It Comes In Three's

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

+10% Bonus

Alex’s POV

“What’s wrong now?!” I grit down the line, answering the phone to the two guys I had asked to keep an eye on the girls at the mall today.

“Nothing boss! The girls are both fine! They just left the mall should be on their way to you now.” He speaks up, as I sigh in contentment.

I had been increasingly nervous about them going to a public place today without me – with everything that was currently going on.


If I could, I would attach Lottie to my hip at this moment in time, but I didn’t want to make her unhappy. I knew that the mall would be good to clear her mind… even if that meant spending a few hours away from me!

“Great is that all?” 1 ask them, wanting to get off the line.

“Uhh… not exactly boss… we did notice, that although you said it was Anna that was being sick? It seemed to us, that Lottie was the one who looked upset when they left the bathroom.” He comments, gaining my full attention as my brows pull together in thought.

It was Lottie who was upset? That’s why they were in there so long? But she sounded fine when I had called her so that doesn’t make any sense?

“You’re sure you aren’t mixing them up? Lottie sounded fine when I had called her she picked up right away?” I push for more information, walking around my office–deep in thought now.

“No, we aren’t mixed up. It was definitely Lottie! Anna spoke up when they come out and Lottie stayed quiet and looked somewhat… in shock? We ju

just wanted to let you know incase it actually was something. Maybe we just misread the situation boss!” He explains, as I nod along with his words

I’ll figure it out anyhow…

“Yeah sure! Thanks for the update, enjoy the rest of your night!” I state, before pulling the phone back from my ear–ending the call.

I stare out of the large window, breathing steadily knowing that they were both on their way over here now… it won’t be long and I’ll be able to figure out what’s actually happened for myself!

“Well if it isn’t you! My first love!” I tense at the voice, before snapping around instantly to face the intruder, mortified at the sight standing before me.

“Sofia?” The name leaves my lips, stunned and completely caught off guard as she stands before me in my own office.

“In the flesh baby!” She throws her arms out, grinning from ear to ear, as I blink profusely to figure out if I was, in fact, hallucinating-

It can’t be… she wouldn’t come here…

“Why the fuck are you back? I question, unable to comprehend how now, this female had returned and was stood before me, in my office. She walks around confidently, her skirt barely covering anything as she trails a finger along the books displayed on my tall bookshelf.

“I’m visiting you of course.” She flips her long black hair over her shoulder, smirking



This cannot be happening right now… of all things!

“Aren’t you happy to see me Alex?!” Sofia squints at me next, fixing the edges of her crop top, before her eyes meet mine again.

“Not exactly no? You ran off on us?” I deadpan, as she places a hand on her heart – faking being hurt by my words.

“Baby c’mon now! I was young and stupid! Plus, my parents moved to a new town? How can you blame me for losing touch?” Sofia pouts, as I remain still, my brain trying it’s upmost hardest to process this- and fast!

I watch her carefully as she saunters closer, her eyes looking around – drinking in all of the details of the office.

“Alex… I’m back to say that I’m sorry!” S

Sofia purses her lips at me, much closer now than before as I eye her warily. What the fuck is she up to? She has no right being here!

Chapter 109



“Sorry doesn’t cut it? Leaving town and not saying a word to anyone? Even me? Blocking my number when I tried to call you? I was done with you after that.” I wave her off, before she catches my arm in her hands.

“Alex don’t be like that! Come on now!” Solia continues, as I wiggle out of her hold.


“You made a mistake coming back to this town… there’s nothing for you here! Do y

you seriously think any of us will look at you the same? Including Anna?!” I rant, as she rolls her eyes at my words.

“Anna still has the three of you wrapped around her little finger then I see? I didn’t come back for Anna, I came back for you baby… Sofia gets closer again, too close this time, as I try my upmost hardest to refrain from slapping her across the face.

“I always knew you were jealous of Anna… I just think that it’s odd that, all of a sudden, you come crawling back into town when I become successful with my own company? Coming to my office of all places just to see if it were true?” I scoff at her, as frustration flashes across her eyes before she masks it

She flashes me a bright smile, giggling at my words, as she hops up onto my desk to sit in front of me.

could at least have some fun Alex… I’m not asking you to marry me… I came back, because I missed you.” Sofia purrs, running a hand slowly up her thigh in temptation, before slowly parting her legs.

