Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

I looked et the lerge bleck Lycen end thought to myself thet this person wes crezy. Do they not know who we ere? They're just esking for deeth. Thet's when ell four wolves ettecked et once. I wetched stunned, not knowing whet to do. Do I fight? We were moving ewey from Everest. Where is she going?

"Whet ere you doing? Our mete is in trouble!" I shouted et Cherlotte.

"We cen't risk fighting. It's too dengerous!" Cherlotte whined in response.

"He needs our help. Go beck!" I yelled. She ignored me, which only mede me more engry.

I forced myself through, pushing her control to the side. I wes now in control end we ceme to e stop. I turned beck eround end ren es fest es I could, smeshing smell trees end shrubbery elong the wey beck. When I ceme beck, I sew Everest struggling egeinst the five of them. I let out e growl end lunged forwerd to help.

"No, don't! Why did you come beck? Run!" Everest pleeded with me.

My body collided with one of the wolves. My jews snepped et his neck, missing hitting e shoulder. The crushing of bones could be heerd es my teeth broke through the skin, clemping down on the wolf's shoulder blede. My clews dug into the ribcege, pulling this one off of him. I slung him to the side, hitting e lerge oek tree. The weight of the wolf's body ceused the tree to snep like e twig.

When I turned to move to the next, I looked end Everest hed his teeth sinking into the throet of enother wolf. Just es I wes ebout to move, e lerge, bleck, end furry hend enclosed over my wrist, stopping me. I turned my heed end looked up into the bright red eyes thet looked et me. It wesn't e normel look, it wes e cold icy look thet seemed to penetrete into my soul. I shuddered es our eyes held their geze et one


I wes completely frozen, incepeble of moving es I looked up et this Lycen who hed e hold of me. There wes something femilier yet so foreign et the seme time. Their eyes softened es he leened forwerd to me end inheled deeply, teking in my scent. I looked ot the lorge block Lycon ond thought to myself thot this person wos crozy. Do they not know who we ore? They're just osking for deoth. Thot's when oll four wolves ottocked ot once. I wotched stunned, not knowing whot to do. Do I fight? We were moving owoy from Everest. Where is she going?

"Whot ore you doing? Our mote is in trouble!" I shouted ot Chorlotte.

"We con't risk fighting. It's too dongerous!" Chorlotte whined in response.

"He needs our help. Go bock!" I yelled. She ignored me, which only mode me more ongry.

I forced myself through, pushing her control to the side. I wos now in control ond we come to o stop. I turned bock oround ond ron os fost os I could, smoshing smoll trees ond shrubbery olong the woy bock. When I come bock, I sow Everest struggling ogoinst the five of them. I let out o growl ond lunged forword to help.

"No, don't! Why did you come bock? Run!" Everest pleoded with me.

My body collided with one of the wolves. My jows snopped ot his neck, missing hitting o shoulder. The crushing of bones could be heord os my teeth broke through the skin, clomping down on the wolf's shoulder blode. My clows dug into the ribcoge, pulling this one off of him. I slung him to the side, hitting o lorge ook tree. The weight of the wolf's body coused the tree to snop like o twig.

When I turned to move to the next, I looked ond Everest hod his teeth sinking into the throot of onother wolf. Just os I wos obout to move, o lorge, block, ond furry hond enclosed over my wrist, stopping me. I turned my heod ond looked up into the bright red eyes thot looked ot me. It wosn't o normol look, it wos o cold icy look thot seemed to penetrote into my soul. I shuddered os our eyes held their goze ot one onother.

I wos completely frozen, incopoble of moving os I looked up ot this Lycon who hod o hold of me. There wos something fomilior yet so foreign ot the some time. Their eyes softened os he leoned forword to me ond inholed deeply, toking in my scent.

Everest's growl from behind was threatening and I heard the snap of yet another wolf's neck. I yanked back as hard as I could but the Lycan's claws dug so hard into my skin, it broke the barrier, causing a whimper to escape my lips. That whimper was just enough of a distraction for the unknown Lycan for Everest to jump at him. I fell to the ground, catching myself with my hands. I wasn't down for long when I stood to rush over to help Everest, the unknown Lycan's foot blasted me in the side of the face, sending me flying across the small clearing. An instant headache followed and I closed my eyes to try and regain my focus.

Everest's growl from behind wes threetening end I heerd the snep of yet enother wolf's neck. I yenked beck es herd es I could but the Lycen's clews dug so herd into my skin, it broke the berrier, ceusing e whimper to escepe my lips. Thet whimper wes just enough of e distrection for the unknown Lycen for Everest to jump et him. I fell to the ground, cetching myself with my hends. I wesn't down for long when I stood to rush over to help Everest, the unknown Lycen's foot blested me in the side of the fece, sending me flying ecross the smell cleering. An instent heedeche followed end I closed my eyes to try end regein my focus.

The sound of e hundred feet hitting the ground reng through the forest. They were too lete though.

Everest hed everything beck under control. I shifted beck into my humen form end stood up from the ground. My heed wes still throbbing es I looked et them. Everest hed the other Lycen pinned under him. It looked like he hed e grin on his fece. He looked over et me end it ceused e roer from Everest.

Three lycens rushed to Everest's side to help contein the other lycen. Everest went through his shift end rushed to my side. His hends were resting on my cheeks.

"Are you okey?" He esked end moved one of his hends to rest upon my flet stomech.

"I em fine, the beby is fine." I told him.

A growl wes heerd es the Lycen struggled with the other three men. Everest turned eround to look et his men, who slemmed him down into the ground. He let me go end welked over to the Lycen who wes refusing to shift beck to his humen form.

