eyes exposed

him more then what he thought.

It seems like he had lost all hope and had given up. Lykos could not do anything but to watch his best

friend crumble in the hopes of despair, feeling useless for not able to do anything.

"Your highness shall we attend to your dragons" a dragon stable boy had interrupted them both with a

bow of courtesy, there was a few of them who awaited for the royal commands of the two. Each one

looking older than one another. Their hair and eyes resembling the features of the Ventus people.

Lykos nodded in response, yet Neil was to focused on what was going on at the front gates to even

notice the boys who came to attend their dragons.

It was a shocking yet confusing sight for Neil who watched the people from all sorts, from commoners

and nobles attending to their carriage or dragons.

All of them had the same defeated expression as if they lost something so important to them. This

made Neil feel uneasy with this situation. His gut churned and it was giving off a despairing hint.

Something was off and he didn't like it. It just made his stomach turn.

Instantly something caught the corner of his eyes. Turning his attention to the direction of an old man

walking beside a young man of tall figure walking not far from where they stood. He immediately

realised it was the commoner physician from the south district of Taivas. Neil's silver eyes widened and

the remaining colour in his face completely disappeared.

His averted his eyes back to the crowd. They were all physician, each one of them had come to try

their luck on healing the prince but the expression on their faces wasn't one of defeat by gloom.

Neil's body had shut down completely it trembled in disordering rhythm. His breath clogged his throat

making it difficult for him to breath, and just like that his whole world had came crumbling down on him,

creating a huge weight on his shoulders that had brought him down.

"Oi, air head is-" Lykos was cut off by a scream that echoed the sky and made his dragon cry out a

rumble of a growl that frightened the Gods itself. Lykos felt a sting in his heart, a spark that cried out

sorrow, despair, and anger all at the same time. Daenerys had felt what her riders heart was crying and

Lykos felt what Daenerys felt.

It had startled everyone around, stopping them from leaving and looking towards the dragons roar.

"BENJAMIN!" Neil's body was awakened from the agonising scream that forced itself out from Neil. He

dashed his way towards the entrance of the castle, the wind blowing away the tears that fell down his

silvers eyes.

'Ben. Oh god please do not be too late. Please'

"Shit" Lykos cussed running after Neil with the plead to the Gods that they aren't too late.

Neil cursed himself for not being here when his brother needed him the most. He didn't want to think

the agonising pain Ben went while he was not here to help him through it by being by his side, the

pleading of his little brother that begged to see him. He didn't want to think of those thoughts, but those

thoughts didn't leave but kept repeating in his mind vividly.

The people instantly made way for the incoming rulers of Drakon and Ventus, bowing in respect in the

presence of the princes' who ran past and not acknowledging them a bit.

"Your highness it-"

Neil ignored the man who was responsible of making sure who came into the palace and out and ran

past him moving him out the way.

"Wait your highne-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence again because Lykos pushed the man to the

side and ran past him.

The two princes didn't make it the steps when the giant doubles doors opened and out stepped out a

figure that made everyone suddenly whisper. This however didn't stop Lykos or Neil from running up

the stairs.

"Prince Benjamin is healed!" someone had called out from the crowd. These words had made Neil's

heart stop, he didn't take another step up but slowly turned his head to see who had called out.

"The Gods have brought mercy upon our prince!" another called out.

"Our prince will live until his time!"

Lykos and Neil watched in shock and confusion at the commoners who were suddenly cheering in joy,

the gloomy expression from before had disappeared from their faces however the nobles had a

displeasing expression that had their attention at the front.

"What's going on?" Lykos mumbled.

The middle-aged man who tried to talk to them was huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath after

he ran after them began to talk yet it was croaky from the amount of inhaling and exhaling.


"Ben's cured?" Neil asked a redundant question to assure that the moment is real.

"His highness was healed yesterday but was in a slumber until this morning" the middle-aged man

repeated but he bowed as he did.

These words that he thought he would never hear came blasting at him like a tornado. He could feel his

heart beating rapidly and his throat had become dry. The stiff muscles had slumped, and his legs had

become weak all of a sudden and Neil couldn't keep himself up.

Lykos eyes widened when he watched his best friend body betray him, it was all sudden "Neil!"

