Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94


Spring had come sooner than expected. It crept up on us slowly in first. The green leaves that poked

from the forest trees were the first hint at its sly approach. Then all of a sudden, without warning or

invitation, it burst forth along with the brightest of days in a flurry of newly blooming flowers and the

loudest twittering, chirping, and chattering of nature that we had ever heard.

It was that same day, that we were to be wed. I gladded over the fresh green grass towards where my

mate was reclined on a large picnic blanket. The orange of the fabric was a stark contrast to the green

of the land and the brilliant blue sky above us completed the picturesque scene,

Flower buds nodded at us in the slight breeze and the large drooping tree on the edge of the forest cast

a pleasant patch of dappled shade over where Ignatius sat with our children.

His white tousled hair matched the clouds that floated around lakily above our heads. The twins,

however, had hair the same fierce shade of red as my own. Amelie was a quiet force of nature, her hair

was straight and wispy like her mother’s and tumbled over her shoulders in shining waves,

She donned her father’s piercing blue eyes and his cold aloof at ude. However, under the surface, she

was just as loving and gentle as Ignathus himself.

Ellias on the other hand was a firecracker. If there was a new insect to be found in the garden, he

would barrel back to the house as fast as his short stubby legs would carry him and place it before me

with a grandiose air about him as if he had just discovered gold.

A sturdy tire swing hung from the nearby branches, swinging and twisting slowly in the breeze. Ignatius

had insisted on building and installing it himself.

He had almost fallen out of the tree in doing so and we had all watched from the ground, collapsing into

peals of laughter when a particularly strong breeze wafted through the branches and threatened to

throw him down like an overly ripe fruit.

He would spend hours out there by the swing, letting our children take turns as he propelled them high

into the air and back down again, always there to catch them when they spun back down to earth


Their enthralled squeals and bouts of laughter filled every corner of our house on the cliffhops. Their Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

stamping feet echo across the floorboards as their father chased them through the house to deliver a

flurry of tickles and k*sses on their fiery red heads

Looking down over my family. I had never known peace like that. My heart had never before felt lighter,

while at the same time being so full.

1 could remember the day they had finally emerged into the world. A whole week early like the

impatient little runts that they were. That was one thing they seemed to have in common. It had been a

sunny day just like this one.

Ignatius had shooed me out of the house for two days straight, sending me on luxurious shopping

sprees with Rita and Twisting Angie’s arm to force her into taking me out for the day to keep me


At night when I got home, exhausted and decked out with more baby clothes than I could carry in both

hands, Ignatius forbade me from exploring the back of the house. He said he had a surprise for me.

Two days later, after another daytime excursion. I got home to lind my mate brimming with excitement

and doing a smile wider than his face could beat

He had dragged me through the front doors, overcome with gleeful joy as I waited in suspicious

anticipation to see what exactly he had been up to for the past few days. Before leading me to the back

of the house, he first handed me a large box wrapped in green crepe paper that matched the color of

my eyes.

Iraned my eyebrows at him as he nudged the large box across the floor towards me. Ignatius snickered

at my suspicion and motioned for me to open the box. Behind me, Rita and Angie were unable to

contain their excitement.

Clearly, they had been in on the surprise to although they had refused to answer any of my questions

on the subject.

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Chapter 94


I knelt down in front of the large present. Getting up and down had become increasingly harder as the

babies grew in my belly and they were now perpetually pressing on my bladder in the most

uncomfortable of ways.

1 carefully unwrapped the delicate packaging and opened the lid of the box. My eyes widened in

surprise as I removed the contents. Inside were three large sketchbooks, bound in leather and boasting

the most pristine white paper I had ever run between my fingers.

On top of that were tubes and boxes and jars of hand-made pain, coupled with delicately carved

paintbrushes and pencils. Oil pastels and charcoal stickers were bound in more delicate paper and

string and there was even a silver calligraphy pen with my initials engraved on the side DSA- Dorothy

Scilvanne Armoundt.

Ignatius and I were yet to marry but he insisted it was in preparation for that day.

It was an artist’s dream come true. A box of treasures more valuable than gold. I threw my arms around

Ignatius and pecked k*sses all over his face as he laughed. “What’s all this for?” I asked. “I love it. I

love it so much.”

“There’s more Ignatius detangled himself from my arms and took my hand. He led me through the

house to the very end of the comidor and stood before the door to Claire’s old study.


