The Young Luna

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43





The three of them were quiet as they stared at Javier and I. Kim, Mia and Rafa were sat on the motel

bed listening intently as Javier and I explained why we had broken them out of the Vernal Pack. There

was a long silence, after we'd finished explaining, before Kim spoke up.

"I left Yellowstone two years ago...I can't just stroll back in" Kim grumbled.

I frowned, "the other Alpha's said that you left to follow Yemi when he was taken out of Yellowstone".

"Mia did" she said, nodding towards her sister. "I always wanted to live with humans...well Werewolves NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

at least. My mother may have been an actual wild Wolf, but I'm not a savage and I refuse to live like


"Mother is not a savage" Mia snapped at her sister.

"I gotta ask" I cut in, "how did you guys learn to speak and walk and...well just be normal? Because I

met Yemi and he hasn't got much humanity left".

"Kim and I are twins, we came from the same litter from our Wolf mother" Mia explained softly and with

patience. "When we reached toddler age, Kim and I Shifted into humans but the rest of the litter didn't.

Our father then managed to hide us in a cavern on the mountain side and when we were human he

stayed there with us...often when we became Wolves again we went back to our mother. We can never

control the Shifts, not like a Werewolf can".

"I can control it" Kim shot in.

Mia rolled her eyes, "fine, Kim can control her Shifts. I can't. My sister left Yellowstone two years ago,

just after our sixteenth birthday, but I didn't want to leave. But, then our father died last year and I was

very lonely. So, when Yemi was taken, I decided that I was going to leave too. I managed to find Kim

and then we found Rafa".

"I don't understand why the others don't just leave?" Chris frowned in confusion.

"Those of us who were born at the park can, because we're not chipped. But the original Werewolves

who were taken to the park were chipped by the scientists, so they can't just up and leave".

"Because humans will know and they'll find out about Werewolves" I added in. I leant back in my seat

and was quiet for a few minutes, before I spoke up again. "I understand everything...except Rafa.

Where the hell do you fit in, dickwad?"

Rafa didn't react to my insult, but he answered my question. "My mother was one of the Wolves taken

to Yellowstone all those years ago".

"No she wasn't" Javier spoke up, "Aunt Amie died when we were kids. Your mother isn't in Yellowstone,

Javier, she's dead".

"No" he shook his head, "abuelo told me so".

"He was lying, Rafa. I'm sorry but your madre is dead" Javier said, he was soft with Rafa and I could

see sympathy in his eyes.

"She's not. You'll see when we get those Wolves out of Yellowstone. She'll be there" he snapped at his

cousin. I could see that it was best not to get involved in their family drama, and turned back to Kim –

she seemed to be the strongest and the 'leader' of their little threesome.

"Do you think you can get their trackers out and swap them out?" I asked her.

"I'll need help, so I hope your friends are up for the task" she replied.

"Oh they are".

Dean and Oli had the task of capturing wild Wolves, which we would swap out with the Werewolves we

were rescuing. They were going to meet Kim and the others in Yellowstone in three days times. Kim

and Mia had to be there to convince the one who wanted to leave, to come with them – as they may

not trust Wolves from the Pack that left them there in the first place.





The three of them were quiet as they stared at Javier and I. Kim, Mia and Rafa were sat on the motel

bed listening intently as Javier and I explained why we had broken them out of the Vernal Pack. There

was a long silence, after we'd finished explaining, before Kim spoke up.

"I left Yellowstone two years ago...I can't just stroll back in" Kim grumbled.

I frowned, "the other Alpha's said that you left to follow Yemi when he was taken out of Yellowstone".

"Mia did" she said, nodding towards her sister. "I always wanted to live with humans...well Werewolves

at least. My mother may have been an actual wild Wolf, but I'm not a savage and I refuse to live like


"Mother is not a savage" Mia snapped at her sister.

"I gotta ask" I cut in, "how did you guys learn to speak and walk and...well just be normal? Because I

met Yemi and he hasn't got much humanity left".

"Kim and I are twins, we came from the same litter from our Wolf mother" Mia explained softly and with

patience. "When we reached toddler age, Kim and I Shifted into humans but the rest of the litter didn't.

Our father then managed to hide us in a cavern on the mountain side and when we were human he

stayed there with us...often when we became Wolves again we went back to our mother. We can never

control the Shifts, not like a Werewolf can".

"I can control it" Kim shot in.

Mia rolled her eyes, "fine, Kim can control her Shifts. I can't. My sister left Yellowstone two years ago,

just after our sixteenth birthday, but I didn't want to leave. But, then our father died last year and I was

very lonely. So, when Yemi was taken, I decided that I was going to leave too. I managed to find Kim

and then we found Rafa".

"I don't understand why the others don't just leave?" Chris frowned in confusion.

"Those of us who were born at the park can, because we're not chipped. But the original Werewolves

who were taken to the park were chipped by the scientists, so they can't just up and leave".

"Because humans will know and they'll find out about Werewolves" I added in. I leant back in my seat

and was quiet for a few minutes, before I spoke up again. "I understand everything...except Rafa.

Where the hell do you fit in, dickwad?"

Rafa didn't react to my insult, but he answered my question. "My mother was one of the Wolves taken

to Yellowstone all those years ago".

"No she wasn't" Javier spoke up, "Aunt Amie died when we were kids. Your mother isn't in Yellowstone,

Javier, she's dead".

