My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 44: A Crazy Bitch

“Sebastian Woods????” the entire room seemed to scream in unison.

“K-Kourtney, are you… what are you saying? What are you saying?” Grandma Florence stuttered in astonishment. The Old Woman’s face and whole countenance have turned pale as if she might catch a stroke any moment from now.

Kourtney wondered if her precious granny would be able to handle such heavy news without passing out eventually. But she also knew that she had to proceed with the disclosure since Sebastian surely wouldn’t be giving her any more time to spare. She sighed, her mind racing back to the whirlwind events that led to her marriage.

“Uhmm. Yes, Grandma. My husband really is that person – the famous CEO, Sebastian Woods.”

Grandma Florence’s funny reaction was priceless.

Her face changed from shock to amazement and then to anger in a matter of seconds. Her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open, and her wrinkled hands trembled as she tried to process the shocking news that her granddaughter was spilling. It was as if someone had turned on a switch, and her emotions were on a rollercoaster ride.

Kourtney’s Foodie cousin, Jason, who was known for his love of all things delicious, couldn’t help but sneeze out a mouthful of meatballs as his own way of reacting to the news. The sneeze was loud and messy. And it sent meatballs flying across the room.


The sight was both disgusting and hilarious at the same time.

Everyone in the room turned to look at Jason with irritated glares, even though it wasn’t the first time he had done something this gross.

They were already overwhelmed by Kourtney’s revelation, and Jason’s sneeze only added to the chaos. Jason, aware of the annoyed stares, quickly recovered and grabbed a napkin to clean up the mess he had made.

Meanwhile, the focus shifted back to Kourtney, who stood in the center of the room, surrounded by intense murmurs and piercing stares. She took a deep breath and continued her explanation, trying to regain control of the situation. She was unfazed by their incredulous faces.

“I understand why you’re all surprised. But trust me, I’m telling the truth.”

Margaret and Luke stood frozen, their eyes filled with surprise, while Kathlyn eyed Kourtney with disdain. Surely, this was not the direction she had imagined this meeting to take.

‘What the hell is going on? She married Sebastian Woods? Impossible!’ Kathlyn wanted to scream.

Aunt Denise, still seething with anger, couldn’t hold back any longer as she stood up from her seat.

“Just what are you yapping about, Young lady? Do you think everyone here had nothing other to do than sit here and listen to your cock and bull stories?”

“Seriously, Kourtney, what do you take us for? Clowns?” Diane joined in the bashing. “Trying to use Sebastian Woods’s mysterious marriage to your advantage and create a buzz? I expected better from you, Cousin!”

Amid the drama, Uncle Eliot remained calm and composed as he observed Kourtney with a keen eye. He saw no reason why she would lie about such a thing after calling for a general meeting.

As the Vice President of Allen Corporation, Eliot had a knack for navigating complex situations. His wisdom and level-headedness, unlike his brothers’, often served as a guiding light for the family.

One thing he knew for sure was that his niece was never an attention seeker. This had got to be true!

He stood up and walked towards Kourtney. “Dear, are you really telling us the truth?”

Kourtney nodded. “Yes, it’s true, Uncle Eliot. How could I joke about such a thing?”

“If you say so, then let’s see the marriage certificate because that ring you’ve been flaunting proves absolutely nothing. Anyone can buy the knockoff from the street markets,” Aunt Denise sneered.

Kourtney’s heart sank as she remembered she had not taken her own copy of the marriage certificate home that day. She had probably forgotten it in Sebastian’s car during the ride home.

“I… I don’t have it with me right now, but I’m telling the truth,” Kourtney replied with frustration and desperation evident in her voice. She felt the weight of their disbelief and accusations.

Aunt Denise let out a loud scoff. “Bullshit! You expect us to believe you without any concrete proof. We’re not falling for it!”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kourtney, how could you do this? You know we have all been too busy planning Kathlyn’s wedding for days, and now you come up with this nonsense? You’re just trying to ruin everything, aren’t you? I’m your mother, if you ever feel sad and lonely, you can always talk to me. You don’t need to do all this and go this length to ruin your sister Kathlyn’s big day!” Margaret shouted, her disappointment evident in her voice.

