Under Mafia Protection by chavonthe

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 


The night had passed and it was morning already. Only, I hadn’t closed a single eye. The events from yesterday were still running through my head. The way Alessio played me, fooled me, threatened me

All night, I had been stuffing clothes and all necessary belongings into suitcases. One thing was certain. I wouldn’t be staying here in this apartment. risking mine or my daughter’s life any longer. 

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By the time I was almost finished, too much time had already past. So much time I didn’t even realize it was already 8:30. Alessio’s driver would arrive soon, and 1 was determined to get Natalie and myself out before then 

In a hurry, I picked up the last of Naty’s toys while she watched with a confused frown on her face. She had been staring at me wide–eyed since she had caught me packing like a possessed woman. Yes, I would love to explain the reasoning–but how could one even try and explain to a child that the monster from her bedtime stories was real

Naty’s voice broke through the silence. “Mommy, where are we going?” She asked so innocently Patience. That was one trait she didn’t get from me or her father as both of us seemed to be lacking that 

“We’re just going on a small trip, swcetic” 

She stared at me with those ever–trusting eyes, not pushing for an answer. Maybe she sensed my unease, or perhaps she was still tired. 

Not long after, we stood at the door with our suitcases. Conflicted, I took one last glance at our cozy apartment. We hadn’t built many memories, I wished that could’ve been different but I also knew I was ultimately the one to blame. 

No one forced me to take the job at the Panuccis, I knew it was dangerous–yer, I pushed aside every negative thought in my head and accepted the job. Before closing the door, I gulped down my anxiety, reminding myself I was doing this for our safety. 

As scared as I was, even I knew it wasn’t right to leave without thanking Mrs. Rodriquez who had always been there for us. From babysitting Naty when I was late from work to making us dinner to even the smallest gesture such as lending us sugar. I owed her a proper goodbye. 

With that being said, I knocked on her door. It would only be a simple goodbye, nothing more since I couldn’t tell her the truth. Knowing Mrs. Rodriguez, she would only worry and might unintentionally put herself in danger. 

Besides, I wasn’t really in the mood for any ‘I told you so’s,” 

The older woman opened the door with a sleepy smile, a bonnet still on her head and surprised eyes at our unexpected early visit. 

“Good morning, Jimena, Naty. What’s with the suitcases!” 

gout for a weekend getaway.” I lied through the pain. T’t that right, Naty!” 

Just heading o 

Not knowing any better, Natalie gave her a big nod. 

“Where to?” 

See, this was the part I hated the most. Too many questions which would lead to more lies than expected. 

Thinking on the spot, I said, “Oh, just a nearby resort. After all that working. I thought we could use a little break” 

I see,” 

I gently nudged Naty forward. “Come on, give Mrs. Rodriquez a hug 

Naty obeyed, wrapping her arms around the woman. “Bye, I’ll see you soon!” 

Guilt washed over me as I realized how close the two had gotten, Mrs. Rodriquez showed her more love than either one of her grandmothers could ever give her. Unfortunately this was about survival, and nothing could change my mind–not even their bond. 

1 sighed deeply. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it” 

Mrs. Rodriguez smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, the squeezed her eyes shut, only to open them about a split second later. “IFI didn’t know any better, I would think you were leaving me for good.” 

“No, no!” I denied her accusation, waving my hands as nervous laughter came from my lips. “I’ll see you in a few days.. really” 

*..Jimena,” she called out my name, hesitating for a moment. A teasing smile appeared as she spoke. “Are you going away with that cute guy. Anson!” 


My heart froze at the mention of the man who was the reason why I had filed in the first place. 

‘t take it anymore

The man that had mentally and physically tortured me over and over until I couldn’t 

He was here! 

Just the thought of him made my body ache, and I couldn’t help but remember all the times he had laid his hands on me. First it were his hands, then his belt, then he switched over to anything he could find, from cables to planks. You call it, I have felt it 

He had done so much more unthinkable things. So unthinkable I had erased them from my thoughts, only to escape the nightmares. 

In fear of being called stupid I had never told anyone. I was certain they would either not believe me, ask me why I hadn’t called the authorities (which I specifically didn’t in case Anson decided to go even more crazy), or guilt trip me for staying if not all of the above. 

They wouldn’t understand. 

No one would. 

I could hardly understand myself. 


everyone was oblivious. Neighbors clearly saw what was going on. They saw the bruises, the black eyes, heard the yelling–but no one ever interfered. Everyone had turned a blind eye. 

Daddy is here?” Nary’s voice contrasted with my thoughts. I couldn’t blame her because she didn’t know any better. I was put on keeping a smile on her face and had never told her what kind of animal her daddy really is. 

“Mrs. Rodriguez, what did you say? I panicked. Call it stupid, but deep down I was hoping she might’ve been talking about someone else. Anyone but him. 

She furrowed her brow, looking concerned. “Anson! Some handsome guy that came looking for you yesterday,” she explained. “I caught him knocking on your door. He also asked for Narry but I told her I didn’t know where she was because I wasn’t sure- 

“That’s my daddy!” Naty showed her a toothy smile. 

Mrs. Rodriguez’s expression turned pale, mirroring the mine. “Is he trouble?” 

“No!” Natty and I spoke at the same time. I quickly hid my unease and simply shrugged my shoulders. “I bet he wanted to surprise Naty, that’s all Thanks for telling me though.” 

