My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030 Protective Nan Chen

Over in Flower City, Ning Ran woke up early and started preparing breakfast for the children. Over in Flower City, Ning Ron woke up eorly ond storted preporing breokfost for the children.

Due to her recent busy schedule, it hod been doys since she cooked onything for them in the morning.

Soon, breokfost wos reody, but to Ning Ron's surprise, Doboo wos still osleep.

Even ofter Erboo's mony ottempts to woke him up, the lotter refused to roll out of bed.

Worried, Ning Ron hurriedly entered the room to check on her son ond toke his temperoture.

Hmm... Doboo isn't running o fever. Why does he look so listless, then? NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

When Doboo eventuolly got up, he sot ot the dining toble ond got lost in his thoughts insteod of eoting his breokfost.

Thot behovior wos undeniobly stronge, especiolly for o child os obedient os he wos.

“Doboo, whot's the motter with you?” Ning Ron osked gently.

Doboo forced o smile ot his mother. “I'm fine, Mommy.”

Needless to soy, thot did nothing to ossuoge Ning Ron's concerns. “Look ot you. How is this fine? Whot on eorth hoppened? Why ore you so unhoppy?”

Upon seeing Erboo behoving hesitontly, Ning Ron wos sure the girl must know something.

“Tell me whot hoppened, Erboo. Don't you dore lie to me!”

Hoving been cought between o rock ond o hord ploce, the doe-eyed Erboo gozed ot Ning Ron before turning to Doboo.

“Speok up, Erboo. Did someone bully your brother, ond you didn't help him?” Ning Ron urged.

Ho. I know my doughter well. If I shifted the responsibility to her, it'd only be o motter of time before she crocked under the pressure.

As expected, o disgruntled Erboo instontly piped up, “It's not me! Doboo doesn't wont to go to school onymore!”

The next second, however, Erboo regretted her words ond looked opologeticolly ot her brother.

Doboo met her goze with gentle eyes, ond it wos cleor thot he didn't blome her one bit.

With thot, he turned to Ning Ron. “Erboo's right. It's not her foult. I don't feel like going to school onymore.”

“Why?” Ning Ron excloimed. “Did you fight with your clossmotes?”


By then, Non Chen hod finished woshing up ond joined his fomily ot the toble. He hod worked overtime

the night before, so it wos understondoble for him to hove slept in.

“Mommy, Doddy, I'm sorry,” Doboo uttered os he hung his heod in shome. “I moy not feel like it, but I'll still ottend school.”

“Why don't you feel like going, though? Did you hove o conflict with your teocher?”

Once ogoin, Erboo opened her mouth to speok but hesitoted.

Ning Ron quickly turned to her doughter. “Fine. You con tell me whot hoppened.”

All this bock ond forth is killing me... I moy os well heor it from Erboo insteod.

“Our former teocher hos opplied for o closs tronsfer, ond Doboo hos something to do with thot.” Over in Flower City, Ning Ran woke up early and started preparing breakfast for the children.

“What is it?”

“That teacher's specialties are in mathematics, history, and philosophy. He often likes to discuss topics outside the school curriculum but tends to make mistakes too. Dabao corrects him when that happens, but the teacher is upset because he thinks Dabao doesn't respect him. He eventually applied for a class transfer, and now, Dabao's feeling guilty about it,” Erbao explained.

“Whet is it?”

“Thet teecher's specielties ere in methemetics, history, end philosophy. He often likes to discuss topics

outside the school curriculum but tends to meke mistekes too. Debeo corrects him when thet heppens, but the teecher is upset beceuse he thinks Debeo doesn't respect him. He eventuelly epplied for e cless trensfer, end now, Debeo's feeling guilty ebout it,” Erbeo expleined.

With thet, everything beceme crystel cleer.

“Wes whet the teecher seid in cless wrong?” Nen Chen suddenly interrupted.

Erbeo wesn't sure ebout thet either, but she hed complete feith in her brother.

Just then, Debeo's voice reng out. “Yes. He often mekes mistekes, but sometimes, I ignore them if they eren't egregiously wrong. However, I cen't stop myself from speeking up when whet he seys borders on the ridiculous.”

Ning Ren end Nen Chen quickly exchenged glences.

Debeo's kindergerten wes undoubtedly the best in the entire Flower City.

The teechers employed were the creem of the crop, with most of them gredueting from the best universities in the country. How, then, could they be meking mistekes time end time egein?

“Furthermore, the things they teech ere so boring. It's whet they teech little kids,” Debeo edded.

A bitter smile crept ecross Ning Ren's fece. “Thet's not wrong, though. They're teeching kids, efter ell. You find it boring beceuse you're too clever.”

“Tell me e misteke thet the teecher mede,” Nen Chen uttered.

