Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 41

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 41

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 41

RILEY. “So, did the flower work?” Beta Dominic asked as I entered the kitchen. He was sitting by the center counter, and in front of him was Gamma Sebastian. Jenny was preparing warm drinks for them at the kitchen counter. There was a time, before Andrea came and Jenny had just arrived, that we spent almost every night at this place, just talking and taunting each other.

I missed this.

How I wished I could share these kinds of moments with Nadia.

After she left the library, I contemplated whether I should follow after her or just give her time alone before going to bed.

I chose the latter and went downstairs, hoping to see Sebastian and Jenny.

I wanted to ask for help on how I could further pursue my female “I’m not sure.

She just said, thank you and left.

” I didn’t tell them about Nadia allowing me to sleep in the same room as her because I didn’t want to jinx it.

“Would you like some warm chocolate or milk, Alpha?

Or perhaps tea?

” Jenny asked as she placed two mugs on the counter and the two males grabbed them.

“No, thank you.

I don’t want anything right now.

” I smiled at her and she just nodded before I turned my head to Sebastian.

“What do you usually do if Jenny is pissed off at you?

” I asked him.

I was desperate to get any help, so I was swallowing my pride and asking for help from them.

“My Jenny?

” Sebastian’s mouth tugged into a smug smirk before he coiled an arm around his female’s waist and pulled her to sit on his lap.

“I just do it like this.


” And he dipped his mouth into Jenny’s neck and started nibbling it.

Jenny started to giggle while trying to pull her body away from Sebastian, with no luck because the Gamma was holding her tightly in his arms.

I just shook my head, letting a smile tug on my mouth as I clasped my hands together.

“I would definitely be kicked out if I did that.

” Beta Dominic chuckled before sipping his drink.

“I agree with that.

I don’t think that would work.

But d**n, I thought flowers could melt a female’s heart.

” “It does, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be forgiven right away,” Jenny added before she slapped her mate’s hands, who was rubbing her arms.

“I know that.

Do you think I should buy her something, anything?

” My questions now were directed at Jenny, “I don’t think Nadia wants any material things, Alpha.

” “If you’re mad at Sebastian, how does he make up for it?

” “I’m not telling, because he’s just going to use it to his advantage.

” Jenny chuckled as she placed a soft kiss on her mate’s nose before focusing her attention back on me.

“But Alpha, try picking out flowers for her instead of buying them.

The forest is swarming with beautiful flowers right now.

I’m sure she could tell which one took more effort.

And then maybe take with you when you need to be somewhere.

I don’t think she likes being stuck here, alone.

” “I’m not even sure if she wants to spend time with me.

” “Then ask her.

” My Beta suggested, snickering at me.

“That’s why the Goddess gave us our mouths.

It’s not used for just swearing.

” “Or eating pussies…” My Gamma added; much to the discomfort of his mate.


” Jenny’s voice echoed in the kitchen, and in seconds, peals of laughter were already booming all around us.

But the laughter suddenly died down when our noses picked up Nadia’s scent and the sound of small footsteps closing in.

Nadia was approaching and everything went dead silent.


She would be pissed off again if she came in and no one was talking.

“I’ll ask her to come with me tomorrow then.

” I blurted it out of nowhere. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

My heart was pounding in my chest as all eyes darted at me, with confusion written on their faces.

“Who’s coming with you somewhere?

” Nadia’s voice reached my ears as her sweet scent swirled around me.

I turned my head back and saw her standing by the entrance.

Her eyes moved from me to the people around the counter.

I immediately rose to my feet, rubbing my neck with my hand.


” I smiled at her before I continued.

“I was thinking maybe you’d want to come with me tomorrow to the western territory.

” She bit her bottom lip before she opened her mouth to answer.

“Can I think about it?

” “Of course.

” I smiled at her before motioning with my hand.

“Come sit here.

Do you want something to drink?

Tea, warm milk, or chocolate?

” “Yeah, like the one last night.

” “Sure, take a seat here.

” I patted the chair I was sitting on earlier before turning around and making my way to prepare her drinks, I heard small footsteps, and I was hoping she’d sit where I asked her to.

“So how was your day, Luna?

”Gamma Sebastian asked.

“It was good.

Jenny kept me company.

” “Good for you.

Mine was a bit boring.

” Dominic grunted.

“Why was that?

” She asked innocently.

“I spent the whole day with an Alpha who didn’t want to talk.

” “I wondered why?

Maybe you bored him too.

” Nadia chuckled, and it was f*g music to my ears.

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, but I refused to b**t in.

I just let them talk while I prepared her chocolate.

“Probably his tongue got tied…” My Beta answered, and I just let him diss me as long as it made Nadia smile.

“Or his tongue got left somewhere he last used it, like licking…” “Sebastian!

” Jenny’s voice was now mortified, and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing with them this time.

My Gamma was a fg man-we, but of course, he stopped being one after he met Jenny, and we all knew where his heart and his dk were now.

He just couldn’t get his lewd mouth to shut up from time to time.

“Oh my Goddess, I’m sorry, Luna.

I think I need to tie up his mouth.

He has no filter!

” Jenny’s voice was high pitched but it didn’t sound angry at all.

I turned around, carrying Nadia’s warm drink, and I saw her giggling.

Her eyes were watering from her laughter, and I missed that carefree look on her face.

She was a beautiful sight.

