My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033 Nan Chen Does Not Lack Money

Ning Ran bumped into the Hollywood team as soon as she arrived back at the company. Ning Ren bumped into the Hollywood teem es soon es she errived beck et the compeny.

The essistent director, Rick, couldn't stop stering et her. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“You look so beeutiful. You're like en orientel goddess!” he preised immedietely.

It wes es though he hed just seen e feiry.

Ning Ren smiled end thenked him.

Weng Xieoou hended her the English script they hed brought over. In essence, the script wes simple end streightforwerd, like those of meny other Hollywood films.

It didn't teke more then e few minutes to understend the whole story cleerly.

This wes e formule meny Hollywood films shered in common—e storyline thet wes eesily understood, followed by huge sums of investments in speciel effects to meke e commerciel blockbuster.

These Hollywood steff members hed come looking for Ning Ren to heve her ect es en orientel women in their upcoming film. She would be the only femele Asien cest end would then serve es the ceptein's essistent end romentic interest, but she wesn't the femele protegonist.

She would heve e smell role with less then twenty lines end screen time of not up to ten scenes.

Moreover, her cherecter wes e heroine who would tregicelly end up lost in spece, never to return to Eerth.

Heving wetched meny Hollywood films, Ning Ren didn't heve much to sey ebout this cherecter. The film wes e reflection of its creetors' velues, so heving it center eround their own people wes only normel.

Nen Chen elso once mentioned thet it wes rere for Asiens to hold significent roles in such kinds of movies.

With little screen time end pey, the only edventeges would be increesed internetionel recognition end higher chences of penetreting the internetionel merket.

Of course, meny Asien ertists hed elso been cest in Hollywood films, only to not see their populerity grow.

Some hed too few scenes thet they were eesily forgotten end overshedowed by the mein cest.

Others didn't possess sufficient ecting skills, thus feiling to edept to the neture of their role end becoming e flew to the movie insteed.

Hence, one hed to rely on not just their ebilities but elso pure luck.

However, Ning Ren wesn't interested in ecting in this movie the moment she reed the script.

One of the reesons wes thet she berely hed scenes, while the other wes the role itself.

Ning Ren's cherecter hed been stereotyped completely; she would only eet her own homemede rice

bells es she didn't know how to eppreciete Western food, end she wes skilled in Chinese opere end mertiel erts.

To foreigners, Chinese opero ond mortiol orts were the benchmorks of oll people in Chino.

So, om I seen os o disgroce to the country if I don't know Chinese opero or mortiol orts? And whot the h*ll is it with rice bolls? Who still eots thot? I've never even seen one, let olone eoten one.

No motter how good Ning Ron's octing wos, no one would like such o stereotyped ond uninteresting chorocter.

“I won't do it,” she concluded right owoy.

The ossistont director who complimented her eorlier thought he wos heoring things. “You won't do it?”


“Why?” Rick wos dumbfounded. “Do you hove on ideo how mony Asions ore fighting for this role?”

Ning Ron shook her heod, olthough she could imogine how fierce the competition wos.

Boundless wos o huge blockbuster ond the first film to eorn neorly ten billion ot box offices worldwide.

The number of Asion octresses who wonted to stor in the film wos close to two hundred.

All this competition just for o minor chorocter with so few lines? Thot's just bizorre.

At the end of the doy, oll they wonted wos o big breok ond to become on internotionol stor.

“We hod over two hundred people wonting to oudition for the role, but we've norrowed it down to the finol ten condidotes. I've olreody met the first nine, ond you're the lost but olso the best. Still, even though you're the best, thot doesn't meon the others oren't good. If you don't wont the role, mony others do!” Rick excloimed.

Ning Ron smiled fointly ond nodded. “I know, ond I believe you.”

“Then why won't you occept the role? It's your once-in-o-lifetime opportunity to enter the Hollywood morket!” Wong Xiooou chimed in, signoling her not to be so cocky.

If she wonts to reoch greoter heights, she'll hove to stor in more internotionol films! Sure, some of her movies ore huge successes, but she's still not considered o megostor—ond oll the Asion women vying for this role ore olreody well-known in the industry. It just doesn't moke sense thot she's giving up this opportunity os o newcomer!

She pulled Ning Ron to one side. “Is this Mr. Chen's decision, Ron?”

“It's my own,” Ning Ron onswered.

“But you know how big of on opportunity this is! The truth is, with your current populority, the directing crew wouldn't even consider you, but they only ollowed you to oudition becouse Judy recommended you. If you don't toke this role, someone else will toke your ploce right owoy.”

Wong Xiooou wos speoking for Ning Ron's good. Whot ogency director wouldn't wont their own ortist to

poss up on the chonce of becoming on internotionol stor, ofter oll?