Mrs. Rodriguez seemed only half–convinced. “He mentioned stopping by again today. That’s why I thought 

“Thanks for letting me know. I’ll call him,” I cut her off. One more word about that man and I would’ve begun bawling. 

Mrs. Rodriquez seemed yet to be fully convinced, but after one final round of goodbyes, I beckoned Naty to walk, holding back the tears that threatened to fall down my eyes. 

Dragging the suitcases, with Naty by my side, I thought back at my lack of brain cells. The anonymous phone call, the cigarette, the lighter, all signs were right there, and because I was too naive, too hopeful of a chance at a better life, I had ignored all of it. 

I could hardly believe I had packed for dear life to escape from Alessio, only to have a bigger problem on my plate. I didn’t know where we were headed, I didn’t know anything–all I knew was that I was fucked. 

Once we had reached outside. Nary tugged at my sleeve. I looked down at her big brown eyes. “Is Daddy coming with us on the trip?” Her lips were pursed. 

My words got stuck in my throat. I tried to answer her but I couldn’t, and then I shifted my gaze across the street. 

It was a good thing I did because the first thing I noticed was Anson’s car. 

It was that beat–up dark blue piece of crap which I could recognize from anywhere. Each time he drove around in that thing, I just had the urge to tell him that it was time to let go of it already–that piece of junk had already gone through a lot

The only reason I managed to freeze the way I did was because Anson’s had his head turned in another direction. Luckily Naty hadn’t spotted him either. 

“Mommy?” Naty tried grabbing my attention. “Where are we going, mommy!” 

Just a second, Naty.” 

12:00 PM 

Chapter 9 

The last thing I needed was for him to spot me. What if he would see us and drag us into that car? My heart pounded in my chest. Should I run! Would be see! 

What’s your next move, Jimena. 

Just then, a massive white SUV made its stop right in front of us. Almost as if send by god himself, the car hid us from Anson’s view. Only when I breathed a sigh of relief. I noticed I had been holding back my breath for quite some time. 

The door of the SUV opened, and a middle–aged man in a dark, expensive–looking suit stepped out. There was one thing I couldn’t understand, and that was why he was staring at me. 

“Miss Jimena?” he asked, scanning my face for confirmation. “I was sent by Sir Alessio Fanucci to pick you up.” 

“Luh_fuck my life.” I whispered under my breath, cursing myself. I had been too concerned with Anson that I had pushed away the reason why I was in such a hurry to get out. It was almost nine, and as agreed, by Alessio only, his driver was here to pick me up. 

“Is there something wrong?” 

“No, not at all.” 


Just my luck 

My head dropped into my palm, my brains weren’t functioning. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Naty and the man both shot each other confused looks. 

“And this is your…” the man trailed off, pointing at Naty 

“Daughter,” 1 filled in quickly. Of course Alessio didn’t mention Naty to him. Heck, the man didn’t even know she existed. 

“Right.” the man said, “Well, ger in please.” He held the door open with an unsure gesture. 

“You want me to get in?” I returned the same gesture, not knowing what the hell was even going on 

The man clicked his tongue. “I truly don’t care much about your relationship issues” he let out a chuckle as he nervously rubbed his temples. “But unless you want Alessio to make minced meat out of both of us, I suggest you step in he spoke. “I see you’ve got a little girl, so do I. I just want to get back safely to my family after my shift” 

Relationship issues

Did he really thought the reason why I didn’t want to get into the car was because of relationship issues? There wasn’t even a relationship to begin with 

“Who is that, Mommy?” Natalie questioned, looking back and for between the two of us 

“Not now. Naty 

I didn’t want to shut my daughter, I really didn’t–but right now I had to think very carefully about my next step. 

What was I supposed to do? Run, and make a scene? Go back to Anson and face.. well, hell knows what? All the things I had faced before, only ten 

times worse. 

Or, I could take a risk with Alessio, praying he would unintentionally keep us safe. No one dared messing with that family, and if he were to find me even Anson wouldn’t be that stupid. 

Alessio needed me, so he wouldn’t hurt me. He would accept me and would learn to accept Naty because he wouldn’t have a choice. 

Being with him would secure our safety. At least for BROW 

It was insane, but somehow, genting involved with the Mafia seemed better than going back to Anson. How did my life even get to th 

to this point! 

“Thank you for picking us up,” I had made a final decision. “Get in, sweetie,” I whispered to Nary who climbed in without single hesitation. As the driver took care of our suitcases, I buckled up my daughter, hoping I had made the right decision. 

“Where are we really going, mommy? Natalie pressed for an answer. Her tone sounded a bit more serious this time and I knew I owed her an 


I brushed a strand of hair from her face, trying to offer her a reassuring smile. 

12.00 PM 

Chapter 9 

“We’re going to a place that looks like a palace,” I replied, hoping to take away some of her worries. 

Naty’s voice dropped. “But Daddy won’t be there, will he?” the sulky expression on her face almost broke my heart. 

I shook my head. “Daddy is busy at the moment. I’m sorry, princess.” 

Busy stalking mommy that is

As the SUV finally pulled away, I took one final glance at Anson’s car. The devil had shifted his gaze, but he couldn’t see me. It only took a quick glance for me to see that those familiar eyes were still as cold as ever. He looked exhausted, out of it, had grown a short beard. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

He looked so pathetic I began feeling sorry for him, but certainly no more than I did for myself

I could only hope Alessio would feel the same when he would find out I hadn’t been entirely truthful. 

One problem at a time. I told myself. 

One problem at a time. 

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