You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 408: Last Shred Of Hope

Chapter 408: Last Shred Of Hope

Midnight, Bill couldn’t sleep as usual.

With Trishia or anybody woman, he could not find his calm.

His mind was wandering everywhere.

Ever since he had a hard time sleeping and he didn’t consider it as part of his everyday routine.

If he had to choose sleep and work, there was no doubt he would opt to work this late rather than sleep

beside some woman in bed.

He never liked it until sleeping with Arabella.

This woman made him so much at ease the whole night that he could sleep the whole night straight

and woke up late the next day.

That was a lot of time for a busy businessman like him but he found it the most luxurious he had.

Remembering, Arabella, Bill heaved a heavy sigh.

He didn’t know but he felt trouble with her presence all the time.

Bill looked at Trishia who was sleeping soundly beside him.

She asked him earlier to lay beside her.

Well, what else he couldn’t do for his savior?

He just wanted to appease her situation so he granted her wish once again.

He wasn’t blind to Trishia’s great affection towards him.

He could not deny the fact that Trishia was trying everything to get him but he didn’t have any interest

in touching her not like Arabella who he wanted so much every day and every night.

Maybe it was because she was his ex-wife and they were used to doing it all the time before?

His body was used to her body.

It was the only thing that was very feasible to think about the matter of Arabella’s strong effect on his

s*xual arousal.

Or maybe he missed his ex-wife?

He missed her a lot?

With his thoughts, Bill frowned deeply.

His eyes were on Trishia but his mind was on Arabella.

Bill shook his head to get rid of his crazy thoughts.

Even though he tried his best to control himself but when she was around, he lost all his control and

whenever she was not around, all he wanted was to see her.

He didn’t want her to be away and it angered him a lot to not see her and not know what she was doing

because his mind was always out of focus thinking that she was with another man.

He could not share him with anyone and even just the thought of it made him enraged

When he first heard about his ex-wife and what she did to them, it didn’t matter to him until she

appeared in his life and finally met her.

He was destructed and there was no other woman who could make that to him.

After that encounter, he was restless.

Her face always appeared in his mind.

It was uncontrollable and he was pissed.

When he first heard from his mom, Kelly about his ex-wife, he had no interest in seeing the woman

anymore nor found out what she looked like.

He avoided the topic because he was confident enough that she was not worth it for his time.

He was Bill Sky and he was the most sought bachelor of all time.

No woman could change that even if he lost his memories partially.

If he needed someone to satisfy him just for the night, it was just a snap of his fingers.

Women would run and beg him like crazy but it didn’t hook up his interest.

No woman ever got his interest after a moment with him.

It was only his ex-wife, Arabella.

Now, he had Trishia who was always by his side.

She never abandoned him and she was good with his family that included his mother, Kelly, and his

son, Adam.

How could he not give her what is right for her?

Trishia was just waiting for him.

He should put his act right otherwise, the losses would be bigger.

Bill was always precise and direct with all his decision.

He just couldn’t believe how Arabella affected his good ability in decision-making.

Bill stood up and stretched his neck left and right.

Instead of wandering with his thoughts, he wanted to be productive.

He was going to work until morning.

It was a waste of time thinking and wondering about some facts that couldn’t be changed.

The memories he had lost and what was in front of him.

Slowly, he strode and opened the door.

He didn’t want Trishia to wake up.

She was very anxious earlier and she couldn’t sleep until he pretended to be sleeping.

He knew Trishia would not sleep and clung to him if his eyes were open.

These were the things he needed to overcome eventually because Trishia is going to be his wife


Bill closed the door as he heaved a sigh.

Then he stopped when he saw Arabella sitting on the cold ground while her back was leaning on the


Her head was bent to her right side like it was going to fall anytime.

She was sleeping outside and the coldness didn’t bother her at all.

Such a determined woman.

Obviously, she was waiting for him.

Bill crouched in front of her to see her face clearly.

With his slender finger, he tucked Arabella’s hair strand to the side.

His eyes wandered on the details of her beautiful angelic face then they landed on her luscious red lips.

He suddenly had the urge to sleep.

Sleep restfully with Arabella.

Bill’s thumb brushed her lips then Arabella’s eyes slowly opened.

She saw Bill’s handsome face.

It was clear and close to her. Her eyes were delighted by the beautiful view.

She looked at him attentively. He was looking at her too very close and keen.

Their eyes met.

Arabella didn’t move afraid her dream would disappear if she would even blink.

What a lovely view she had in her dream.

She would love to have this dream forever until she felt her body lifted in the air.

She was quickly snapped back to her senses.

“Bill?” Arabella wanted to confirm as at the moment she felt she was still caught in her good dream.

Bill smirked at him.

“Why are you sleeping on the cold floor?” His voice was irritated.

He seemed not to like seeing her outside sleeping.

“I… I’m waiting for you.” Arabella answered truthfully. Then she panicked remembering her purpose.

“Bill, do you have time now? Please… put me down and listen to me.” Arabella struggled to get out

from Bill.

She had no time to waste and was very eager to end Trishia’s trick.

She could not wait for Bill to cancel the wedding.

“Shhh… don’t move. Stay still,” According to her judgment, Bill was not interested in the topic.

“Bill, just a minute. You need to hear me.” Arabella refused not to be heard.

Who would if she already had him?

She waited for him for a long time even though she felt very cold outside.

She didn’t move as she was afraid to miss Bill.

She should be the first to see him when he goes out.

Arabella jumped out from Bill when they arrived inside his office.

Bill frowned deeply.

His eyes were annoyed at her but he didn’t say anything.

