Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Waking Up

“Follow me,” Dr. Boman said. He led them to one of the infirmary rooms, “Put her down here, please.” He pointed to a hospital bed with machines and IV stands around it.

Kai placed her gently on the bed.

The doctor started an examination.

Lifted her eyelids, shined Join Telegram Group For Fast update and Novel Query a light in her eyes.

“What happened?” Dr.

Boman said as he continued his examination.

Alaric gave him the play-by-play.

“I never realized her aura permeated the entire pack until it was gone,” Dr. Boman said.

“Something woke me up, and I felt the need to call out for her.

Then a light shot through the room, through me, and I felt her presence again.

She holds the pack up.

Like she’s the oxygen in the air we breathe.” Delta team nodded, agreeing.

“I’ve never heard of anything like this,” Dr. Boman said.

“Shifting after the eighteenth birthday.After being marked and mated.Then whatever happened tonight.It certainly is not how shifting usually works.I don’t know what’s going on, but her vitals are strong.” “Is she fighting her wolf?” Conri said.

“I don’t know,” Dr.Boman said.

“Could be.It seems like there was drama with her shift, with it not happening on her birthday and whatever happened tonight.Maybe she and her wolf don’t get along.Maybe it’s as simple as that.Whatever it is, we have to wait for her to regain consciousness.” “She will, right?” Kai said.

“Wake up?” “I think so,” Dr.

Boman said.

The triplets pulled chairs over and sat around Thea, holding onto her.

Delta team left to give them privacy.

Just her guard detail and the Alpha and Luna stayed.

Kai laid his head on her.

He started whispering her name, and he didn’t stop until she started to stir some time later.

“Thea?” Kai said.

He sat up.

Thea groaned.

“Hey, babe, how are you?” Conri said, rubbing her leg.

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus,” she said.

She opened her eyes and saw a group of people she didn’t recognize around her.

Something smelled amazing.

“Where am I?” “The infirmary, my love,” someone said.

She looked toward the sexy voice and noticed its owner was holding her hand.

He had piercing, crystal blue eyes, dark hair in a crew cut, a chiseled face, and lots and lots of muscle.

Another man who looked just like him held her other hand.

The only difference was his hair.

He had a messy pompadour.

One more identical man, this one with long hair, had his hand on her leg.

Everywhere they touched, sparks erupted and sent pleasure through her.

It was nice-really nice—but it didn’t seem normal.

“Who are you?” she said.

She took her hands from the identical men and rubbed them together in front of her chest.

The matching men’s faces fell.

They looked at another, bigger man who stood at the foot of her bed.

“Dad?” the one with the long hair said.

The bigger man shook his head.

identical men backed out of the way.

“Do you know your name?” She thought about it then shook her head.

“I’m Doctor Boman,” the doctor said.

“Do you remember anything?” “No,” she said.

“Okay,” Dr.

Boman said.

“Nothing to worry about.

Amnesia can be temporary.

We’ll just have to wait and hope your memories return.

I’m going to give you a neurological exam.” Thea nodded.

The doctor had her follow his finger, shined a light in her eyes, and a few other things.

She didn’t feel sparks when the doctor touched her.

“Everything looks good,” the doctor said.

“How do you feel?” “Tired,” she said.


What happened to me?” “We don’t know,” Dr.

Boman said.

That wasn’t reassuring.

“You don’t know like I’m a stranger you found on the side of the road and took in like a stray cat?” .

Thea said.

“No.You live here.

We know you,” Dr.

Boman said.

“I just don’t know what’s going on with you.” “What happened to me?” Thea said.

“You shifted for the first time tonight, but the circumstances were abnormal,” Dr.

Boman said.

“Now you don’t remember anything.

This has never happened before.” “Shifted?” “You got your wolf,” Dr.

Boman said.

“Huh?” Thea said.

“Is that code for something?”.


Boman looked at her for a moment, thinking.

“True or false,” Dr.

Boman said.

“Magic is real.” Thea chuckled.

“False,” she said.

“Do people with amnesia usually get that wrong?” Dr.

Boman ignored her question.

“Who was the first president of the United States?” he said.

“George Washington.” “What’s the square root of pi?” “One point seven seven two four five.” “How old are you?” Thea paused.

She tried to find an answer, but there was nothing there to find.

“I don’t know.” Dr.

Boman asked a few more questions then stopped “It seems your amnesia is selective.

You don’t remember anything about your life, but you have the basic knowledge of human things.” 2 “Like her wolf side got cut out?” the long-haired man said.

“I really have no idea,” Dr.

Boman said..

“Human things?” Thea said.

“You say that like we’re not human.” “Doctor?” the man with the crew cut said.

“We’ll have to wait and see if she gets her memories back,” Dr.

Boman said.

The three identical men stared at her.

She thought she could sense their emotions.

They were scared, sad, anxious.

They wanted to hold her.

It was overwhelming.

“They’re our mates, Thea,” a voice in her head said.