“Fuck that! Get the fuck out of here! I turn away from her, groaning in frustration that this, of course, had to be happening after all of the other shit I had endured this week

It isn’t long before I feel hands snaking around my waist, before seconds later the sound of my office door is heard opening followed by two loud

I turn, instantly shoving Sofia away from me leaving her landing on her ass with a shriek – before my eyes

es meet Lotties, seeing her and Anna standing in the doorway – both completely in shock at the sight of us both.

My mouth opens and closes, not knowing where to begin, as Lottie stares at us both – utterly confused.

“Sofia?!” Anna speaks out in complete shock, causing Lottie to look at her – disbelief swarming her face when realising that Anna knows this girl too.

“Lottie L…” My voice is hoarse, before Lottie turns on her heels and races towards the elevator, not willing to listen.

up from the floor.

“Alex what the fuck?!” Anna questions next, as I turn to eye Sofia as she composes herself and stands back up

My eyes set into a hard glare, before I storm out of the office–watching as the elevator doors close with Lottie inside.

“FUCK!” 1 rage, kicking a nearby table – causing everything on top to smash on to the floor.

I press the button for what feels like one hundred times, watching as the elevator reaches the bottom floor before starting to come back up again.

My mind does overtime, as I panic slightly, understanding how bad the situation must have looked to Lottie and Anna who had just walked in….

I have to find her and explain all of this!

I step inside as soon as the doors open for me, before clicking the ground floor. The elevator doors seem to close at a snails pace this time, causing me to curse again…

Can this hurry

ry the fuck

uck up? I have to find Lottie!

Moments pass, as I glance at my panicked features in the wall mirror, before the ding sounds out to signal that I had reached the bottom floor.

I march out, before roughly grabbing one of my security guards by the collar and yelling “Are you just letting anybody up to my fool! Get out of here, you’re fired! I roar, shoving him backwards as he splutters for words.

Why the fuck am I paying him to stand around here doing nothing?! Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

Sofia should have never even made it into my personal office without me being informed of her presence first!

I then slam a hand on the reception desk, causing the guy there to jump almost ten feet in the air from the surprise.

Door ti

these days?! You

Chapter 109

109 Bonu

“B–Boss?” He quivers, avoiding my eye, as the rest of the staff on the floor don’t know how to act.

“Where did my partner go when she came out of that elevator over there?!” I try my upmost hardest not to yell, as he scrambles on the computer 107:5 pull up the security footage from outside.

“She uhh… she headed out of the min entrance gates on foot sir!” The man informs

as I waste no time on heading out of the building after her.

I pat myself down, looking for my car keys. “FUCK THIS!” I yell, losing my fucking mind with the events that were playing out before me.

I take off in a jog, having no luck with the keys knowing that I must have left them upstairs in the office.

This is a total fucking nightmare!

I jog out of the main gates, looking left and right, deciding that Lottle would have stuck to the main road at least as I decide to go left heading back towards the centre of town.

I run for what feels like hours, my heart beating at an uncontrollable rate as I pause every so often, wondering if she had taken a side street or had completely gone the other way.

I’ve fucking lost h


I decide that it was no use to continue on like this, as I run back to my office building, in order to retrieve my phone and car keys.

I wouldn’t find Lottie on foot, I have to think this through! Maybe she has calmed down and gone back there already?

I reach the building, breathing heavily, but thankful for my fitness that allowed me to run this much…

I rush inside, heading back upstairs, thankful to find that my office was now empty – no sign of Sofia or Anna on that note.

I grab my car keys aggressively, before picking up my phone from the desk checking and praying to find some missed calls or texts from Lottie – yet there is none.

I close my eyes, my hands trembling, as I breathe in and out steadily, trying not to lose my damn mind!

I need every man on this ASAP… I don’t know where the fuck she’s gone, but I’ll find her!

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