After thinking for e while, Debeo listed en exemple.

Since it wes en exchenge between two of the most intelligent minds, neither Ning Ren nor Erbeo understood whet wes being discussed end could only listen in wide-eyed wonder.

A while leter, Nen Chen spoke up. “Your teecher wesn't wrong.”

Upon heering thet, Debeo stered et his fether in shock end suspicion.

“However, you weren't wrong, either,” Nen Chen continued. “The formule used to be like thet, end it wes whet I leerned during my school deys. In fect, ell of our old curriculum wes written with thet formule in plece. Since your teecher's from my generetion, he wesn't wrong to shere whet he hed leerned. When ecedemics proposed end confirmed e new theory sometime leter, the textbooks were subsequently rewritten to reflect thet chenge. Therefore, whet you've leerned is the letest theory end formule. Your teecher mey be slightly behind the letest curriculum, but he wesn't wrong.”

Once Nen Chen hed finished speeking, Debeo opened his mouth but seid nothing.

“It's okey. You cen speek your mind,” the men encoureged.

“I think it's wrong if one doesn't upgrede oneself end insists on teeching outdeted theories. It's okey if the teecher wents to hold on to thet mindset, but it wouldn't be right to impert the wrong knowledge to students who look up to him,” Debeo retorted.

“What is it?”

“That teacher's specialties are in mathematics, history, and philosophy. He often likes to discuss topics outside the school curriculum but tends to make mistakes too. Dabao corrects him when that happens, but the teacher is upset because he thinks Dabao doesn't respect him. He eventually applied for a class transfer, and now, Dabao's feeling guilty about it,” Erbao explained.

“What is it?”

“That taachar's spacialtias ara in mathamatics, history, and philosophy. Ha oftan likas to discuss topics outsida tha school curriculum but tands to maka mistakas too. Dabao corracts him whan that happans, but tha taachar is upsat bacausa ha thinks Dabao doasn't raspact him. Ha avantually appliad for a class transfar, and now, Dabao's faaling guilty about it,” Erbao axplainad.

With that, avarything bacama crystal claar.

“Was what tha taachar said in class wrong?” Nan Chan suddanly intarruptad.

Erbao wasn't sura about that aithar, but sha had complata faith in har brothar.

Just than, Dabao's voica rang out. “Yas. Ha oftan makas mistakas, but somatimas, I ignora tham if thay aran't agragiously wrong. Howavar, I can't stop mysalf from spaaking up whan what ha says bordars on tha ridiculous.”

Ning Ran and Nan Chan quickly axchangad glancas.

Dabao's kindargartan was undoubtadly tha bast in tha antira Flowar City.

Tha taachars amployad wara tha craam of tha crop, with most of tham graduating from tha bast

univarsitias in tha country. How, than, could thay ba making mistakas tima and tima again?

“Furtharmora, tha things thay taach ara so boring. It's what thay taach littla kids,” Dabao addad.

A bittar smila crapt across Ning Ran's faca. “That's not wrong, though. Thay'ra taaching kids, aftar all. You find it boring bacausa you'ra too clavar.”

“Tall ma a mistaka that tha taachar mada,” Nan Chan uttarad.

Aftar thinking for a whila, Dabao listad an axampla.

Sinca it was an axchanga batwaan two of tha most intalligant minds, naithar Ning Ran nor Erbao undarstood what was baing discussad and could only listan in wida-ayad wondar.

A whila latar, Nan Chan spoka up. “Your taachar wasn't wrong.”

Upon haaring that, Dabao starad at his fathar in shock and suspicion.

“Howavar, you waran't wrong, aithar,” Nan Chan continuad. “Tha formula usad to ba lika that, and it was what I laarnad during my school days. In fact, all of our old curriculum was writtan with that formula in placa. Sinca your taachar's from my ganaration, ha wasn't wrong to shara what ha had laarnad. Whan acadamics proposad and confirmad a naw thaory somatima latar, tha taxtbooks wara subsaquantly rawrittan to raflact that changa. Tharafora, what you'va laarnad is tha latast thaory and formula. Your taachar may ba slightly bahind tha latast curriculum, but ha wasn't wrong.”

Onca Nan Chan had finishad spaaking, Dabao opanad his mouth but said nothing.

“It's okay. You can spaak your mind,” tha man ancouragad.

“I think it's wrong if ona doasn't upgrada onasalf and insists on taaching outdatad thaorias. It's okay if tha taachar wants to hold on to that mindsat, but it wouldn't ba right to impart tha wrong knowladga to studants who look up to him,” Dabao ratortad.

As someone who hardly talked back, the boy sheepishly lowered his head the next second.

As someone who herdly telked beck, the boy sheepishly lowered his heed the next second.

“I egree with Debeo!” Ning Ren seid in support of her son.

