Wolf’s Bane


Meanwhile, somewhere far, far away…

“Thank you for choosing me above all the other servants here to serve you, Mistress Chin.”

“Well, you were very convincing winking at me when we were still at the rooftop pool. Besides, I needed someone to act out my own ideal man and you just happened to be available. Beggars can’t be choosers, after all.”

The waiter/server didn’t reply. He knew better than to try and correct this sex-starved bitch about her delusional points of view. There were enough horror stories about her to fill a whole Meganovel App romantic novel category – and then some – for him to know that she wouldn’t take it nicely.

And the consequences could be very painful and even life-threatening as well…

As of now, the now-naked server who had just finished pleasuring his master’s wife, was just happy to be faking his own passions so he wouldn’t be punished by the surgically “enhanced” bitch. Good thing too that she seemed so focused on another man in her imagination to notice his award-winning “performance” which was as fake as her hair color.

“Now that I’m already partially satisfied, go get me some food. I want to keep repeating my ritual while I’m still here. Doing it anywhere else is not as strong when I’m doing it here. Now go!”

Brenner was instantly on his feet, acting as if he were the most obedient slave in the world. Actually, he was just so relieved to get away from her nauseous presence even for just a moment.

The thought of a quick shower was also very inviting…

“As you wish, my mistress,” the waiter said as he started to dress up hurriedly, happy to get out of her sight and her unwanted attention.

“Excuse me, something is missing in your statement, dear servant,” the pale woman snapped, one thick, drawn-up eyebrow raised.

“Oh, forgive me… As you wish, my BEAUTIFUL mistress…”

“Good, and please close the door as you leave. And also… take your time in preparing my meal… I’m hungry for other things right now…”

Bren slightly bowed, already knowing what the foul middle-aged bitch meant. “Of course, I will be back in an hour.”

After receiving her smile, the already dressed-up waiter left, making sure he did as he was instructed. He was very much aware of the kinds of rituals she was performing and would rather be at a far-off distance when she was performing them. Brenner has seen such magical rites from a former master, who ended up dying because of them, which caused the very cautious servant to never get involved with such practices.

“I’m happy with my skill in mixing concoctions, potions and powders. I don’t think magic will ever be my thing,” Brenner said to himself, as he was taking that quick shower back in his room once he had talked to the kitchen staff to order her meal. “Besides, she wouldn’t be able to find him with just that. Her rituals have their limitations and as long as she only has his clothing and items, she can only see him and not his surroundings or the people around him. Well, she’s only here to prove that he’s alive and I think she’s done her part with that… but damn, still I need to warn someone about this…”

As he stepped out of his private bathroom which was inside his own servant’s quarters, he wrapped a towel under his well-defined six-pack and reached for his mobile. He chose a number to dial and waited for the answer even while his muscled and well-toned Olympic swimmer-type body was still dripping wet.

He knew he should have made the phone call before his shower but he was too disgusted by his recent “service” to bypass a bath.

The phone clicked on the fifth ring, “Hello, Brenner. What have you got for me?”

“It’s not good, boss… not good…”


“Hello?” Eron answered, unconsciously shifting his legs which caused him to move his butt back and forth in an unconscious sensual and almost hypnotizing motion.

Diwana, who had turned her head so she could look at her new renter while he took his call, had now completely zoned out. Instinctively, she had focused on the perfectly tight, sexy, rounded bubble-butt that the man had. And since he was just at arm’s length, she was almost wishing that she could just stretch out her arms to squeeze his luscious behind with both hands.

Yes, she’s secretly into asses.

Unfortunately, it’s a secret she had never admitted to anyone. Definitely, she wasn’t about to do that now…

“Hey, bro! I hope I’m not interrupting or waking you up. I just wanted to check on you, you know, make sure you’re okay after what happened with the sawmill,” Jack greeted Eron cheerily while sitting behind the desk and still going through some paperwork in his lumber camp’s office.