“Bill please, you gave me until tomorrow. I still have my time, right? Now, all I asked is for you to listen

to me.” Arabella was already very desperate. She could not let Bill go away from her anymore or allow

Trishia to get another chance to stop her from revealing the truth to Bill.

Seeing Arabella’s determined face, Bill heaved a heavy sigh.

He was tired of this conversation.

Then, he folded his arms in front of him.

“Okay, 1 minute, Arabella… and promise me to stop this nonsense. I don’t want to hear the same topic

from you. Do you understand?” Bill sounded impatient.

His words were clearly a warning.

Then he looked at his wrist watch giving her the signal to start.

Bill’s expression was firmed so Arabella quickly got the recorder in her pocket.

Suddenly, she jolted.

Her pocket was empty.

“The recorder… the recorder is gone…” Arabella blurted taken aback by the situation she was in.

How could it be gone?

There was one person who knew about it and only one person had the intention to get it back, Greta.

She could not be mistaken.

Arabella's eyes narrowed thinking about Greta.

Bill smirked mockingly.

He was disappointed like she was just wasting his precious time.

“What now, Arabella? Your time is almost up.” Bill was standing firmly deliberately waiting for her


It was fair enough to give her the time she wanted but she seemed to be in a big mess.

“Here!” Arabella couldn’t miss the chance.

She still had the sachet of drugs under her socks.

Bill frowned. “What about these?” Bill asked doubtfully.

“Bill, Trishia was giving this to you. It was clear in that recorder that this some sort of drug could worsen

your situation.” Arabella explained giving him the sachet.

Bill frowned deeply.

He got the sachet and keenly study the yellow tablets then gave her back.

“And the recorder?” He asked doubtfully.

“I… I lost it.” Arabella staggered. “But Bill, you can have this. You can bring this to labs and check it for

yourself and you will know that I am telling the truth.” Arabella quickly added to prove herself that she

was not just making a story to slander Trishia but Bill’s expression didn’t have any sign that he was


“Look, what made you think that Trishia would do that to me when she saved my life?” Bill cut her, “If

she wanted to kill me, why she had to save me in the first place?” Bill was not judging fair.

He sounded like he was already accusing Arabella.

“Trishia wanted to be with you. She was obsessed with you. She is desperate to be with you even

before. She tried hideous things just to be with you.” Arabella would not lose this. This was her last

chance to prove herself and reveal everything to Bill.

Bill didn’t talk.

He seemed to think deeply.

A deafening silence quickly invaded the room but an intense tension was screaming circulating in the


After a while, he strode closer to Arabella and smirked. “At least Trishia wanted to be with me…” Bill Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

suddenly sounded full of sarcasm in his voice. “Compared to you, Trishia is there, willing to sacrifice

herself for me…” Bill strode toward her non-stopped.

Arabella had to take a few steps back until her back reached the wall.

Bill looked at her sharply too closely which made her too intimidated.

His expression was too serious to handle.

Meeting his cold serious eyes, she seemed to fall deeply into their dark unending abyss.

His eyes were like sucking her energy.

She instantly felt weak but her eyes seemed magnet in his eyes.

She seemed hypnotized by them.

“What about you, Arabella?” Bill asked sarcastically. His tone was insulting and blaming her. “You

abandoned us!” He added with emphasis.

He was very displeased at her.

Arabella gritted her teeth to stabilize herself.

How could she explain herself to him?

“That’s not true!” She exclaimed as her eyes began to moist.

After hearing her, Bill’s eyes narrowed.

He didn’t need to say anything to know what’s his expression all about.

He didn’t believe her.

Then he nodded irritably.

“Your time is over.” Bill blurted arrogantly as he smirked then he turned around.

He seemed to lose interest in their discussion and he wanted to end it.

“You can leave now.” He added impatiently.

But Arabella stood frozen.

She felt her heart was bleeding tremendously.

It pained her so much.

“Bill, I never abandoned you. I never abandoned my son. I love you and my son. He is my life.”

Arabella’s tears couldn’t hold it anymore. They poured like rain serenading her pain.

Sadness embellished her tone.

Bill jolted.

His back was facing Arabella and it seemed he didn't have any plan to face her again.

Arabella hoped that he would turn around to see her sincerity.

She hoped that Bill could see her heart right now.

She was telling the truth.

Nothing but the truth.

“Leave now, Mrs. Grant,” Finally, in a deep tone, Bill sounded without turning his back.

It was an obvious insult on Arabella’s part to Bill calling her Mrs. Grant.

He strode straight in his room’s direction.

He was very disappointed in her.

She could deny everything but she could not hide the evidence that she married another guy.

Arabella Jones married Eric Grant and they were still married now.

Bill was just pissed about this matter.

What pisses him more was that Arabella was denying it and still wanted to escape her sin.

She still seemed to try playing with his head even though she was already caught.

“Bill!” Before Bill could open the door, Arabella called his name.

Bill halted but again, he didn’t turn around to face her.

He was impatient and he just wanted to be alone at the moment.

“If you don’t believe me, these drugs…” Arabella sounded serious.

The plastic sounded torn.

“If you don’t believe me, then you can see it for yourself.” Arabella's voice was determined.

Quickly, Bill turned around to face her.

Arabella was holding the 3 tablets.

Her dispirited eyes were on him as her hands with the tablets moved toward her mouth.

Bill was taken aback.

He couldn’t move but his heart was pumping heavily.

“Stop!” He roared angrily but Arabella didn’t listen.

She was already on the brink but still holding her last shred of hope.

“Sh*t!” Bill cursed in the air as he ran back to Arabella.

“Ahhh!!!” Suddenly, Trishia’s horrifying scream reached inside the room.

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