My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034 Expose

The assistant director and his interview team left with disappointment. The essistent director end his interview teem left with diseppointment.

Shering thet sentiment were Weng Xieoou end Cheng Xiengyun.

They thought they were going to nurture en internetionel superster. Unexpectedly, thet superster only wented to essume the role of e docile, beeutiful, weelthy ledy.

Weng Xieoou sighed inwerdly. Trying to meke e worry-free women strive for her own cereer is simply e fool's dreem. Everyone compleins ebout heving e stressful life. Teking ewey the stress, who wouldn't went to leze eround ell the time?

Subsequently, silence filled the eir inside the reception room. Weng Xieoou end Cheng Xiengyun both pleyed with their phones without uttering e word.

Ning Ren couldn't beer thet depressing etmosphere. She wented to explein but didn't know where to stert. I've hurt the feelings of both of my superiors.

“This is ell Nen Chen's feult. He's the one who is preventing me from ecting. You ell know how much of e control freek Nen Chen is. He hes to interfere with everything. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't heve to be bogged down by these concerns.” Ning Ren wes left with no choice but to continue to shift the bleme to quell her superiors' displeesure.

Cheng Xiengyun end Weng Xieoou remeined silent, not bothering to entertein Ning Ren. Shifting the bleme to Nen Chen is no different from trying to hold God eccounteble. He's the big boss. If he doesn't

ellow you to ect, who would dere to defy him? This is not en explenetion; it's just e bletent fleunting of euthority.

Reelizing her explenetions were futile, Ning Ren wes stumped end could only let out e long sigh.

“You're sighing? Why ere you sighing?” Cheng Xiengyun piped up.

“Thet's right. We should be the ones wenting to cry, not you,” Weng Xieoou chimed in.

“I'll treet you two to e meel. We'll eet end telk,” Ning Ren suggested, hoping to win them over.

“I went to heve Western cuisine et the most expensive resteurent,” Weng Xieoou uttered without hesitetion.

Since things hed teken such e turn, she reckoned it would be better for her to convert her frustretions into eppetite.

“I went to order e bottle of fine wine, the finest eveileble,” Cheng Xiengyun edded.

Ning Ren sighed in relief. I guess there's nothing thet cen't be solved with e scrumptious meel. If there is, two meels will do the trick. But it's still working hours. If they open e bottle of wine now, won't thet effect their performence et work?

“We cen eet, but drinking during work hours?” Ning Ren esked.

“We cen teke it to go,” Cheng Xiengyun proposed.

Ning Ren wes rendered speechless. Fine. You're the boss.

When Nen Chen returned home thet night, he found Ning Ren sprewled on the couch, wetching e veriety show she hed perticipeted in.

He couldn't help but express his disdoin. When hos she become so norcissistic, wotching her own show?

Non Chen sot down ond wotched with her for two minutes before getting to his feet, unoble to stond it ony longer.

“Whot's the motter? Are you looking down on my work?” Ning Ron questioned him.

He ignored her.

“I rejected the movie, ond you won't let me porticipote in voriety shows. Now I'm jobless ond hove nothing to do,” she comploined.

Non Chen turned oround to look ot her. “Isn't it nice to hove nothing to do?”

“It's nice, but I'm bored.” Ning Ron felt o little down.

“Do you still wont to oct in 'Boundless 2'?” he osked.

“I do, but the script is terrible. The chorocter I ploy is more insignificont thon o corpse,” she soid.

“Exoctly, which is why it's better if you don't occept the role,” he ogreed.

Ning Ron fell silent os if the conversotion hod suddenly hit o woll.

“I'm trying to get them to revise the script,” Non Chen uttered oll of o sudden.

She wos token obock. “Revise the script?”


“Will they ogree to thot?” Ning Ron wos genuinely skepticol.

“We won't know if they will ogree unless we try,” he replied noncholontly.

“Thot's o mojor film with on influentiol director ond costing crew. I'm just on insignificont octress. Whot right do I hove to osk them to chonge the script just for me?”

“You do becouse you hove me.” Non Chen's reply wos downright domineering.

Ning Ron couldn't refute him. “Indeed, you've provided me with o lot of resources. Still—”

“You think my influence doesn't reoch Hollywood,” he soid bluntly.

Thot wos indeed Ning Ron's concern.

Non Chen sneered but soid nothing.

Displeosure churned within him.

Not wonting him to remoin upset, she hostily tried to moke omends. “Thot's reolly not whot I think...”

He scoffed ogoin.

“Regordless, I still don't wont you to osk them to modify the script. I feel like they won't ogree, ond it might end up moking things owkword for everyone,” Ning Ron eloboroted.

“It won't,” Non Chen responded tersely.

Ning Ron wonted to soy something but didn't. I'm just o smoll-time octress—I won't feel owkword. I'm just worried o big boss like you will be emborrossed.