“Everything’s A-OK, bro. I told you, it’s just a scratch. I appreciate you checking on me, but you really didn’t have to. I’m gonna get used to your attention if you keep this up,” Eron replied, ending it with a very obvious teasing tone.

“Bro… wasn’t it enough that you rubbed yourself on me this morning when you rescued me and Diwa and now, you’re making jokes about it? It’s my duty as the boss to check up on my staff. Besides, I care for my people even after work hours,” Jack said with a laugh, now that he was getting more and more used to his new hire’s sense of humor.

“I didn’t rub ANYTHING on ANYONE bro, haha! Had I done that, you’d have known first,” Eron said with a smirk and even laughed a bit. “Awww, and you care for me? Thaank youuu!”

Jack chuckled while sitting behind his desk and shook his head. “OK, I’m glad to see you’re the same as usual and so yeah, you’re good. Get some rest, hopefully not somewhere out there in the middle of the forest. Damn Eron, I really wish you can manage to move somewhere else pretty soon.”

“Interesting that you mentioned, because I’m at Di’s… I mean, Miss Diwana’s place right now. We just closed the deal and I’m about to go get my stuff to move in with her… I mean… into her… HOUSE… into her house, dude, like right now.”

Jack paused a bit at what he just heard but he did recover fast enough for Eron not to notice. “Oh, really? I’m almost done for the day. Let me give you a hand with your stuff…”

“My stuff, Jack?” Eron interrupted with a chuckle. “Bro, I told you, I appreciate you offering but you’re not my type. And I’m not that easy, anyway.”

“Damn bro, I’ll definitely know that you’re sick and dying when you stop making those kinds of jokes. Look, since you’re moving your belongings to Diwana’s house, I’m sure you’re gonna need help so stop playing hard to get,” Jack responded, also chuckling.

The city boy laughed first before answering, “Ok, won’t play hard to get. I really do appreciate the offer and I actually think I will accept it, too. Miss Diwa offered to help as well, but I didn’t want to go so rough on her on the first day… I mean, abuse her… er, of her kindness… I don’t want to put her through such a heavy load on my first day with her… I mean, at her house…” Eron was just a couple of steps from Diwana, and he knew she was probably hearing everything he said.

Since she was waiting for him to go to his camp, he was now beet red thinking of what she might be thinking of him upon hearing what he just said. Eron decided then that he needed to be more careful because he was sure that her mind couldn’t be as dirty as his.


“Talking about heavy loads, when you’re done stumbling over your own tongue, send me the location of your camp. I’ll see you there… unless you and ‘Miss Diwana’ need time alone,” Jack said with a snicker, noticing how much Eron was interested in Diwana.

Jack had finally seen the newcomer’s pattern. He could joke all he wanted with Jack, tell the dirtiest jokes, but when the smallest word he’d say could be misunderstood by Diwana, he would correct it immediately…

Oh yes, Mr. Eye Candy had it bad for the little Country Mouse.

“Ah Eron, I wonder if you’ve noticed yourself how much you like her,” Jack thought while the city boy sorted his thoughts and came around with an answer…

Which ended up being quite simple: “Ok bro, I’ll send the location to you right now. Thanks again for your offer to help. See you there.”

Eron then hung up, finishing the conversation with relief. He then opened the right messaging app to send his camp’s GPS location to Jack.

He distractedly turned towards Diwana with one smooth and quick movement. It was so quick that she – who was still enjoying the view of his wide, strong back and well-defined behind – was now looking at the front of his jeans…

Unfortunately for him, since he was no longer painfully hard and throbbing, he thought it was now right to face his landlady.

He would have been correct, partially, had she not been sitting at his hips’ height…

Her thoughts as her eyes were suddenly glued to Eron’s crotch: Oh. My. God! Diwa… how will we live with THAT next door to our room? Please, Diwana, PLEASE! LOOK AWAY BEFORE HE SEES YOU!