“Thank you,” she mouthed without looking at me after I placed her mug in front of her, and I remained standing behind her, my hand holding onto the backrest of her chair.

“Bound my mouth, darling, and then you can tie my hands too.

I’ll let you have full control tonight.

” Sebastian was smirking smugly.

Jenny’s face was red now as she glared at her mate.

“Oh, f**k!

That just reminds me that I’m not getting laid tonight.

” My Beta chuckled as he crossed his arms against his chest, feigning a scowl on his face.

“Me too.


” Nadia added in a low voice before she began sipping her warm drink.

“That means, me too.


,” S**t.

Why did I say that out loud?

Jenny looked at us, her eyes widening as she wiggled her hands in the air.

“I’ll make sure I don’t get laid tonight too, so no one is missing out on anything tonight.

” “No!

” Sebastian feigned a cry and Nadia giggled again, making my heart somersault in my chest.

“So what do you want to do tomorrow, Luna?

” Jenny asked her, ignoring Sebastian, who was fussing at her.

Sebastian pulled Jenny’s back closer to his body and sank his head into the nook of her neck, inhaling her scent.

I was so used to their displays of affection that it didn’t bother me anymore, but Nadia wasn’t.

I saw her cheeks turn red as she darted her eyes down to her drink.

“Ummm… I don’t know.

But maybe you can teach me how to drive?

” I didn’t hear Jenny’s reply or the rest of the conversation as the pain hit my chest.

My grip on the chair tightened before I let it go and turned around, walking away from them and heading for my office.

I slammed the door shut as I slumped my tired body onto my chair, my fingers rising to my temples, pressing them while my eyes were closed.

She’s leaving.

She doesn’t want me anymore.

And I felt my chest heave as I fought off Hunter from coming out.

It didn’t take long before my office door opened and Beta Dominic came in, a furious look plastered on his face.

“What the heck was that?

We were trying to make things better between the two of you, and then you just walked away.

Nadia looked like she was hit by a truck when you stormed off!

” He was trying to control the anger rolling off of him.

“She’s leaving.

She wants to leave me.

” He let out a sigh before sitting down on the chair in front of my desk.

“Where did you get that idea?

” “She wants to learn how to drive.

” “Don’t we all?

” HAR “You don’t understand.

” “Then make me so I can help you!

F**k, man!

You can’t storm off every time you don’t like what you hear if you want to make amends with her.

Nadia is still scared of you…” “Because I’m a f*g monster in her eyes!

” “Then prove to her you are not!

But letting your temper get to you and storming off won’t help you.

You will just scare her away more.

” “I just don’t want her to leave me.

” Then make her stay.


This feels like I am talking to a four-year-old and not an Alpha.

” He was right, but I just lost it.

“I don’t know what to do anymore.

” “One day, one f*g day, and you’re giving up already?

Tell me why you think she’s leaving, because I didn’t hear her say that out there.

” I let out a deep sigh before I started explaining.

“When she came here, she asked me to teach her how to drive, so when it’s time for her to go, she can drive, and I agreed.

And I promised her I would give her a car too.

She might be planning to leave once she learns how to drive.

” “Then you have time to win her back.

She can’t learn how to drive in one day.

But now we’re all back to zero because you let your temper snap again.

” I rested my elbows on my desk and palmed my face.

This is f*g hard.

I f****d up again.

It was almost midnight before I got the courage to drag my feet out of my office.

I’ve been contemplating just sleeping here, but I didn’t want Nadia to think I didn’t want to be with her.

But I was nervous about facing her after I stormed off earlier.

I was hoping she was already asleep.

At least, if she was, then the chance of her shoving me away from the bed was next to impossible.

I slowly opened the door to our room and slipped my head inside, peeking around like a schoolboy scared of getting caught.

The room was already dimmed, and I saw her figure tucked inside the sheets on her side of the bed.

She was asleep.

I carefully walked without making any noise and made my way to the shower, taking a pair of clean sweatpants with me.

I didn’t think Nadia would appreciate it if I lay next to her in just my boxers, so even if sweatpants were not comfortable, this would do for tonight.

After I was done with my shower, I just found myself standing at the foot of our bed, just watching as her chest rose and fell while I dried my hair with a towel.

I missed her, and I wondered if I would get a chance to hug her tonight.

I closed the window and locked the door before I carefully slid inside the blanket and lay on my back, one hand under my head.

Even if I was tired and didn’t get enough sleep last night, sleep wasn’t taking over.

But at least her scent was calming me and my wolf.

I knew I had to work harder and control my temper.

My Beta was right – I needed to prove to her that I was no longer the same man that I was with Andrea.

That I could change.

I closed my eyes and urged myself to sleep, so my mind could function better tomorrow.

I was still having a conversation with Hunter, telling him that he needed to help me control our temper instead of pushing himself out when we got riled up when I felt Nadia move from her position.

My eyes snapped open just in time to see her body turned around, facing me.

Her eyes were closed, but her hand was reaching for something until it landed on my chest and I felt sparks traveling all over my body, waking up all my senses.

She slowly inched her body nearer until her head found the corner of my arm, making me smile in amusement as she snuggled herself onto my body, her arms and legs hugging me.

I lowered my forearm and let her head lie on my arm, wrapping them around her as I closed my eyes again.

For sure, she’d be furious tomorrow if she woke up in this position, but I would face it and think about it then.

For now, I would just let her warm and soft body rest against mine, lulling me to sleep.

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