It Comes In Three's

Chapter 110

Chapter 110


Chapter 110




Lottie’s POV

*So just any hotel missy? You might be better checking Google and picking one from there to give me a rough i man as I nod and sigh- my eyes stinging from holding back my tears.

idea? T

The taxi driver ponders, an elderly

I do as he says, Googling hotels nearby but not in this town. All I want, is to be out of this town, where Alex can’t just track me down so easily with all of his eyes!

“The Hilton, on Lakeside.” 1 announce, as he nods in understanding.

“Of course missy! Sure thing! I’ll have you there in twenty!” He informs me, turning down onto a faster road, as I thank him and take the time to breathe.

The man turns on the radio, which I am thankful for the background noise, before he then answers a call from what I’m assuming is his wife.. “You don’t mind?” He questions over his shoulder, as I hold my hand up to him.

“Not at all! Go ahead!” I force the words out, not fully trusting my quivering voice, as he smiles and takes the call–talking away to her happily.

I zone out of their conversation, not wanting to eavesdrop on them, as my mind returns back to what I had just witnessed…

Alex was in his office, snuggled up with another girl… and if that wasn’t bad enough, it was also someone that Anna clearly knew well herself too! All of this, even after the morning myself and Alex had spent together? I clearly wasn’t enough for him!

I still couldn’t wrap my head around it, I just wanted to get out of there, to be alone for a while in order to think.

My thoughts storm around in my head, as I grow nauseous at the fact I was now also pregnant with his child…

This was all just a total disaster!

I turn my phone off in frustration, not wanting any of them to contact me for now, as I check my purse – thankful to still have Alex’s credit card in it. I wouldn’t be able to pay for a thing on my own… so the least he can do after this, is let me pay for a hotel with it until I figure things out on my own! With that thought, I grow increasingly embarrassed. What have I gotten myself into? I was nothing without Alex, or even Anna for that matter! I didn’t have any money of my own, I didn’t have any way to survive on my own, I didn’t have a family to help me out – I was nothing without them!

If Alex did leave me, what would I have? He owns the house, he pays for everything, he even paid for all of the stuff I have. He could take it all away in the blink of an eye…. which he no doubt might now that he has a new woman on the scene!

I was delusional to think, that someone of his status, his wealth, and of his age… would actually stick with someone like me for the rest of his life? of course he would cheat! I have nothing going for me! All I do, is bring trouble to all of them!

I swipe the first tear off from my face the moment that it falls, not wanting the driver to see my upset. I grow suddenly annoyed at myself next, for having been so foolish to begin with…

I should have seen this coming…

I close my eyes, trying my upmost hardest to focus on anything other than what had just happened, at least for now whilst I sit in the back of the cab.

I just have to hold my shit together until I make it to the hotel!

I zone in on the sound of the radio, focusing on the lyrics to each sung to help keep me distracted, before finally, the driver announces – “That’s you here missy! Paying by card?” He pulls up out front of the large Hilton, as I sigh and nod- forcing a smile.

I dig back into my bag, before tapping Alex’s card on the man’s hand held card reader, hearing it beep successfully,

“Thanks a lot!” I tell him, before pushing open the door to leave.

Chapter 110

“Take care now!” He calls back, as I smile and almost laugh at his words.

I’ll try…

1 head inside towards the main lobby, nothing other than my small purse in hand, as I toss my hair back over my shoulder–collecting myself.

“Welcome to the Hilton, how can I help you?” The lady flashes me a bright smile, as 1 awkwardly force one back at her.

I just have to get past her… then I’ll have some alone time…




“I’m looking for a room please, for a couple of days.” I explain, as she nods and clicks away on her computer–seeming to check the availability.

“Great! I can book you in to a standard double room for two nights? If you can write down your details on this form I can have it processed for you!” She responds, causing me to perk up slightly in success as I take the small paper and pen from her and fill in my contact information.

“Yes that’s

great! Thank you!” I state, as she clicks some more buttons before retrieving the card machine shortly after.

“$268, does that sound ok to you?” The lady chirps, as I nod, pulling out Alex’s credit card again.

1 tap it hesitantly, before she smiles and turns to retrieve my room key for me. I take it from her, thanking her briefly, before walking briskly towards the elevator – wanting some much needed privacy after the day I had just endured.