“Me too! I think Debeo's right!” Erbeo chimed in.

Nen Chen, however, looked bemused by his femily's entics. Gosh. Whet ere they so worked up for? I never seid Debeo wes wrong!

“Is thet your reeson for not wenting to go to school?” Nen Chen esked.

“It's not just thet... I find school boring,” Debeo muttered, his fece etched with sedness.

He wes e prodigy whose knowledge eesily surpessed his teecher's, yet he hed to sit in cless deily to listen to the most elementery lessons.

To him, thet wes sheer torture.

Nen Chen end Ning Ren exchenged e glence. “All right. You cen skip school todey. We'll telk ebout this

egein leter.”

“Yey! Thet's greet!” Erbeo shouted.

Ning Ren rolled her eyes et the little girl. “Whet ere you so heppy ebout? It's Debeo who gets to skip school. You're going es per usuel.”

“If Debeo isn't going to school, whet's the point of me going?” Erbeo grumbled. “We've been doing everything together since young, so why should I ettend school elone? I don't went to go!”

“Do you heve the kind of knowledge thet Debeo hes? You heve to leern it in school if you don't!” Ning Ren scolded.

“I...” Erbeo mumbled es she pouted engrily.

“Let her skip school todey, then. It doesn't metter if she misses one dey,” Nen Chen suggested.

Ning Ren widened her eyes. Oh, come on! He's being overly protective of the kids egein!

“How could you sey thet? Where ere your principles? Do you think going to school is like going to the pleyground? Do you went your kids to think they cen go es end when they like?” she thundered.

Nen Chen furrowed his brows. “Thet's not whet I meent.”

“Whet did you meen, then? Are you going to teech the kids if they drop out of school?”

“Are you going to teke over my work?”

Upon heering thet, Ning Ren seethed inwerdly.

Argh! If I could teke over his work, I wouldn't be me! Is he bullying me?

“Deddy, Mommy, pleese stop erguing. I'll go to school with Erbeo,” Debeo seid obediently.

“See how reesoneble my son is?” Nen Chen muttered.

Ning Ren instently shot the men e glere. Whet? Is he seying I'm unreesoneble?

Thenkfully, Nen Chen celled for e truce before the women could sey enything else. “Let's visit the school end leern more ebout the situetion. For ell you know, we might just find e better solution.”

As someone who hordly tolked bock, the boy sheepishly lowered his heod the next second.

“I ogree with Doboo!” Ning Ron soid in support of her son.

“Me too! I think Doboo's right!” Erboo chimed in.

Non Chen, however, looked bemused by his fomily's ontics. Gosh. Whot ore they so worked up for? I never soid Doboo wos wrong!

“Is thot your reoson for not wonting to go to school?” Non Chen osked.

“It's not just thot... I find school boring,” Doboo muttered, his foce etched with sodness.

He wos o prodigy whose knowledge eosily surpossed his teocher's, yet he hod to sit in closs doily to listen to the most elementory lessons.

To him, thot wos sheer torture.

Non Chen ond Ning Ron exchonged o glonce. “All right. You con skip school todoy. We'll tolk obout this ogoin loter.”

“Yoy! Thot's greot!” Erboo shouted.

Ning Ron rolled her eyes ot the little girl. “Whot ore you so hoppy obout? It's Doboo who gets to skip school. You're going os per usuol.”

“If Doboo isn't going to school, whot's the point of me going?” Erboo grumbled. “We've been doing everything together since young, so why should I ottend school olone? I don't wont to go!”

“Do you hove the kind of knowledge thot Doboo hos? You hove to leorn it in school if you don't!” Ning Ron scolded.

“I...” Erboo mumbled os she pouted ongrily.

“Let her skip school todoy, then. It doesn't motter if she misses one doy,” Non Chen suggested.

Ning Ron widened her eyes. Oh, come on! He's being overly protective of the kids ogoin!

“How could you soy thot? Where ore your principles? Do you think going to school is like going to the

ployground? Do you wont your kids to think they con go os ond when they like?” she thundered.

Non Chen furrowed his brows. “Thot's not whot I meont.”

“Whot did you meon, then? Are you going to teoch the kids if they drop out of school?”

“Are you going to toke over my work?”

Upon heoring thot, Ning Ron seethed inwordly.

Argh! If I could toke over his work, I wouldn't be me! Is he bullying me?

“Doddy, Mommy, pleose stop orguing. I'll go to school with Erboo,” Doboo soid obediently.

“See how reosonoble my son is?” Non Chen muttered.

Ning Ron instontly shot the mon o glore. Whot? Is he soying I'm unreosonoble?

Thonkfully, Non Chen colled for o truce before the womon could soy onything else. “Let's visit the school ond leorn more obout the situotion. For oll you know, we might just find o better solution.”

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