Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Chapter 76: Learning to be Thea

Chapter 76: Learning to be Thea 

The triplets and Thea went to their room.

"We should check your phone and laptop, see if there’s anything we need to attend to," Alaric said.

He handed her a phone.

She looked at it.

"What do I do?"

Alaric took it back and tried to open it.

"Do you know your password?"

Thea shook her head.

"Hmm.Let’s see if we can crack it."

Alaric started trying passwords.

Thea felt something off with Conri.She went to him and hugged him.

"What's this for?"Conri said.

He wrapped his arms around her.

"You seem sad,"she said.

"What’s wrong?"

"I’m worried about you.I’m starting to realize you may never be safe."

She looked up at him.

"I feel safe with you," she said.

He smiled.

"I know I don't remember anything, and I don’t understand what’s going on, but you make me feel like everything is okay."

He leaned down and kissed her.

"Let’s get some work done while we can," Alaric said.

"Your password is our birthday." Conri broke the kiss and inhaled her scent for a moment.

He turned her around and pushed her to Alaric.

Alaric handed her the unlocked phone.She took it then jumped on Alaric, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"Are you trying to distract me?" Alaric said.

"Maybe.Is it working?" Thea said.

"No," he said.

She kissed his cheek and worked her way to his ear.She felt like he was too serious.

He needed someone to be playful with him from time to time.

"What about Axel?" she whispered.

She kissed down t o his marking spot.

"I haven’t met him properly yet.Zoe’s been telling me about him."

Alaric’s hands slid up her legs under her dress and squeezed her buttocks.

Thea pulled back and looked into Alaric’s now black eyes.

"Hi, Axel."

She smiled in triumph, and he kissed her.She moaned.

He kissed differently than Alaric.

"Caleb? Damon?" she thought.

Within seconds, Caleb and Damon were kissing their marks on her neck and roaming their hands over her body.

Caleb started to take her dress off, and Axel set her down.

As soon as her feet hit the floor, she ducked between Axel and Damon and jumped on her bed.

"I need help with this phone thing," she said.

She swiped through different screens.

Three low growls sounded.She looked up at them innocently, knowing she incited the chase in their beasts.

They all jumped on the bed and surrounded her, eyes black.

Damon pushed her onto her back.

Caleb ran a hand up her leg under her dress.

Axel went to his mark and started nibbling on it.

"I thought we needed to get some work done," Thea said.

Sparks were erupting everywhere.

Damon leaned in.His hand slid over to her breast.

Thea put her hand on his chest and pushed him away.

A low growl rumbled against her hand.

She couldn’t help but smile.

"Are you trying to rile him up?" Kai thought to Thea.

"Maybe we can save this energy for later," Thea said out loud.

The triplets froze, and their eyes turned back to blue.

They were breathing hard.

She bit her lip.

"That’s really hot."

"They’ll be coming for you later," Kai said.

"Good," she said.

Kai pulled her up to a sitting position.

"Alright," Alaric said.

He sat next to her.

"Let me see."

He took the phone from her and opened her email app.

She had emails from Jane, looking for approval on a few more ideas for the bar.

"I’m opening a bar?"Thea said.

"Aren't we kind of young? We’re in high school."

"It’s not a concern for werewolves," Conri said.

"You hired a manager to take care of running it," Alaric said.

"What do I need to do?" Thea said.

"Approve or reject these ideas for decor," Alaric said.

"I don’t know what I was going for."

"You were liking everything Jane sent over before," Kai said.

"It’s probably safe to okay these.You could also schedule a meeting with her to go over everything, have her explain what your plans were." She bit her lip.

"Why was I doing this?" Thea said.

Alaric explained the whole thing.

"Oh," Thea said.

"I don’t want to mess this up. If I chose someone to manage the bar, I must have trusted him, right? Maybe I should turn it over to him?"

"Whatever you want, babe," Conri said.

"You don’t have to make any decisions right now," Alaric said.

"Does the manager or this interior designer know I lost my memory?"

"I doubt it, now that I think of it," Alaric said.

"It only happened yesterday."

"Maybe I should schedule a meeting with them and let them know," Thea said.

"That’s a good idea.There’s another businessman you were working with on this.Davie.He should know by now.He’s in our pack.Let’s reach out to him," Alaric said.

