Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95→→


“Excuse me, what are you doing out here? You’re supposed to be getting ready!”

1 was interrupted from my daydreaming by the sudden approach of Angie and Far who were both

dressed to the nines in gorgeous green dresses that swished around their ankles like tall grass in the


1 had been sitting alongside Ignatius who was reclining on the bright orange picnic blanket that had

promptly been stained with cranberry juice after Ellias had decided to throw his paper cup across the

garden as most toddlers are prone to do from

time to time.

Ignatius and I both looked up lazily at the flustered couple. Angie’s hair was pinned up in a cluster of

toffee-colored waves on the top of her head and Fae’s was dotted with tiny golden beads and flowers.

They looked gorgeous and they both looked frantic as f uck

“I have time.” I smiled up at them and dangled a tuft of grass over Amelie’s nose. She giggled and

swatted it away as Angie rolled her eyes.

“What kind of Luna is late to her own wedding? Ignatius, you’re supposed to be putting your suit on.

Where’s Plato hiding?”

Ignatius and I exchanged raised eyebrows and m uffled snickering as Angie stormed off to hunt down

the missing best man. Far sighed and sat down beside me, catching Ellias as he barreled past her on

two stumpy legs and blew a raspberry on his tuminy while he giggled and squealed.

“For someone who isn’t into the whole fancy dress thing, she sure can be pedantic about weddings.

Fae giggled as we spotted Angie with a stormy expression on her dolled-up face pulling a terrified-

looking Plato along behind her.

“No kidding “I pecked one last k*ss on Ellias cheek and stood up slowly. “I suppose she’s right though. I

should be getting ready.”

I blew a k*ss to my mate and tickled Ellias on his chubby tummy that poked out from under his shirt. He

laughed and tottered away from me hiding behind his father who wrapped his arms around him tightly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from your mother’s claws.”

“The only thing you’re going to do right now is go and put your go d da mn sun on.” Angie had made it

back with Plato who was struggling to loosen his tie after Angie had pulled it tightly around his neck.

Plato will watch the kids.”

1. I will?”

Plato seemed to have no knowledge of this new role. He didn’t have a choice in the matter though as

he was suddenly swarmed by the two tiny redheads who had just noticed his presence.

The twins were big fans of the handsome young man, or “Pla” as they liked to call him. They pulled at

his suit pants and demanded to be picked up immediately, stamping their feet and reaching with little

grabby hands.

Plato had no other option but to oblige to the wishes of the two pouting brats and their faces lit up as he

lifted them into the air. Ellias immediately used the opportunity to tug on the man’s curls and Amelie

proceeded to pull his tie too tightly all over again.

“Have fun.” I left Plato with a pained expression on his baffled face and fluttered my fingers at Ignatius.

“See you at the finish


“It’s a wedding, not a race! he called back to me as I allowed Angie to drag me to the small dressing

room where she and the other women of both of their families were getting ready. Rita was there too

and she smiled at me warmly. “Are you ready?”

“Of course not, Excited though.”

They pulled the crisp white dress over my head and immediately got to work touching up my hair and

trying to dash lipstick across my face. I hattered away the many hands that swarmed me. I think I’ve

got this.”

Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 95


I let my hair flow down loosely over my shoulders and allowed the to add the slightest hint of blush to

my pale skin. After the tiniest dash of mascara. I turned down the lipstick that was offered to me. As

lovely as it looked, I couldn’t stand the taste of it, being someone who bit my bottom lip any time I got

the slightest bit nervous.

Standing before the mirror I saw a girl that I could hardly recognize. She was a far cry from the girl I

had been on my eighteenth birthday, sneering into the mirror and wondering if thy mate was going to

like me at all.

This girl was a far cry from that shy lonely creature. This girl looked stronger, wiser, and a little more

weathered by the storms of life. The silvery-gray streak in my hair was apparent as my locks swished

around my shoulders, but I didn’t mind. it. It was a soft reminder of everything that I had been through,

everything I had endured.

The dress itself was gorgeous. Rita had helped me pick it out a few weeks before. It was long and

dainty, swirling around me in soft silky waves and encrusted with the tiniest of pearly beads that

sparkled in the sunlight.

Simple but elegant was one way to put it and it suited me just fine. To Angie’s utter dismay I insisted on

remaining barefoot sticking to my roots and wearing only a tiny silver ankle bracelet gifted to me by

Anita who had traveled all the way from Khall territory for the wedding

She had been a mother to me for the shortest period after all. More than a caretaker, she had been a

kind friend.

