Where We Belong

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Parking my bike next to the others I ran a hand down my face. I was wiped out and wanted nothing more than to crash. Hanging my helmet on the end of my handle bars I headed towards the entrance finding it a little odd that it was quiet. In fact it was way to quite for it only reaching midnight. What the hell was going on?

Pushing the doors open every head inside turned my way. Yeah something had defiantly happened. Walking through the bar area I glared as they wouldn't stop staring at me. "What the fuck are you all looking at?" I yelled sitting my ass in the stool next to Marko. Lexi was holding onto him for dear life as she sobbed into in chest.

"Blaze you shouldn't be here" Marko said gripping Lexi tighter.

"And why the fuck not? I've just driven 5 hours to get here and now you're telling me I shouldn't be here. If you didn't need my help you could have at least phoned" Facing the bar I pointed to the girl that was behind it. "Get me a whiskey". And yet she didn't move she must be new.

"It's alright Christine get him what he asked for he's family" Marko sighed running his hands up and down Lexi's back.

Once I had my drink I downed it and slammed my glass onto the table. What a bloody welcoming this was. "Seriously Marko why didn't you just phone? I've got better things I could be doing like-..."

"H-he doesn't know" Lexi stuttered cutting me off. "if he did he wouldn't be here. It must have happened when he had already left".

"Doesn't know what? What the fuck is she talking about Marko?"

Still no one said a word.

"Someone had better answer me" I snapped starting to get pissed off.

"Let's go into the office kid, I think it's better if I tell you in there" Marko said letting go of Lexi and getting to his feet.

"No just fucking tell me here"

"I thinks it better if we go in there" He snapped placing his hand on top of my shoulder. Why the fuck was he acting like that? And calling me kid? I wasn't fucking moving until someone told me what was going on. Glaring at him he sighed running a hand through his hair.

"I'm so sorry Blaze" He muttered

What the fuck was he sorry for?

"It's Ava she's been in a car accident it's bad kid"...


No this wasn't true she was at home, she left the clubhouse and went straight home. I was fucking there. I was parked out side her house. "Blaze".....

"No" I snapped pushing his arm off me "Stop fucking lying" I roared getting to my feet. Ava was fine and right now I bet she was tucked up in bed ready for work. She always liked to get a good sleep before a long day at the hospital.

Feeling as though someone had just sucker punched me all the air left my lungs. Not Ava, not my sweets! Gripping onto the side of the bar with both hands my breaths started coming out in pants.

"How?" I asked teeth clenched as I was struggling to catch a breath.

"They ran her off the road Blaze".

Grabbing the glass of the bar I threw it against the wall in front of me. "Who ran her of the road?" I knew who is was but I had to here him say it. The bastards will pay and I will kill them with my bare hands. Swiping my arm over the bar I knocked all the glasses to the floor.

"Fuck" I roared picking up the bar stool and throwing it towards the window. I couldn't stop anything and anyone in my way was getting it. And that how my rampage started. Flipping tables, throwing glasses and busting up my hands. Why the fuck did they have to hurt her? Punching the wall repeatedly I crashed my other hand into the signature mirror.

"Marko you have to stop him" Lexi cried as I picked up the table and launched it through the air. Leaning my back against the wall a sob escaped my mouth as I fell to the floor.

"I shouldn't have left" I muttered pouring myself another drink. "I should have thrown her stubborn ass onto my bike and brought her with me". Fuck giving her the space she needs I should never have let her go.

"She's strong she'll pull through this" Lexi whispered

"Don't talk about her like you fucking know her" I growled thumping my fist of the table. "I have to hit the road" I muttered getting to my feet. "The only place your going is in there to crash" Marko snapped nodding his head in the direction of the rooms.

Laughing I grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels of the table "You're not my prez Marko so don't try and tell me what to fucking do". I grumbled "I may not be your prez but what use are you to Ava if you're-..."

Before he could finish his sentence I threw a punch hitting him square in the nose. "Don't you fucking speak about her" I roared throwing the bottle against the nearest wall.

"I'm going to let that one slide" Marko growled as he wiped the blood from his nose "You can't ride home in that state Blaze don't be so fucking stupid. Catch a couple of hours and ride up when you're not out of it".

"I have to be there now" I whispered slumping back down in my chair. I've never felt more useless in all my life. There was nothing I could do to make it better, nothing I could do to change the situation. Why did those fuckers have to go after her?

"Nothing has changed Blaze and I'm

sure you'll be the first to know if it does. There's nothing you can do from here so the quicker you sober up and sort yourself out the quicker you get to go be with her" Mar gripped my shoulder before getting to his feet. "We'll be heading out with you Franko wants us all together for this one".

Getting to my feet I wondered of to find an empty room not that I would be able to sleep, not when every time I closed my eyes I could see her smiling face. Slamming the door shut behind me I collapsed onto the bed and cried.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

For the first time ever I was broken.

Still Blazes POV.....

3 weeks had went by and nothing had happened, she was still unresponsive.

"Blaze you have to go home go get cleaned up and get some sleep please" Aubrey pleaded but I just shook my head. I hadn't left her side since I got back. Seeing her for the first time broke my heart all those tubes and needles sticking out of her. She shouldn't be here she doesn't deserve to be here.

"You're no good to her when you're in this state Blaze. What happens if she wakes up?" Franko asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I have to be here when she wakes up" I whispered rubbing at my tired eyes. The only sleep I got was when I managed to doze of on the chair beside her bed. We still didn't have a lead on Vagos it was as if they had disappeared of the face of the earth. But mark my words when we get them I'll have all their heads on sticks. Word had spread fast about what had happened and everyone knew Franko Mendez was after blood.

"You'll be the first-...."

"I'm not leaving her" I growled cutting him off. No matter what we had been through or how badly I hurt her I wasn't leaving her side. If she wakes up

and wants me to go then so be it but until those beautiful eyes open I was going no where.

"Leave him be Franko" Aubrey sighed "Do you remember when I ended up in the hospital? You wouldn't leave my side either".

"I need a smoke" He grumbled the door hitting the wall as he left.

"You really care for her don't you?" She asked taking the seat beside me. Care for her? I fucking loved her.

"More than anything" I sighed running a hand through my hair. If she would just wake up, or at least move a finger.

"I didn't know how I felt about you


hanging around her all the time. Could say I was afraid the same would happen to her that happened to me. Ava is a strong girl Blaze and trust me when I say she'll pull through this" Taking my hand in hers she squeezed it tightly "If you care for her as much as you say you do then please fight for her. Show her that she can have a good life with you she deserves the world".

"For the first time in my life I'm scared" I said honestly. "I want nothing more than for her to be happy I just wish I was enough".

"You are Blaze you just got to show her you are. I know my daughter and the way she looks at you but she feels that she isn't enough for you and after you slept with that..."

"Please don't remind me" I groaned cutting her off. "I don't deserve her Aubrey but I can't seem to let her go. I've tried to forget about her but I always have her here" I said tapping the side of my head.

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