Wolf’s Bane


“What are you doing… don’t touch me!” “Huh, still playing hard to get again? Or is this you trying a rape role-play with me? Yeah, I think that’s it…” “NO! Are you crazy? Why would I even want a rape role-play with you?! LET ME GO!” Diwa’s hair stood on end as she heard the man chuckle behind her, his tone dripping with lust and almost uncontrolled desire. And she didn’t just hear it… She felt it. “Good job with playing the rape victim, Diwana. I am so pleased that you want to make this more believable…” “NO! I MEAN IT! WHEN I SAY NO, I MEAN… NOOO!!!” The last word in her statement was forced out of her mouth by the sudden move the stranger made on her. He picked her up in his arms and walked straight to the bed, dumping her on it. As another batch of lightning and thunder loudly announced the arrival of rain; her unknown attacker jumped on top of Diwa, stretching her arms above her head by holding her wrists tightly on the mattress. His buffed-up thighs then pushed her own legs wide open so he could settle the pulsing bulge under his pants on top of her own groin. Di screamed once more, longer and louder this time; as she felt him thrust that hard bump of his against her dress. His actions were also making her squirm and fight against him with all her might, but he was taking this as a positive. “Yes, my little hostage, keep it up. You’re making me want you even more because of your struggle. Thank you for trying your best to please me…” Just then the rain came down in a furious downpour and lightning lit up the room once more. The tanned, busty woman then felt that he was about to kiss her, judging from the way he licked his lips. And she was right… When he tried to smooch her, Diwa turned her head to the side; still screaming but now more out of fury than terror. The thunderclap that followed hid the loud banging on the master’s bedroom door for a few seconds before the stranger and his target heard them. “DIWA! OPEN UP! WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THERE? HOLD ON WE’RE GOING IN!” a female voice started shouting from the other side of the door. “DIWANA! WHO’S THAT GUY WITH YOU?! DAMN YOU BASTARD, JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET IN THERE!” a male speaker yelled as the clattering sounds continued to echo inside the room. Di could feel that the horny attacker on top of her was now feeling distracted, confused and a little frightened. She took this chance to make a move on the guy. Not the kind he wanted, of course… With a loud battle cry, the desperate Mrs. Wolf raised her head with a surge of feral energy and connected with her attacker’s forehead. Her vision darkened upon feeling and hearing the hard crack of the top of her skull against the shocked molester, who was also momentarily stunned. “WHY YOU FREAKING BITCH!” he screeched in that high nasal voice which almost sounded feminine. “I’LL FUCKING SHOW YOU!” Instinctively, he had raised his hand to his forehead when Di head-butted him. Now, he swung the same open palm upwards, ready to hit the busty woman who was now dazed and helpless underneath him. Diwana braced for the impact which was aimed at her face, even while trying to get her head to clear… “BANZAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!” “ATTAAAAACK!!!!” “KIIIIIIIILLLL!!!” Right about the same time that the three screaming children entered the bedroom; through the secret door and ran towards the bed in the middle of the spacious room, the door crashed open with a loud bang like a shotgun firing.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.