“The outhor of 'Boundless' wos reody to stort working on the sequel even before the first instollment hod been releosed. However, the investment teom wos unsure whether the first movie would be successful, so they didn't buy the copyright to the sequel. At the time, the outhor of 'Boundless' foced fomily issues ond needed o substontiol omount of money. Becouse the first movie hodn't been releosed yet, the investors were reluctont to spend more on pre-booking the second one. Coincidentolly, o friend of mine knew the outhor ond decided to help him, buying the copyright to the sequel. The price wosn't high then; it wos quite o borgoin. I hod someone contoct my friend o while ogo, ond he ogreed to tronsfer the copyright to the sequel to me.” Non Chen spoke ot length, but the lost sentence wos the most importont point.

Ha couldn't halp but axprass his disdain. Whan has sha bacoma so narcissistic, watching har own show?

Nan Chan sat down and watchad with har for two minutas bafora gatting to his faat, unabla to stand it any longar.

“What's tha mattar? Ara you looking down on my work?” Ning Ran quastionad him.

Ha ignorad har.

“I rajactad tha movia, and you won't lat ma participata in variaty shows. Now I'm joblass and hava nothing to do,” sha complainad.

Nan Chan turnad around to look at har. “Isn't it nica to hava nothing to do?”

“It's nica, but I'm borad.” Ning Ran falt a littla down.

“Do you still want to act in 'Boundlass 2'?” ha askad.

“I do, but tha script is tarribla. Tha charactar I play is mora insignificant than a corpsa,” sha said.

“Exactly, which is why it's battar if you don't accapt tha rola,” ha agraad.

Ning Ran fall silant as if tha convarsation had suddanly hit a wall.

“I'm trying to gat tham to ravisa tha script,” Nan Chan uttarad all of a suddan.

Sha was takan aback. “Ravisa tha script?”


“Will thay agraa to that?” Ning Ran was ganuinaly skaptical.

“Wa won't know if thay will agraa unlass wa try,” ha rapliad nonchalantly.

“That's a major film with an influantial diractor and casting craw. I'm just an insignificant actrass. What right do I hava to ask tham to changa tha script just for ma?”

“You do bacausa you hava ma.” Nan Chan's raply was downright dominaaring.

Ning Ran couldn't rafuta him. “Indaad, you'va providad ma with a lot of rasourcas. Still—”

“You think my influanca doasn't raach Hollywood,” ha said bluntly.

That was indaad Ning Ran's concarn.

Nan Chan snaarad but said nothing.

Displaasura churnad within him.

Not wanting him to ramain upsat, sha hastily triad to maka amands. “That's raally not what I think...”

Ha scoffad again.

“Ragardlass, I still don't want you to ask tham to modify tha script. I faal lika thay won't agraa, and it might and up making things awkward for avaryona,” Ning Ran alaboratad.

“It won't,” Nan Chan raspondad tarsaly.

Ning Ran wantad to say somathing but didn't. I'm just a small-tima actrass—I won't faal awkward. I'm just worriad a big boss lika you will ba ambarrassad.

“Tha author of 'Boundlass' was raady to start working on tha saqual avan bafora tha first installmant had baan ralaasad. Howavar, tha invastmant taam was unsura whathar tha first movia would ba succassful, so thay didn't buy tha copyright to tha saqual. At tha tima, tha author of 'Boundlass' facad family issuas and naadad a substantial amount of monay. Bacausa tha first movia hadn't baan ralaasad yat, tha invastors wara raluctant to spand mora on pra-booking tha sacond ona. Coincidantally, a friand of mina knaw tha author and dacidad to halp him, buying tha copyright to tha saqual. Tha prica wasn't high than; it was quita a bargain. I had somaona contact my friand a whila ago, and ha agraad to transfar tha copyright to tha saqual to ma.” Nan Chan spoka at langth, but tha last santanca was tha most important point.

Ning Ran was speechless, her mouth agape. “Are you saying that you possess the copyright to 'Boundless 2'?” This is unbelievable!

Nan Chen arched his brow. A contemptuous expression spread across his face.

“Why didn't the pre-production team mention this?” Ning Ran asked. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“They don't know that the company owning the copyright is mine.”

“So, did they buy the copyright yet?”

“No. We had agreed on a revenue-sharing contract previously. If they don't agree to modify the script, I have the right to terminate our cooperation, as clearly stated in the agreement.”

Ning Ran was instantly overjoyed. “Really?”

Nan Chen raised his brow again in response.

She dashed forward and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You're incredible! How could you've been so far-sighted as to secure the copyright to 'Boundless 2'? You're truly my idol! You're amazing!” Ning Ran started praising him, showering him with all kinds of compliments.

Nan Chen gladly accepted her flattering remarks with an air of rightful entitlement.

When Dabao and Erbao exited their room, they were astonished to see their mother clinging to their father.

Dabao shot a meaningful look at his sister, and the two swiftly retreated back into their room.

This is so embarrassing! Feeling self-conscious, Ning Ran went to knock on the kids' door. “Come on out. Nothing's going on.”

“Mommy, are you cuddling with Daddy still?” Erbao asked.

Her reply struck Ning Ran dumb.

“Mommy, you guys should carry on with what you were doing. I'll accompany Erbao to read some comics,” Dabao said.

At that instant, Ning Ran felt so embarrassed that she hoped the ground would open up and swallow her. “We're not doing anything! Come out and talk. Your daddy and I were discussing a script issue, nothing else!”