The prince of the sky vision had become a blur and his hearing wasn't clear to the ears as he came

falling down. The thought of his smiling brother, his cheeky laughs and Ben's innocent voice was that

was circling around his head. He didn't move his legs to try to stabilise his balanced or try to stop

himself. Neil's body was paralysed.

Neil had thought he was going fall when he felt something grab his arm, preventing him from slumping

down in a thud.

Lykos halted in his step to see an old woman holding on Neil's elbow, stopping him from fainting. Her

white hair braided trailing down her shoulder, the strands of white hair that danced lightly in breeze and

those piercing icy blue eyes that was too familiar to him.

She had a raven perching upon her shoulder.

The people had completely zipped, not one uttered a word a single word as the sound of the

whooshing wind was the only thing they could hear.

"If you want to die, go die somewhere else" her words came out old and distant when she looked down

at the shocked and pale Ventus prince. "We don't need these white steps stained with blood" even if

those words were quite enough for only Neil to hear, the wind however had whizzed her the old

woman's harsh statement and everyone heard.

Some gasped silently while others began to whisper.

Neil was too dumbfounded; his mind was hazy, and he couldn't think straight but to stare in those

familiar icy blue eyes that was resembled the distance of this person. Those familiar eyes that reflected

nothing by hatred and aloofness of the old lady who didn't dare to show on her face.

It was like hers. Those cold icy eyes of Diana's that brought him down with the words that had marked


"I don't have the time or patience to save another prince from near death" The old lady uttered with a

hint of mockery in her tone, yet it was overshadowed by her cold-hearted manner. She released his

hand and Neil staggered up.

She didn't courtesy or pay her respect but continued to walk down the marble steps back down. Her

aura was like a chilling breeze that froze anyone that lingered near her too long.

Neil watched her backside with his jaw slight open while she passed the frozen Lykos who didn't even

glare at her but stared down in a horrified daze.

'What just happened?' Neil thought.

Lykos felt a spark light in his heart like something dark had clutched itself on his soul as soon as he laid

his red flaming eyes with the icy blue eyes of the old woman.

It didn't feel like the normal spark he felt when commanding the dragons but like the similar one from

that night, yet this one felt more powerful.

The time had slowed when the woman passed Lykos who glance to lock his eyes with hers. Those

winter eyes didn't even glance back at him. Not a single courtesy as if he was a commoner. Lykos

opened his mouth to speak when suddenly another lightening spark had hit his heart. This one was

more powerful then he had ever felt, it was like a forceful command to obey. It made him gasp a grunt

and fall on his knees all of a sudden.

'Sorry Ariana but Neil isn't going to be one of your loyal dogs in the future. Neither would he join you to

find the crystal that doesn't concern him anymore then to die because of your stupidity just like in the

novel. You can go kiss Damon's *** you fucking white lotus bitch' These thoughts came rushing in his

through his mind and they weren't his. It was the voice of a young female voice that resembled the old


They weren't his but what did this mean. How is able to read someone else's mind? And what did she

mean about Neil being someone's loyal dog? The Crystal? Die? What was she thinking? What did all

this mean?

Lykos wanted to move back up from his kneeling position, but something was pulling him down

preventing him from getting up as if someone was pushing him down to kneel in front of a invisible

King. He couldn't even move his head back to look at the old woman.

He just knelt there on the step like a fool for his king.

It angered him.

"Your highness prince Lykos" the middle-aged man from before knelt beside him. "What is the matter?

Why are you kneeling?" he asked worriedly.

"****" Lykos hissed under his breath.

"Lykos" Neil had bent down, helping him. "Why were you kneeling?" he asked. Lykos looked into Neil's

eyes that had returned back to normal. It seems like hearing the news of his brothers recovery had

returned the colour of his face and those glittering silver eyes.

Lykos looked back to see the woman entering a carriage. Something about her was making him

question, it was an uneasy turn in his stomach and the gut quenching thought that warned him to go

after her and force the answer to what that spark was and what she did to him, but he turned around

shaking Neil away from him.


Whatever that spark was it might have not been her, but the dragons and it was just a coincidence that

she just passed by.

Neil was now concerned for his best friend who acted all strangely but the excitement of his brother

recovery and the urge to run to him was making him impatient.

"I hope" Neil answered Lykos looking at the direction of the carriage that flew away. "Let's go, I want to

see my little brother"

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