Rits poked her head through the door of the dressing room and smiled at me. “They’re all waiting for


I had been ready to marry Ignatius long before he had presented me with the Peridot ring in the

hospital. Even butterflies fluttered in my stomach at Rita’s words and I bit my lip nervously. Excitement

bubbled in my chest and my heart beat so hard and so fast I thought it might burst right then and there.

I heaved in a deep breath and shot one final glance at my reflection. The girl in the mirror stared back

at me, a powerful Luna with soft eyes and a hard-set jaw. I turned towards Rita and took her hand. “I

think I’m ready.”

Rita guided me our of the dressing room and we made out way towards the aisle. The wedding was

held on Bielke territory.

short distance from our own home

Up on the cliffs with the ocean roaring beneath us, Angie and the others had gone overboard with the

decorating and the whole area had been decked out with garlands of tiny white flowers that Ignatius

called Snow-drops. The forest lay beyond and by the sound of it, every bird and bee had stopped by to

watch the ceremony.

By the time we stepped into view, my heart was in my mouth. I could feel it thumping alongside the

lump in my throat that formed when I caught sight of my mate waiting patiently on the other side

silhouetted by the blue sky and the shimmering cobalt cent

He smiled at me and I wanted to ditch the flowers, forget the audience and run full uht into his arms. I

held my breath as Rita linked her arm with mine and we began the slow walk towards the rest of my


I was beaming, overcome with emotions that were too deep to one. Ellias and Amelie were standing up

at the front next to Placo who looked like he had lived through another war in the short time that he had

been taking care of them.

Angie and Fae were seated in the front row along with Anita anda few others who had come to hold a

special place in my


Impatient and overly excited at the sight of their mother, the twins broke from their ranks and charged

down the aisle towards me. This earned a laugh from the crowd and Ignatias planted a palm to his


I plucked two flowers from the bouquet that I carried and handed them to the two children. Then,

promising to behave they marched along beside me down the aisle towards the pew where Ignatius

stood with the most serious look of concentration on his face

Before I knew it. I was standing before my soon-to-be husband. Rita k*ssed me on the cheek and let go

of my arm, sitting down alongside Anita as the ceremony began. The twins stood at my side, grinning NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

up at Ignatius and me who both fought to keep the tears from welling in our eyes.

Rather than have someone read us our vows we had decided to write them ourselves. Ignatius was

scribbled delicately across a piece of paper that he had stolen from my sketchbook and his hands

trembled as he read them out loud.

1103 Fri, Jan 26 G

Chapter 95

Mine had been jotted down on another scrap of paper to from one of his notebooks. It all passed by in

an excited nervous blur and before I knew it the man in the suit declared us married,

Ignatius pulled into a k*ss that lasted way longer than was probably decent, considering our audience,

but I didn’t mind at all. A cheer erupted from the crowd and when we finally broke apart Ignatius was

smiling down at me like the happiest man on earth. Ellias pulled at my dress and asked if we were

going to be having cake now and that was that.

The ring on my finger matched the golden engraved band that Ignatius wore on his own. Even the

twins were gifted with their own custom little rings which Ignatius had stood down to slide onto their

little fingers himself. Amelie stood quietly examining hers while Ellias marched around and presented it

to anyone who would listen and declared himself “usarried”.

His insistence was frequently met with someone ruffling his hair and comments like. “Not just yet, little

man.” To which he would have been irritated by, but the fact that he was referred to as a man, made

him beam with pride.

After the ceremony, everyone made their way to the sprawling gardens on the grandiose property,

Chairs and tables had been decorated with tiny pearls and the same delicate white flowers along with

bright dashes of green and gold ribbon

The cake was much bigger than I had expected it to be and I lashed Angle an open-mouthed stare

when it was revealed. She only shrugged and laughed and handed me the knife to get to cutting slices

for everyone including my son who was very determined to shove his hand straight into the frosting

After heartfelt speeches from everyone that we loved, the celebration was almost over. Plato had

spouted a speech about how he had come to meet Ignatios and “single-handedly won the wall war to

which he was met with eye rolls and affectionate laughter. Angie gave a spred for both of us that

brought a tear to my eye

“Dorothy,” she had looked straight at me after reminiscing about growing up alongside Ignatius, “I’m not

gonna lie hated you at first. In fact,” she had addressed the crowd. “I tried to kill her once. The

uncomfortable shuttling from the audience was broken by my own loud peals of laughter.

“Anyway,” Angie continued. “She stuck with the despite that, and then she even had to take it a step

further and go on to save my life. All of this is to say that, Dorothy, you’ve become a very important

person in my life and I’m so grateful to have met you.

The speeches went on and then it was time for dancing, Swaying in the garden under the tw inkling

lanterns that sparkled to life when the sun went down. I rested my head against Ignatius Warm chest

as he swept me around in slow circles, and closed my eyes



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