My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV:

…..This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I heard the shower start running as my roommate was in there. And me, I was doing my damn homework and it’s been hours since I started on it.

I ran a hand through my hair, causing it to fly backwards. I’m just in a desperate need for a shower right now.

I let out a loud sigh, feeling completely stressed out.

“Screw it!” I yelled, my voice booming in the small but cute room. I stood up from my chair, making in scrape back.

I was in the middle of doing my college homework and I couldn’t think. I just couldn’t think at all. Not when Tyler’s keep jumping in my mind. I just can’t stop thinking about his heart stopping smiles, his cute smirks, the look he gives me showing complete love, his suggestive comments, his cheesy and cocky ones too. And even his perverted jokes that surprisingly make me giggle. I just miss him so much…

I sat on the bed and stared at the picture of me and Tyler that laid on the nightstand. It was last summer, just before we had to turn ways and go to our different colleges. We were at a beach, Tyler behind me with both arms around my waist. He was resting his head at the crook of my neck, showing off a cute smile. I also had a big smile, knowing that I had Tyler with me.

I couldn’t help but smile at the picture, my heart aching for him. I just needed him.

Even my roommate said he was hot when she saw multiple picture of him on my desk. And I had tell her off, making sure she knew he was all mine and only mine. But thank god we became friends and she didn’t end up being someone who’s bitchy like Brooke. Or even Courtney. But thank god Courtney moved away before graduation. I couldn’t stand her anymore. She makes me sick. She slept with Jeremy whilst he was my boyfriend for crying out loud!

After looking around, I found my phone laying under the bed. Wondering how it got there, I unlocked it and began scrolling through my messages, but I hadn’t gotten any new ones.

I huffed in annoyance and threw my phone across the bed, annoyed that Tyler hasn’t texted me.

Okay, your sounding too obsessed Lexi.

Well, it’s my turn to be obsessed over him. I’ve watched every girl in high school being attracted to Tyler. Too needy.

I still can’t believe he ended up with me even though it’s been an year and a half years since. After seeing all those hot girls roaming the halls waiting for a guy to hit on her. Or pull her into an empty janitors closet for a quick fling.

Especially college, when all the girls become older and hotter.

My eyes widen in realization. Anything could be happening. Tyler is living an hour away at a completely different college.

No Lexi! You can trust him, right?

But he could find someone prettier than me. He could get tired of having a long distance relationship. He could just give up on me. Give up on us.

I started to panic as my breathing became harder.

At least he visits me every week, right? But we missed last week, Tyler saying he had too much work. But he promised to make it up to me. This is my second year of college, and I just want us to spend more time together.

I began pacing around the room until I finally came to a decision. If Tyler isn’t going to come over to me, I’m going over to him.

“Where are you going?” My roommate asked, looking over the small amount of clothing I had packed. She just came out of the bathroom from her long shower. Her wet, long black hair laying over her shoulders as she let it dry out naturally.

“I’m going to visit my boyfriend.” I smiled, loving how the word ‘boyfriend’ came out of my mouth. It feels so good calling Tyler my boyfriend. I used to call him my nemesis, but everything changed for the better.

“Ooo, You mean the hot guy, Tyler?” She smirked, walking over to her side of the room.

I nodded, silently agreeing with her words ‘hot guy’.

Lisa was a really pretty Asian girl, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. She was funny and incredibly nice.

My mind suddenly went to Emily. I missed her so much. She’s living at and apartment with her beautiful baby daughter Gracie, and loving boyfriend Caleb. I was totally jealous when I heard she was engaged. They have a beautiful angle with blonde hair and big blue eyes and they’re going to get married in a few months.

I’m still shocked over the fact that my best friend is a mother! Now she’s getting married?

“Okay, I’m going to see you in a few days.” I told Lisa before walking towards the door with my small bag, containing clothes, toothbrush and paste, brush, and shower supplies. Yup, I was planning on staying for a while. Thank God he doesn’t have a roommate.

“See ya later.” Lisa said, throwing herself on the bed, her phone in hand. “And stay out of trouble.”