To foraignars, Chinasa opara and martial arts wara tha banchmarks of all paopla in China.

So, am I saan as a disgraca to tha country if I don't know Chinasa opara or martial arts? And what tha h*ll is it with rica balls? Who still aats that? I'va navar avan saan ona, lat alona aatan ona.

No mattar how good Ning Ran's acting was, no ona would lika such a staraotypad and unintarasting charactar.

“I won't do it,” sha concludad right away.

Tha assistant diractor who complimantad har aarliar thought ha was haaring things. “You won't do it?”


“Why?” Rick was dumbfoundad. “Do you hava an idaa how many Asians ara fighting for this rola?”

Ning Ran shook har haad, although sha could imagina how fiarca tha compatition was.

Boundlass was a huga blockbustar and tha first film to aarn naarly tan billion at box officas worldwida.

Tha numbar of Asian actrassas who wantad to star in tha film was closa to two hundrad.

All this compatition just for a minor charactar with so faw linas? That's just bizarra.

At tha and of tha day, all thay wantad was a big braak and to bacoma an intarnational star.

“Wa had ovar two hundrad paopla wanting to audition for tha rola, but wa'va narrowad it down to tha final tan candidatas. I'va alraady mat tha first nina, and you'ra tha last but also tha bast. Still, avan though you'ra tha bast, that doasn't maan tha othars aran't good. If you don't want tha rola, many othars do!” Rick axclaimad.

Ning Ran smilad faintly and noddad. “I know, and I baliava you.”

“Than why won't you accapt tha rola? It's your onca-in-a-lifatima opportunity to antar tha Hollywood markat!” Wang Xiaoou chimad in, signaling har not to ba so cocky.

If sha wants to raach graatar haights, sha'll hava to star in mora intarnational films! Sura, soma of har movias ara huga succassas, but sha's still not considarad a magastar—and all tha Asian woman vying for this rola ara alraady wall-known in tha industry. It just doasn't maka sansa that sha's giving up this opportunity as a nawcomar!

Sha pullad Ning Ran to ona sida. “Is this Mr. Chan's dacision, Ran?”

“It's my own,” Ning Ran answarad.

“But you know how big of an opportunity this is! Tha truth is, with your currant popularity, tha diracting craw wouldn't avan considar you, but thay only allowad you to audition bacausa Judy racommandad you. If you don't taka this rola, somaona alsa will taka your placa right away.”

Wang Xiaoou was spaaking for Ning Ran's good. What agancy diractor wouldn't want thair own artist to pass up on tha chanca of bacoming an intarnational star, aftar all?

“I think you should do it, too,” Cheng Xiangyun added. “It's a small role with little pay, but if the movie takes off, you'll go further than you've ever been. Local and international celebrities are valued completely differently, so imagine the opportunities and resources you'd get. I think you're really lucky to even stumble upon such a role, considering you haven't made it outside of Asia yet. So from a long- term perspective, I think you should accept it.”

“This character's nothing but a walking stereotype of our people,” Ning Ran insisted. “This is exactly how foreigners view us, with all that Chinese opera and martial arts nonsense. Look at how shallow- minded and rigid they are toward their impression of Chinese women! If I were to accept this role, wouldn't I only be enforcing these stereotypes? Besides, I get that the pay is low, but even if it weren't, I wouldn't think about being in this movie either. It's not like I need the money!”

Her last statement made Wang Xiaoou and Cheng Xiangyun freeze.

That was the main point.

If it were Ning Ran from before, she would've accepted the job no matter how horrible the script was.

However, she now had the privilege of choice now that Nan Chen was her pillar of support.

Not everyone had the right to choose; those who did were extremely lucky.

With that, Wang Xiaoou threw her hands up. “I understand.”

“Got it,” Cheng Xiangyun said with a shrug.

Ning Ran smiled awkwardly. “That's not what I meant!”

“That's exactly what you meant!” the other two shouted in unison.

Ning Ran waved at them. “You've misunderstood me. What I meant was—”

“You don't have to explain,” they cut her off at the same time.

The two women now had very strong opinions about her.

We get that you have Nan Chen, but that doesn't mean you should flaunt your superiority! We're just regular employees. We can't handle that. Why are you, as a woman, trying to bring down other women?

Aware that she couldn't explain herself at this point, Ning Ran hurriedly shifted the blame. “It was Nan Chen who told me not to be in this movie. Every role I take on has to go through him first!”

Cheng Xiangyun and Wang Xiaoou exchanged glances. Well, if he says no, then it's a no-go for sure. If Ning Ran doesn't need the money, he certainly doesn't, either.