Neither of us had touched in in all the time I had been there and I was confused as to why he had me

standing in front of

that door no

Before 1 could ask, however, Ignatius lifted a finger to shush me and beckoned for me to open the

door. I looked at him quizzically and then turned the handle, peeking into the room at first and then

throwing the door open in wonder.

The tiny study had been transformed. Not only was the furniture and decor different, but the entire back

wall had been knocked down and replaced with glass sliding doors and a breathtaking view of the cliffs

beyond the house.

I could see a glimmer of the sea on the h orizon and the setting sun shone through the open doors and

lit up the room in a brilliant yellow glow. The room itself had been converted into a studio. There were

easels and canvases stacked along one wall and a large desk waited to be of use

The shelves were lined with books and the many shells and rocks and other trinkets that I had never

been able to find a place for in the rest of the house

I was speechless. gawking at the gorgeous studio that had been two days in the making. So that was

what all of the art supplies were for. At a loss for words, I threw my arms around my mate and held on

tightly, fighting tears of joy that were suddenly welling up in my eyes.

“Do you like “Ignatius murmured into my ears and I nodded, planting a k*ss on his soft lips and looking

around again at my new art studio.

I love it I really do.”

Rita and Angle entered the room and Angie took a look around with her hands on her hips. “Not bad.

Ignatius. I never took you for the handyman type of guy”

“I’m not, Ignatius muttered, wrapping his arms around my waist and littering my neck with k*sses as I

examined my new studio. “I hammered my own finger more times than I can count and at one point

that wall almost landed directly on top of


I laughed at the image that played through my head at his words Plato had decided to stay with the

Bielke Pack

After getting Ignatius consent, he had settled down in Bielke territory fairly quickly and it wasn’t long

before almost every young, single suber in the pack, both man and wonsan, were pining after him and

his chiseled good looks

Eventually, his brother and mate joined us too. At first, Ignatius was skeptical about having an ex-Tally

living on our turf, but we were over the park discrimination and she was warmly welcomed to the family,

Plato and Ignatius had also become fast friends in the time since that battle. When he wasn’t fawning

over me in my grumpy pergnant state. Ignatius was out running the Bicike Pack and ending allyships

that had fallen by the wayside since the Tally trouble began

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Chapter 94

Plato was useless at polities-hut he hung around regardless as Ignatius’ assistant and flirted with the

dazzling local secretary every chance he got.

She ignored him for the most part but Ignatius told me that he had seen her scribble her number on a

piece of paper and slip it to Plato one day when he walked past. The two of us found endless

entertainment in the affairs of our peers.

Angie and Fae had also become an official couple at that time and they were baffled to find that

absolutely no one was surprised at that pairing.

“But how could all of you have known before we did!” Angie had yelled when the news of her and Fae

getting together was met with comments like “finally” and “It’s about go ddam n time?

I was happy for both of them. Angie was a reckless adrenaline j unkie with a sensitive side and Fae

was a quippy, sarcastic girl with a heart of gold, I had never seen two people more perfect for each


I leaned into Ignatius’ embrace and grinned at Angie as she walked around testing the sturdiness of the

shelves and commenting on Plato’s terrible paint job.

“Don’t listen to her.” I giggled. “It’s perfect.”

Ignatius pulled away from me for a moment and looked at me sideways, suddenly unable to maintain

eye contact. I noticed the slightest tremor in his hands when he said, “There’s one more surprise. Well

more of a question I guess.”

My eyes widened and Ignatius scratched at the back of his head, Before he could say another word,

however, saddenly my loose-fitting jeans feh wet around my legs and I looked down in confusion.

A moment later, the first contraction rocked through my b*dy and my face twisted in pain, “Um, not to

alarm anyb*dy. But the babies are coming.”

Ignatius froze on the spot and stared at me with a dopey serene expression on his face as if he hadn’t

heard what I said. Then the weight of my words came crashing down on his beautiful empty head and

his eyes widened as he glanced at my sopping jeans and my pained expression. “Oh. Oh my go d.


“Yes now!” I yelled back and suddenly everyone sprang into action at once.

Rita hurried forwards and began guiding me towards the front of the house. Angie ran up the stairs to

grab my hospital bag that had already been packed weeks in advance. I had packed it in a hurry as if

the babies would pop put at any moment.

