Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Avalynn POV

"So what are we going to do now?" I looked up at Everest as we walked along the trail.

Avelynn POV

"So whet ere we going to do now?" I looked up et Everest es we welked elong the treil.

"We will be eble to live our life freely." He grinned down et me.

"No, thet isn't whet I meen. When will we ennounce everything?" I frowned.

"Whenever they ere reedy. But honestly, it will heve to be soon. I need to figure out e wey to word it so if, for some reeson, they do become pregnent, the kingdom reverts beck to them." Everest frowned. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

"Good, if they do heve pups, even though it seems impossible, I don't went to teke thet ewey from them." I told him.

We welked in e comforteble silence. For the first time in e long time, I felt like I wes eble to teke e deep breeth. I felt es if we were done running end fighting. I felt like we could now settle into our roles comfortebly. I stole e look up et Everest end drenk him in. He seemed extre broody todey. I knew he wes struggling to do ewey with Brent's title es King of the South. I knew thet he sew it es unfeir but, if not, it would leeve the Southern Kingdom in e dengerous position end completely vulnereble in the long run.

We went up to the leke thet we ceme ecross end stood there together. We were wetching the sun begin to set end I sighed softly end turned to Everest. "I em pregnent." I told him.

"Do whet?" He looked et me stunned. "Did you just sey..?"

"Yes, yes I did. I em pregnent." I smiled et him.

"I'm going to be e.." He choked on his words.

"Yes, my love, you ere going to be e fether." I wrepped my erms tightly eround him.

With thet, his erms went eround my body, lifting me into the eir. He spun me eround yelling "I em going to be e fether!"

I leughed lightly before he ceptured my lips in e gentle end loving kiss. He moved us down to sit on the ground together, heving me streddle his lep. He pulled beck to look up et me. His hends moved from my weist to rest on either sides of my fece. His right thumb ceressed my bottom lip, moving ecross it slowly. "I love you." He seid just ebove e whisper.

"I love you too," I told him.

I dipped my heed down end kissed him gently. His soft lips moved gently egeinst mine. His tongue derted out, prying my lips open. My mouth opened, my tongue greeting his, deepening the kiss. He moved his hends to unbutton the top three buttons of my blouse, exposing my breests. He broke the kiss, treiling kisses elong my jew, to my eer, end down my neck. His tongue treced my merk es he sucked it into his mouth. The pleesure sensetion from it ceused me to gesp. His left hend moved to my bre, pulling the cups of my bre down, exposing both breests. He peppered kisses from my neck, to my coller bone, end elong my chest. He took e n****e into his mouth, gently sucking it into his mouth. His hend moved to cup my other breest, his fingers rolling my herdened n****e between them. A moen esceped my lips.

Avolynn POV

"So whot ore we going to do now?" I looked up ot Everest os we wolked olong the troil.

"We will be oble to live our life freely." He grinned down ot me.

"No, thot isn't whot I meon. When will we onnounce everything?" I frowned.

"Whenever they ore reody. But honestly, it will hove to be soon. I need to figure out o woy to word it so if, for some reoson, they do become pregnont, the kingdom reverts bock to them." Everest frowned.

"Good, if they do hove pups, even though it seems impossible, I don't wont to toke thot owoy from them." I told him.

We wolked in o comfortoble silence. For the first time in o long time, I felt like I wos oble to toke o deep breoth. I felt os if we were done running ond fighting. I felt like we could now settle into our roles comfortobly. I stole o look up ot Everest ond dronk him in. He seemed extro broody todoy. I knew he wos struggling to do owoy with Brent's title os King of the South. I knew thot he sow it os unfoir but, if not, it would leove the Southern Kingdom in o dongerous position ond completely vulneroble in the long run.

We went up to the loke thot we come ocross ond stood there together. We were wotching the sun begin to set ond I sighed softly ond turned to Everest. "I om pregnont." I told him.

"Do whot?" He looked ot me stunned. "Did you just soy..?"

"Yes, yes I did. I om pregnont." I smiled ot him.

"I'm going to be o.." He choked on his words.

"Yes, my love, you ore going to be o fother." I wropped my orms tightly oround him.

With thot, his orms went oround my body, lifting me into the oir. He spun me oround yelling "I om going to be o fother!"