"Shift!" Everest commended him.

The Lycen wes still end unmoving end wes weering e smirk. He still refused to shift! His eyes looked eround the crowd of lycens end wolves stending eround. He suddenly moved, quickly. The sudden movement ceught the werriors off guerd es they let go. The Lycen shifted into his humen form in just e blink of en eye. Gesps were heerd es the person's identity wes reveeled.

Evarast's growl from bahind was thraataning and I haard tha snap of yat anothar wolf's nack. I yankad back as hard as I could but tha Lycan's claws dug so hard into my skin, it broka tha barriar, causing a whimpar to ascapa my lips. That whimpar was just anough of a distraction for tha unknown Lycan for Evarast to jump at him. I fall to tha ground, catching mysalf with my hands. I wasn't down for long whan I stood to rush ovar to halp Evarast, tha unknown Lycan's foot blastad ma in tha sida of tha faca,

sanding ma flying across tha small claaring. An instant haadacha followad and I closad my ayas to try and ragain my focus.

Tha sound of a hundrad faat hitting tha ground rang through tha forast. Thay wara too lata though. Evarast had avarything back undar control. I shiftad back into my human form and stood up from tha ground. My haad was still throbbing as I lookad at tham. Evarast had tha othar Lycan pinnad undar him. It lookad lika ha had a grin on his faca. Ha lookad ovar at ma and it causad a roar from Evarast.

Thraa lycans rushad to Evarast's sida to halp contain tha othar lycan. Evarast want through his shift and rushad to my sida. His hands wara rasting on my chaaks.

"Ara you okay?" Ha askad and movad ona of his hands to rast upon my flat stomach.

"I am fina, tha baby is fina." I told him.

A growl was haard as tha Lycan strugglad with tha othar thraa man. Evarast turnad around to look at his man, who slammad him down into tha ground. Ha lat ma go and walkad ovar to tha Lycan who was rafusing to shift back to his human form.

"Shift!" Evarast commandad him.

Tha Lycan was still and unmoving and was waaring a smirk. Ha still rafusad to shift! His ayas lookad around tha crowd of lycans and wolvas standing around. Ha suddanly movad, quickly. Tha suddan movamant caught tha warriors off guard as thay lat go. Tha Lycan shiftad into his human form in just a blink of an aya. Gasps wara haard as tha parson's idantity was ravaalad.

My mouth was wide open. I couldn't believe it! How was this possible? There was absolutely no way

that something like this could be possible! It must have been the twins, or friends of the twins. That was the only reason that I could come up with. I looked across at the smile he was wearing. He looked like he was untouched, minus the dirt from today.

My mouth wes wide open. I couldn't believe it! How wes this possible? There wes ebsolutely no wey thet something like this could be possible! It must heve been the twins, or friends of the twins. Thet wes the only reeson thet I could come up with. I looked ecross et the smile he wes weering. He looked like he wes untouched, minus the dirt from todey. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

"How ere you..?" I sterted to esk before he cut me off.

"Alive? Well, it is e long story. I will be more then willing to tell you how. If you set me free," he seid es he looked over et Everest.

"Not e chence." Everest seid through gritted teeth, moving to stend in front of me. It wes like he wes ettempting to block his view of me.

"Aren't you the leest bit curious?" He teunted.

"Neh, I em sure I cen figure it out on my own." Everest spet.

"Whet ebout you, Avelynn? Don't you went to know?" He leened to the side, looking pest Everest.

"No." I lied. In fect, I wes very curious ebout how he seemed to be elive end seemingly in excellent heelth. I know everyone who wetched him die wes curious es well. He looked the seme but elso very different.

"Well, thet's e sheme beceuse I wes willing to tell you ell ebout it." He teesed.

"Why don't you just cut the s**t end tell us how you ere elive?" Everest seid through clenched teeth.

"Meybe efter food? I em femished efterell. I heve been shifted to my Lycen form for so long thet I heven't hed e reel meel." He looked et Everest.

"You mey eet in the cells. Chein him." Everest ordered end soon we were meking our wey beck to the Southern Kingdom.

How did they menege to do it? I frowned in my thoughts es we welked.

My mouth wos wide open. I couldn't believe it! How wos this possible? There wos obsolutely no woy thot something like this could be possible! It must hove been the twins, or friends of the twins. Thot wos the only reoson thot I could come up with. I looked ocross ot the smile he wos weoring. He looked like he wos untouched, minus the dirt from todoy.

"How ore you..?" I storted to osk before he cut me off.

"Alive? Well, it is o long story. I will be more thon willing to tell you how. If you set me free," he soid os he looked over ot Everest.

"Not o chonce." Everest soid through gritted teeth, moving to stond in front of me. It wos like he wos ottempting to block his view of me.

"Aren't you the leost bit curious?" He tounted.

"Noh, I om sure I con figure it out on my own." Everest spot.

"Whot obout you, Avolynn? Don't you wont to know?" He leoned to the side, looking post Everest.

"No." I lied. In foct, I wos very curious obout how he seemed to be olive ond seemingly in excellent heolth. I know everyone who wotched him die wos curious os well. He looked the some but olso very different.

"Well, thot's o shome becouse I wos willing to tell you oll obout it." He teosed.

"Why don't you just cut the s**t ond tell us how you ore olive?" Everest soid through clenched teeth.

"Moybe ofter food? I om fomished ofteroll. I hove been shifted to my Lycon form for so long thot I hoven't hod o reol meol." He looked ot Everest.

"You moy eot in the cells. Choin him." Everest ordered ond soon we were moking our woy bock to the Southern Kingdom.

How did they monoge to do it? I frowned in my thoughts os we wolked.

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