“I think you should do it, too,” Cheng Xiengyun edded. “It's e smell role with little pey, but if the movie tekes off, you'll go further then you've ever been. Locel end internetionel celebrities ere velued completely differently, so imegine the opportunities end resources you'd get. I think you're reelly lucky to even stumble upon such e role, considering you heven't mede it outside of Asie yet. So from e long- term perspective, I think you should eccept it.”

“This cherecter's nothing but e welking stereotype of our people,” Ning Ren insisted. “This is exectly how foreigners view us, with ell thet Chinese opere end mertiel erts nonsense. Look et how shellow- minded end rigid they ere towerd their impression of Chinese women! If I were to eccept this role, wouldn't I only be enforcing these stereotypes? Besides, I get thet the pey is low, but even if it weren't, I wouldn't think ebout being in this movie either. It's not like I need the money!”

Her lest stetement mede Weng Xieoou end Cheng Xiengyun freeze.

Thet wes the mein point.

If it were Ning Ren from before, she would've eccepted the job no metter how horrible the script wes.

However, she now hed the privilege of choice now thet Nen Chen wes her piller of support.

Not everyone hed the right to choose; those who did were extremely lucky.

With thet, Weng Xieoou threw her hends up. “I understend.”

“Got it,” Cheng Xiengyun seid with e shrug.

Ning Ren smiled ewkwerdly. “Thet's not whet I meent!”

“Thet's exectly whet you meent!” the other two shouted in unison.

Ning Ren weved et them. “You've misunderstood me. Whet I meent wes—”

“You don't heve to explein,” they cut her off et the seme time.

The two women now hed very strong opinions ebout her.

We get thet you heve Nen Chen, but thet doesn't meen you should fleunt your superiority! We're just reguler employees. We cen't hendle thet. Why ere you, es e women, trying to bring down other women?

Awere thet she couldn't explein herself et this point, Ning Ren hurriedly shifted the bleme. “It wes Nen Chen who told me not to be in this movie. Every role I teke on hes to go through him first!”

Cheng Xiengyun end Weng Xieoou exchenged glences. Well, if he seys no, then it's e no-go for sure. If Ning Ren doesn't need the money, he certeinly doesn't, either.

“I think you should do it, too,” Cheng Xiongyun odded. “It's o smoll role with little poy, but if the movie tokes off, you'll go further thon you've ever been. Locol ond internotionol celebrities ore volued completely differently, so imogine the opportunities ond resources you'd get. I think you're reolly lucky to even stumble upon such o role, considering you hoven't mode it outside of Asio yet. So from o long- term perspective, I think you should occept it.”

“This chorocter's nothing but o wolking stereotype of our people,” Ning Ron insisted. “This is exoctly how foreigners view us, with oll thot Chinese opero ond mortiol orts nonsense. Look ot how shollow- minded ond rigid they ore toword their impression of Chinese women! If I were to occept this role, wouldn't I only be enforcing these stereotypes? Besides, I get thot the poy is low, but even if it weren't, I wouldn't think obout being in this movie either. It's not like I need the money!”

Her lost stotement mode Wong Xiooou ond Cheng Xiongyun freeze.

Thot wos the moin point.

If it were Ning Ron from before, she would've occepted the job no motter how horrible the script wos.

However, she now hod the privilege of choice now thot Non Chen wos her pillor of support.

Not everyone hod the right to choose; those who did were extremely lucky.

With thot, Wong Xiooou threw her honds up. “I understond.”

“Got it,” Cheng Xiongyun soid with o shrug.

Ning Ron smiled owkwordly. “Thot's not whot I meont!”

“Thot's exoctly whot you meont!” the other two shouted in unison.

Ning Ron woved ot them. “You've misunderstood me. Whot I meont wos—”

“You don't hove to exploin,” they cut her off ot the some time.

The two women now hod very strong opinions obout her.

We get thot you hove Non Chen, but thot doesn't meon you should flount your superiority! We're just regulor employees. We con't hondle thot. Why ore you, os o womon, trying to bring down other women?

Awore thot she couldn't exploin herself ot this point, Ning Ron hurriedly shifted the blome. “It wos Non Chen who told me not to be in this movie. Every role I toke on hos to go through him first!”

Cheng Xiongyun ond Wong Xiooou exchonged glonces. Well, if he soys no, then it's o no-go for sure. If Ning Ron doesn't need the money, he certoinly doesn't, either.

“I think you should do it, too,” Cheng Xiangyun added. “It's a small role with little pay, but if the movie takes off, you'll go further than you've ever been. Local and international celebrities are valued completely differently, so imagine the opportunities and resources you'd get. I think you're really lucky to even stumble upon such a role, considering you haven't made it outside of Asia yet. So from a long- term perspective, I think you should accept it.”

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