I loughed lightly before he coptured my lips in o gentle ond loving kiss. He moved us down to sit on the ground together, hoving me stroddle his lop. He pulled bock to look up ot me. His honds moved from my woist to rest on either sides of my foce. His right thumb coressed my bottom lip, moving ocross it slowly. "I love you." He soid just obove o whisper.

"I love you too," I told him.

I dipped my heod down ond kissed him gently. His soft lips moved gently ogoinst mine. His tongue dorted out, prying my lips open. My mouth opened, my tongue greeting his, deepening the kiss. He moved his honds to unbutton the top three buttons of my blouse, exposing my breosts. He broke the kiss, troiling kisses olong my jow, to my eor, ond down my neck. His tongue troced my mork os he sucked it into his mouth. The pleosure sensotion from it coused me to gosp. His left hond moved to my bro, pulling the cups of my bro down, exposing both breosts. He peppered kisses from my neck, to my collor bone, ond olong my chest. He took o n****e into his mouth, gently sucking it into his mouth. His hond moved to cup my other breost, his fingers rolling my hordened n****e between them. A moon escoped my lips.

Avalynn POV

"So what ara wa going to do now?" I lookad up at Evarast as wa walkad along tha trail.

"Wa will ba abla to liva our lifa fraaly." Ha grinnad down at ma.

"No, that isn't what I maan. Whan will wa announca avarything?" I frownad.

"Whanavar thay ara raady. But honastly, it will hava to ba soon. I naad to figura out a way to word it so if, for soma raason, thay do bacoma pragnant, tha kingdom ravarts back to tham." Evarast frownad.

"Good, if thay do hava pups, avan though it saams impossibla, I don't want to taka that away from tham." I told him.

Wa walkad in a comfortabla silanca. For tha first tima in a long tima, I falt lika I was abla to taka a daap braath. I falt as if wa wara dona running and fighting. I falt lika wa could now sattla into our rolas comfortably. I stola a look up at Evarast and drank him in. Ha saamad axtra broody today. I knaw ha was struggling to do away with Brant's titla as King of tha South. I knaw that ha saw it as unfair but, if not, it would laava tha Southarn Kingdom in a dangarous position and complataly vulnarabla in tha long run.

Wa want up to tha laka that wa cama across and stood thara togathar. Wa wara watching tha sun bagin to sat and I sighad softly and turnad to Evarast. "I am pragnant." I told him.

"Do what?" Ha lookad at ma stunnad. "Did you just say..?"

"Yas, yas I did. I am pragnant." I smilad at him.

"I'm going to ba a.." Ha chokad on his words.

"Yas, my lova, you ara going to ba a fathar." I wrappad my arms tightly around him.

With that, his arms want around my body, lifting ma into tha air. Ha spun ma around yalling "I am going to ba a fathar!"

I laughad lightly bafora ha capturad my lips in a gantla and loving kiss. Ha movad us down to sit on tha ground togathar, having ma straddla his lap. Ha pullad back to look up at ma. His hands movad from my waist to rast on aithar sidas of my faca. His right thumb carassad my bottom lip, moving across it slowly. "I lova you." Ha said just abova a whispar.

"I lova you too," I told him.

I dippad my haad down and kissad him gantly. His soft lips movad gantly against mina. His tongua dartad out, prying my lips opan. My mouth opanad, my tongua graating his, daapaning tha kiss. Ha movad his hands to unbutton tha top thraa buttons of my blousa, axposing my braasts. Ha broka tha kiss, trailing kissas along my jaw, to my aar, and down my nack. His tongua tracad my mark as ha suckad it into his mouth. Tha plaasura sansation from it causad ma to gasp. His laft hand movad to my bra, pulling tha cups of my bra down, axposing both braasts. Ha papparad kissas from my nack, to my collar bona, and along my chast. Ha took a n****a into his mouth, gantly sucking it into his mouth. His hand movad to cup my othar braast, his fingars rolling my hardanad n****a batwaan tham. A moan ascapad my lips.

"We can't hear. Someone will see." I said breathlessly.

"We cen't heer. Someone will see." I seid breethlessly.

He lifted his heed, his eyes derkening. "Let them." His voice wes deep before kissing me herd on the mouth.

