Wolf’s Bane


“Yeah bro, so that’s all she’s got on The Right Hand but she’s still a threat. I don’t know what you’re planning but I think you should give her a bit of your attention.”

“I agree, thank you for your input,” answered the one the server had called over the phone. “Also, I’m really sorry that you had to go through all of that to get the information that you’re now passing on to me, bro. Don’t worry, I’ll make it all worth your while, in the end.”

“As long as you bring down the governor, bro, then we’re all good. We just can’t take any more of what he’s doing to our place. This is where we grew up and he’s been fucking it up ever since he came into office. This has got to stop,” the waiter stated with gritted teeth while he activated the speakerphone so he could get dressed.

“I know, and we promise you we will do what we can to deal with this as peacefully and as legally as possible to avoid any more bloodshed and violence. I wish I could do something about that directly but my hands are tied, and I could put a lot of lives in danger if I was compromised.”

“I know, and I understand,” Brenner said as he put on underwear, not wishing to go commando when he faced the governor’s wife once again. “Look, if not for you saving me and my family from that greedy old bastard, I wouldn’t even have a reason for living. I owe you more than my life, bro and I’m the last person you need to explain to. That’s why I’m here now and helping you out and I fully trust you with my life.”

“Thanks man, I need those little assurances every now and then. And of course, your help is really appreciated. I will have to talk to my contacts about this, just so we can come up with a counter. I’m truly grateful for this.”

“Yeah, my pleasure bro. Now I gotta go or she might have me for lunch,” Brenner replied as he put on a collared shirt that showed off his masculine torso quite well.

“I thought she already did…”

“Bro, please…”

“Kidding dude. Just imagine she’s someone you like so she would be easier to take.”

“Does that really work? I mean, have you tried it?” the waiter asked as he put on a loose coat to cover the muscled contours that his shirt was displaying.

“No, never had to. She avoids me like the plague. Later bro, and be careful.”

“Later… for the pack that moves as one…”

“For the pack that moves as one… will wait for your next update.”

The call ended, and the one who received it sped-dialed a number…

“Hello,” another male voice answered. This one’s lower, smoother and more authoritative than the one who had called him earlier. “Hope you’ve got something good for me, man.”

“Hello, bro. Unfortunately, it’s not. I just got disturbing news from one of our insiders. The governor’s bitch wife just used her sorcery to find The Right Hand. According to him, she succeeded.’

“WHAT?! Bro, that’s not good… not good at all…”

“Tell me about it! But since I haven’t been given an order to retrieve him, it only means they still don’t know where he is, despite knowing that he’s still alive. Either that or the governor is waiting for affirmation of his wife’s ‘reading’ before deciding to do anything about it. Or maybe even both of those reasons…” the caller explained while letting his hand go through his wavy, dark brown hair, more out of habit than frustration.

“Hmmmm… I think you should tell HIM about this, bro. Just as a warning…” replied the voice from the other line. “He should be aware so he will be ready for any eventualities.”

“Yes, I will call him. Although I don’t think the governor will be making himself visible in that place, even if he finds out that his precious assassin is there. Too many people in that place still know who he really is and he would be in real trouble if the villagers talked. Not unless the bastard decided to kill everyone in sight…”

“Which is why we need to let my brother know about the bitch’s info, dude. On my part, I’ll get in touch with our sleeper agent in that village, just in case our enemies decide to make a stupid move.”

“Yes, it would be stupid for them to do anything now. Gives us some time to get the ball rolling. Speaking of which, what did Helena say about my suggestion? Is she ok with it?”

“I still haven’t talked to her about it. Got a little ‘busy’ but will do that tonight during our date.”

“You’re going to talk ‘business’ with her during your date? Bro, who are you and where is my close friend?”

“Ahahaha, very funny ‘close friend’. But yes, I can still talk business with her during date nights as long as it’s not the only thing we talk about.”

“Yes, and knowing you, you probably end up talking more about it and you end up getting punished by Helena. Which I’m sure you don’t mind…”

“Haha, bro! How well you know me…”

“Well, I better not get in the way of your punishments then. Just let me know what Helena says, alright? I’ll be waiting.”

“OK, you’ll get an answer tonight. Meanwhile, we need to think of a way to deal with this new information. And maybe find something to use against that shitty witch bitch.”

“I think I already know how bro. Will keep you posted, as well. And please, don’t get punished too much. That’s speaking from experience.”

“Haha! Alright, later bro.”

The call ended.

“Will you be going back to your boss tonight?”

He turned around and saw her walking up to him. Seems like the kids were all asleep now since she didn’t have them with her at that time. Instinctively, he turned towards her with a smile and hugged her tightly while his mouth automatically moved towards hers.

Alicia allowed her husband to pull her towards him but swiftly turned her head away when he tried to kiss her.

Hero’s eyebrows knitted together, “What is it, beloved? Is it still about my wish that you leave the farmhouse?”

“Not the farmhouse, no. It’s you asking me to leave YOU behind. That’s what bothers me…”

“My love, please… that’s only to protect you and our children.”

“And what about you, beloved? What do you think will happen to me and the children if we lose you?”

“You will be safe, that what’s important to me.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“We want you safe, that’s what’s important to us.”

Hero sighed, as he watched a tear fall from his mate’s eye. It was soon followed by another and he kissed both away, tasting the salt in her grief.

“I know you’re only thinking of us, Hero but I already lost my family before. I don’t want to lose the family that I have now with you.”

“I don’t want to lose any of you either my love, but alright, I won’t talk about that anymore. Please… I don’t want you grieving, my dear mate. This is a chance for us to be together and I don’t want it marred with your unhappiness. I’m sorry, let’s set it aside for now, shall we?”

The woman in his arms nodded while still sniffing, as more tears started to flow down her cheeks. He took out his handkerchief from his suit’s chest pocket and used it to wipe her face, while he continued to croon and whisper sweet words of assurances to his precious wife.

“I’m sorry too, Hero. It’s not my intention that we had a fight in front of our guest, especially since this is practically the first time, he’s seen the kids. I shouldn’t have… Forgive me, I couldn’t help it…”

“Shhhh, it’s ok my love. I truly understand. Look, is there anything I can do to make you smile again? I really had no intention to upset you.”

“Well… you can bring me to the bedroom and… show me how much you missed me…”

Hero chuckled before replying, his eyes already burning with passion. “That’s already a given, my sweet wife. Is there anything else that you can think of?”

“Yes, I do but I don’t know if you’ll agree to it.”

“Ask me first then I’ll let you know.”

It took a while for his wife to reply. “Is it possible for you to ask your friend to find out more about my family… the one I left up there in the mountains… and I would really like to know how… my little brother is… right now…”

Hero stared right into her eyes and read the longing in them. Of course, he totally understood why she asked for this favor, and how she was feeling about it.

It didn’t take too long for him to give her an answer…

“Alright, I’ll go talk to him…”

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