And then a feral and extremely loud roar drowned out everyone else’s cries… Even the man on top of Diwa who had now screamed in terror; and could not be heard over that echoing. and long growl that echoed and re-echoed in the room. He didn’t even wait to discover who the loud snarling attacker was from among the people inside the room… He just turned and jumped away… Off the bed in one sweeping and swift movement. As he felt those in the room rush after him, the man in the mask ran towards one of the large French doors of the room; and crashed through them to force the doors wide open and letting glass rain everywhere. Eventually, he managed to swiftly run to the edge of the wet balcony and jump off the railings; as he sped off into the rain and the dark forest that was just behind the house. Adrenaline could really do wonders when a man was scared shitless. “Diwa, goddess… are you ok? Talk to me…” Lee asked as she got to the woman first. “Di, no! Will she be ok?” Erica cried out in panic. “Noooo! Please be ok, puh-leeeeassse…” Katya pleaded, near tears. “I know where the first aid kit is… wait, I’ll go get it…” Macky shouted, his fear of loss overpowering his self-control. “Leena… kids? Head hurts… body is… aching… dizzy…” “I’ll try to go after him… you take care of her, Leena… Children, stay with the ladies…” “Jack, NO! Let’s get her to the doctor’s house. He’s probably already left his medical clinic. Children, since the rain has stopped, please go to the town hall and tell the Sheriff what just happened. Let’s focus on Diwa. She’s the one who needs help!” And that’s the last thing that Diwana remembered about the night inside the Wolf children’s house. A few hours later, she woke up in one of the hospice rooms in the doctor’s house and the three kids were there with her, watching over her. It was they who told her about Mason Wolf’s accident while he was alone in the Oro Villa house with the baby. At that time, he was in and out of consciousness because his head had hit the floor hard when he fell to the floor. The doctor felt he would be better off with a nurse and have him watched over at home, due to his being infected by the killer flu. Meanwhile, their son Ceferino Antonio, nicknamed Ceno, was in critical condition and was just in the other room next to Diwana’s. The doctor knew that it was the best option he could do for the child, who seemed to have cried himself until he was exhausted, even while the killer fever had already started to claim his health. Diwana only had a few bruises from her attacker and did not care to stay in bed after finding out about her son’s status. Even if she was warned to not touch the child, she continued to breastfeed her baby even while he was sick, hoping that her milk would help him recover. Di never left Doctor Sean’s house while her child stayed there, not thinking of the dangers of her getting the fever. After all, she wasn’t affected by the fever when she was taking care of her brother and sister-in-law, so why should she worry now that it’s her own son who’s in danger? Worse, she knew that based on how her husband’s relatives had died, it was only a matter of time before she would lose her son.  She was just thankful that there were friends like Jack and Leena who would check on her every now and then. They kept her sane and gave her news about the status of the three Wolf siblings who were now living at Oro Villa Alpha once again. Meanwhile, Mason was kept at home while he too was ravaged with the fever. Ironically, the children were the ones who fed him, nursed him and stayed with him during his final days when the nurse also fell ill with the lethal flu. Fortunately for him, though his wife never left their son’s side and stayed with the baby until he drew his last breath, their son crossed into the other side days before he did. Because of this, he was able to see Diwana for the last time. Well, not without the Wolf children’s help… “Mama Di, I know he was pretty awful to us before he got sick; and was even planning to send us to our other relatives in the city, but he’s already sorry for what he did now. He’s practically a changed man,” Erica said reassuringly. “Yeah, he was very humble and apologetic to us; especially since he knew you didn’t want to see him after what he did to us. But we’re okay with him now, and he is our Uncle Mason after all, even if we hardly felt it before,” Macky piped in. “Can you please come over and visit him? The doctor said he might not last this week and he’s very sad about him not seeing you or your son,” little Katya pleaded with the Puss-In-Boot’s wide teary eyes. The grieving mother was not totally heartless, and at that time she was very soft and emotional. Of course, she would give in to the kids’ requests. Since it really was for them that she hardened her heart against her dying husband’s wishes to see him. And again, it’s not because she was unforgiving… It’s because her husband had to learn. And ​how he did! Right after Di returned to their home, he wrote a letter to the Sheriff to continuously investigate the attack on his wife until they finally found the perpetrator. He also called the Village realtor and lawyer to transfer the ownership of the Oro Villa Alpha and Oro Villa Luna – the house owned by him and his brother – to Diwana upon his death. He also had their local court and the town hall fully process the adoption of his brother’s children to himself and Di. He just waited for her to come back so they could sign the documents together. And as the doctor predicted, Mason died within a few days after his son was buried. By that time, the tears his wife and the three children shed for him were very sincere. But not one of them would really miss him.

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