Strings of Fate

Chapter 250

Cam 7- Covens and connections

“Well, that’s at least one piece of information confirmed. You wouldn’t happen to have a handy list of Witches or Warlocks that are secretly capable of murder do you?” Ryann asks, ever the optimist. Hah, I’m fairly sure that most Witches are capable of murder.

“Not on me no. But it would be a long list. The list of Witches I trust NOT to be secretly killers would be shorter. Those coven Witches are no joke.” I shudder, thinking of some of the more disturbing spells 1 read about in the family grimoire. I’m a strong believer that it’s not the spell that’s evil but how it’s used. But there are some spells that it’s hard to find any real justification for.

“You’re not part of a coven?” Harry asks curiously. Oh shit, I didn’t really mean to let that slip. I didn’t even realise that Harrison was paying attention. It’s no big deal, but a Witch without a coven is considered weak and vulnerable. Not something that is usually advertised. I try to play it off as a common thing.

“Nah, I’m not much one for rules. I’m not interested in secretly planning to take over the

world or hoard millions of dollars or whatever it is those old crones do in their secret

meetings. I’m happy on my own.” I insist. I cringe internally as even I can hear the slightly wistful note in my voice. I might not be able to get along with my family anymore, but I’m a Witch and Witches belong in covens. I’m used to having a whole group of nosy and overly. involved family members in my life. It’s weird being on my own. I miss knowing that there is someone I can call when things go wrong. I’m good at pretending otherwise, but sitting here. and talking about spells and reasoning things out, it’s something that I’ve missed. It’s why I’m so fond of Ella. She gives me a little bit of what I’ve been missing out on, although she isn’t available nearly as much as I would like.

“This adapted stealth spell. Would it have hidden their faces on a video recording? They were wearing dark glasses and hoodies, but you literally can’t identify anything, not even their skin colour, their faces are too well shaded. Unnaturally well shaded.” Bellamy asks. Huh, that’s a pretty good question. While alcohol might make a good base for magic, that’s because it’s generally created from natural products, fermented plants and so on. Technology is a whole different problem.

“I doubt it. Technology is kind of hard to mess with using ragic. It’s more likely that they used a second spell to actively hide their faces while committing their crimes. Probably a


Cam 7- Covens and connections

basic concealment spell from what you’re describing. They’re effective, but short lived. Probably wouldn’t last more than fifteen minutes.” I explain.

“I mean, that should be plenty of time, shouldn’t it?” Ryann asks. Once again Harrison.

chimes in.

“Not really Ry. I mean for the vandalism at your house maybe. But for the other murders? And the kidnapping? Think about it.” He suggests. It’s weird hearing Harrison be so logical. I’m used to him blurting out weird sexual jokes and his insane theories that we’re destined

for each other.

“Well… They had to break in. Kill two adults, at least one of whom was a Witch and would definitely have fought back to protect her daughter. Not to mention whatever her other. parent was, which we can assume is probably not harmless based on how worried everyone has been about keeping Kiara’s race

a secret. They also had to take Kiara and get far enough, away to hide her. And all of this without waking anyone nearby or letting Kiara escape or

alert anyone.” Ryann sums up.

“That’s a lot for one Witch to do in fifteen minutes. It sounds impossible even.” i conclude. I think I feel a little sick after hearing all that just laid out. It’s one thing to theorise about awful things happening. But to know that they already have happened and to be able to list details… it’s sort of confronting.

“Agreed. It MIGHT be possible for two depending on what they are. A Witch could help with concealment but I suspect there would need to be someone else to help take care of Kiara’s parents. At LEAST one person, maybe more.” Bellamy reasons. I try to remember to breathe and I do my best to ignore a concerned look from Harrison. I feel his hand brush against my lower back in what I assume was intended to be a comforting motion. But he drops it immediately, probably realising it would be unwelcome. Because it would be… right? I force. myself to focus. If I’m really upset by all this then I should do my best to help resolve the problem. That will help me to feel better.

“The spell would be hard to maintain for more than a couple people. Unless there were multiple Witches, it’s unlikely that there were more than two attackers. It could be done if the second person was one of the more physically gifted races. A Shifter, Vampire, you know. Something strong and fast.” I add for clarification. Everyone is quiet for a moment. I don’t think they loved the suggestion of a Shifter being involved. But it’s true that they are one of the most physically gifted types of Magic.


Cam 7- Covens and connections.

“Is there anything else you can suggest to help us find Kiara or identify who took her?” Ryann asks. If she had asked that question an hour ago I would have said no, absolutely not. But after hearing about the poor kidnapped child I’m more willing to help. I also have to admit to myself that my willingness toContent is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

help out is probably at least a little because I have. enjoyed getting to talk about magic again and I’m reluctant for my involvement to be over, even if I am dealing with a horrific situation. So, I suggest some of the slightly more sketchy options. Again, the spells aren’t evil. It’s how you use them. But the MRO has strong regulations in place for certain spells. They mostly have good reasons but there is no such thing as a one size fits all rule. Sometimes rules are meant to be broken.

“Well… They’re sort of illegal… but there are tracking spells, but they work best with the assistance of people who are close to the person you’re searching for. Do you have a family. member or close friend of the girl you could ask to help out?” I ask and I watch as Ryann’s. face goes from hopeful to disappointed.

“No. She has no one.” I think I’m as disappointed as she is. I really wanted to help.

Oh. That’s just… I mean. The poor thing…” I trail off. I kind of know how the girl must feel. My family isn’t dead, but they might as well be. Because I’m completely alone. Bellamy asks. me to make the tracking spell anyway, just in case. I agree and I feel a rush of sympathy towards Ryann when she asks what the spell will cost, dread in her tone. I suspect she’s someone who has had to pay for expensive spells in the past. The Alphas might be wealthy, but I would bet my favourite shot glass that she’s not used to having money. I shrug.

“I’m not licensed to sell spells.” I remind her.

“You’re also not licensed for illegal tracking spells, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to stop you.” Bellamy points out. I can’t help but grin.

“Yes but no one is likely to ask me if I’ve been making tracking spells. People often ask if I sell spells and I like to be able to honestly answer that I don’t. So no, I can’t accept payment for it. Although…” I wonder if I could find a way to drag out this relationship. I want a chance to talk about magic more and to continue my research..

“Although” Bellamy prompts.

“I mean, I do have a lot of potions I’ve been working on for Shifters. If you could arrange


Cam 7- Covens and connections


those volunteers to try some out we could consider it a trade.” I try not to sound too eager. I

don’t really think he will accept.

“Done. I’ll find you as many volunteers as you need. As long as you can promise they won’t. come to any harm or experience any long term negative effects.”

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