My room was situated on floor four, as I click the button and wait. I step out moments after, before following the signs to find room 412.

I scan my key, with the light flashing green, as I push the handle and enter before turning to ensure that the door was locked behind me.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, taking in the neat, fresh and tidy room before me as I lean against the wall – allowing myself to sink down it–landing my butt on the floor.

Sitting on the floor of the hotel room, I finally let the tears flow freely.

The weight of everything that had happened today was too much to bear. I had found out that I was pregnant, only minutes before witnessing Alex with another woman.

I feel lost and broken, unsure of what to do next. My mind is a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, but one thing is clear: I need to take some time to figure things out on my own.

As I wipe away my tears, I take out my phone and power it back on- curiosity getting the better of me.

There are several missed calls and messages from Alex and Anna, but I can’t bring myself to read or respond to any of them just yet.

I still need time to process everything before I can face them all again…

As I sit on the floor of the hotel room, feeling the exhaustion and emotional weight of the day, I decide that at least someone should know that I’m still alive and well…

It isn’t fair on Anna especially, since she hadn’t actually done anything wrong, however the way her face lit up when noticing that girl Alex was with, was enough to make me want to run.

If Anna likes her, and is friendly with her; then what chance do I have of backup then?

I decide to call Del, thinking that with everything he has been through with Clara, he would maybe be able to sympathise more with my own situation compared to the others. I also know that he will pass over to Anna and the others that I am safe, and that they don’t have to panic over me.

With trembling hands, I dial his number and wait for him to pick up…

After a few rings, he answers with a che

a cheerful greeting, clearly unaware of the turmoil that I’m going through as of just yet….

“Hey, Lottie! What’s up?” Del asks, his voice full of warmth.

“Hey, Del,” I reply, my voice cracking slightly. “Can we talk? It’s really important.”

Chapter 110

Instantly, Del senses the urgency in my voice, clearing his throat. “Of course! What’s going on? Are you okay? Where’s Alex? He shoots out his questions, causing me to sigh.




“L… I saw something today, Del,” I confess, holding back my tears. “I saw Alex with another woman in his office, and I just… I don’t know what to do now. I ran off…” I explain, thankful to have somebody listening to my rambling.

“Wait, what Lottie? Are you serious? Alex wouldn’t do that? Would he? Are you absolutely sure?” Del responds, his voice filled with concern and confusion.

“He did! We seen it with our own eyes them both cuddling up to one another! Anna seems to know the girl too, she looked surprised and almost happy to see her which only added salt to the wound. I don’t want to talk to her about it either, so I just ran off!” I sniffle, as I explain the heartbreaking scenario I had endured.

“Oh, fuck Lottie, I’m so sorry you’re going through this, let me give Alex a call and find out where his heads at he’s a fucking asshole if this is true! I’m really surprised at this though… he really… loves you.” Del says empathetically as I scoff at the words before he continues- “Where did you go? Are you somewhere safe now? He questions next, as I look around the room.


safe, I’m not ready to tell anyone where I am yet though. I know he will try and come here and I’m not ready to talk to him… at least not yet…” I whisper, my chest feeling as though it were being crushed.

“Do you have money and shit? I can send you some if you need help?” Del suddenly asks next, as I chew the skin at the side of my

of my nails anxio


“Well uh… I have Alex’s card… I admit, embarrassed again by not having my own

own funds to support my actions.

“That’s good! He won’t care, as long as you’re somewhere safe. Let me give him a call, and I’ll call you back again after that right? I’ll tell him that you’re not ready to talk about it either.” Del offers, as I wipe away my tears.

“O–Ok… thanks Del! For listening! I know you have your own shit going on too so I’m sorry to bother you with my drama…” I trail off, as he hushes me down the line.

“Forget about me! I’m fine! Just take care of yourself and take some time to think. Come back when you’re ready, none of us want you to leave.” Del concludes, as I nod despite the fact that he can’t see me. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

We finish up the call, as I sigh in relief having had some emotional support from at least someone who can agree that Alex has fucked up here!

1 didnt even have the chance to speak to him about my pregnancy yet either….I don’t think I want to tell him at all anymore…

He has ruined everything…

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