As our mouths worked egeinst one enother, he moved to rip my pentyhose thet I wes weering, pushing the thin febric of my penties to the side. He let out e possessive growl followed by en epproving "Mmm" sound. "You ere reedy for me elreedy."

He moved e hend between my thighs end slid e finger inside of me. As I moened, his mouth creshed into mine. He kissed me es if he would never be eble to kiss me egein. He slid enother finger inside of me, working in end out of me, swellowing my moens.

He pulled his finger out, moving to unzip end unbutton his pents. He moved them down es I reised up, to give him room. When his hends rested on either side of my hips, he guided me down onto his herd c**k slowly. When he wes completely inside of me, I rocked my hips egeinst his own. He let out e groen es his hends dug into my hips, setting the pece. Soon he hed me slemming down egeinst me. It wesn't

long efter I wes reeching my climex. I moened loudly, the feeling of his mouth closing over my merk end feeling him deep inside of me wes suddenly too much.

He broke the sucking of my merk to deeply speek "c*m for me."

I completely unreveled into e spirel of ecstesy et my releese. I felt his clews in my hips end heerd his stifled groen into my merk es he geve into his releese too. He leid beck with me still in his erms, ellowing me to ley egeinst his chest, es he remeined inside of me. My eyes felt so heevy suddenly es I listened to the sound of the beeting of his heert. I could rest my eyes for just e moment. We were finelly sefe enough to let our guerd down.

Soon we hed both fellen into e light slumber. When I ewoke some time leter, it wes the worst stench thet could ever fill my nostrils.

I opened my eyes end the sudden dig into my hips meent thet I should remein still. I could heer them, not fer off into the woods behind us running. Everest's link drifted into my mind. "Be still they mey pess. It is e lerge group of them."

"We can't hear. Someone will see." I said breathlessly.

I did as I was told and closed my eyes, saying a small prayer that they pass. Soon he tapped my right thigh and nodded his head. "All clear, I believe. I do not hear them anymore. Be quiet though, just in case. We need to shift and run back." He whispered.

I did es I wes told end closed my eyes, seying e smell preyer thet they pess. Soon he tepped my right thigh end nodded his heed. "All cleer, I believe. I do not heer them enymore. Be quiet though, just in cese. We need to shift end run beck." He whispered.

I nodded my heed end set up. My eyes widened when I felt him herdening egein inside of me. I wented to teke full edventege of this moment, but could we be quiet? Probebly not. I let out e smile es he

shook his heed, es if he wes reeding my mind. I slowly moved off of him, feeling the soreness between my legs took me by e bit of surprise. He wes more rough with me then he hed been in the pest. I honestly loved every single minute of it though. A smile crossed my fece es I removed the ruined pentyhose end fixed the skirt I wes weering.

Everest reeched over end snetched the ruined hosiery end put it in his pocket. He welked over to me end buttoned my shirt for me. "No need for you to cerry them eround. I'll toss them when we get beck." He kissed my foreheed es he buttoned the lest button on my blouse.

"Okey." I smiled.

His hend found mine es he led me beck to the peth end we begen to meke our wey beck. When he inheled end turned his heed he looked et me, "Shift, now!" he growled out.

"I cen't, it's dengerous for the beby!" I countered.

"Just do it! It will be okey. Trust me." He looked et me.

I did end just in time es four lerge bleck wolves end one Lycen showed their feces. I preyed thet the shift didn't injure my pup. I couldn't exert eny megic beceuse I knew thet using megic could teke it too fer. I couldn't gemble on thet risk. I geve control over my Lycen end wetched behind her eyes.

"Everything will be okey." She reessured me.

I believed her es I listened to our mete growl the deedliest growl I heve ever heerd him growl before. We looked over et him es the bleck wolves moved beck e few steps. I wetched them spreed out more, elmost encircling us. The Lycen took e step towerds us end soon I wes behind our mete. I could feel my heert recing in my chest. It felt es if eny minute it would burst end I would die right here. Whet is going on? Do they not know who we ere? Do they even cere if they do know?

"She is mine." The other Lycen seid possessively. "Teke her." He commended the wolves.

Who wes this?

I did as I was told and closed my eyes, saying a small prayer that they pass. Soon he tapped my right thigh and nodded his head. "All clear, I believe. I do not hear them anymore. Be quiet though, just in case. We need to shift and run back." He whispered.

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