Kourtney hissed, her gaze distant. Anger and rage boiled within her body and soul.

It was always Kathlyn this, Kathlyn that. KATHLYN, KATHLYN, KATHLYN with these people. And right now, she had reached her breaking point.

“OK, that’s it. I don’t want to hear one more word from anybody trying to paint me as the villain. I didn’t do anything wrong here, and I’m the victim. I’ve ALWAYS been the victim every single time. But NOBODY, not a single one of you FUCKING WEIRDOS ever believes me or takes my side in ANYTHING. All I know is, I’m telling the truth, and it has NOTHING to do with anybody’s FUCKING STUPID Wedding.”

Kourtney started screaming as she lost her temper and composure, not minding that everyone would see her as a crazy bitch. She had enough already!

The whole family gasped in shock, and the room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Kourtney continued to yell uncontrollably. They were all taken aback as Kourtney had always been calm and reserved, never one to lose control like this.

Her words were filled with bitterness and resentment, and it was clear that she had been holding onto these feelings for a very long time.

“I DO NOT give 2 FUCKS about anybody’s DAMN Wedding. That’s the least of my worries right now. I need you all to be FUCKING FOR REAL right now. I just spoke about something that’s recently happened in my FUCKING life, but all the FUCK I hear is ”


“Shut your dirty trap, young lady. Stop screaming. Are you crazy?” Grandma Florence screamed back at Kourtney after slapping her hard across the face in a bid to stop the ear-piercing sounds.

“Enough of this nonsense! You will not disrespect this family with your childish outbursts, awful language, and curses. Have you lost your mind?”

In situations like this involving the butchering of family virtues, Grandma Florence could get really cruel. Her face was red with anger, and she couldn’t take it anymore.

Kourtney’s hand flew to her cheek, her eyes wide with disbelief. The slap was more than enough to snap her out of her rage-induced state. She stared at her grandmother, tears welling up in her eyes. But the pain from the slap was still nothing compared to the pain she felt in her heart.

“Go to your room and fix yourself,” Grandma Florence’s voice was stern as she continued to dismiss Kourtney. “What a silly child! You just wasted everybody’s time with your wild claims. Come back when you have concrete proof of what you’re saying. Now get lost!”

Kourtney’s heart shattered as she walked back to her room in shame, feeling dejected and alone. She felt so downcast that nobody had believed her, and instead, she had made a fool of herself.

She couldn’t believe that her own family didn’t believe her, didn’t trust her, whereas Lilian did without needing to see the evidence of a marriage certificate. She had thought that they would be there for her, especially in such a difficult and confusing time.

But what did she get?

Insults, accusations, degradation, disgrace, rejection, and a dirty slap!

“I have no place here,” Kourtney blinked back tears as she started packing up her important clothes and stuff.

Surely, moving out of here to live with her husband wouldn’t be so bad, after all.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, the whole family sat in a whammy atmosphere, discussing the recent drama involving Kourtney.

Kathlyn, who had been listening quietly to the chattering, couldn’t shake off the strange feeling in her heart. She grew up with Kourtney and had known her for over twenty years, and deep down, she knew that Kourtney wouldn’t make up such a baseless story.

They used to be so close as sisters only until after high school, and even though they were at loggerheads now, she probably knew and understood Kourtney more than anyone else in this room.

But the idea of her being married to Sebastian Woods was just too far-fetched. It was unthinkable, unrealistic, and bizarre to her!

“No, it can’t be,” Kathlyn whispered to herself. “There is no way Kourtney could be the wife of the almighty President Woods. Never.”

However, it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself that it wasn’t true. After all, the signs were there.

No doubt, Kathlyn was a smart and very observant person. She’d seen the RING, and as much as she’d like to believe that it was fake, it just didn’t look like it was fake. And then, seeing Kourtney get down from that luxurious Limo last night added a fresh spring of suspicion.

‘It’s not possible. Sebastian Woods? Nah, I’m overthinking,’ she continued to argue with her instincts.

As much as she enjoyed Kourtney humiliating herself tonight, she couldn’t help but sense a weird feeling of uncertainty in the pit of her stomach…

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