"No" he shook his head, "abuelo told me so".

"He was lying, Rafa. I'm sorry but your madre is dead" Javier said, he was soft with Rafa and I could

see sympathy in his eyes.

"She's not. You'll see when we get those Wolves out of Yellowstone. She'll be there" he snapped at his

cousin. I could see that it was best not to get involved in their family drama, and turned back to Kim –

she seemed to be the strongest and the 'leader' of their little threesome.

"Do you think you can get their trackers out and swap them out?" I asked her.

"I'll need help, so I hope your friends are up for the task" she replied.

"Oh they are".

Dean and Oli had the task of capturing wild Wolves, which we would swap out with the Werewolves we

were rescuing. They were going to meet Kim and the others in Yellowstone in three days times. Kim

and Mia had to be there to convince the one who wanted to leave, to come with them – as they may

not trust Wolves from the Pack that left them there in the first place.





"You have this room for the next two days. Javier will take you to where you need to go" I told them, as

I checked my watch. It was almost one in the morning and Chris and I needed to get a move on. "Chris

and I need to go" I said, nodding to my best friend.

"I'll walk you guys to the bus station" Javier said. I said a quick goodbye to Kim and Mia – ignoring Rafa

completely – before the three of us headed out. Chris and Javier were quiet as we walked through the

night to the bus station.

Javier seemed uncomfortable and I couldn't work out why. "I'll go buy us some tickets" I said to Chris,

leaving the two of them behind. Chris nodded, giving me a soft smile as Javier just stayed silent. After

dealing with the grumpy night worker, I headed back to the boys with the tickets, as I got close I heard

them talking.

I hid in the shadow of the night as I nosily listened to their conversation – I knew I shouldn't have, but

sue me I was curious. "I have to go with May to watch out for her" Chris sighed in annoyance.

"And who is going to look after you?" Javier shot back.

"I can look after myself".

"I'm just...I'm worried.

"You really don't need to worry, Javier" Chris sighed, rubbing his temples in what was obviously stress.

"I know that we're mates but--"

"What?" I screamed, jumping out of the shadows in shock and rushed over to Javier and Chris. They

both jumped in surprise, looking sheepish, as I rushed over to them. I was practically bouncing on the

spot in happiness as I looked at them – my best friend and one of my closest friends were mates.

"May do not get carried away" Chris warned me, as I grinned like a maniac.

"You guys are mates? That's perfect. You guys are so perfect for each other". I tackled Chris into a hug

and squeezed him as tight as I could. "Oh my god, we can do like double dates and you can move to

the Equinox Pack and we can--"

"Easy, M, calm down" Chris laughed.

I ignored him and turned to Javier, "and I didn't even know you were gay! But you guys are perfect for

each other. This is fucking amazing and--"

"And we need to get going. Our bus is here" Chris sighed, shaking his head in annoyance but there

was a smile on his face. I could see that despite the tension he was holding, he still held happiness in

his eyes.

"Well I'll go find us some seats on the night bus. You can say your goodbyes to each other" I winked

suggestively at them. He laughed at me, as I grabbed our bags and ran towards the bus.

The night bus was filled with only a few people and the driver barely gave me a glance as I headed on

and grabbed some seats. I shoved the rucksacks on the ground as I glanced out the window. I could

see Javier and Chris close together talking. I grinned brightly, my nose practically pressed to the

window as I watched them together.

I gave a small squeal of happiness when Chris leant in and pecked Javier sweetly. I was vibrating

happily, almost unable to sit on my chair, as Chris left his mate and joined me on the bus. He saw my

expression and blushed softly as he sat down next to me.

"Don't" he warned me.

"I didn't say anything" I smiled, bumping his shoulder playfully.


I held my hands up in surrender, "alright, alright, I won't say anything". We fell into silence as the bus

started up. I was silent for a few minutes before I turned to Chris, "so Javier huh?"

"May" he whined.

"I'm your best friend you are supposed to talk to me about things like this" I complained.

"We are not going to talk about Javier, so just let it go".

"Never" I grinned.

"Fine, fine" Chris sighed. "Yes, alright I'm very happy. I've always been attracted to the Latin looks, so

he's pretty much exactly my ideal guy looks wise. I can't really comment on his personality since I only

just met him tonight, but he seems... honourable".

"Yeah that's exactly the word to describe Javi" I nodded. "So, you like Latin looks but you never hit on

me? Dude, I'm offended"

He snorted, "unlike Alpha Zev I have taste".

"Fuck you. You wish you had a chance with someone as hot as me".

"I've got a mate and he's a thousand times hotter than you" Chris teased. We were silent for a few

seconds before he spoke up again. "I always wanted to be mated to a woman because I want children,

but Javier is just...everything".

I smiled, "I always thought you preferred guys anyway?"

"I do, but I still want kids someday" he shrugged, "but I know there are other ways we can go about

that, before you say it, but it doesn't mean that this relationship isn't going to be hard".

"There is only one thing that Javier will make hard for you...and it won't be your life" I joked, winking at

him as he rolled his eyes. "Just let shit work itself out for once".

"I guess" he smiled. I returned the smile, before I leant into his shoulder. "Yeah, you'd better grab some

sleep while you still can. I'll wake you before our stop. We'll have a little walk to the Black Bloods Pack.

Hopefully, your mate will be the Alpha by the time we get there".

I smiled to myself, "oh I have no doubt that he will".







yep, that's it

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