You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Tears shredded down everyone’s face and some stood there with a look of disbelief looking the way

where their supposed to be Queen just jumped off the cliff. Dylan sat on his knees looking at the way Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

where the love of his life just jumped off before his own eyes and she couldn’t do anything to save her.

He was shocked and Black within him didn’t even blink his eyes. A long gash formed in his right arm

where Edna had stabbed her using that dagger and blood was continuously oozing out of it. His

supernatural power couldn’t heal it because he was stabbed by a dagger with was made from a

magical holy sword.

Amber put her hands on her eyes feeling terrible at the same time she too crouched down on the

ground feeling guilty that she couldn’t do anything. Venus walked up to her sister who was crying her

eyes out and hugged her putting her head on her shoulder not able to hold the tears anymore. Amber

cried and wept and held onto her sister Venus for support.

Pearsyvia, Estelle, and the other witches were still in shock. They didn’t even move from their place

because they just couldn’t believe what just happened. Cyreanna glared at Phoenix and marched up to

her in anger. A noise was heard and the wolves looked up towards the source to find Cyreanna had

raised her hand to hit Phoenix on her face.

Phoenix took the hit and stood there with blank eyes, void of any emotions. She had a distant

expression and tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she stood there lowering her head while

Cyreanna hit her one more time on her face.

“You traitor!” screamed Cyreanna who slapped Phoenix once again for the third time in anger.

“Stop it! Cyreanna!” Hilda one of the witches held Cyreanna from her arms and tried to pull her off from

hitting Phoenix once again.

“Stop it!” cried Hilda who put her head on Cyreanna’s shoulder to hide her tears.

Cyreanna on the other sobbed and screamed at Phoenix for being a traitor and allowing all this that


Blake, on the other hand, shifted back into his human form and walked off to Dylan and kept a hand on

his shoulder not understanding what to do. The wolves shifted back into their human forms and one of

the wolves howled raising its head into the air, letting the other knows about their position before it

shifted back into the human form.

“All this time she was with her! Oh my goodness!” screamed Cyreanna not being able to hold her

emotions to herself.

“Oh my god! This is the reason why I had that vision where I didn’t see our Queen in the fut-” she fell

on her knees and hit the ground hard blaming herself for not seeing it coming.

“My Lord,” Blake tried to call Dylan who sat there with distant eyes facing towards the direction where

Aderyn just jumped off.

“Dylan?” Blake called him using his name wanting to let him know that his friend was there for him.

One of the beasts crushed the head of a wolf and was just going to drink blood from its neck when

another wolf jumped over it and ripped it into pieces. The Wolf then looked back towards its dead friend

and lowered its head showing respect for the sacrifice that it made.

All the wolves heard the howl and they increased their pace to kill to kill each and every beast as fast

as they could. Minutes later when all the beasts were dead, satisfied they ran off towards the cliff where

they heard the howl only to find a chaos situation. They didn’t get what was going on. There was their

King on the ground while Blake, their beta was next to him. The witches were crying and the

werewolves stood there in grief looking at their King.

One of the wolves shifted back into his human form and walked off to the grief-stricken werewolf.

“What happened?” he asked to him.

“Where is the Queen?” he asked when the grief-stricken werewolf raised his head and shook his head

no with teary eyes.

Disbelieved, he took two to three step backward in shock and looked at the direction of the wolves who

heard it all.

Dylan sat their few seconds and got up. He had made up his mind. He and his wolf decided it together

that they must follow their mate and they were going to do that. Nobody had any clue what he was

thinking when he wiped off his unshed tears and took in a deep breath. It was a life changing decision.

He was feeling suffocated now and he looked back towards his people who were standing mourning

the death of their Queen. It was all over for him now because once again his life was ripped away from

him and he couldn’t do anything.

He looked at the gash on his hand. It was still bleeding, his powers failed to heal the wound and he

could even see the inner part of his muscle as Edna had made sure to stab deeper into his flesh. He

knew that even if the wound healed it would leave a scar behind it and Dylan didn’t really care about it

anymore. He looked up at Blake who had no idea what he was thinking. Blake thought Dylan must be

emotionally breaking down and that was the reason why he wasn’t speaking. He completely

understood the situation but on the other hand, Dylan had something else going inside his mind.

He thought after him Blake would be the King and unlike him, he would serve his Kingdom well and

fine. People will mourn for his and Aderyn’s death but as time heals every pain, they will forget and

move on with their new king in their life. Dylan raised his hand and kept it on Blake’s shoulder. Blake

touched his best friend’s arm trying to assure him. Dylan was just going to announce him as the king

when he smelled something.

His nostrils flared up smelling that familiar fragrance and he stood there in shock not believing his

senses. The wolves sniffed the air and some wagged their tail as if they recognized the smell. The

witches looked at the wolves who were whining wolves with confusion while Cyreanna stood up on her

feet and wiped her tears off with her sleeves and looked at each and every wolf who were now wagging

their tail and whining.

“I am not a traitor!” Cyreanna heard Phoenix and when she looked at her she was wiping off her own

unshredded tears using a napkin and she smirked looking at the direction. Following her gaze,

Cyreanna and the other witches turned towards where Dylan was still standing in shock. Even Blake

could smell the familiar chocolate and rose fragrance which was coming from the direction where

Aderyn just jumped off. Finally, Dylan blinked and looked towards the way. Previously, he didn’t have

guts to walk and look down where he knew he would only see two bodies and he didn’t have enough

strength to do. But as the smell grew stronger and stronger he mustered up courage and slowly walked

towards the edge and when he looked down he couldn’t believe what his saw.