“What?” she thought.

“What are mates? And why do I hear voices in my head?” The identical men looked like they wanted to say something, but the one with the crew cut stopped them.

“I’m Zoe, your wolf,” the voice said.

“Wolf? Why is everyone talking about wolves?” “We’re werewolves.” e were Thea suddenly had a headache.

“I’m too tired for this,” she said.


Sleep then,” Zoe said.

Thea fell asleep almost instantly.

The next time she woke up, the identical men were still in the room, but they were each sleeping in chairs. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

She could hear their heartbeats, and she thought that was odd.

“Zoe?” she said in her mind.

“Yeah, I’m here, Thea,” Zoe said in her mind.

“That’s so weird.” “You’ll get used to it.” “I’m not sure I want to.

Wouldn’t that make me a crazy person?” Thea thought.

“You’re not crazy.

Just give it some time.” O “Why can’t I remember anything?” “It’s a long story.” “I don’t think I have anything else to do.

Do you?” Zoe gave her a rundown about werewolves and mates.

“Those three gorgeous men are your mates,” Zoe said.

“You can trust them.” “A voice in my head tells me I can trust three strangers.

Sounds reliable,” Thea said to Zoe in her mind.

“Is that why I felt those tingles where they touched me?” “Yes, and they are what smells good.” “Why do they look the same?” “They’re identical triplets.” “Is that normal?” “Nothing about you or them is normal.” “Oh boy,” Thea thought.

“Multiple births are rare in werewolves,” Zoe said.

“We have fast pregnancies.

Too fast to support multiple births- they almost always end badly.

The pups are either deficient in some way, or they don’t survive.” “That seems like quite a design flaw.” “It served a purpose for a long time.

Long pregnancies were difficult to survive in a more primitive world.

When a female is pregnant, she can’t shift into her wolf to fight.

We’ve had a lot of predators over the centuries that would take advantage of that, including rival packs.

The goddess sped up our pregnancies for our protection.” “But there’s a downside to everything.” “Yes.

A fast pregnancy can only support one pup.

That’s why our DNA is programmed to only send one egg at a time.” “Then how do these triplets exist? They look healthy.” “The goddess knew you would need a lot of protection,” Zoe said.

“She split the egg into three, so you would have three mates to grow up with, who would love you and do anything for you.

They’re healthy because your magic made them develop perfectly.” O “Excuse me,” Thea said in her mind.

“Did you say magic?” “Yes.

We have something called a goddess gift.

Every so often, when it’s needed, the moon goddess gifts one of her children with extra magic.” “Moon goddess,” Thea said in her mind.

“That feels familiar.” “Good,” Zoe said.

“It should.” “Keep talking.

Why don’t I remember anything?” “Some bad people wanted to take our magic.

I had to hide it.

The only way to do that for sure was to leave you.

When the bad people came for you, all they saw was a human.

Once I knew we were safe, I came back.

Except that’s not how these things work.

I broke our bond when I left.

When I came back, I kind of forced my way in, and I ended up kicking you out.

I think you went to the moon goddess.

I called out for you and asked the moon goddess to bring you back and fix what I broke.

I was just trying to keep you safe after all-it wasn’t your fault.

Everyone in the pack joined in, asking for you back.

Here you are, so it must have worked.

Do you remember anything?” 1 “No,” Thea said to her.

“Werewolves, magic.

This all sounds crazy.” Zoe sighed.

“This isn’t the way things usually work.

If a wolf leaves its human, it’s usually permanent.

Werewolves aren’t meant to be apart from their wolves, so the human side usually withers and dies.

You hadn’t shifted yet when I left, so I thought you’d be fine.

I guess this hasn’t happened before, so I don’t know what to expect.

I’m back, though, and I’m here for you.

I’ll teach you what you need to know if you don’t get your memories back.” “Thanks, I guess,” Thea thought.

“Do you know where the bathroom is?” Zoe laughed.

“I’m sure there’s one around here somewhere.

I can sniff it out.” Thea got off the bed and let Zoe lead the way.

There was a bathroom a few feet from her bed.

She used it, then came back out.

The triplets were awake, staring at her.

all sounds crazy.” Zoe sighed.

“This isn’t the way things usually work.

If a wolf leaves its human, it’s usually permanent.

Werewolves aren’t meant to be apart from their wolves, so the human side usually withers and dies.

You hadn’t shifted yet when I left, so I thought you’d be fine.

I guess this hasn’t happened before, so I don’t know what to expect.

I’m back, though, and I’m here for you.

I’ll teach you what you need to know if you don’t get your memories back.” “Thanks, I guess,” Thea thought.

“Do you know where the bathroom is?” Zoe laughed.

“I’m sure there’s one around here somewhere.

I can sniff it out.” Thea got off the bed and let Zoe lead the way.

There was a bathroom a few feet from her bed.

She used it, then came back out.

The triplets were awake, staring at her.

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