In her head, she was begging herself, unable to follow through with her own instructions. However, she was hoping that her new renter would take a little bit more time on the phone…

“Phone!” she mumbled out her light bulb moment, relieved at the sudden idea.

With her hands, she searched the table’s surface for the device. As soon as she had it in her hand, she swiftly looked at it.

Her phone, OK?

And it was just right on time…

“Miss Diwa, Jack will be waiting for us at the camp… I’m honestly glad that he’ll be there, be… cause….” he finally unglued his eyes from the phone and looked at the lady right in front of him, who had blushed in what probably was a new shade of red, and he didn’t understand why…

Until he remembered he just had an erection when he got out of his chair…

And now it was his turn to heavily blush.

“I… uh… would you like to go now?” he blustered. “I think he might be on his way already, and I wouldn’t like to do what we’re going to do… I mean complete everything before we get too deep… into the night… I mean…”

Eron was floundering, not even noticing the possible double meaning of what he was saying until the words had actually left his mouth. Once again, he was now hoping with all his heart that he wouldn’t mess things up with her just because of his ‘big mouth’ and his dirty mind.

“Yes, I want to do it now,” Di replied as she stood up but still not looking at Eron directly. A second later, a sudden realization made her eyes open wide and a new batch of redness colored her cheeks.

When she looked up at him, he was looking straight into her face.

“I mean… I… you know… what I meant… right?” she stumbled.

“I… honestly am not sure of what you were saying… Miss Diwa,” he lied to her, feeling how his pants were again slowly getting tight due to a specific part of his anatomy. “But yes, let’s go!”

The Charmer took her by the shoulders, swiftly turned her around then started to push her out of the porch.

She couldn’t help but giggle at his actions.

“You don’t need to push me, Eron, I’m going with you on my free will, I promise!” Di assured him, pleased with the sensations that all the new things he was bringing into her life gave her.

That included the tingles, the laughter, the comfort…

“May I join you, please?” Macky shouted as he rushed out the front door. “We’re almost done cleaning his room, and I’d really… uh… want to help.”

“Have you ever been camping before, Mack?” Eron asked while smiling at the boy, and also, self-consciously hiding himself behind Diwana.

“I haven’t… ever. I’m not used to going to the forest, even when our parents were still alive… and not as often as mama Diwa does… but for some reason, I really like it there…” the youngster admitted while scratching the back of his neck.

“OK then. When the situation with the wolf is solved, maybe we can go camping. I think you will like it… if Miss Diwa agrees, of course,” The Charmer replied, making both the boy and her smile.

That was something new as well, for both youngsters and widow. Feeling validated and knowing that her opinion mattered to him? And offering to introduce the child to new experiences?

Eron was scoring big points that afternoon, without even noticing it.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“Of course, I agree. But only until it’s safe again, not before, alright, you two? For now, let’s go, so we’re done before the night is over. Just tell your sisters, and I hope you’re not just leaving all the work to them…”

“No mama, I’m not, promise! I finished my part so fast just so I could go with you guys!” Macky answered with genuine enthusiasm. “You can ask them, mama, I’m not lying!”

“I know you don’t lie, and I trust you, I just wanted to make sure that they knew that you’re planning to go and come ba-”

The teen jerked the door open and yelled, “ERICA! I’M GOING TO HELP ERON WITH PACKING UP HIS CAMP! WILL COME BACK SOON!”

“OK, TAKE CARE!” his older sister yelled back.

“See mama?” Macky grinned some more, which made Eron and Diwa smile as well.

The three went out of the house and happily walked, talking normal small talk, like people who have known each other for ages. They were so comfortable with each other that even their silences then were never awkward.

Not long after, and while Eron enjoyed the simple and good things in life with that short walk with Diwana and Macky, Jack arrived at the newcomer’s camp.

That’s when he found it a total mess…

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