Strings of Fate

Chapter 251

Strings of Fate

Cam 8- Jugs and jealousy

I have to fight the urge to bounce in place and squeal. I can’t wait! I rush to assure Bellamy that I will keep my potions safe. I can’t believe they’re actually agreeing.

“Duh, of course. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Most of my potions are more of the silly prank. kind. Or have medicinal uses at the request of Ella. It’s hard to get Shifter volunteers. I can test ones for Witches on myself. Humans, well… pretty much every spell works on them and they’re similar enough to Witches biologically that it doesn’t make much difference. It’s the Shifters, Vampires and other physically different magics that I have trouble with. Although I’ve made a lot of progress with my experiments on Incubi lately.” I add as an afterthought. Harrison clears his throat loudly and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Excuse me?” He demands indignantly.

“What?” I ask, as innocently as I can. It’s not like anyone will believe it but I may as well

mess with Harrison a little bit.

“Have you been experimenting with untested potions on me?” He asks. I’m fairly sure he’s pretending he didn’t realise. Surely he didn’t think that I just happened to keep a potion. designed to make an Incubus able to speak just sitting around. Right? Continuing the joke, I

answer him.

“Nah, I test them out on the other Incubus who follows me around. No big deal.” Weirdly, he seems annoyed by this. Maybe he wanted me to confess to experimenting on him so that he can claim I owe

him. Or maybe he just doesn’t like to share his toys. Either way, it seems like I’ve finally found a way to annoy him back. I could have some fun with this.

I trade details with Ryann and then the Alphas head off, taking their Oracle friend with them. Typically, Harrison stays behind leaving the two of us alone in my workshop. I could go and work the bar, but I already gave Cora the extra shift, so I might as well ta

the chance to get a start on the tracking spell. I don’t have the personal item from the girl to use just yet, but I can start the base of the spell. It takes a little bit of time to prepare because it has to sit for a while. I don’t even bother trying to chase Harrison out of my workroom. I doubt he would be willing to leave anyway, Instead, I put him to work pulverging one of the ingredients with my mortar and pestle. I sort of expect him to do a terrible job and that I’ll have to re–do it but to my surprise he is actually pretty thorough. I use gin as a base (because why not) and start.


Cam 8- Jugs and jealousy

combining the base ingredients in a jug. Sure, traditional Witches are all about a cauldron, but this mixture doesn’t need to be boiled. In fact, not a lot of them do, and a regular cooking pot would work just as well. For a potion that doesn’t need heating, I prefer a jug because it’s easy to pour into bottles afterwards. Harrison has been so quiet that I almost forgot he was here, so when he speaks I jump and spill a little. I wipe it up with a paper towel and repress a sigh.

“Who is the other Incubus you know?” He demands. Huh? Did he miss my sarcasm? Sure I’ve seen other Incubi around but I’ve never even talked to one other than him. Actually, from what I understand most Incubi aren’t big on talking at all. At least not the ones who hang out in bars. Taking my silence as a refusal, he pushes on.

“Seriously, who? Was it Raven? Or Zach? If it was Robert I should warn you that he doesn’t see any problem with lying to women if it gets him what he wants. I don’t know if there are any other Incubi in town right now, I mean it’s not like I know them all anyway. Is it someone I know?” He rants on and I keep my face blank and my eyes focussed on the ingredients I’m mixing. I have to use my grimoire to get the right measurements. This isn’t a spell I’ve made before.

“Uh, no. I don’t know any of those guys.” I answer absently. He narrows his eyes at me, suspiciously.

“You’re lying to me, aren’t you. I don’t think you actually are friends with another Incubus. It don’t know another Incubus that would be willing to h

just friends with a woman if I’m completely honest.” He grumbles. I roll my eyes.

“You’re making a lot of assumptions about my relationship. Who even said that we are just friends? I’m not a nun you know.” I point out. Okay, so maybe I’m pushing it a little. But I can’t believe he’s actually buying it. I’m also a little offended that he is just assuming that no other Incubus would b

interested in me. I’m not perfect, but I’ve never considered myself unattractive. I get hit on while working the bar all the time. Is it really so unbelievable that

omeone else

might want me?

For a moment I think I might have actually succeeded at pissing Harrison off. His expressions darkens and he seems super tense. Then as soon as it canìe, the tension drains from him and the expression changes to a lazy smile. Before I can so much as blink, he reaches out and snatches my jug of half completed potion base.


Cam 8- Jugs and jealousy

“Hey! Don’t mess with that!” I object angrily. He just shrugs and puts it back down. But not


directly in front of me where he took it from. Instead he places it carefully on the end of the table and stands right in front of it. Blocking me from it with his own body. With a glare, I step closer and try to reach around him to grab it and in a smooth motion, Harrison grabs my elbow and yanks it gently causing me to stumble and fall against him. He catches me and steadies me with a hand on my waist. His other hand still holding my elbow. I give a gentle tug but he doesn’t let go. I don’t bother trying to fight my way to freedom. I won’t give him the satisfaction. I just glare up at him in annoyance. And I do mean up at him. He’s fairly tall and I am quite short. My head barely reaches his chest. A problem which he quickly remedies by leaning back against my workbench, perching lightly and lowering himself so that he’s closer to my own height. I do my best to keep my voice steady, something which has become. increasingly difficult when confronted with his gorgeous blue eyes.

“What are you doing Harrison?” I ask mildly. He smiles at me mischievously.

“You said you aren’t a nun. I’m just testing that theory.” He responds. Huh, what the hell is that supposed to mean? He moves the tiniest bit closer and I feel another rush of his magic- which causes me to shiver. Oh shit. He’s about to kiss me. I can’t allow that. If he kisses me I

don’t know that I would have the strength to stop him from going further.

“No.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

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