His wolf jumped, whined, wagged its tail and howled in joy when it saw what was going on from Dylan’s

eyes. There she was, live and healthy as she climbed up the cliffed with little difficulty. On a second,

she looked up and her eyes met Dylan’s which immediately shook Dylan to his core.

“Well about time you thought to help me climb up!” came Aderyn’s sarcastic statement as she glared

up at Dylan who just stood there in shock still not believing his eyes.

“Are you even going to help or should I pull you down you moron!” yelled Aderyn and that jerked him

out of his shock state and he moved here and there thinking what to do.

Without warning, he jumped down and held the pieces of rock and made it to Aderyn.

“You could have done it earlier! I have to climb all this way up. What were you even doing?” she looked

at Dylan who wrapped one of his arms around her waist while using the other one to hold a branch of a


“Sorry! Sorry!” he whispered and Aderyn looked at him confused seeing his bloodshot eyes and an

expression which indicated her as if he would cry any second.

Stuffing the dagger on her mouth she signaled Dylan to take her up which he nodded and only using

his one hand, he climbed up with Aderyn grasped tightly in his hold. As soon as he reached the top,

Blake and some other werewolves in their human form offered to help Aderyn and then Dylan up. As

soon as Aderyn’s foot touched the ground she was lifted up into a bear hug and a whoomph left her

mouth which caused the dagger to tumble down on the ground. She was lifted up none other than

Dylan who cradled her, sniffed and hugged her as if his life depended on her.

The witches were still in shock.

“What did you do?” asked Cyreanna to Phoenix who just smiled in response.

“I gave her your locket!” she smiled though her eyes looked watery as if she was going to cry.

“What?” Cyreanna looked at her in confusion and quickly searched for her magical locket on her locket.

Truly, it was missing. It was not just some random locket because she had put her spell on it that

anyone who closes his or her eyes rubs it will be able to teleport to the place which his or her eyesight

looks in the first when he or she opens their eyes.

In all that Chaos Phoenix has somehow managed to tell about it to Aderyn through a magic spell

mindlink and when she threw something on Aderyn back in that shield, it was none other but the same

locket of Cyrenna which she managed to steal it from her neck. She had to do it fast so, without

informing anyone about it she let Aderyn control the situation.

Aderyn on the other hand planned to jump off taking Edna with her. They fought while Aderyn snatched

the dagger from her and stabbed her on her chest. The witch died and quickly Aderyn used the locket

just before hitting the ground remembering Phoenix’s words.

“Oh my Lord!” Cyreanna exclaimed putting her hand on her eyes.

“I am so sorry!” Cyreanna exclaimed and looked back at Phoenix who finally burst down to tears.

“I am not a traitor!” she sobbed and the witches ran to her and hugged her tightly.

“I can’t believe I lost her once again!” sobbed and wailed a broken Phoenix referring to her daughter as

the witches comforted and consoled her for her loss.

“Oh my love!” Dylan looked up at his mate who held his shoulder for support.

Blake picked the dagger up and gave it to the witches.

“The dagger!” exclaimed Hilda with happiness.

Everyone’s eyes trained at Dylan and Aderyn who were lost in their own world. Estelle cleared her

voice and signaled everyone to leave them alone. They all nodded and Amber said more like excused

herself and the others by saying ” C’mon let us bring back our friends!” she said showing them the

dagger and in uttermost happiness the wolves jumped in joy and wagging their tails ran towards the

way where they had lost their friends. The witches laughed and glanced towards their King and Queen

before leaving with a smiling Blake.

“Okay! Easy there wolfie! Now put me down!” Aderyn giggled and Dylan shook his head no.

“Dylan!” Aderyn laughed when he tried to kiss her still holding her up in his arms.

“Please put me down!” she chided and Dylan obliged by slowly putting her down but he didn’t let her go

because he pulled her into a hug and kissed the mark on her neck which made her giggle.

“You gave me a heart attack!” complained Dylan who felt more than contended holding his love back in

his arms.

“Really?” Aderyn questioned him playfully but Dylan pulled away from her and looked directly into her


“Don’t ever do that to me again. Please Love!” he said with so many emotions reflecting his eyes that

almost immediately Aderyn felt guilty for doing that to him.

“I’m so sorry!” she said and reached up to kiss him on his lips. Soon, it turned into a passionate one

and as she pulled away Dylan couldn’t help but smile at her.

“You came back to me” he whispered to her to which she just shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her

arms around his neck.

“What can I do? I keep coming back to you!” she said and they laughed remembering the time when

Aderyn tried to escape. Everytime she ended up facing him and those memories brought nothing but

smile to their faces.

“And I can’t just leave you without tell you this” before Dylan could ask what she closed the gap and

kissed him again pulling his head down by his neck.

As she pulled back and planted a kiss on his forehead she completed her previous incomplete

sentence “how much I love you!” she completed which made Dylan look at her in shock.

“Yes, I love you more than anything in this world. I love you to the moon and back and beyond the

infinity” she said and watched as a tear rolled down her lover’s cheek hearing her confession.

It was not the end but the start of their new life.

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