Vampire King’s Little Killer

36. Daddy King

Cult: is considered pejorative by some, for a relatively small group that is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of acts and practices which are considered deviant (outside the norms of society).


I was not nervous about going to his den and meeting his peeps. I was curious and maybe a bit too excited.

The monstrosity of the mansion was what alarmed me. I lived with my grandparents and grew up mingling with the wealthy. I’ve seen big houses and ridiculously too-big mansions for people to flaunt their riches. But this… Nero’s so-called den blew those houses off the market. Hell, the whole complex can occupy one of the small private islands I visited when I was younger. Mm… maybe I was exaggerating but sure does look like it.

“Well, this is not the den I was imagining. But given you cheated your way in piling money over the centuries I guess it was expected.” I whistled appreciatively as I looked into the expansive yet very elegant foyer that can eat up my whole apartment.

“Thank you, it’s a nice place for my clan. We have several vampire families living in the complex, my children have their rooms here but they all have their houses in areas of their dominion. Well, except for Vesper, though he had bought a house by the mountains where I found you.” He kissed me, his voice followed my steps as he led me into a gorgeous lounge area. He showed me the great library next, then ushered me to his home office where his vampires had gathered before us.

He told me before that we were meeting Vesper in his office, because this was a private matter, and not all knew about me and my problem. I was okay with it. I thought that it was a nice way of easing me into meeting his whole follower. Huh, is that what he called his peeps? I need to check that with Daddy Nero.


“It’s like you’re running your cult here,” I said after our meeting with Vesper ended.

“Hmm… why do you insult me by comparing us to that nuisance?”

“What? Cult is not so bad, it means that you have followers and I know you’re probably way more established than any other cult ever existed, but still,”

“We are more established, little killer. I am their king. Don’t make me more upset than me knowing Vesper is doing it again with Aldrich.”

“Wait, what?” I asked in confusion, I thought we were talking about the cult but then he switched it to Vesper and Aldrich. When did that happen?

“That bratty son of mine will stir his brother again. Aldrich, Amar, and Vesper with their on-and-off-again thing are getting boring. I swear the dramatics makes me want to flee back to Transilvania.”

Oh wow. Oh, well. Didn’t see that one coming. But they’re all adults, I thought. I really didn’t see where this was any of my business and why daddy king was all upset. Though, I don’t really like bothering with anyone’s love affairs.

“You know we could,” I smirked telling him I miss the chef’s cheese menus, “and the house too, and I miss Lucius and his adorable dog.”

Nero looked at me and then smiled softly. “Come on, let me show you the rest of the place then we can retreat to my chamber.

Chamber, huh? I couldn’t wait to see the master bedroom. Though I smiled sweetly, putting on my best behavior while gasping here and there as I took in the view. From the very impressive kitchen where he had industrial fridges filled with blood bags, the pristine garden with the exquisite outdoor seating area, and of course the infamous throne hall.

“Well, you surely didn’t spare any expenses in making this place cozy,” I told him as his hand soothes my backside, keeping me close as he introduces me to several of his cult members. What? He couldn’t read my mind, and I’m going to say it as it is my pretty little head.

But the last room was what blew me away. It was located next to his private chamber. Ugh, suddenly, I feel like I was back in Transilvania, in his newly purchased castle with its dining hall and extravagant chandeliers.

“This will be your private room, where you can draw, and paint, and will be left to your privacy.”

“Will?” I tilted my head at him before letting my gaze fall on the whole room. The floor-to-ceiling windows, the large comfortable sofas, various sizes of easels and canvases, and what looked like too many amounts of art supplies. Bookcases lined some of the walls, and a large mirror made the room even more spacious. The sectional carpet looked inviting, and the glass doors open up to a gorgeous balcony.

Wait… did he say will?

As if he read my mind, he says, “I’m inviting you to live with me. Aside from the privacy at my penthouse, I want you here with me whenever I stay in the den.”

“Oh…” Right, no pressure. Wait. Why am I feeling pressured? I was still in the midst of thinking about it when Nero opened another door then I gasp when I saw the large four-poster bed that looks even gaudier than his throne. But then he walked into the room and it all fits perfectly.

Nero looked at me, he didn’t expect an answer he just assumed that I’d say yes as if it was a privilege for me to be invited to his den.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Tell me, are you impressed?” He smirked and tugged me closer to his personal space. His cold hands and cold embrace pulled me in like a beacon. I was feeling sappy when he lifted my chin and I nodded and parted my lips when he pressed his lips to mine.

“Are we staying here tonight?” I asked the second we break from our kiss.

“Yes, our dinner will be delivered to my private living space.” He pointed to another door on the other side of his bedroom wall.

“Wow, these rooms just keep on giving, don’t they? What’s on the other side of your private living space?”

“Well, that’s for you to find out another time.”

I sighed in his arms. A girl can hope. Maybe, maybe he built me my own personal dungeon for guns. Then, as if he knew me too damn well. He laughed. “No, my precious little killer, there’s no guns or any other type of weaponry on that other side of the room.”

There was no need to pretend to be disappointed. Because he said that he’d take care of me, so there was no need to keep the gun in another room. But then he said the sweetest thing. “You may have several guns stored in the walk-in closet. We can clear up a special space for your babies. How does that sound?”

I couldn’t contain my grin. “I like it, I know I feel better with keeping them closer.”

“I know you would, baby.” He chuckled and kissed my temple. Aww…

“So, tell me, now that we have an idea about what’s not going to happen to you… what’s next on your bucket list?”

“Hmm… you’re right, I need to pack up my wall of suspects and research. And I can concentrate back on my dark art,” I grinned and wrapped my arms around his shoulder before pulling him down to deepen our kiss.

“We could start crossing off my bucket list,”

He groaned when I wrapped my legs around him and let him take me to his big ass bed.

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