It Comes In Three's

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Aler’s POV

As I search the farm with Jace,

Jace, the urgency in my veins intensifies with each passing second. The darkness engulfs us, making it difficult to see beyond a few feet. We move cautiously, our senses heightened, aware that danger lurks in every shadow….


p your guard up, Jace,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. Jace nods, his grip tightening on the hammer he holds as I grip my gun….

We make our way through the overgrown grass, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Tommy or Holden. I can feel my muscles tense as they coil up like springs, ready to react at a moment’s notice…

Suddenly, a faint sound catches my attention, coming from the farm house….


both rush town

I look to Jace who eyes me with a smirk, as we both rush towards the dark, dirty building once again. We step through the creaky front door, before pausing–hearing yet another creak coming from above us.

Somebody’s in here….

I motion with my hand for face to follow behind me, as we move steadily up the steps- attempting to be as quiet as possible in our execution.

Our footsteps echo through the silent house as we ascend the staircase, our senses on high alert. The sound of a muffled shuffle guides us towards one of the rooms on the second floor. Holding my breath, I push the door open, revealing a dimly moon lit space filled with dusty furniture…..

There, in the corner of the room, I spot a figure huddled and trembling. It’s Holden, his eyes wide with fear as he realizes we’ve found him – as he e

His attempt to hide proves futile against our determined pursuit, as I tum to face and laugh at his trembling physique…

“Holden, it’s over,” I say firmly, my voice cutting through the tension. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Jace moves closer, his presence reinforcing our authority

“Just let us go home! We’ve gone too far, we know! We won’t come back again dude!” Holden reasons, his hands up and covering his face in surrender.

Jace swiftly moves forward, securing Holden’s hands with zip ties as I keep my gun trained on him- sending spasms of fear into his body.

We can’t risk him posing a threat or escaping… not when we’ve still to find the other one too!

Once Holden is restrained, lace hauls him up to his feet as 1 scan the room for any other signs of immediate danger.

Satisfied that it’s secure, I turn my attention back to him…

“Where’s Tommy?” I demand, my voice commanding. Holden hesitates at first, his lips trembling, before finally relenting.

“… I don’t know he ran off, he stammers, his voice laced with anxiety. “He… he said he had unfinished business with Charlotte and Anna. He… he didn’t tell me anything else.” Holden continues to eye the gun, the sweat gathering on his forehead as he speaks.

My jaw tightens at his response. Tommy’s twisted obsession with revenge has taken a dangerous tum. Lottie and Anna’s safety becomes even more paramount in my mind.

“Jace, bring Holden down to the car and I’ll look for Tommy,” I instruct, my tone leaving no room for argument. “Make sure he doesn’t escape.” I tell him, knowing he wouldn’t let that happen anyway….

I lead the way back downstairs, towards the front exit, gun in hand with a burning rage bubbling inside me.

Tommy’s the one 1 want… he’s the one I’ve always wanted to get my hands on this whole time… he doesn’t get to walk out of this!

I take a few steps forward, before freezing instantly eyes widening when I hear a loud noise sound out throughout the air…

Chapter 70

It’s a scream, distant but piercing. My heart lurches, recognizing that it’s Lottie and Anna in the direction of the car.

Fear surges through me, propelling me forward with a renewed sense of urgency as I take off in a desperate sprint…

As I navigate through the darkness, guided by the echoes of Lottie’s screams, a flicker of movement catches my eye. I freeze, holding my breath. It’s a figure emerging from the shadows–a silhouette that I recognize all too well.

Fucking Greg!

I instantly reach out and grab him by the collar, his eyes holding a panic as he flaps in my hold…

“What the fuck is going on? Why are you running?!” I rage, beginning to lose my shit completely as I stare down at the blundering idiot currently held in my grasp.

“He… Tom… that guy is insane Alex! He fucking dragged me out of the car, tried to cut my throat with loose glass from the floor… he smashed up all of my shit – everything! He’s nuts! Completely lost it! Greg blunders in my hold, before 1 toss him aside – bored of his bubbling.

I continue on towards the car, nearing the vehicle before hearing the sound of a window being smashed – followed by more screams.