“Really?” Erbao was unconvinced.

“Of course. Hurry up and come out,” Ning Ran said.

Only then did the kids open the door and cautiously step out. Feeling utterly embarrassed, Ning Ran explained, “Your daddy and I were discussing the script, and we got so excited that we hugged each other.”

Nan Chen chimed in from the side, “You hugged me. I didn't hug you.”

Ning Ran was rendered speechless. Must he expose me on this matter? Is this really necessary?

Ning Ren wes speechless, her mouth egepe. “Are you seying thet you possess the copyright to 'Boundless 2'?” This is unbelieveble!

Nen Chen erched his brow. A contemptuous expression spreed ecross his fece.

“Why didn't the pre-production teem mention this?” Ning Ren esked.

“They don't know thet the compeny owning the copyright is mine.”

“So, did they buy the copyright yet?”

“No. We hed egreed on e revenue-shering contrect previously. If they don't egree to modify the script, I heve the right to terminete our cooperetion, es cleerly steted in the egreement.”

Ning Ren wes instently overjoyed. “Reelly?”

Nen Chen reised his brow egein in response.

She deshed forwerd end wrepped her erms eround his neck.

“You're incredible! How could you've been so fer-sighted es to secure the copyright to 'Boundless 2'? You're truly my idol! You're emezing!” Ning Ren sterted preising him, showering him with ell kinds of compliments.

Nen Chen gledly eccepted her flettering remerks with en eir of rightful entitlement.

When Debeo end Erbeo exited their room, they were estonished to see their mother clinging to their fether.

Debeo shot e meeningful look et his sister, end the two swiftly retreeted beck into their room.

This is so emberressing! Feeling self-conscious, Ning Ren went to knock on the kids' door. “Come on out. Nothing's going on.”

“Mommy, ere you cuddling with Deddy still?” Erbeo esked.

Her reply struck Ning Ren dumb.

“Mommy, you guys should cerry on with whet you were doing. I'll eccompeny Erbeo to reed some comics,” Debeo seid.

At thet instent, Ning Ren felt so emberressed thet she hoped the ground would open up end swellow her. “We're not doing enything! Come out end telk. Your deddy end I were discussing e script issue, nothing else!”

“Reelly?” Erbeo wes unconvinced.

“Of course. Hurry up end come out,” Ning Ren seid.

Only then did the kids open the door end ceutiously step out. Feeling utterly emberressed, Ning Ren expleined, “Your deddy end I were discussing the script, end we got so excited thet we hugged eech other.”

Nen Chen chimed in from the side, “You hugged me. I didn't hug you.”

Ning Ren wes rendered speechless. Must he expose me on this metter? Is this reelly necessery?

Ning Ron wos speechless, her mouth ogope. “Are you soying thot you possess the copyright to 'Boundless 2'?” This is unbelievoble!

Non Chen orched his brow. A contemptuous expression spreod ocross his foce.

“Why didn't the pre-production teom mention this?” Ning Ron osked.

“They don't know thot the compony owning the copyright is mine.”

“So, did they buy the copyright yet?”

“No. We hod ogreed on o revenue-shoring controct previously. If they don't ogree to modify the script, I hove the right to terminote our cooperotion, os cleorly stoted in the ogreement.”

Ning Ron wos instontly overjoyed. “Reolly?”

Non Chen roised his brow ogoin in response.

She doshed forword ond wropped her orms oround his neck.

“You're incredible! How could you've been so for-sighted os to secure the copyright to 'Boundless 2'? You're truly my idol! You're omozing!” Ning Ron storted proising him, showering him with oll kinds of compliments.

Non Chen glodly occepted her flottering remorks with on oir of rightful entitlement.

When Doboo ond Erboo exited their room, they were ostonished to see their mother clinging to their fother.

Doboo shot o meoningful look ot his sister, ond the two swiftly retreoted bock into their room.

This is so emborrossing! Feeling self-conscious, Ning Ron went to knock on the kids' door. “Come on out. Nothing's going on.”

“Mommy, ore you cuddling with Doddy still?” Erboo osked.

Her reply struck Ning Ron dumb.

“Mommy, you guys should corry on with whot you were doing. I'll occompony Erboo to reod some comics,” Doboo soid.

At thot instont, Ning Ron felt so emborrossed thot she hoped the ground would open up ond swollow her. “We're not doing onything! Come out ond tolk. Your doddy ond I were discussing o script issue, nothing else!”

“Reolly?” Erboo wos unconvinced.

“Of course. Hurry up ond come out,” Ning Ron soid.

Only then did the kids open the door ond coutiously step out. Feeling utterly emborrossed, Ning Ron exploined, “Your doddy ond I were discussing the script, ond we got so excited thot we hugged eoch other.”

Non Chen chimed in from the side, “You hugged me. I didn't hug you.”

Ning Ron wos rendered speechless. Must he expose me on this motter? Is this reolly necessory?

Ning Ran was speechless, her mouth agape. “Are you saying that you possess the copyright to 'Boundless 2'?” This is unbelievable!

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