Where We Belong

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Bursting through the hospital doors I ran through the halls until I got to her room my eyes landing on Fanko with Aubrey sobbing into his chest. What the fuck had happened?

"What's happened?" I asked making them aware of my presence.

"She doesn't want to see any of us" She cried holding on Franko tighter. "My baby doesn't want to see me". No she wasn't getting to do that she wasn't getting to shut us out not after what she has went through.

"Let me speak with her?" I asked as Franko gave his nod of approval. I had no idea what to expect. Was she even going to speak to me? Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open my eyes landing directly on hers.

Ava's POV.....

"I told them I didn't want to see anyone" I snapped my eyes falling into slits. Did they ever listen? They are the reason I'm in here.

"Well that's too bad sweetheart because there's a lot of people wanting to see you. How are you feeling?" He asked as he approached my bed. Really? How was I feeling? Was he serious?

"How do you think I'm feeling? I've been unconscious for 3 weeks. I have a broken leg, a broken hand and a few broken ribs not to mention I probably look like crap. How do you think I feel?"I asked getting myself worked up. "I'm lucky to be alive".

"Shit sorry sweets of course you're not doing good, do you need for me to get you anything? You hungry?".

"I need for you to get out and leave me alone. I don't want you here I don't want any of you here so please just leave" I whispered crossing my arms over my chest, difficult thing to do when your hands in a cast.

"Please don't be like this sweets" He pleaded slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling something out. "Was going to put this on you if you hadn't woken up by the time I came back" Hanging on his finger was my necklace.

"Do you think that's going to make everything okay?" I asked taking it from him "Its just a necklace it doesn't mean anything" I shrugged dropping it onto the table beside my bed. I used to believe wearing it would keep me safe.

"I get that you're upset Ava but..."

"Upset?" I laughed cutting him off "I'm lying in a hospital bed have been for 3 weeks, I've got broken bones might never get the use of my hand back which will screw my career but no Blaze I'm not upset". I yelled angry tears springing from my eyes "I need for you all to leave and let me heal on my own, please?" I asked as the door to my room opened.

"Please don't push us away Ava" My mom cried as she edged her way over to my bed my dad following closely behind her. "Oh god what have they done to my baby". Resting her hand against my cheek my eyes fell shut.

Did I really look that bad?

Sighing I opened my eyes noticing my dad had took the opportunity to sit in the chair beside my bed. He was quiet very quiet and he wasn't acting like his usual self.

"At least I'm alive" I croaked my throat as dry as the Sahara desert. That was the main thing I was still breathing. "So what now?" I asked reaching for the glass of water on the bedside table, at least I wasn't stuck on a ward.


"Dad?" I questioned knowing he wouldn't let what happened to me slide.

"You just worry about getting better and let me worry about everything else".

Why wouldn't he look at me?

"Dad?" I questioned again hoping this time he would at least look at me..... Nothing! "Why won't-...."

"I said not to worry about it Ava so don't fucking worry about it" He snapped making me jump. "I need a smoke" He growled pushing himself of the chair and making a quick exit.

Frowning I watched as my mom chased after him just like she always did. Why was he mad at me? I didn't cause this I never asked for them to run me off the road.

Moving slightly I groaned at the pain that circulated my body. That only meant one thing I needed more pain relief. Hitting my button I let out the breath I was holding.

"How sore are you darlin'?" He asked

I think this was the first time Blaze didn't know how to act around me. He seemed different and I couldn't quite put my finger on how. It was like he was scared to say the wrong thing in case I went of on one.

"My full body hurts and I can't wait to sleep in my own bed" I grumbled knowing that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. God knows how long I would have to stay here.

"I can't imagine what you're going through baby I wish I could take the pain away" Lifting my hand off the bed he entwined our fingers and I didn't stop him.

"I thought I was going to die" I whispered "When I was stuck in that car I thought that was it for me. I've never been so scared in all my life Blaze". "You're a fighter Ava".

Just as the words left his mouth Josh walked through the door clipboard in hand.

"Good to see you awake Ava" He smiled walking to the side of my bed. "I'm going to top up your pain relief it should make you sleep through the night. As you know now that you're awake the pain will be a lot worse... There that should help".

"Thanks Josh" I smiled as I lay back against my pillow.

"I wish you a speedy recovery Ava. I'll run some tests with you tomorrow and let you have some time with your family tonight. I'll be here all night so if you need me push that button" Removing his gloves he grabbed his clipboard and turned to Blaze. "We don't usually allow visitors to stay over night but under these circumstances I've pulled some strings and made it happen. You are free stay stay with her as long as you like. Now if you'll excuse me" He gave Blaze a nod before exiting my room.

"Like I was going anywhere" Blaze huffed causing me to roll my eyes. "I've pulled some strings and made it happen" He mocked "I don't like that guy". "You don't like anyone" I sighed as the pain started to ease.

"There's just something about that kid" He grumbled running a hand over his face. It was in that moment that I noticed how tired he looked.

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked noticing the dark circles under his eyes and he badly needed to get a hair cut and a shave. "Or the last time you had a shave?".

"What don't you like my beard?" He grinned smoothing it out with his hand. Matching his grin I shook my head. I did love his beard but I liked it better when it was groomed.

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked again.

"Haven't had much in the last three weeks" He replied "Wasn't leaving your side sweets".This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Wait! He was with me that whole time?

"You were here all that time?" I whispered sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

"Every day and every night. I told them I wasn't leaving you only left today because your mom forced me to go take a shower".

"B-blaze" I stuttered reaching out

and taking his hand. Maybe he was

the one for me I mean he was by my side the whole time but the question swimming around in my head was where was Nate? Nate was my boyfriend yet he was no where to be seen. Surely he had a way of finding out I was awake? I doubted Blaze a lot but he always came through for me he was always there.

"What's causing that frown?" He asked knocking me out of my thoughts.

"You're always there for me Blaze. Every time something happens you always put me first. What happened scared the shit out of me and if I'm being honest I'm terrified. They got me this time Blaze but who's to say they won't come back and finish me off?"

"Hey calm down" He whispered

gripping my Row shaky hands. "No

ones going to do anything to you I'l keep you safe" Taking a seat on the bed beside me he moved me gently so I was lying with my head on his chest. "No one will attempt to take you away from me again

"Promise?" I croaked the feel of his steady heartbeat like a lullaby.

"Promise" He whispered kissing the top of my head.

He always was my safe haven...

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