“Yeah yeah…” I rolled my eyes.

I put the bag over my shoulder and reached for the handle. I opened the door and immediately dropped my bag to the floor as I let out a high pitched scream once I seen who was standing there, scaring the crap out of me.

“What’s wrong?” Lisa jumped off her bed and ran towards the door. She smirked, throwing her arms across her chest as she did so. “Oh.”

“Tyler! You almost killed me!” I yelled, putting a hand on my chest as I tired to contain my breathing.

“Sorry babe, did I scare you with my good looks?” He smirked.

Tyler was leaning on my doorframe casually, with his arms crossed over his chest.

“No you idiot! You almost gave me a freaking heart attack! You scared the shit out of me!” I yelled, hearing Lisa sniggering from beside me.

“What the hell?” I glared at him, but in my head, I was actually jumping up and down like a mad woman, screaming in excitement. He actually came!

“Love you?” He said cheekily, with a small shrug.

“Okay, I’m going to leave you two love birds be.” Lisa said before walking around Tyler and out the door, disappearing to god knows where.

“Okay okay,” Tyler said teasingly after I didn’t reply. “I guess you don’t want me here, so I’ll just be on my way.” Tyler began to turn around.

“Nooooo!” I whined before I grabbed his sleeve, pulling him inside my dorm room before shutting the door behind him. I also locked it, in case someone walked in on us.

Wrapping my arms around Tyler’s neck, I pulled his head towards me so I could kiss him. He immediately kissed me back as he put an around my waist, pulling me in closer as the other hand moved to my jaw. We kissed in hunger, holding each other tightly, finally getting the feel of each others lips again.

I missed this. I missed him.

We both pulled away breathlessly, but soon after, I kissed him again making up for lost time.

“I missed you.” I breathed out, looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes. It’s like I could stare at them forever…

“I missed you too.” He smiled, making my heart do flips inside me.

I dragged him to the bed so we both can sit down. After chatting a little, I leaned in for another kiss. Again, we kissed hungrily, as Tyler leaned into me until I was laying down on the bed with him laying over me, but not actually laying on top of me.

I titled my head to the side a little as he crashed his lips to mine. He flicked his tongue and licked the bottom of my lip, causing me to open my mouth to him.

A small moan escapes my lips. I reached down to the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off him, making out make out session hotter.

“So…” He started, a little out of breath. “I came here to ask you something.”

I nodded, urging him to tell me.

He leaned back, sitting normally on the bed, to my disappointment. “Wanna go out first, then I’ll ask you.”


Tyler and I decided to go to the park. It was dark out and we were just strolling around the empty sidewalks. It was incredibly beautiful outside with the stars shining up above me.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked Tyler, looking up at the beautiful twinkling stars up above us.

Tyler looked at me straight in the eye, his beautiful blue eyes shining brightly in the night. “You beautiful.” He replied.

I was so thankful it was dark right now so he couldn’t see the block forming on my face. I wasn’t really one to blush, but ever since Tyler entered my life as the boy I deeply fell in love with, he always made me blush.

We stopped walking and Tyler leaned in a kissed me on the cheek, his lips lingering there for a few seconds, cousins electricity to rise through me while body.

We were standing so close, put chest nearly touched.

“I love you.” He whispered in a attractive voice. Any girl would jump all over him for just that, and his incredibly attractive smirk, of course.” So damn much.” He added leaning in closer as if we weren’t close already.

“I love you too.” I replied.

“So, about why I wanted to ask you…” He smiled pulling something out of his pocket.

I gasped when I saw a shiny diamond ring. I swear, I couldn’t breathe. Was he actually proposing?! Oh god…

That’s it, this is how I die. I can’t freaking breathe.

“Tyler.” I whispered in shock, a tear threatening to escape my glossy eyes.

“Marry me?” He asked, a half smile half smirk forming on his lips.

I nodded immediately, unable to get any words out. I was completely in shock. In a good shock.

I smiled as Tyler slid the beautiful ring on my small ring finger before crashing my lips to his.

“I love you.” I said again.

“Love you too.”.

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