It Comes In Three's

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Lottie’s POV

My heart hammers in my chest as to let go

est as Alex shouts for us to move… we exit the bam – as Anna and I both cling to one another tightly too afraid this time

We run as fast as our feet will take us, as 1 guide us through the long grass back the way we came… we just need to reach the car… in the car until they find them…

then we

will be

We stumble slightly, before the cars hidden location comes into sight – causing us to sprint faster on approach.

We get there, as I pull the drivers side door open and Anna climbs in to the passenger side– slamming the doors shut. I lock the doors instantly, breathing heavy, before turning over my shoulder to find….

“Where the fuck is Greg?! I panic, seeing the backseat now empty, as Anna stares at me with flustered eyes.

“Who is Greg?” She whispers quickly, staring at me as though I had gone insane…..

“Alex called him in… he helped us track you.. he waited back here and now he’s gone… so is his equipment!” 1 ramble an update to Anna, who looks just as confused as I am now,

This doesn’t feel right….

wouldn’t just up and leave? He doesn’t have a way to get back home?

“Call Del! Anna reminds me, checking our surroundings in fear as I fumble to find Alex iPhone

Shaking with a mix of fear and urgency, I quickly locate Alex s iPhone in the glove compartment. My hands tremble as I dial Del’s number, praying that he answers. The phone rings, each second feeling like an eternity as we remain surrounded by tall trees and darkness…



Del. pick up, 1 mutter under my breath,

h, my eyes darting around, scanning for any signs of danger.

Finally, after what feels like forever, Del’s voice comes through the speaker,

“Lottie? What’s happening? Tell me that you got Anna? Is she ok?” Del’s voice is laced with instant concern….

“Yeah we got her! She’s safe, she’s with me in the car right now! We don’t know where Tommy and Holden are though! Alex and face are looking for them up at the farm… but something weird is going on Dell My voice spikes towards the end in worry Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What’s going on?” Del questions quickly, as I respond-

“We made it back to the car, but reg is missing now. He was tracking Anna’s location, and waited back in the car when we went to go find her, and now he’s gone along with his equipment.” I explain our situation, my voice filled with urgency.

“Listen to me…keep the car locked… send me your exact location on text. Il send our men over to you but they won’t get there for a while so you’ll need to sit tight… crack the window slightly and if anything happens scream as loud as you can – Alex and Jace will come.” Del instructs us both, his tone sharp and serious which only heightens our fear more.

Where has Greg gone and why would he even leave the car in the first place?

I’ll call our men and tell them to get there fast, call me back if you need me.” Del states next, as I thank him briefly before the line falls silent.

“I don’t like this…” Anna whispers, as the silence around us engulfs the atmosphere completely.

“Why did they just leave you up there too? 1 question Anna, on edge by the fact that we didn’t know where Tommy or Holden had gone…

I watch as Anna seems to battle with herself, seeming pained by the freshness of what had just happened to her… a look I knew all too well…

“He’s fucking crazy Lottie… the shit he was saying he would do to me alone was terrifying! I can’t imagine how you feel… I’m lucky you guys got here when you did… I think they have motion sensors on their phone and knew that someone was on the property so they quickly tied me up and left me up


Chapter 69

there!” Anna hiccups towards the end, catching a sob in her throat

throat as the fear consumes her.

“It could’ve been so much worse Lottie… but I was absolutely terrified.” Anna cries, as I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hold her tightly.

During our embrace, as I huth her and rub soothing circles on her back, we hear a stone hitting against what sounds like metal nearby which causes us both to freeze…

“…what was that?” Anna sniffles, as I am unable to respond–listering for any other indication of movement.

“Maybe it’s Alex and Jace? I hope, however a darkness falls into the air, my gut telling me otherwise…

As we hold our breath, straining to hear any other sounds, the darkness around us seems to thicken. The minutes stretch on, each second filled with anticipation and fear.

“Someone’s coming.” I whisper to Anna, my voice barely audible. She clings to me tighter, her body trembling with anxiety. We exchange a glance, our eyes reflecting the shared dread we both feel…

Panic grips my heart as footsteps approach, as we struggle to see where they are coming


The car’s interior feels suffocating, and the air seems to thicken with tension. I carefully crack open the window, creating a narrow gap, just as Del bad instructed. The cool night air brushing against my face, providing a small measure of relief amidst the mounting nausea

Suddenly, a figure emerges from the darkness. My breath catches in my throat as 1 recognize the silhouette.

It’s Greg, his face etched with a mixture of anxiety and dread…..

“What the hell happened, where did you go? I demand through the cracked window, my voice laced with a combination of anger and relief “Why did you leave and take your stuff?”

Greg’s eyes dart around nervously before he finally meets my gaze. “It’s not safe here. We need to leave immediately.” He informs me, to pull at the door handle finding it to be locked.

“There’s no time to explain – just open the damn door! Greg insists urgently, his voice filled with annoyance.

I eye Anna, who shakes her head once–silently telling me that she felt the same way I did… this wasn’t right….

before attempting

“We need to trust each other and get out of here. I have a plan, but we have to act quickly to open the door.” Greg pushes, trying the handle again more aggressively.

“Do not open the car!” Anna squeaks from beside me, as I tense up completely–confused as to what had happened to him and where he had been…

Not a moment later, bushes rustle, and another figure flies out from them – heading straight for the car. As the wicked grin grows closer, my eyes widen and I instantly panic seeing that it was Tommy….

“Do what you’re told Charlotte! Open up the fucking car!” Tommy wastes no time before he begins to hit the windows hard–causing myself and Anna to grip one another in a panic as we both shriek.

“OPEN THE DOOR! He aggressively pulls at the handle, before Greg seems to take this as his chance to run off…

Where the hell is he going now?

“You’re making this worse for yourself princess… Tommy starts, lining his eyes up with the small gap in the window–sending a jolt of fear through my

“Your little boyfriend who you kept quiet is laying up at the farm bleeding to death… open the door or I’ll find something to smash the window with myself!” Tommy threatens, before unleashing a hellish laugh – his inner maniac taking the main stage.

My head swirls at the mention of Alex… bleeding to death… what if he was telling the truth?

I panic instantly, before releasing an ear pitching g scream–one so food that the people in the town could no doubt hear–before Anna begins to follow my lead and scream too, amplifying the noise.


Chapter 69

Tommy grows furious, before he picks up a large tree branch – wasting no time before beginning to whack it off of the car windows relentlessly… causing us to instantly panic more.

Time is running out…

What if this time, Alex can’t protect us…

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincad

He is crazy

Debra H

Alex will save them


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