"The manager and interior designer aren’t in our pack?" Thea said.

"No," Alaric said.

He drafted and sent an email requesting the meeting between everyone.

"Okay, that’s done.You have a lot of texts to go through."

"Will you help me?" Thea said.

"Of course."

He started going through them.

"None o f these are important, but these from unknown numbers are using the code words."


"You know how Xavier did all those bad things?" Kai said.

"You offered to help anyone who was being hurt by him or anyone else.

‘‘Let’s go to the bar’ is the code for ‘I need help"You told people to use that to get around an Alpha command to keep silent."

"Oh my goddess, we need to help these people," Thea said.

"What should we do?"

"We could have them meet us by your locker after sixth period starts tomorrow," Conri said.

"What if they don’t go to our school?" Kai said.

"Let’s respond to the texts, see what we can find out about who they are," Alaric said.

Alaric started replying to texts, and responses rolled in.

Some were students at their school.

They’d meet them tomorrow and go home with them.

Most of the texts were from people who no longer went to their school.

They had graduated already and were omegas i n their packs.

Some also knew slaves in their packs who wanted out but didn’t have a phone. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Alaric asked them if they could get themselves over to New Dawn’s gates.

Some said they could, and Alaric told them to come whenever they could.

Some were too far.

They'd be seen by other packs as rogues before they made it to New Dawn.

"Can we pick them up?" Thea said.

"If they can get out of their pack lands, to a road, yeah," Alaric said.

"We just need to figure out the best place and schedule a time to meet."

"We'll need to get Delta team in on this," Kai said.

" We'll need backup and several vehicles."

"Do we have cars?" Thea said

"The pack has vehicles," Conri said.

"Do I know how to drive?" Thea said.

"Yes, but we'll have Delta team do the driving," Conri said.

"I wouldn’t know where to go anyway," Thea said.

"Do we have maps, or does everyone know where these packs are?"

"Delta will be familiar with all the surrounding areas," Alaric said.

"You should schedule it so you’re with everyone when they’re picked up,"Zoe said in Thea’s head.

"You’ll want to use your gift to sense if the people you’ re picking up are good or bad and if there are bad people nearby who might ambush you."

"Zoe wants me to use my gift to sense if the people are good or bad, and also to sense if there are bad guys around," Thea said.

"So we plan each pick up separately, not simultaneously?" Alaric said.

"Yeah.I don’t want any of us getting ambushed," Thea said.

"Thea, can you call Delta team in for a meeting?" Alaric said.


"Mind link Liam, the guy that was in the Alpha’s office with us.Tell him to get all of Delta team together in the room where we did the oath ceremony as soon as possible."

"Why me?" Thea said.

"Delta team is yours," Conri said.

"Mine, like my guards?"

"They guard you, but they’re also your strike force," Kai said, his fingers trailing up and down her arm.

Thea looked at him with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"You don’t remember this, but they swore an oath to protect and serve you," Alaric said.

"Like my own private police force?"

Thea closed her eyes and sighed.

"How am I supposed to be whoever I was before? The person who knew what to do with a strike force?"

"You are who you were before this," Kai said.

"Whenever you learn a new thing, you respond the same way you did before.It’s just going to take some time to relearn everything."

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Okay.Liam, right?"

He nodded.

She got the guy in her head and opened her mind to him.


"Yes, Luna?"

"Can you get all of Delta team together for a meeting i n the room where we did the oath ceremony as soon a s possible?"

"Yes, Luna,"

Liam mind linked her.

"We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes," Thea said out loud.

"What’s with calling me Luna?"

"You’re the future Luna of the pack," Conri said.

"But I’m not the Luna yet, so why is he calling me that?"

"I guess you could think of it like they’re calling you princess.Maybe you’re not the acting queen yet, but you’re still royalty.You still have authority.We don’t have another word for it," Alaric said.

"In many ways, they already see you as their Luna.They swore their oath to you.They answer to you," Kai said.

"Just like people call us Alpha," Conri said.

"Our father is the acting Alpha right now, but everyone still calls us Alpha."

"I don’t know what to do with this information," Thea said.