My heart pounds in my chest as I sprint towards the car, fueled by adrenaline and the desperate need to protect Lottie and Anna. As I reach the vehicle, a chilling sight greets me–a shattered window and the sounds of terrified cries coming from inside.

Without hesitation, my eyes scan the chaotic scene. Lottie and Anna huddle together, their faces streaked with tears, their bodies trembling with fear. And there, towering over them with a deranged expression, is Tommy as he attempts to drag them out of the car….

“Get the fuck away from them, Tommy! I roar, my voice filled with fury. He turns to face me, a twisted smile playing on his lips which causes me to grab him and haul him completely out of the vehicle….

His eyes glimmer with madness, confirming the depth of his descent as I waste no time on smashing my gun down on his skull

With a forceful blow, the butt of my gun collides with Tommy skull, causing him to stagger back, momentarily dazed. Blood trickles down his face, mingling with the sweat of his twisted determination. He wipes his head, a crazed laughter bubbling from his lips.

“You think you can stop me, Alex? He taunts, his voice dripping with malice. “Lock me up? Ill get back out eventually, and I come straight back for her… I won’t stop until she’s ruined!” Tommy spits at my feet, showing his distaste.

Anger courses through my veins, fueling my every move. I lunge forward, delivering a swift punch to Tommy’s jaw, causing him to fall back. The taste of vengeance is within reach, and I refuse to let him escape the consequences of his actions.

Blow after blow lands on Tommy’s body and face, each strike driven by a potent mix of anger and a desperate need to protect those I hold dear.

He won’t dare take Lottie from me – ever!

In the midst of our violent struggle, a new presence emerges from the darkness.

Jace rushes towards us, his eyes wide with alarm. His arrival provides the distraction I need. I seize the opportunity, delivering a final blow–a devastating uppercut to Tommy’s jaw followed by a left hook to his skull

His body crumples on the ground with a grunt, unconscious and defeated, but I don’t stop there..

Breathing heavily, I continue to throw hits into his limp body, faintly hearing people screaming for me to stop.

Jace roughly pulls me back, as I breathe heavily and want to smash anything in my path. I stand back, surveying the scene before me – Tammy’s blood covered face – his breathing light but still there.

“He doesn’t deserve death Alex… a li

life locked up is better for this mutt!” lace comments, as I seethe down at him.

I turn back to the car, as Lottie and Anna cling to each other inside the driver side door still open. Their eyes fill with a mix of relief and horror at the sight before them.

Jace swiftly moves to secure Tommy, binding his hands and wrists with zip ties just as he had done with Holden.

Chapter 70

With both of our assailants now incapacitated, we can finally breathe a sigh of temporary relief… but this isn’t over… not yet!

“Help me drag him!” Jace motions with his hand, as I allow for my body to go into overdrive – moving to take a hold of his limp figure–pulling him across the dirt towards the trunk of the car.

On the count of three, we haul him inside, closing the lid to secure him in there until further notice…

“Where’s the other one?” I suddenly question, looking around, before lace nods towards the car,

“I put him in the back, he’s knocked out.” Jace updates me as I nod briefly–sighing as my adrenaline rush begins to decline….

I turn my attention to Lottie and Anna, approaching them with a mixture of tenderness and concern. I lean in and wrap my arms around them, holding them close, silently reassuring them that they are both safe now.

I hear rustling, which causes me to tense again, turning to find that it’s only Greg approaching

Fucking idiotic Greg… running away from screaming females like a pussy!

“What do you want?” I grumble, as he shuffles from foot to foot–seeming embarrassed by his previous actions.

“A lift home!” He mumbles, as I roll my eyes, and tell him to hurry up and get in.

Just as I am about to start the car, everyone crushed inside, headlights appear in the distance – as I groan and throw my head back.

If this is the damn cops already…

But soon enough, I am relieved to see three of my men exit the vehicle – rushing over to my side– studying the smashed glass from my driver window.

“We came as quick as we could Alex! One of them sighs, as I nod.

“I have them both… just someone take Greg back home.” I roll my eyes, as my men chuckle, gesturing for Greg to follow them back to the other car – allowing Anna the extra seat beside lace in the back.

We did it… it’s almost over…

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

This has been crazy but it’s almost over.


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