Rita had sp ooked me with her tales of my mother being stranded at the hospital during my birth with

no underwear for days thanks to complications with my arrival into the world and because my father

had forgotten to bring her a change of


Apparently, every time they sent him home after visiting hours he would come back again without any

bag in sight. completely forgotten in his excitement to see his wife and child again.

Ignatius ran ahead of us and got the car started and then hurried back to scoop me up into his amus

and rush to plonk met down in the passenger seat

I groaned as another wave of pain rolled through my b*dy and whined for the others to hurry the f uck

up. Angie and Rita clambered into the back and Ignatius sped off before Angie had even managed to

properly close the door.

I had insisted on having the birth at home but to my dismay, that idea had been shot down almost

immediately by everyone in the vicinity.

Every argument 1 made in favor of my decision was met with “Dorothy, you’re tiny. And there are two of

them in there” to which I couldn’t really argue against.

And so, I had to suck it up and accept that I would be having my children at the local Bielke clinic where

there would be healers on hand in case anything went wrong.

As the pain made me groan and wince, I was suddenly grateful for that decision. Pregnancy had been

harder than I had. anticipated. I could only imagine how hellish the actual birthing process would be.

Chapter H

In the end, though, it was me comforting Ignatius who had turned white as a sheet and drove with

trembling hands the whole way there

It would have been endearing if I wasn’t in so much pain myself Every cry from me looked like it would

bring him to tears 100 and it only served to further solidify the love that I had for the secretive sensitive

man that I called my mate.

We made it to the clinic in record time and then it was the long haul of breathing and waiting and

contractions and pushing and whining. At some point, Ignatius got woozy and I thought he would fall

flat on his face beside my bed as he watched me strain and groan

1 clutched his hand so tightly that I heard his knuckles crunch and all my poor mate could do was stand

there and stroke my hair and try his best not to pass out himself.

But finally, it was over and I lay with my two beautiful twins cradled in my arms, sweating and breathing

heavily. Ignatius crooned over his children and he looked up at me with a wildly joyful expression when

Amelie curled her fat little fingers around his pinkie.

It was then, in those quiet moments in the clinic after the bustle of friends and family came and went

and it was just the two of us gazing lovingly down at the two little humans we had created, that Ignatius

finally decided to reveal the final part of the surprise

1 was looking down at the twins with heavy lids as I felt myself slipping into a much-needed doze.

Amelie was curled up Fightly in a swaddle of blankets and her brother lay beside her, wrapped so

tightly that his chunky little cheeks were

ckered and puffed up around his tiny face and scrunched beady eyes.

“You know” I said lazily to Ignatius who was leaning on the edge of my bed and touching his finger to

the nose of one quiet children. “Newborn babies are kinda ugly. Like I love them so so much. But they

look like little n*ked mole rats.

of the

Ignatius had laughed at that and Ellias opened his eyes at the sound to gaze up at his father. It wasn’t

hard to see who the little kicker in my stomach had been every time Ignatius got to talking to my belly.

Ellias clearly knew his father’s voice and that made Ignatius beam with pride.

I pressed a tired, gende k*ss to each of their tiny soft heads. When I looked up. Ignatius was holding a

small golden pinched between his thumb and forefinger.

Embedded in the center of the delicate gold band was a twi nkling green Peridot, the color of my eyes. I

snapped my up to look into the eyes of my mate who was smiling sheepishly. “I know it’s not the best

timing. But the little terrors there threw a wrench in my plans, and I’m impatient.”

I could only stare at him with my mouth slightly open, tears welling in the corner of my eyes as Ignatius

continued in an awkward, bashful tone that I didn’t hear from him very often.

“I know it’s not the fanciest of rings. But you always said this stone was your favorite and it even

matches your eyes! I don’t know, Rita said it was perfect, but I wasn’t sure if you’d like it or

I didn’t give him time to finish. I pressed my lips to his in a deep k*ss. My sudden movement awoke

both the sleeping babies and they blinked up at us as I pressed my forehead to his

“Just get on with it, you scaredy-cat

“Hey, I’ve been through a lot today. Give me a break, I’m getting there Ignatius matched my mocking

tone, and his smile was infectious.

“Excuse me, you’ve been through a lot? I have just punted two babies out of my vagina and you’re

telling me you’ve been through a lot today? All you did was stand there and try not to hurl.”

We got to the proposal eventually, but there was no need to ask even if we hadn’t. The answer was

always going to be yes. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with Ignatius from the first night we

spent together dancing in the snowy woods

And that day had finally come

Fri Jan 26

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