"I'll think about it later.Right now, we need Delta team to execute this operation, right? Wait.Should I be addressing you guys as Alpha?"

The triplets smiled at her.

"What?" Thea said.

"You’re our Luna.You call us whatever you want," Kai said.

"I kind of liked the word coming out of your mouth,"Conri said.

"Maybe in the bedroom, you can play around with it," Alaric said.

Thea looked at them for a few seconds.

"Alpha," she thought.

Their eyes flickered black.

"Mmm. Interesting," she said out loud with a smile.

"Are you figuring out you have us wrapped around your little finger?" Kai thought to her.

She looked into Kai’s eyes.

"Do you want to be wrapped around my little finger?" Thea thought to him.

"Yes," he thought.

"We all do."

She smiled.

"What information do we need to give them at this meeting?" Thea said out loud.

"We need t o coordinate locations, times, vehicles.What are we going to do with the people we pick up? Where will they stay?"

"We already have a section of the pack house set aside for people we take in," Conri said.

"The pack knows we'll have newcomers and to help them."

"Is there someone designated to show them around, take them to this area?" Thea said.

"You usually do it," Conri said.

"You’re the contact person and everything. We help. You had Lizzy and Alessia help too."

"I met Lizzy.Who is Alessia?" Thea said.

"She’s the first person you helped," Kai said.

"How did this all start? How did I figure out people needed help?" Thea said.

The triplets thought for a moment.

"We got together romantically a few months ago," Alaric said.

"Xavier saw the three of us kissing you at school and took it as a free pass to try to rape you.I don’t know exactly what went on in his head.Now that we know his brain wasn’t capable of working right, I really can’t fathom what his thought process was."

"You fought him off, but he hurt you pretty badly," Conri said.

"Gave you a concussion, dislocated your shoulder.We found you in the middle of it and beat him into the ground."

"Xavier went around telling rumors," Kai said.

"Told everyone that you liked rough gangbangs, and only h e was wolf enough for you to go one on one."

"A group of guys in the junior class jumped you because of the rumors," Alaric said.

"You beat them into the ground easily," Kai said.

"I was so proud of you," he thought.

"Lizzy proclaimed you protector of the she-wolves," Conri said.

"You announced that you would have the backs of anyone who was having problems with boys."


Alaric said, "We found rogues stalking you shortly after, and you were put under house arrest here in the pack house.You didn’t go to school for months, so if anyone was going to ask for your help, they couldn’t.You only came back to school last week after we were sure your stalkers had stopped."

"The first day you came back," Conri said.

"Xavier approached you at lunch.He gave you a fake apology.You told him off.Then he got nasty.You announced to the whole cafeteria that Xavier tried to rape you under an Alpha tone command, but it didn’t work because it wasn’t strong enough.You said he wasn’t a true Alpha."

Conri smiled, remembering.

"He attacked you, but we got in his way," Kai said.

"After he left, Alessia approached you at our lunch table.You took her outside to talk, and a bunch of other girls followed you two.They had all been abused by Xavier and others.They were under Alpha commands not to talk, so you pieced together what was happening.You told them they could join our pack, that you would protect them, and to spread the word.Anyone who needs help can join our pack.Slaves, omegas, rogues.We don’t have omegas or slaves here, but some packs still do.You told them to use, ‘let’s go to the bar"as the code to get around an Alpha command."

"Alessia was the first person to reject her pack and join ours," Alaric said.

"Since then, more have joined.That’s how this came to be."

Thea nodded, processing the information.

"If we’re going to do a lot of pick-ups tonight, one after the other, maybe we should assign someone to b e here with the refugees," Thea said.

"Who do you want to do that?" Alaric said.

Thea bit her lip.

"Who do you think I would have thought of?"

"Lizzy and Alessia," Alaric said.

"And you would ask the other new pack members if they would feel comfortable showing the newcomers the ropes."

"Let’s do that then," Thea said.

"You’d probably ask our dad and mom to be around if anything is needed," Conri said.

"Okay," Thea said.

"So we’ll talk to them after the meeting with Delta team and get that set up.Let’s got o that room you had me tell Delta team to meet.I don’t want to be late for the meeting I called.Only, I don't know where it is."

"Follow us, babe," Conri said.

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